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1、O四屆畢業(yè)設計外文翻譯學 院:工程機械學院專 業(yè):工程機械姓 名:學 號:指導教師:完成時間:2014年3月28日Recommendationfor Paving / Points to NoteBasic PrinciplesBefore starti ng work, the mi nimum and maximum pave widths should be established and the paver be set up accord in gly.The pavi ng seque nee should be co-ord in ated with the other team

2、s on site in order to assure the supply of material and preve nt the hot mix being drive n over too soon.The feed vehicles must be orga ni zed in such a way as to en sure a continu ous supply of mix with as few paver stops as possible.Check with the mixing pla nt(s) to en sure that mix will be suppl

3、ied as pla nn ed.Check serviceability of the road paver (filli ng levels, electrical and hydraulic functions, etc.).The feed vehicle s tarpaulin cover should only be removed just before dumping the hot mix in order to preve nt it cooli ng.The pave speed should be as con sta nt as possible. If mix ca

4、n only be supplied to a limited exte nt, it is better to continue pavi ng slowly and uniformly tha n to in terrupt the process by paver stops.In the event of proIon ged disrupti ons in the supply of mix and in cool weather, it is advisable to use up the entire mix stored in the paver and then to lif

5、t up and clean the screed. The screed can be re-lowered and the work continued whe n the supply of mix is resumed.The compositi on and temperature of the mix should be checked regularly.The layer thick ness should be checked regularly while pavi ng in order to avoid errors.When using Automated Grade

6、 and Slope Con trol, the sen sors must be checked to en sure that they are operati ng correctly.Paving by hand should only be done in exceptional cases, such as on small surfaces or in corners in accessible to the paver.The rollers used for subseque nt compacti on must be dime nsioned in accorda nee

7、 with the mix (compactability), paved area in square metres, temperature of the mix, surroundings and base so that roller compacti on is completed before the mix has cooled.The pavement should only be re-opened to traffic when the temperature of the mix has dropped below 40 C in order to prevent any

8、 risk of deformation.The pave speed should be kept con sta nt throughout the pavi ng job, if possible.At the end of the day or betwee n pavi ng sessi ons, a tran sverse joint is to be in stalled.Adjustme nts on the screed while pavi ng should be kept to a minimum.The paver s material hopper should n

9、ot be run etynpto avoid segregation).If no kerbst ones are in stalled, weari ng course should always be paved with the screed inScreed Float mode. Do not use Automated Grade and Slope Con trol.2Imperfect PavingPaving Problems /Paving E rrorsIrregularities when Passing Over MixFault/CauseUn less comp

10、e nsated by moveme nt of the tow point rams, mix which has spilled into the area of the wheels or crawler tracks will lead to a change in the screed planing angle when passed over and cause irregularities to appear in the pavement.Remedy-Avoid spilli ng mix in the area of the wheels or crawler track

11、s and remove any mix which has spilled.-For tracked pavers, fit baffle plates in front of crawler tracks.Pavement Irregularities due to Large Screed Planing AngleFault/CauseWhen pavi ng mix of poor beari ng capacity (e.g. base course), the screed adopts a too large pla ning angle while paving to rea

12、ch the specified layer thickness. A too large screed planing angle promotes irregularities in the pavement.RemedyUse the Screed Assist function.Set a low, con sta nt pressure.In crease tamper speed and reduce the pave speed.In crease the tamper stroke len gth.RecommendationThe Screed Assist fun cti

13、on shall not be used whe n pavi ng weari ng course.Buldge Formed when Resuming PavingFaultSmall irregularities appear at short in tervals.CauseHere the screed pla ning an gle is n egative. As a result, only the tamper bar and the front part of the screed plate are actually in con tact with the mix.

14、The small con tact area is not sufficie nt to level out the irregularities in the surface.RemedyThe screed pla ning an gle is no rmally positive. This is the on ly way to en sure that the en tire screed plate is used to level out minor irregularities in the paveme nt. A con sta nt, level surface is

15、produced.The screed plates of an exte nding screed must all be set to the same pla ning an gle so that the screed s floating behaviour is not impaired by different pave widths.The leadi ng edge of the screed plate on the exte nding un its should be at least 0.5mm higher than the traili ng edge whe n

16、 sett ing up the screed.誠 fuMdEidBririlnq LMUnh fanuiiHwnlPeriodic Irregularities in Longitudinal DirectionFault-Paveme nt irregularities at almost con sta nt in tervals.-The irregularities are more pronounced in the area of the extending units than behind the basic screed.Cause-Irregularities in th

