【英語】精品專練 閱讀理解(第1期)-個人情感與人際關系_第1頁
【英語】精品專練 閱讀理解(第1期)-個人情感與人際關系_第2頁
【英語】精品專練 閱讀理解(第1期)-個人情感與人際關系_第3頁
【英語】精品專練 閱讀理解(第1期)-個人情感與人際關系_第4頁
【英語】精品專練 閱讀理解(第1期)-個人情感與人際關系_第5頁




1、( 一)/en/2013-09-03/150276721.shtml【導讀】人間有愛,但一位男子卻用另外一種特殊的方式愛著她的妻子。A Lomita man who built a massive collection of dresses over 56 years is putting the 55,000 frocks up for sale.Paul Brockmann began collecting dresses after he first laid eyes on his wife, Margot, dancing in a ballroom in Germany. Broc

2、kmann said he knew then he never wanted her to wear the same dress twice.“I spent every dime that I had, that I could buy a dress with, I did,” said Brockmann.”Still, the dresses are Pauls passion. According to his wife, there are a lot of dresses in the collection that she has never worn.The collec

3、tion is just like if youre a stamp collector or a car collector,” Brockmann said.The collection was kept secret for years, out of Mr. Brockmanns concern that it would raise questions.“If anybody would find out that I was collecting the dresses, theyd maybe think what kind guy is this?” said Brockman

4、n. It wasnt until his daughter found the dresses in his garage that he told her about the collection he had built.Now the couple is selling the dresses for a bargain, with the hopes of using the money from the sale towards fulfilling a lifelong dream of dancing together at the New Years Eve Ball in

5、Vienna.【文章大意】保羅布羅克曼第一次遇見他的妻子是在學校的舞會上,從那時起,他便愛上了妻子穿裙子的樣子,結(jié)婚后的56年間,作為收藏,他一共為妻子購買了5萬5千條裙子?!酒陆Y(jié)構】段落關鍵詞大意猜測P1a massive collection of dresses56年收藏55,000裙子P2-5never wanted her to wear the same dress twice; was kept secret for years為什么收藏?怎樣收藏?P6-8using the money from the sale;fulfilling a lifelong dream拍賣收藏

6、,實現(xiàn)愿望【信息提取】What is the best title for the passage?a secret kept for many yearsa mans lifelong dreama confront of a couplea collection of dresses for loveWhen did the man start collecting dresses?A . The first time he met his wife.B. The first time he noticed his wife dancing in a ball.C. The moment

7、they got married.D. When their daughter was born.3. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A. The man didnt want to make his hobby known.B. The couple like dancing very much.C. The man was ashamed of collecting the dresses.D.The dreess were so many that his wife didnt wear some

8、of them.4. For what purpose do the couple sell the collection?A. They cant keep it a secret any longer.B. They are greatly in need of money.C. They decide to realize their dream.D. They want to buy a house for their daughter.【解析】1. D 主旨大意題。保羅布羅克曼第一次遇見他的妻子是在學校的舞會上,從那時起,他便愛上了妻子穿裙子的樣子,結(jié)婚后的56年間,作為收藏,他一共

9、為妻子購買了5萬5千條裙子。2. B 細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)文章那個第二段首句Paul Brockmann began collecting dresses after he first laid eyes on his wife, Margot, dancing in a ballroom in Germany.可知答案。3. C 細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)The collection is just like if youre a stamp collector or a car collector,” Brockmann said.可知,他認為他的收藏就像集郵和收藏汽車一樣,是很正常的事,所以選擇C項。

10、4.C 細節(jié)理解題。從文章最后一句話with the hopes of using the money from the sale towards fulfilling a lifelong dream of dancing together at the New Years Eve Ball in Vienna.可知答案為C項?!驹~匯擴充】1. collection n. 收藏; 搜集品。the of stamps郵票的收集2.passion n. 熱情;激情A love of books is the ruling in his life.閱讀是他生活中主要的愛好3.dime n. 一角硬

11、幣; a ; 用于否定句(口語)一文錢,一個銅板I dont care a .我一點也不在乎4.bargain n. 特價商品make a good 買得便宜,做一次合算的買賣5.fulfil v. 實現(xiàn)He was able to fulfil himself through music. 他通過音樂能充分地發(fā)揮自己的才能.Fulfilled adj satisfied; completely happy 滿意的; 滿足的; 十分愉快的: He doesnt feel really fulfilled in his present job. 他對目前的工作并非真正滿意.【句子分析】1. A

12、Lomita man who built a massive collection of dresses over 56 years is putting the 55,000 frocks up for sale.【分析】who built a massive collection of dresses over 56 years是定語從句,修飾先行詞A Lomita man,A Lomita man is putting the 55,000 frocks up for sale.是主句?!揪湟狻恳粋€收藏了56年裙子的男人正廉價出售他收藏的55,000條裙子。2. If anybody w

13、ould find out that I was collecting the dresses, theyd maybe think what kind guy is this?【分析】If anybody would find out that I was collecting the dresses是個條件狀語從句;主句theyd maybe think what kind guy is this?仍是一個復合句,what kind guy is this?做think賓語,是賓語從句。【句意】如果任何人發(fā)現(xiàn)了我收藏裙子,他們或許認為:這個人是什么樣子的人呢?3. It wasnt unt

14、il his daughter found the dresses in his garage that he told her about the collection he had built.【分析】這是一個強調(diào)句型。強調(diào)的是時間狀語until his daughter found the dresses in his garage?!揪湟狻恐浪呐畠涸谲噹炖锇l(fā)現(xiàn)了這些裙子,他才告訴她有關他的收藏情況?!菊Z法點滴】Paul Brockmann began collecting dresses after he first laid eyes on his wife, Margot, d

15、ancing in a ballroom in Germany.dancing in a ballroom in Germany 現(xiàn)在分詞做賓語補足語。1)He saw her working in the garden.他看見她正在花園里干活。2)His question has set me thinking.他的問題讓我深思。3)The peasants had the tractor working day and night at the harvest time.農(nóng)忙時,農(nóng)民們讓拖拉機夜以繼日地干活【2012四川卷】8. I looked up and noticed a snake _ its way up the tree to catch its breakfast.A. to wind B. wind C. winding D. wound【答案】 C 【解析】此題


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