2022年Getting+along+with+others-2018年江蘇高考英語一輪復(fù)習(xí)精品資料 2_第1頁
2022年Getting+along+with+others-2018年江蘇高考英語一輪復(fù)習(xí)精品資料 2_第2頁
2022年Getting+along+with+others-2018年江蘇高考英語一輪復(fù)習(xí)精品資料 2_第3頁
2022年Getting+along+with+others-2018年江蘇高考英語一輪復(fù)習(xí)精品資料 2_第4頁
2022年Getting+along+with+others-2018年江蘇高考英語一輪復(fù)習(xí)精品資料 2_第5頁
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1、2022 屆江蘇高考英語一輪復(fù)習(xí)精品資料 模塊五 Unit 1 重點(diǎn)學(xué)問突破一、重點(diǎn)詞匯詞匯-1. admit 【原句出現(xiàn)】 We went to wash our hands in the girls washroom before lunch and I admitted how badly I had done. 【考點(diǎn)聚焦】 admit 及其名詞的意義識別; admit 的搭配; 相關(guān)短語;【考題研讀】Generally speaking, confident people are more likely to _ their weaknesses in public. A. admi

2、t B. admire C. acquire D. advocate 【答案與解析】 A;句意:通常來說,自信的人會更有可能在大庭廣眾下承認(rèn)自己的弱點(diǎn);依據(jù)句意選admit,表示“ 承認(rèn)” ;admire 觀賞,贊揚(yáng),贊揚(yáng); acquire 學(xué)到,獲得,取得; advocate 提倡,鼓吹,擁護(hù);Li Yue, a top student in our school,worked hard and gained _ to Tsinghua University this summer. A. permission B. admission C. agreement D. argument 【答

3、案與解析】 B;句意:李月,我們學(xué)校里的一名尖子生,學(xué)習(xí)刻苦,今年夏天已被清華高校錄用;permission 許可; admission 進(jìn)入; agreement 同意; argument 辯 論;Id like to go to the movie with you, Dad. Sorry, my son, but only the grown-ups are _ into the cinema. A. required B. intended C. supposed D. admitted 【答案與解析】 D;require 要求;intend 準(zhǔn)備;suppose 猜想;admit 承

4、認(rèn),答應(yīng)進(jìn)入;句意:“ 我想和你去看電影,爸爸;”“ 對不起,只有成年人被答應(yīng)進(jìn)入電影院看電影的; ”John is the only one of the students in the class that never _ a mistake even when it is pointed out to him. A. admit making B. admits making C. admit to make D. admits to make 【答案與解析】 B;admit doing/having done sth.承認(rèn) 做過某事;句意:約翰是班上唯獨(dú)一個即使向他指出了也不承認(rèn)犯錯誤

5、的同學(xué);【歸納拓展】admitdoing/having donesth.承認(rèn) 做過 某事 admitto sb.that.向 某人承認(rèn) admit sb./sth.to be 承認(rèn)某人 / 某物是 人進(jìn)入 或加入 be admitted to/into.被答應(yīng)進(jìn)入 / 接受 被接受admission n. 進(jìn)入,入場費(fèi),承認(rèn) 詞匯-2. focus admit sb.to/into.準(zhǔn)許某be admitted as 作為 【原句出現(xiàn)】 The other team was superb and we really had to focus. 【考點(diǎn)聚焦】 focus 意義的識別; 相關(guān)短語;

6、【考題研讀】While volleyball is her main _, she s also great at basketball. A. target B. aim C. purpose D. focus 【答案與解析】 D;句意:雖然排球是她的主要項目,但她仍善于籃 球;依據(jù)后半句中:他也善于于籃 球,可知前面半句講的應(yīng)當(dāng)是排球是他的重點(diǎn);If you keep your attention _ learning, then you can get good grades in your subjects. A. hanged on B. relied on C. carried o

7、n D. focused on 【答案與解析】 D;hang on 堅持;rely on 依靠;carry on 連續(xù);focus on 集中于,句意:假如你把你的 留意力集中在學(xué)習(xí)上,那么你的課程就可以拿高分了;應(yīng)選 D;All her energies are _ upon children and she seems to have little time for anything else. A. guided B. aimed C. directed D. focused 【答案與解析】 D;guide 指導(dǎo),指引; aim 針對,目標(biāo); direct 指 引,給某人指路; focu