17、e reference from which the grade sensor picks up the actual elevation (e.g. saggi ng tensioned wire).-The dista nce betwee n stakes should be no more tha n 6m.-Worn tefl on tapes in telescop ing tubes.-Wear in the torque restra int system.-Slack in the exte nding un its mecha ni sms for height adjus

18、tme nt.-Loose bolts on the screed arm.Segregation in GeneralFaultSegregati on in the surface behi nd the screed.CauseSegregation can easily occur when paving mixes containing different grain sizes and little binder. Larger grains in the mix tend to collect outside, in front of the pile. Such segrega

19、tion may arise as the mix is loaded into the truck, whe n tran sferred to the paver or whe n con veyed through the paver.Remedy-If the segregation occurs in the paver material hopper, the conveyor should be covered with mix whe n the hopper sides are folded in.-In additi on, the hopper sides should

20、be operated as little as possible in order not to move coarse grains from the sides in wards onto the con veyor and to the rear of the machi ne. The hopper sides should only be folded in if the material at the sides is cooli ng off so rapidly that it can no Ion ger be laid.-If segregati on occurs in

21、 front of the screed,it may be possible to improve the situati on by adjusti ng the auger height. If this proves un successful, smaller or differe nt auger blades can, in addition, be fitted to the auger shaft. If the auger blades are smaller or different,the auger must rotate more quickly or more c

22、ontinu ously so that the material is mixed more effectively in the auger tunnel. Limiting plates for the auger tunnel and strike-off plates shall be fittedregardless of the size of auger blades.Ur bjx bxi jJmldbe its妄Jew theMTE曲-If segregati onoccurs in the area of the centre auger box, the screed c

23、an be moved furtherto the rear in order to in crease the head of mix in front of the screed and en sure that all grain sizes are actually con veyed behi nd the centre auger box.222Transverse StripsFaultStrips of segregated material appear in the paveme nt at right an gles to the directi on of travel

24、 after every cha nge of feed truck.CauseSegregati on is always promoted by a poor con diti on of the mix (not eno ugh bitume n,not sufficiently homogeneous). It is also promoted by operation of the hopper sides when the hopper is almost empty, with the result that segregated material is moved to the

25、 auger tunn el.Remedy-Operate the hopper sides less ofte n and not at all whe n the hopper is almost empty.-See to it that the material hopper is always well filled.2.2.3 Strips in the Middle of the PavementFaultA porous / rough strip of segregated material appears in the middle of the paveme nt.Cau

26、seSegregation is promoted, particularly in the middle of the pavement, if the head of mix in front of the screed is too low.Remedy-In crease dista nee betwee n centre auger box and tamper shield.-Set auger to a higher positi on.-Turn one or two auger blades in the area of the centre auger box round

27、to convey mix in wards or fit smaller auger blades in stead.224Strips in the Lateral Areas of the PavementFaultStrips of segregated mix appear in the lateral areas of the pavement with increasing pave width.CauseSegregation is promoted by the absenee of limiting plates for the auger tunnel and if th

28、e sen sors for the mix level in the auger tunnel have not bee n set correctly.Remedy-Fit limit ing plates across the maximum pave width, if n ecessary.-In stall mix level sen sors at the sides and see to optimal sett ing.-En sure a good, con sta nt level of mix in the auger tunn el.2.2.5 Patches of

29、Mix in the Surface TextureFaultChan ges in the surface texture appear sporadically while pav ing. The surface is smoother or smeared with bitume n.CauseThe fault is due to mainly fine grains with a high bitume n content, such as residues from the mixi ng pla nt which are detached uncon trolledly and

30、 delivered to the site with the mix. Such accumulati on of mix may also occur if the screed has not bee n heated sufficie ntly .In such a case, fines accumulate at the tamper shield or at the tamper bar and are then detached uncon trolledly from time to time, cha nging the surface texture.Remedy-Che

31、ck the screed heati ng system for correct operati on.-Paver and screed must be clea ned thoroughly after use.-If n ecessary, dem ount, clea n and re-adjust the tamper shield.-Inform the mixing pla nt operator of the segregati on.-Reduce tamper speed.ImprintsFaultThe trail ing edge of the screed leav

32、es an impri nt at right an gles to the pave width.CauseThe screed sinks into the mix duri ng a paver stop. This may be due to an in terrupti on in the float ing of the screed ,so that the screed is pressed on to the material un der the force of its own weight . The imprint, however, may also be due

33、to rough docking by the feed truck at the front, with a shock propagating to the screed at the rear of the paver.Remedy-En sure that the rams for rais ing / loweri ng the screed hold the screed dur ing the paver stop (valves on the rod side must close).-See to a level base to preve nt the paver pitc

