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1、廣州市荔灣區(qū)聚賢中學(xué)2021學(xué)年第二學(xué)期初三級二模測試試題英語(考試時間:100分鐘滿分:90分)注意事項:1. 答卷前,考生務(wù)必在答卷和答題卡上用黑色字跡的鋼筆或簽字筆填寫自己的考生號、姓名;填寫考場試室號、座位號,再用2B鉛筆把對應(yīng)考號涂黑。2. 選擇題每小題選出答案后,用2B鉛筆把答題卡上對應(yīng)題目的答案標號涂黑;如需改動,用橡皮擦干凈后,再選涂其他答案,不能答在試卷上。3. 非選擇題必須用黑色字跡的鋼筆或簽字筆作答,涉及作圖的題目,用2B鉛筆畫圖。答案必須寫在答卷各題目指定區(qū)域內(nèi)的相應(yīng)位置上;不允許使用涂改液、涂改帶等進行涂改,不按以上要求作答的答案無效。4. 考生必須保持答題卡的整潔,

2、考試結(jié)束后,將本試卷和答題卡一并交回。第I卷(共60分)一、語法選擇(共15小題;每小題1分,滿分15分)閱讀下面短文,按照句子結(jié)構(gòu)的語法性和上下文連貫的要求,從115各題所給的A、B、C和D項中選出最佳選項,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。I was in Grade s and about to take a science test. Simple science was easy for me at first and I always did well on tests. When it came to fifth - grade science, 1 I had great difficu

3、lty with it. I failed 2 it even though I tried my best. I became 3 worried before the test. My parents had always been so proud of my grade, and I didnt want to let them down. So just before the test I had written 4 notes from the textbook on my desk in pencil. The writing was so light that it could

4、 hardly 5 I sat nervously when the teacher started to hand out the papers. I didnt want to get caught, but I didnt want to end up with a low mark, 6 .While the teacher 7 my row, suddenly the fire alarm went off. It was 8 unscheduled fire drill (消防演習(xí)). We all rushed out of the door. Then we kept stan

5、ding together 9 we could go back into the building. As I stood outside 10 the hot sunshine. I realized I was such a fool. My parents would still love me even I got a low mark. And they cared more about 11 I was honest or not. As soon as we came into the classroom, I walked to my desk and cleaned the

6、 notes away. I had been given 12 chance, and I wasnt going to waste it. I took the test, did my best and felt 13 , I dont remember my score, but what happened on that day 14 in my heart and mind even since. Sometimes life is full of second chances. Every day when you wake up, there is second chance

7、all life. So treasure it 15 !1. A. soB. becauseC. howeverD. but2. A. understandB. to understandC. understandingD. understood3. A. seriousB. seriouslyC. seriousnessD. more serious4. A. a fewB. fewC. a littleD. little5. A. seeB. be seenC. sawD. was seen6. A. alsoB. tooC. eitherD. as well7. A. walks do

8、wnB. walked downC. is walking downD. was walking down8. A. anB. aC. theD. /9. A. afterB. orC. untilD. during10. A. inB. underC. fromD. with11 A. ifB. thatC. whatD. whether12. A. otherB. othersC. anotherD. the other3. A. peaceB. peacefulC. peacefullyD. more peacefully14. A. staysB. stayedC. will stay

9、D. has stayed15. A. youB. yourC. yoursD. yourself二、完形填空(共10小題;每小題1分,滿分10分)閱讀下面短文,掌握其大意。然后從所給的A、B、C和D項中,選出最佳選項,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。Ma Li is a dessert shop owner in Yinchuan, Ningxia. On a cold morning, she received an online 16 . but it took an hour for her to wait for the deliveryman (快遞員) When the delivery

10、man came, Ma was a little 17 . “It is too cold outside and my motorbike didnt work,” explained the deliveryman. After she heard his words, her anger was 18 She invited him to sit for a while and offered him a cup of hot water. At that moment, Ma noticed the deliverymans face and hands were dark purp

11、le because he was working outside for too long. She felt 19 for him. While they were talking, Ma knew that the deliveryman 20 wanted to buy her daughter a birthday cake, but he thought it was a little expensive. After the deliveryman left, Ma 21 what happened just now on her WeChat Moments with two

12、photos of the deliveryman. Heartwarming comments poured in, such as “Life is not easy but none of us 22 !” “Thumbs up for hard - working people!” and “Showing understanding to deliverymen.” Some even offered money fora 23 .The next day, Ma got in touch with the deliveryman and invited him to her sho

13、p. When they met, Ma expressed peoples 24 to him and gave him a cake for his daughters birthday, The deliveryman was 25 . Ma received more than 600 yuan in donations from her friends and customers She said she would use the money to offer some help to people in need. 16. A. billB. orderC. ticketD. r

14、eply17. A. excitedB. nervousC. happyD. angry18. A. goneB. stoppedC. lostD. broken19. A. lucky. B. sorryC. relaxedD. tired20. A. widelyB. actuallyC. reallyD. hardly21. A. foundB. checkedC. sharedD. heard22. A. give upB. grow upC. take upD. keep up23. A. bagB. cakeC. coatD. bike24. A. feelingsB. sugge