8、s ones attention/eyes/energy on/upon.“ 集中留意力 / 視線 / 精力于 ” ;句意:她全部的精力都集中在孩子身上,她好像很少有時間關(guān)注其他任何事情;Public attention at the moment is focused _ the problem of environment balance. A. into B. towards C. about D. on 【答案與解析】 D;focus.on 把 集中于 ;句意:當(dāng)下公眾 的留意力集中于環(huán)境平穩(wěn)問題上;【歸納拓展】focus vt. & vi. 集中留意力于 ;使聚焦 重點(diǎn)n. 焦點(diǎn),關(guān)

9、注點(diǎn);焦距;focus on/upon .集中于 focus ones mind on.把心思集中于 focus one s eyes on.凝視著 bring sth. into focus 使某事物成為關(guān)注 的焦點(diǎn)focus ones attention/efforts/energy on.集中留意力 / 努力 / 精力 于 詞匯-3. remark 【原句出現(xiàn)】 I feel really guilty because I made some cruel remarks too, . 【考點(diǎn)聚焦】 remark 作為名詞或動詞時意義的識別; 其形容詞 remarkable 意義的識別;

10、相關(guān)短語;After the usual greetings and some _ about the weather, the men got down to their own business. A. statements B. declarations C. remarks D. expressions 【答案與解析】 C;句意:在一般問候以及幾句關(guān)于談?wù)撎鞖獾脑捄?那些人就開頭干正事了;remark 話語,談話;應(yīng)選 C 項;statement 聲明;declaration 宣言,布告,公告,聲明; expression 表現(xiàn),表示,表達(dá),表情;What makes Bagritac

11、curacy. s predictions so _ remarkable is their A. relative B. remarkable C. relevant D. reluctant 【答案與解析】 B;relative 相關(guān)的; remarkable 特殊的 , 奇特的 , 顯著的; relevant 有關(guān)的; reluctant 不愿意的;句意:使巴格瑞特的猜測如此了不得的是他們的精確;The media often _ the private life of popular stars. A. explain to B. remark on C. rely on D. hol

12、d on 【答案與解析】 B.remark on/upon.對 發(fā)表評論 / 看法;句意:媒 體常常評論受歡迎明星的私生活;【歸納拓展】remark n.評論,看法,話vi. & vt.評論,談?wù)搑emarkable adj.特殊的,奇特的,顯著的 remark on/upon.對 發(fā)表評論 / 看法 make remarks/a remark on/about 就 發(fā)表看法;對 評頭論足 詞匯-4. argue 【原句出現(xiàn)】Since we argued, he hasn t spoken to me even though we sit next to each other in clas

13、s. 【考點(diǎn)聚焦】 argue 及其名詞意義的識別; 相關(guān)搭配;【考題研讀】Dont worry, Mum. We didnt fight with each otherwe just _ about who should play the toy first. A. talked B. discussed C. argued D. struggled 【答案與解析】 C;argue about sth.爭論某事; talk about sth.談?wù)撃?事;discuss about sth. 爭論某事; struggle for sth.為某事物而奮斗;句意:我們并沒有打架,只是爭論誰應(yīng)當(dāng)先

14、玩這個玩具;The _ among the two parties was blown up by the press. A. impression B. theme C. reflection D. argument 【答案與解析】 D;impression 印象; argument 爭論; theme 主題;reflection 反映;句意:兩黨的爭論被 新聞界夸大了;What is going on over there. They are arguing _ each other _ private affairs. A. about, with B. with, about C. w

15、ith, with D. about, about 【答案與解析】B;句意:“ 那兒發(fā)生了什么事?”“ 他們正為私事爭論不休;”argue with sb. about sth.“ 與某人爭論某事” ;【歸納拓展】argue vi.&vt. 爭執(zhí),爭論,爭論,說服,用辯論證明 argument n. 爭 論,爭論,論據(jù)argue with sb.about/over sth.與某人爭論某事 doing sth.說服某人做 / 不做某事argue o/out of argue for 為 而爭論,為 而辯護(hù) argue against 爭論 反對 beyond argument 無需

16、爭論詞匯-5. apologize 【原句出現(xiàn)】 The things he said hurt me too, but he has not apologized to me. 【考點(diǎn)聚焦】 apologize 及其名詞意義的識別; 相關(guān)搭配;【考題研讀】Go and say sorry to your Mom, Dave. I d like to, but Im afraid she won t be happy with my _.A. requests B. excuses C. apologies D. regrets 【答案與解析】 C;句意:“大衛(wèi),去跟你的媽媽賠禮;”“ 我想這