34、hi ng.-Work with a small screed pla ning an gle.Longitudinal StepFaultA step appears behind the screed between its basic unit and its extending units.CauseThe screed normally operates with a positive planing angle. Since the extending units are offset to the rear, any change in the planing angle wil

35、l also affect the elevation of the screed basic unit and its exte nding un its.RemedyAdjust the height of the exte nding un its un til a level paveme nt surface is obta ined behi nd the screed.3 General Pavement StructureFor technical and economic reasons, asphalt pavements are made up of different

36、layers: asphalt base course, binder course and wearing course. Each layer has a specific function andcon tributes to the paveme nt s load beari ng capacity, depe nding on its thick ness and positi onin the overall structure. The paveme nt layers, bon ded in a compact structure, are crucial for the p

37、avement s durability and long service life.Asphalt Base CourseFunctions fulfilled by the asphalt base course:The purpose of the base course is to en sure quick and effective protecti on of the sub-baseaga inst water in order to main tai n its load beari ng capacity.Base courses provide a uniform and

38、 stable foundation for the layers placed on top (asphalt bin der and weari ng courses).During the road s service life, base courses, firmly bonded with the asphalt binder and weari ng courses, shall absorb the forces from traffic and provide for uni form distributi on of these forces onto the sub-ba

39、se.Asphalt Binder CourseFor more heavily trafficked roadways, an asphalt bin der course is placed betwee n the asphalt base course and the asphalt wear ing course.Functions fulfilled by the asphalt bin der course:The bin der course reduces any rema ining un eve nn ess in the asphalt base courses so

40、that the asphalt wearing course can be paved with uniform thickness and the required eve nn ess.Above all, however, the bin der course shall absorb the shear forces from traffic,which in this part of the paveme nt are particularly high, and preve nt deformati on of the roadway.Asphalt Wearing Course

41、The weari ng course is the uppermost and most highly stressed layer of an asphalt paveme nt.The weari ng course is directly exposed to the in flue nces of traffic, weather and de-ici ng age nts.Functions fulfilled by the asphalt weari ng course:As the “ surface course, it provides to the travelling

42、public a surface which is safe to drive on while offeri ng a high ride comfort.As a “ seali ngco urse, it protects the layers below from the direct in flue nces of traffic and weather.Combined Asphalt Base and Wearing CourseAs the n ame in dicates, a combi ned asphalt base and weari ng course is a c

43、omb in ati on of base course and wearing course. These courses were specially designed for the rather thin paveme nts used for rural roads. Comb ined base and weari ng course is paved whe n the overall thick ness, though sufficie nt to en sure the specified load beari ng capacity, is not great eno u

44、gh(e.g. 8 to 10cm) to be split into asphalt base course and asphalt weari ng course without falli ng below the minimum paveme nt thick ness required for con structi onal reas ons.第一章攤鋪注意事項基本原則在開始工作之前,最大和最小攤鋪寬度應確定已經(jīng)攤鋪機應相應的設置。 攤鋪作業(yè)順序應與施工現(xiàn)場的其他團隊協(xié)調(diào),以保證物資供應和防止熱混合太早驅(qū)動結(jié)束。送料卡車應該以一種可以確保持續(xù)供應混合料從而盡可能少的停止攤鋪的 方式

45、組織。攪拌站檢查,以確保混合料按計劃供應。檢查道路攤鋪機(灌裝水平,電氣,液壓等功能)的適用性。送料車的篷布蓋只應在傾倒熱混合料之前移除從而防止混合料冷卻。攤鋪速度應盡可能恒定。如果混合料只能在有限的范圍內(nèi)供應,最好是繼續(xù) 緩慢及均勻的攤鋪而不是停止攤鋪機中斷進程。在混合料供應長時間中斷和涼爽的天氣的情況下,最好是使用整個攤鋪機中存儲的混合料,然后舉升和清潔熨平板。當恢復供應混合料時熨平板可以再 降低和繼續(xù)工作。應定期檢查混合料的組成和溫度。攤鋪時層的厚度應定期檢查,以避免錯誤。當使用自動檔位和斜率控制,傳感器必須進行檢查,以確保它們正常運行。 手工鋪平只應在特殊情況下,比如小路面或在攤鋪機無

46、法到達的角落。用于隨后壓實滾筒的規(guī)格必須依照混合料(密實),鋪設面積平方米,混合 溫度,環(huán)境和基礎,使?jié)L筒壓實在混合料冷卻前完成。只有當混合料溫度降低到40 C以下時,路面才能重新通車,以防止任何變 形的風險。整個攤鋪作業(yè)的攤鋪速度應盡可能保持不變。在一天結(jié)束或攤鋪會議期間,橫向聯(lián)系應該被設置。攤鋪時熨平板的調(diào)整應保持在最低水平上。攤鋪機的料斗不應空運行(避免離析)。如果沒有安裝路緣石,磨耗層應始終在熨平板的熨平浮動模式下攤鋪。不要 用自動檔位和斜率控制。第二章不完美攤鋪攤鋪問題 攤鋪錯誤傳送混合料時的不規(guī)則 故障原因除非通過移動牽引點可靠性補償,灑到車輪或履帶板區(qū)域的混合料當其通過時會 導致