15、stionsC. expectationD. kindness25. A. helpfulB. carefulC. thankfulD. wonderful三、閱讀(共兩節(jié),滿分35分)第一節(jié) 閱讀理解(共15小題;每小題2分, 滿分30分)閱讀下面短文,掌握大意,然后從各題所給的A、B、C、D項中,選出最佳選項。(A)Shawn and Thomas had always been good friends. They lived near each other, and they both loved sports. They played baseball, touch football

16、 and kickball. They also liked to play soccer, shoot baskets and skate on a skateboard. When they were in the fourth grade, though, Thomas broke his leg in a soccer game. He had to stay in bed for two weeks. Shawn visited Thomas. but what was there to talk about? Shawn didnt like television or compu

17、ter games. Thomas didnt like to sit and talk. After trying three times to start a conversation, Shawn gave up. He said, “Im out of here”. For days, Shawn stayed at home, feeling ashamed for not visiting Thomas again. Thomas stayed home, too, feeling angry because Shawn wasnt visiting him. After two

18、weeks, Shawns mom spoke up. “Its time for you and Thomas to get back into action! Thats why I spoke to Ms McNulty at the library. She has a job for you both.” she said. Shawn said nothing. His mom continued, “There is a lot of work in library. People come and drop off books in bags and boxes. Someon

19、e has to carry the books to the storage room. Someone has to put them onto different shelves according to subject. You and Thomas can be a team again.”“No, we cant!” said Shawn. “He and I dont want a job.” However, Shawns mom wouldnt take “No” for an answer. Sure enough, once the boys began. things

20、changed. Shawn felt strong as he carried bags and boxes through the library. Working in the storage room, Thomas felt useful again. In fact, one day Thomas said, “Between you and me, Shawn, this isnt so bad.” Shawn smiled and agreed. They were a good team again. 26 Shawn and Thomas both loved _.A. t

21、alkingB. watching TVC. sportsD. computer games27. Why did Shawns mom speak to Ms McNulty?A. Because she wanted to find a job for herself there. B. Because she hadnt seen her for a long time. C. Because Ms McNulty is Thomass mother. D. Because she wanted a chance for the boys to work together. 28. Wh

22、ich sentence best describes a lesson of the story?A. Friends must have same and different hobbies. B. Children should not say “No” to parents. C. Teamwork can make friendship stronger. D. It is no fun staying in bed and doing nothing. (B)“Please dont go to Wuhan unless its really necessary,” ZhongNa

23、nshan, a famous respiratory expert, said to the public when the novel coronavirus hit Wuhan. But Zhong, 84, rushed on an overnight train to Wuhan to fight the disease. Many Chinese know Zhong as the hero who defeated SARS in 2003. People share his photos and words online, saying they “trust every wo

24、rd of Zhong”. He has given Chinese people confidence in winning this battle. Zhong grew up in a family of doctors. His goal has always been to save as many lives as possible in 2003, when SARS hit China, he volunteered to treat patients and asked other doctors to sand their most serious cases to him

25、. After months of efforts, his treatment plan for SARS was adopted by China and then the whole world, which saved thousands of lives. Seventeen years later, Zhong is once again leading an expert team to deal with the novel coronavirus. Although this new virus is known to be more dangerous lo old peo

26、ple, Zhong worries little about his own safety. On Jan 18, he took a high - speed train from Guangzhou to Wuhan. Two days later he became the first expert to tell the public that the virus can be spread between humans. On Jan 29, he and his team spent over four hours online checking five patients wh

27、o were in serious condition. The next day, he chose a treatment plan for those patients. Under his guidance. his team developed a rapid test kit (試劑盆) for the disease that can show results within 15 minutes. As Peoples Daily wrote. “the 84 - year - old Zhong Nanshan shows his professionalism as a do

28、ctor, courage as a soldier, and a sense of duty as the backbone of our nation.” Zhong was a good sportsman. He was one of the athlete representatives of Peking University when they took part in a sports meet for Beijing college students in 1956. He won the 400 - meter race at the meet. Zhong set rec

29、ords that nobody at Peking University has broken. Zhong has regularly exercised for decades. Even today, he exercises more than three times a week, and can even do 10 push - ups in one breath. He thinks that exercise plays a key in keeping people healthy. 29. Which is the correct subtitles of this p

30、assage?A. Back to the frontlines A great doctor Fun facts about ZhongB. A great doctor Back to the frontlines Fun facts about ZhongC. Fun facts about Zhong Back to the frontlines A great doctorD. Fun facts about Zhong A great doctor Back to the frontlines30. Why do people show respect to Zhong?A. Hi

31、s photos and words were popular online. B, He headed to Wuhan to fight SARS. C. He helped China fight against the diseases. D. He asked people not to go to Wuhan. 31. What do you know about fighting novel coronavirus?A. Zhong guided his team to create a rapid test kit for the virus. B Both China and

32、 the world followed Zhongs treatment plan. C Zhong checked the serious patients face to face in Wuhan. D. People knew the virus could be spread among people at first. 32. What does the underlined word backbone mean in this passage?A. A truly kind person. B. A strong - minded person. C. A pretty pati

33、ent person. D. A really important person. (C)For as long as humans have appeared, we have been the most intelligent species (種類) on Earth. Monkeys know how to use simple tools. Elephants can be taught how to count. But things like art, literature, the Internet, and space travel have only been made p

34、ossible by the amazing intelligence of humans. And yet, there are some who believe that we can create machines that can think and feel just like we do. Artificial intelligence (人工智能), or AI, is defined (定義為) by Merriam - Webster as “the capability of a machine to imitate intelligent human behavior”.