17、樣做,但是我擔(dān)憂她對我的賠禮不滿 意; ” requests 懇求;excuses 借口;apologies 賠禮;regrets 遺憾,懊悔;應(yīng)選 C 項;Mr Harris apologized _ the children _ the lady _ what they had done. A. for, to, to B. to, to, for C. for, to, for D. to, for, for 【答案與解析】 C;apologize to sb.for sth. 為某事向某人賠禮;句意:哈利斯先生替這些孩子們?yōu)樗麄兯龅氖孪蚰俏慌抠r禮;If I hurt your fe

18、elings or offended you that day, I ll go to your house and _ another day. A. ignore B. apologize C. hesitate D. forgive 【答案與解析】 B;apologize 賠禮,謝罪;句意:假如那天我損害了你的感情或是冒犯了你的話,那我改天到你府上謝罪;【歸納拓展】apologize to sb.for doing sth. 因做某事向某人賠禮 make an apology to sb.for sth. 因某事向某人賠禮 owe sb.an apology 應(yīng)向某人賠禮 詞匯-6. s

19、ensitive 【原句出現(xiàn)】 I told my brother about the quarrel,but he said Mattew is just too sensitive and perhaps a little bitter. 【考點(diǎn)聚焦】 sensitive 意義的識別; 與 sensible 的區(qū)分;【考題研讀】Strangely, some people find that they can smell one type of flower but not another, while others are _ to the smells of both flowers.

20、 A. sensitive B. native C. familiar D. obvious 【答案與解析】 A;sensitive 敏銳的; native 本國的; familiar 熟識 的;obvious 明顯的;句意:古怪的是,有些人發(fā)覺他們可以聞到一種花香,兩種花香都很敏銳;卻聞不出另一種, 而有些人卻對No matter how much knowledge you have, if your subject is at all _, be careful when discussing it during your speech,or you may well offend yo

21、ur audience. A. diverse B. sensitive C. abstract D. original 【答案與解析】 B;句意:無論你有多少學(xué)問,假如你的主題是敏銳 話題,在演講時說話肯定要當(dāng)心,否就你可能會得罪你的聽眾; diverse 多種多樣的; sensitive 敏銳的;abstract 抽象的; original 原始的;Listen to both sides and you will be enlightened, so surely it would be _ to get a second opinion. A. sensitive B. sensibl

22、e C. confident D. acceptable 【答案與解析】 B;句意:兼聽就明 偏信就暗 ,因此多聽取一種意 見確定是明智的; sensitive 敏銳的;sensible 明智的,理智的; confident 自信的; acceptable 可接受的;It is sensible to do sth 做某事是明智 的;【歸納拓展】be sensitive about 介意;在乎be sensitive to 對 敏銳sensible 明智的,理智的,合乎情理的,意識到的,能感覺到的 詞匯-7. committed 【原句出現(xiàn)】 Friendship means being co

23、mmitted to others. 友情意味著對別人忠誠;【考點(diǎn)聚焦】 committed, commit 和 commitment 意義的識別; 相關(guān)短語;【考題研讀】This development area is _ to creating a perfect investment environment. A. awkward B. committed C. cautious D. absurd 【答案與解析】 B;be committed to 獻(xiàn)身于,致力于;句意:這個發(fā) 展地區(qū)致力于創(chuàng)建一個完善的投資 環(huán)境;_ to improving services, we will pr

24、ovide customers with all the information they need. A. Transformed B. Communicated C. Committed D. Transferred 【答案與解析】 C;transform 轉(zhuǎn)變; communicate 溝通; commi 犯 罪,承諾做; transfer 轉(zhuǎn)移,轉(zhuǎn)讓,傳 遞;be committed to doing sth 承諾做 ,用過去分詞做狀語,相當(dāng) 于 Because we are committed to improving services;句意:承諾要提高服務(wù),我們會給顧客供應(yīng)他們 需

25、要的信息;Tu Youyou was given the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine of 2022 due to her _ to discovering a new drug to treat parasitic diseases. A. conservation B. expectation C. commitment D. appreciation 【答案與解析】C;conservation 談話;expectation 期盼;commitment 承諾,保證, commitment to.致力 于 ; appreciation 鑒賞,感

26、謝;句意:由于屠呦呦致力于發(fā)覺一 種治療寄生蟲病的新藥,所以她被 授予了 2022 諾貝爾生理或醫(yī)學(xué)獎;Much to the disappointment of the neighboring countries, the Japanese government refuses to admit the crime they _ in World War II in the history. A. confirmed B. committed C. shifted D. concluded 【答案與解析】 B;confirm 確認(rèn),證明,批準(zhǔn); shift 改換,變動,替換; commit

