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1、 Unit8 Pets TaskGuess what I am!Im orange. I live in a tank. I have fins.goldfishGuess what I am!I have four legs. I have a shell. I move very slowly.tortoiseGuess what I am!I love to go to the park and play with balls and sticks. Sometimes, I bark at people.dogGuess what I am!I have two legs. I lik

2、e to sing. I have feathers. I can fly.parrotGuess what I am!I have long ears. I eat lots of vegetables.rabbitGuess what I am!I have fur. I sleep a lot. My favourite food is fish.catAmys favourite petPoppy the catListen and answer.1.Whats the cats name?2. How old is she?3.What color are her eyes?4. H

3、ow much does she weigh?5. What will she do if she is hungry?6. Whats her personality? Poppy.Three years old.Green.Listen and answer.1、Whats the cats name?2、How old is she?3、What color are her eyes?About 2 kilograms.She will miaow.She is friendly, quiet, sometimes lazy.5. What will she do if she is h

4、ungry?4. How much does she weigh?6. Whats her personality?PoppyWhat does it look like ?Size _ Eyes_Colour_ Fur_Think of words to describe its appearance. (外貌)smallgreengreyLong Answer the questions: Read Part B and Think about : PoppyIts personality _Its food _Its home_What does it like / dislike ?(

5、 clever friendly happy kind lazy quiet shy )friendly ,quiet lazycat food/fish/warm milka basket She likes milk and fish .1My favourite pet is a _ .her name is_ and she is _.2She has _,_fur and _ paws. Her eyes are _ .She is quite _ and weighs about_ kgs.3She eats _ food ,but she likes _ best. She dr

6、inks warm_ .4She is friendly and _ . She sleeps in a _ and plays with a _. 5Amy feeds her every _ , and gives her clean_ ,she also likes to brush her _.6She is _ sometimes and she never _ because we _her .Fill in the blanks Poppy the catcat long grey white green small 2 quietcat fish milk basket bal

7、l day water fur lazy worries Poppy 3 years oldtake good care ofUseful phrases1.屬于某人2.重2千克3.友好并安靜4.嚇唬某人5.拉尾巴6.餓了7.玩細(xì)繩8.討厭做某事8.喂狗9.好好照顧belong to sb.weigh 2 kilogramsbe friendly and quietfrighten sb.pull the tailbe hungryplay with pieces of stringhate doing sth.feed the dogtake good care oflook afterwe

8、llPlan of writing Introduction Main body Conclusion what kind of animal it is . Name ,age (Para. 1) Describe its appearance . Describe its personality .Write about its food , its home , its likes and dislikes. Write about how you look after it . (Para. 25) why your favourite animal is special . (Par

9、a. 6) She is friendly and quietparrotsAppearance:Size: smallEyes: small, blackTail: longFeathers: blue, yellow, redPersonality(性格):clever (can speak and sing)friendly (can say “Hello”)Lifestyle:eat seeds(種子)and nuts(堅(jiān)果)live in a cagelike to repeat peoples wordsHow to look after: Feed it every day Cl

10、ean its cageChange the water Why do you like it ?Appearance:Fur (white ,grey ,black)Eyes (red)Ears (long)Four legsTail (short)Personality(性格):Clean Quiet, never makes a noiselovelyLifestyle:Jumps Eats all kinds of vegetablesHow to look after: Feed it three times a day Clean its hutch once a day Chan

11、ge the waterWhy do you like it ?Write your own article. These useful expressions may help you. I love/like myvery much.Its name isIt is always very friendly.My pet isMy looks likeIt usually sits/sleeps on the bed/ floor.It likes/does not likeIt lives in a cage/basket/box.It needs/must haveWe should/

12、should notWe must/must notMy pets name is Dudu. Hes a parrot . He is two years old now.Dudu has long red, blue and yellow feathers and small black eyes. He has a large beak and a very long tail.He is very clever. When I say Hello to Dudu, he always tries to say Hello back. Dudu likes to eat seed (種子) and nuts (堅(jiān)果). His beak is very strong, so he can open nutshells (果殼) by himself.Sample writingI feed


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