牛津深圳版九年級下冊英語課件 Unit 5 課時5 Writing_第1頁
牛津深圳版九年級下冊英語課件 Unit 5 課時5 Writing_第2頁
牛津深圳版九年級下冊英語課件 Unit 5 課時5 Writing_第3頁
牛津深圳版九年級下冊英語課件 Unit 5 課時5 Writing_第4頁
牛津深圳版九年級下冊英語課件 Unit 5 課時5 Writing_第5頁
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1、課時5 Writing Unit 5 Sport本單元的話題為“運(yùn)動”,該話題常見的命題方式為要求學(xué)生學(xué)會描述現(xiàn)實(shí)生活中運(yùn)動的重要性,并給出鍛煉身體的方案。牛津滬教版九年級下favorite, interesting, memory, stronger, enjoy, spend單 詞: on Wednesday, play . with ,table tennis, makeme stronger, enjoy the time短 語: 1. Table tennis is my favorite sport.2. Playing table tennis makes me stronger

2、 than before.3. He teaches me how to play it better.句 型:你們學(xué)校為了提高大家的健身意識將進(jìn)行一次寫作比賽。作文的題目是 “My favorite sport”, 請按照下列提示寫一篇不少于80 詞的文章。提示:1. What is your favorite sport?2. How often do you play it?3. Who do you usually play with?4. What kind of memory do you have about playing this sport?My favorite spor

3、t_【審題指導(dǎo)】體裁說明文人稱描述自己的愛好以第一人稱為主時態(tài)以一般現(xiàn)在時態(tài)為主【思路構(gòu)建】My favorite sportTable tennis is my favorite sport. I play it twice a week. One is on Wednesday evening and the other is on Saturday morning. On Wednesday evening, I play with my teacher, Mr Wang. He teaches me how to play it better. 【范文賞析】On Saturday mo

4、rning, I play it with my father. Playing table tennis is very interesting. I have a lot of happy memories of playing it, especially playing it with my father. Playing table tennis makes me stronger than before, and I also enjoy the time I spend with my father.點(diǎn)評:作文開頭點(diǎn)題,點(diǎn)明自己最喜歡的運(yùn)動是什么;然后根據(jù)提示介紹多久打一次球,并

5、簡單介紹打球的時間。在這個過程中可以順便介紹跟誰打以及打球給自己帶來的體驗(yàn),最后總結(jié)全文。one.the other.,動名詞作主語,比較級,以及定語從句的使用為文章增添了文采。這學(xué)期學(xué)校開展了“生命在于運(yùn)動”的主題活動,旨在讓學(xué)生動起來,健康學(xué)習(xí),健康生活。為此學(xué)校開展了一系列與運(yùn)動有關(guān)的俱樂部活動。你會選擇加入什么俱樂部呢?根據(jù)下面的提示,說說你選擇的俱樂部及其原因。提示:1. 你選擇的俱樂部。2. 為什么選擇這個俱樂部。(至少三點(diǎn)原因)注意:1. 短文應(yīng)包括以上要點(diǎn),可適當(dāng)發(fā)揮,以使行文連貫。2. 詞數(shù)80 左右。_Im good at swimming, so I will choos

6、e to join the Swimming Club.There are three reasons for it. First, swimming is my favorite hobby. I started to learn to swim from a very early age. Since then, I have never given it up. In addition, my dream is to be a top swimmer. _Second, swimming is one of the most popular sports. It can make me healthy and bring me lots of fun. Whats more, my father is always busy with his work. He usually swims to keep healthy. I enjoy swimming with him


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