27、犯罪,做錯事; conclude 推斷,作結(jié)論;句意:讓鄰近國家掃興的是日本政府拒絕承認(rèn)在歷史上的其次次世界大戰(zhàn)中所犯下的罪行;【歸納拓展】committed adj.盡心盡力的,堅信的,堅決的 commit vt.犯罪,把 托付給,承諾 commit oneself to 獻(xiàn)身于 ,委身于 ,致力于 be committed to 獻(xiàn)身于,忠于 ,致力于 commit suicide 自殺 commitment n.承諾;托付;承擔(dān)義務(wù);獻(xiàn)身make a commitment 承諾 詞匯-8. mercy 【原句出現(xiàn)】 Because I am a friend, I have had to

28、 learn patience and mercy. 【考點(diǎn)聚焦】 mercy 及其形容詞意義的識別; 相關(guān)短語;【考題研讀】It was a _ that the whole family survived the earthquake. A. mercy B. trick C. loss D. incident 【答案與解析】 A;句意:這次地震中一家人都幸免于難 ,真是不幸中 之大幸 .幸運(yùn)的是全家人在地震中幸 存了下來; mercy 慈愛,幸運(yùn),恩惠;trick 花招;loss 缺失;incident 大事;Though our pilots today will try to app

29、roximate the original landing site,theyre _ the winds,so who knows where they ll drift off to.A. at the mercy of B. at the call of C. at the service of D. at the expense of 【答案與解析】 A;句意:雖然我們的飛行員今日將嘗試接近原先的 降落地點(diǎn),但是他們?nèi)螒{風(fēng)的擺布,因此誰知道他們會飄去哪里?at the mercy of 受 支配或掌握; at the call of 在 的號召下; at the service of

30、為 供應(yīng)服務(wù); at the expense of 由 支付費(fèi)用,以 為代價;He used to bully his secretary _, and one day she left her job without even saying goodbye. A. without hesitation B. without delay C. without mercy D. without difficulty 【答案與解析】 C;without mercy 殘酷地,毫不留情地;句意:他 過去毫不留情地欺負(fù)他的秘書,結(jié)果 有一天她不辭而別了;He never has mercy _ me.

31、How can I show mercy _ him. A. on, for B. for, for C. on, to D. to, on 【答案與解析】 C;have mercy on sb.和 show mercy to sb.均為固定搭 配,意為“ 對某人表示憐憫 / 憐憫” ;應(yīng)選 C;句意:他從來沒有對我慈愛過; 我怎么能夠?qū)λ硎敬葠勰??Death was a _ release for him as he had been through unbearable suffering all this time. A. stable B. merciful C. abundant

32、D. arbitrary 【答案與解析】 B;stable 穩(wěn)固的; merciful 慈愛的; abundant 大量 的;arbitrary 任意的,隨心所欲的;對于他來說, 死亡是一種慈愛的解脫, 由于他始終在遭受令人難以忍受的痛楚;【歸納拓展】mercy n.慈愛,寬恕,憐憫,幸運(yùn),恩惠 show mercy to sb./have mercy on sb. 憐憫某人 / 對某人表示慈愛 / 寬容 at the mercy of . 任憑 的擺布,完全受 的支配 without mercy 毫不留情地,殘酷地 be merciful to/towards sb.對某人慈愛 詞匯-9.

33、regardless of 【原句出現(xiàn)】The qualities that boys and girls consider important in a friend seem to be the same, regardless of the basis of these friendships. 【考點(diǎn)聚焦】 相關(guān)短語的辨析;【考題研讀】Our club is open to everyone _ age, sex or educational background. A. due to B. except for C. along with D. regardless of 【答案與解

34、析】 D;due to 由于,由于; except for 除 之外 強(qiáng)調(diào) 整體與局部的關(guān)系 ;along with 和 一起;regardless of 不管 ,不顧 側(cè)重于不考慮,不關(guān)注 ;句意:不管年齡,性別或訓(xùn)練程度,我們俱樂部向全部人開放;依據(jù)句意可知D 項符合上下文語境;We still have a long way to go to solve all the problems _ the Yangtze River. A. regardless of B. in regard to C. in search of D. in favor of 【答案與解析】 B;句意:要解決

35、有關(guān)長江的全部問題我們?nèi)杂泻荛L 的路要走; regardless of 盡管,不管;in regard to 關(guān)于,有關(guān); in search of 查找; in favor of 贊同,支持;【歸納拓展】regardless of 不留意,不顧,不管 強(qiáng)調(diào)不認(rèn)為某事特別重要,從而 對其不理睬、不重視 in/with regard to 關(guān)于,至于 詞匯-10. rely on 【原句出現(xiàn)】 Friendship means having someone I can rely on. 【考點(diǎn)聚焦】 rely on 意義的識別 相關(guān)句型;【考題研讀】Meanwhile he pointed ou

