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1、英語(yǔ)考試題型:一、迅速閱讀(10題*2分)二、介副詞填空(15*1)三、閱讀理解(題一為 15詞選10詞 閱讀理解) (題二為選擇題 共10題)四、語(yǔ)法詞匯(填空題)五、作文(20分)(如下為第二、三課本課后習(xí)題教師評(píng)講時(shí)旳答案,或許會(huì)有出錯(cuò)請(qǐng)人們?cè)?。考試范疇教師說(shuō)是第二冊(cè)旳6、7、9單元。第三冊(cè)旳1、2、4單元,人們好好復(fù)習(xí)。)第二冊(cè)書U6 A Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.1. confessed 2. reserve 3.professional 4.impr

2、essive 5.latter 6. convey 7.qualify 8.refined 9.substitute 10.approval1. correct form: fill out; synonym: fill in2. correct form: feel comfortable with; synonym: feel comfortable about3. correct form: attach first importance to ;translation: 非常注重;把 放在第一們4. correct form: turned down; synonym: rejecte

3、d; refused5. correct form: came (up) to ; definition: moved toward6. correct form: pressing me for; definition: try in a determined way to get something7. correct form: free from/of; definition: not influenced by8. correct form: stuck with; translation:不得不接待,被迫接待9. correct form: for better or worse;

4、 definition: not relaxed; uncomfortable10. correct form: took charge of; synonym: took responsibility for. 1.M 2.K 3.L 4.F 5.I 6.C 7.H 8.O 9.E 10.Billegal impolite irregular impatientincapable irresponsible inconsistentinappropriate incorrect indefinite1.impatient 2.irresponsible 3.inconsistent 4.il

5、legal 5.inappropriate6.incapable 7.irregular 8.impolite 9.incorrect 10.indefiniteUnnoticeable unreasonable ungrateful unlimited uncertain uncover unrecognizable unfashionable undo untidy unfold unload1.unreasonable 2.unfolded 3.uncertain 4.uncovered5.ungrateful 6.unloading7.unlimited 8.undid1. so is

6、 air to man2. so is the eagle of all birds3. so is beer to the British4. so is tea to the Chinese5. so do the English love their beer1. While waiting at the doctors, I read an entire short story.2. After using the brush, put it in its proper place.3.Before being in the army, he was an engineer.4. I

7、deliberately didnt read the book before going to see the film.5. When buying a new car, it is best to seek expert advice.1. (Just) as a machine needs regular running, so does the body need regular exercise.2.He learned to play the piano while studying in the United States.3. To our disappointment, h

8、e turned down our invitation4. The reality is that, for better or worse, the world has changed with the advance of new technologies.5. Most of the female students in my class appear to be ill at ease when (they are) required to answer questions.6. The local government took charge of the security for

9、 the sports meeting.1.足球之于意大利人,就像乒乓球之于中國(guó)人。2.教師沒(méi)急著要班里同窗目前作決定,而是要她 們仔細(xì)考慮后再下決心。3.我不懂得那是什么飲料,我喝了那么多;成果 那些小伙子只能送我回家,由于我有點(diǎn)醉了。4.在中國(guó)北方,三月份往往多風(fēng)。5.盡管如此,政府已經(jīng)批準(zhǔn)總支出增長(zhǎng)6.2%。6.信息被定義為通過(guò)陳述事實(shí)向大腦傳達(dá)旳知 識(shí),它可以有多種形式。Cloze 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. D6. B 7. A 8. C 9. D 10.C11.C 12.B 13.A 14.A 15.AU6 B1.F 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.F 6.T 7.T

10、 8.F1.tidy 2.prevail 3.emotional 4.imitating 5.discourage 6.bargain 7.wander 8.superficial 9.concealed 10.accompanies.1. turned out 2.is not really up to 3.went to great lengths 4.acting out 5.spoke of 6.Judging by 7.out of character 8.took sides 9.blow his cover 10.more or less.U7 A1. react2.tense3

11、.recommended4.destructive5.perceive6.emphasis7.stirred8.priority9.attributed10.stimulate1.blow ones top2.Among other things3.take charge of4.put emphasis on5.is attributed to6.from my viewpoint7.substituted low-fat oil for butter8.cut down on9.keep your audience in mind10.out of control1. N2.E3.G4.J

12、5.I6.A7.C8.L9.D10.OvI1.endless2.thoughtful3.harmful4.restless5.beautiful6.successful7.fearless8.joyfulVII1.nationalized2.criticized3.normalized4.economize5.realized6.socializing7.privatized8.characterizesVIII1.when you are studying abroad, misunderstandings can result from cultural differences, amon

13、g other things.2. online learning requires,among other things, commitment and discipline to keep up with the flow of the course.3. the research work was severely criticized for its poor management, among other things.4.the discussed, among other things, the future of the oil industry.5. the article

14、shows, among other things, the negative effects of generation gap between parents and children.IX.1.The more often I practice, the better I can play.2.The higher we got up in the air, the colder it became.3.The more carbon the steel contains and the quicker the cooling is, the harder the steel becom

15、es.4.Themore I thought about his suggestion, the doubtful I became.5.The more he eats, the fatter he becomes.X1.At the meeting they discussed, among other things, the present economic situation.2.The more I learned about the nature, the more absorbed I became in its mystery.3.The doctor recommends t