47、熨平板運行角度改變,這造成攤鋪過程的不規(guī)則。解決方法-避免在車輪或履帶板區(qū)域泄露混合料并且移除任何已經(jīng)泄露的混合料。-對履帶攤鋪機,在履帶板前安裝擋板。由于熨平板運行角度大引起的攤鋪不規(guī)則故障原因當攤鋪承受能力差的混合料(比如路面基層),熨平板采用了過大的運行角度以 期達到指定厚度。一個過大的熨平板運行角度促成攤鋪過程中的不規(guī)則。解決方法使用熨平板輔助功能。設置一個低的,恒定的壓力。提高夯錘速度并且降低攤鋪速度 增加夯錘行程長度。HrInF f j i.亍1甜羽0氏比1* Jrsi-J t竜干垸洋壬r建議熨平板輔助功能不應在攤鋪面層時使用2.1.3恢復攤鋪時的動形成比基駅貢的売干枚運匸巷至干畫

48、平慢 b二基肥三的乗爭進5垃故障小的違規(guī)行為出現(xiàn)在很短的間隔原因這里熨平板運行角度是負值,因此,只有夯錘桿和熨平板的前半部分實際上是在 于混合料接觸。小的接觸面積是不足以整平表面的不規(guī)則。解決方法熨平板的運行角度通常是正的。這是唯一的途徑去保障整個熨平板被用于整 平攤鋪的輕微不規(guī)則。一個恒定的,水平的路面可以被制造出來。延伸熨平板的熨平板面必須設置相同運行角度這樣可以熨平板的浮動特性不會被不同的攤鋪寬度損害設置熨平板時熨平板延伸裝置的前沿應該至少其后沿高0.5mm縱向周期性不規(guī)則故障在幾乎固定的時間間隔攤鋪不規(guī)則。不規(guī)則在熨平板延伸裝置區(qū)域比其本體后面顯著的多?;诀嗥酵?延忖曳豐2. :基夫

49、疋吝)原因參考自坡度傳感器獲得實際高度(如預應力鋼絲下垂)中的不規(guī)則立樁之間的距離不得大于 6m伸縮管路中配備特氟龍膠帶。三結(jié)昔戀IT u.卑MH屯毋扭矩約束系統(tǒng)的磨損。延伸裝置高度調(diào)整機制中的游隙熨平板臂上的螺栓松動。2.2.1 一般的離析故障熨平板背后里面的離析。原因當攤鋪混合料含有不同的晶粒尺寸和小粘結(jié)劑離析很容易發(fā)生?;旌狭现休^大的顆粒趨向于聚集在外面,樁基的前端。這種離析可能出現(xiàn)在混合料被裝入卡車。當轉(zhuǎn)移到攤鋪機或轉(zhuǎn)移攤鋪機時。解決方法如果離析發(fā)生在攤鋪機的料斗,輸送機應該覆蓋混合料當料斗兩側(cè)折疊時。此外,料斗兩側(cè)應該盡可能少的操作以使粗骨料不從傳送帶上兩側(cè)內(nèi)向和機 器的后部移動。料

50、斗兩側(cè)只有在兩側(cè)的混合料冷卻的太快致使不能再被鋪設時才 能被折疊。如果離析發(fā)生在熨平板前部,通過調(diào)整螺旋高度可能來改善。如果這被證明 是不成功的,較小的或不同的螺旋葉片可以實現(xiàn)改善。另外,就是安裝螺旋軸。如果螺旋葉片較小或者不同,必須旋轉(zhuǎn)螺旋更迅速或更連續(xù)以使材料在螺旋隧道 中混合的更有效。無論大小的螺旋葉片,螺旋隧道和刮平板必須安裝限制板。濟宴宰燮小輔嗥旱復大注童!理矣葉片E級設豈芟于旻平 枚牽引liSAcs :或Sir:如果離析在中心鉆盒區(qū)域出現(xiàn),熨平板可以進一步向后方移動,以增加熨平 板前的混合料,并確保所有的顆粒尺寸實際上是在中心鉆盒后傳送。222 橫向帶故障離析的混合料形成的帶出現(xiàn)在路面送料卡車每次改變后的行進方向的垂直方向。原因離


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