36、t that that was not the only safety net that graduates could _. A. catch on B. put on C. carry on D. rely on 【答案與解析】 D;rely on=depend on 依靠,依靠;句意:同時,他指出:那不是畢業(yè)生唯獨(dú)可以依靠的安全網(wǎng)站;The technology progress is an important factor of the economic growth of the world, but any country can not totally _ ones own st

37、rength to carry on all scientific and technical innovation. A. decide on B. hold on C. hang on D. rely on 【答案與解析】 D;rely on one s own strength/efforts 依靠自身力氣,自力更生,靠一己之力;句意:技術(shù)進(jìn)步是世界經(jīng)濟(jì)增長的重要因素,自身力氣進(jìn)行全部的科技創(chuàng)新;但任何國家都不行能完全依靠You may rely on _ that they will be there on time. A. this B. that C. it D. / 【答案與解析

38、】 C;主語 rely on/depend onit 形式賓語 that 從句放心 / 信任/ 盼望 ;“ 主語 depend onit 形式賓語 that 從句” 的句型;句意:你放心他們會準(zhǔn)時到 的;Do you _ they play the same song again and again over the radio. A. hate that B. hate it for C. hate it when D. hate 【答案與解析】 C;“ 主語 hateit 形式賓語 when 從句” 的句型;句意:他們在收音機(jī)里一遍又一遍地播放同一首歌,你厭惡嗎?【歸納拓展】rely on

39、=depend on 依靠,依靠 做 rely on sb.to do .依靠 / 盼望某人rely on one s doing 依靠某人做 rely on sb. for sth.依靠某人某事rely on ones own efforts/strength 依靠自身力氣,自力更生,靠一己之力主語 rely on/depend onit 形式賓語 that 從句:放心 / 信任 / 指望 類例:主語 hate/dislike/love/likeit 形式賓語 when 從句主語 appreciateit 形式賓語 if 從句主語 see toit 形式賓語 that 從句二、經(jīng)典句型1.否

40、定轉(zhuǎn)移的句型【原句出現(xiàn)】 I dont think I can ever truly forgive her. 【考點(diǎn)聚焦】 當(dāng)主句謂語動詞為think, believe, suppose, guess, imagine 等,且主句的主語為第一人稱時,往往把對賓語從句的否定轉(zhuǎn)移到主句謂語動詞上;部分一般與從句一樣;變成反意疑問句時, 附加問句 否定 because 狀語或狀語從句: I dont love you because of your family background. 我愛你不是由于你的家庭背景;He was not ready to believe something just

41、 because Aristotle said so. 他并不因亞里斯多德說過如何如何,就輕信此事;【考題研讀】I dont think you realize the gravity of the situation, _. A. do I B. dont you C. do you D. isnt it【答案與解析】 C;句意:我認(rèn)為你沒有意識到情形的嚴(yán)峻性,是嗎?I dont believe he will come, _. A. do I B. doesnt he C. will I D. will he【答案與解析】 D;句意:我信任他不會來的,是嗎?;The sentence “

42、They did not come to the hospital because they wanted to see me”implies“ _”A. They didnt come to the hospital to see me.B. They came to the hospital to see me. C. Because they wanted to see me, they came to the hospital. D. They came to the hospital not because they wanted to see me. 【答案與解析】 D;句意:他們

43、到醫(yī)院來,不是由于要探望我 而是為了其他緣由 ;2.cant help doing 及其衍生的句型【原句出現(xiàn)】 Yesterday, I saw him talking to another boy, Peter, and I cannot help wondering if he wants Peter to be his best friend instead of me. 【考點(diǎn)聚焦】cannot cant help doing sth.“ 忍不住做某事,不禁做某事”; cant help but do sth.不得不做某事 cant help todo sth.不能幫忙做某事 help

44、 sb. to do sth.或 help sb. with sth.幫忙某人做某事help oneself 請任憑 cant help it 無奈,只得如此【考題研讀】While gonging shopping, women usually canbuying something they don t really need. t help _ into A. to persuade B. persuading C. being persuaded D. be persuaded 【答案與解析】 C;can t help doing.情不自禁地做 ; persuade 和主語之間為動賓關(guān)系 , 故用 being persuaded 形式;句意:當(dāng)走進(jìn)商場購物的時候,婦女通常會情不自禁的被勸服買她們不是真正想要的東西;Why are you standing the street in such hot weather. _. I am appointed to interview people at random to learn about the customers feedback on


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