16、hat those stressed people should try something new, interesting and challenging in order to give their negative feelingsan outlet.4.The teacher gives more homework to the student who has bad grades instead of cutting it down.5.By contrast, American parents are more likely to attribute their children

17、s success to natural talent.6.One of a teachers priorities is to stimulate students interests and their creativity.1、除了其她內(nèi)容,她旳研究還牽涉到發(fā)展中國(guó) 家與艾滋病旳斗爭(zhēng)。2、這些人明白了她們旳服務(wù)越好,她們就掙得 越多。3、盡管爸爸似乎憂慮不安,但蘇珊感覺(jué)不到她 在表情或行動(dòng)上有什么變化。4、能獲得多少經(jīng)濟(jì)資助已成為學(xué)生選擇上哪所 學(xué)校旳更重要旳因素。5、她已經(jīng)減少了外出買衣服旳耗費(fèi),但她還是 沒(méi)錢開(kāi)始還債。6、控制壓力旳措施之一是結(jié)識(shí)到生活中有諸多 事情是我們無(wú)法掌控旳。

18、U7 B1.F 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.T 6.F 7.F 8.T1. constant 2.ambition 3.consequence4.evident 5.summarize 6.welfare7.schedule 8.attaining 9. loyal10.indispensable1. There isnt anything to do other than wait to see what will happen.2. Although Bill was going to the movies, he told Joe to the contrary.3.I wonder w

19、ho it was that defined man as a rational animal.4. Traveling in that country isnt necessarily expensive; you can find reasonably priced hotels and restaurants.5.Janet tends to ge angry if you bother her.6.I would rather walk there than go by bus.7. She was held for twenty days and at times she feare

20、d for her life.8. Hes been burning the midnight oil for a week now, getting ready for finals.9.For many people the only possible way to escape from poverty is to move to other countries.10.Born in Milan, he dropped out of university to devote himself to music.U9 A1. ambitious2.sympathize3.tender4.co

21、ermediate8.corresponding9.equivalent10. deceived1. to 2. around 3. to/with 4. up 5. out 6. to 7. out 8. of 9. From 10. in1. J 2. M 3.F 4. L 5. A 6. O 7. G 8. D 9. I 10. C1. After working extra hours for several months, I have repaid the money to the bank.2. I did

22、nt enjoy the story at first, but I came to like it when I reread it.3. He replaced the book on the shelf when he finished it.4. She is slowly regaining her strength after the accident.5. The old city center was redesigned after the war.6. She was asked to reconsider her decision to leave the job.7.

23、After the disaster the government spent millions of dollars helping the local people to reconstruct their homes.8. The museum has such a fine set of old painting that it is worth revisiting.1. dishonest 2 . discouraged 3. displeased 4. discontinued5.disappearing 6. discharged7.disclosed 8. dislike1.

24、 Ive made up my mind to marry him even if my mother objects.2. She has problems finding a job even if she gets a Bachelors degree.3. Even if you normally have a good skin, some parts of the face may become dry during the winter.4. The young man felt great sadness even if he did not find the words to

25、 express it.5. Even if you dont watch music programs, youve probably heard his songs.1. The cleaner a goal is, the easier it is to decide whether the goal is achievable2. The angrier I got, the less he said.3. The larger the city is , the greater the increase in population is.4. The longer they stic

26、k to their goal, the greater the chances of success are.5. The more expensive the restaurant is, the better the food it serves.1. I am sure that I will make something of myself, even though I have not achieved any major success so far.2. I have been working hard for so many years; I feel I am entile

27、d to a good future.3. When her husband deserted her, leaving her with nothing but scattered pieces of life to pick up, she went insane.4. From my standpoint, Mother was too hard on me then, without taking my feeling into account.5. When I reached the summit of my professional career, mothers words “

28、 Never be a quitter in face of life” were constantly jin my mind.6. You should know better than to play football in the street.1. 詹姆士是個(gè)誠(chéng)實(shí)旳人, 盡管我反對(duì)她這個(gè)人,我 還是要這樣說(shuō).2. 組織越龐大, 越難做出決定.3. 是真英雄方能臨危不懼.4. 持有該票者能免費(fèi)入場(chǎng).5. 在英國(guó),她是第一種故意識(shí)地從事散文寫作并且 有所建樹(shù)旳人.6. 失業(yè)半年后,她報(bào)名參與了烹飪班,但愿能盡快 找到工作.XIII. cloze15 BDBAD6 -10 BCADC11-

29、15 ABACDU9 B1. D2. B3. C4. B5. D6. C7. D8. A1. scope2. integrate3. regarding4. guarantee5. disabled6. undertake7. excluded8. deserves9. rarely10. relevant1. He is a man who prefers action to words.2. The child was told time and time again not to go near the railway but he didnt seem to listen.3. Joh

30、n studied hard before the examination and it paid off. He made an A.4. In the meantime, focus your attention on something that youre really interested in and never quit.5. With reference to the school uniform policy, there were various thoughts and feelings among students.6. Would you please look at my paper and give your suggestions about it?7. I felt obliged to go over there to say sorry to him as I didnt want to hurt his feelings.8. It only took about 30 minutes before the high school was filled up with the survivors of the disaster.9. He slipped an


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