35、AI is around us every day, From Apples voice - activated assistant Siri to the software algorithms (算法) that shipping companies use to deal with deliveries, AI is very much a part of our lives. But why do we put so much effort into creating machines that can think the way we do? For one thing, AI ca

36、n make our lives much easier. Imagine being able to be in a car, tell it your destination, and sit back in comfort as the AI - guided self - driving car takes you there. Were already getting there - Changsha became the first city in China to roll out self - driving taxis in April 2020. However, ther

37、e arc risks. What if we somehow produced an artificial intelligence that was smarter than us? How would it behave toward us? These are the kinds of difficult questions that AI researchers ask themselves all the time. Apart from the risks, it is already clear that AI is here to stay. Only time will t

38、ell if is will lead us into a new age of prosperity (繁榮). or be our end. 33. The first paragraph is written to _.A. explain how different animals arc intelligentB show what amazing - fields AI can be used inC. explain how intelligence makes humans specialD. prove that its possible for us to travel t

39、o space34. Which of the following might NOT make use of AI according to the passage?A Software algorithms for deliveries. B. Machines that produce goods. C. Voice - activated assistants. D. Self - driving taxis. 35. What does it in Paragraph 5 refer to?A. AI smarter than humans. B. A very difficult

40、question. C. Humans intelligence. D. Risk researchers have. 36. Whats the writers attitude towards AI?A. It will have a very bright future. B. Its going to be part of our future. C. Is so risky and horrible for humans. D. It will make humans more intelligent. (D)Washington County Free Library invite

41、s you to join our 2022 summer programmes. Whether youre looking for a new direction, education, or a fun experience, our programmes can help you take the first step. Check them out in the following chart or call for more information. English Conversation GroupOur friendly group meets at the library

42、every Thursday afternoon. Come along to make new friends and improve your English. Learners of all levels are welcome. Age: All adultsBookings: Not required. Time & date: Thursday, Aug. 1st 1: 00 pm to 2: 00 pmLearn to Code (編程)Learn how to create a game or design a webpage using free online resourc

43、es that teach you how to code. It allows time to experiment and play. It is designed for adults with basic computer and Internet skills. Age: 21 years aboveBookings: Not required. Time & date: Wednesday Aug. 28th 10: 30 am to 12: 00 amYoung Creative ClubDo you love to write or express yourself throu

44、gh art? Come and join our creative club, share your ideas and make friends with people who are like you. Age: 11 - 15 years oldBookings: Required. Call 073407 0009 to book your place. Time & date: Thursday, Aug. 1st 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm. Gumtree BasicsCome and learn about buying and selling products s

45、afely online through Gumtree Basic computer and Internet skills are required. Age: All adultsBookings: Required. Call 07 3407 0009 to book your place. Time & date: Tuesday, Aug. 13rd 1: 30 pm to 3: 00 pm37. What can we learn about English Conversation Group from the above chart?A. It is for old frie

46、nds to meet together. B. It is a weekly activity. C. It is only for skilled English speakers. D. It lasts two hours each time. 38. Which programme is suitable for teenagers?A. Young Creative ClubB. Gumtree BasicsC. English Conversation GroupD. Learn to Code39. What do the four programmes have in com

47、mon?A. They are in August. B. They require bookings. C. They are for adults. D. They are for beginners. 40. Which of the statement is True according to the passage?A. Young Creative Club well suits science minds. B. You can learn how to create computer games on Aug 13th. C. Both Learn to Code and Gu

48、mtree Basics require computer and Internet skills. D. Gumtree Basics teaches learners how to make advertisements and sell products. 第二節(jié) 閱讀填空(共5小題;每小題1分,滿分5分)閱讀短文內(nèi)容及文后AE選項,選出可以填入4145空白處的最佳選項,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。Food is thought to be the most important way to communicate in some places, so some people often o

49、rder too many dishes to eat up. Chinese government “asks” the public not to waste food anytime. 41 The managers of some restaurants are doing what they can to help people to reduce (減少) food waste. For example, if customers order more than they can eat, the waiters should remind them to reduce the n

50、umber of dishes kindly. 42 Zhong, a famous woman, said, “I think we should order just enough food. 43 “Zhong usually ordered only half a Beijing Duck and some vegetables. She believed that saving food didnt mean losing face. 44 We call it “cleaning the plates”. Xu Jun has done it for years. He said, “There are still a lot of people who dont have enough to eat. 45 ” Cleaning the pla


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