



1、供應(yīng)鏈相關(guān)專(zhuān)業(yè)英語(yǔ)詞匯ABC clasification ABC 分類(lèi)Acceptable Quality Level 允許水準(zhǔn)Accessory 附件Action Report行動(dòng)報(bào)告Add/Deleie BOM增刪材料衣Aggregate Planning 總體規(guī)劃Agile Manufacturing 靈活制造Allocated InventoryAllowance 寬放Alternate BOM替代材料表American Production and Inventory Control Society 美國(guó)產(chǎn)業(yè)借理學(xué)會(huì) Anticipation Inventory 預(yù)期岸存Assemb

2、le (o Order 定卩組裝Automation | 動(dòng)化Autonomation 白卜化Available Inventory 町用庫(kù)存Available to Promise 可答應(yīng)竝BackFlush倒沖入賬Backlog待交貨Back Order逾期定單Bill of Labor 人力表Bill of Material 材料表bill of resources 資源表BOM Code材料表碼Bom Explosion材料表展開(kāi)Bom Implosion材料茨逆展Bom Structure材料表結(jié)構(gòu)Budgeted Capacity 預(yù)算產(chǎn)吊Buill-on-the-line par

3、ts 線上生產(chǎn)零件Bulk Issue人批發(fā)料Bullwhip Effect 長(zhǎng)糧效應(yīng)Business Plan爭(zhēng)業(yè)計(jì)劃Business Process Reengineering 企業(yè)程序再造Capacity 產(chǎn)墾Capacity Control 產(chǎn)骨:控制Capacity rcquiremeni planning 產(chǎn)呈需求規(guī)劃Check-in 結(jié)入Check-Out 結(jié)出Client/ Server Architecture 上從式架構(gòu)Common purl Bom 共享件材料表Computer aided design system計(jì)算機(jī)輔助設(shè)計(jì)系統(tǒng) connected flow相連材料

4、流 consolidated freight 合并貨運(yùn) constraint management 限制I人I 索件丿屮 coniinuous improvement 連續(xù)改善 continuous prcxluction 連續(xù)丄QI產(chǎn) critical capacity 關(guān)鍵產(chǎn)量 critical part關(guān)鍵零件 customer order 客戶(hù)定申.customization %制化 customer service level 顧客服務(wù)水準(zhǔn) cycle count interval 周期倘點(diǎn)|x |nj cycle counting 周期盤(pán)點(diǎn) cycle time周期時(shí)間 custo

5、mer relationship management 客戶(hù)關(guān)系管理 data How diagram數(shù)據(jù)流程圖 de-coupling stock 反耦合庫(kù)存 Demand Management 需求管理 Demand Rate需求誣率 Demand lime fence 爲(wèi)求時(shí)柵 demonstrated capacity 驗(yàn)證 dependent demand 依賴(lài)需求 diagnostic test 診斷測(cè)試 disconnected flow分離材料流 iscret manufacturing 裝配式生產(chǎn) distribution center 配銷(xiāo)屮心 distribution r

6、cquircmcm planning 配銷(xiāo)需求規(guī)劃 drum-bufler-rope control DBR 管制法 earliest start date 最早開(kāi)I 丨 economic order quantity 經(jīng)濟(jì)訂購(gòu) 饑 economic part period 經(jīng)濟(jì)奇期 eliniina(ion,combination,rcarrangenicnt,simplification ECRS 改善法 emergency kanban 緊急看板 employee empowerment 員 丁授權(quán) employee involvement 員 匚參與 end user computin

7、g使用者門(mén)建系統(tǒng) engineering to order 疋 單 役 i | engineering change 設(shè)計(jì)變更 engineering product structure 用產(chǎn)品結(jié)構(gòu)表 exception report企業(yè)資料規(guī)劃 enterprise resource planning 彳列夕卜扌妝仇 executive information system 丄骨佇息系統(tǒng) existence test 存在測(cè)試 expeditor催料人員 final assembly schedule最終組裝計(jì)匸程 finished goods 完成品 firm planned order固

8、定計(jì)劃定單 first in first out 先進(jìn)先出 fixed order quantity h;.批 h;法 flow shop流軒生產(chǎn)丁丿 forecast 預(yù)測(cè) forecast horizon 預(yù)測(cè)期間 fundamental data 基本資料 gateway workstation 投料丁 作站 graphic user interface 圖形按 I I gross requirement 總需求 group technology 群組技術(shù) hedge inventory 避險(xiǎn)庫(kù)存 inbound queue control輸入瑞隊(duì)列控制 independent dema

9、nd 獨(dú)立需求 input/output control 輸入鋪出控制 intermittent production 間歇式牛產(chǎn) inventory management 庫(kù)存管理 inventory status 庫(kù)存狀態(tài) inventory sub-type 庫(kù)存副型態(tài) inventory tyjxj 庫(kù)存型態(tài) item材料(項(xiàng)出 item master材料主檔 job工件,工作 job shop T件生產(chǎn)TI廠 joint operation 朕合fV 業(yè) just in lime及時(shí)供補(bǔ) kanban看板 kanban ceiling 看板界限 latest start date 最

10、晚丿 I T LI lead lime前置時(shí)間 lead time offset前置時(shí)間沖銷(xiāo) least total cost報(bào)低總成木批議法 least unit cost最低申位成木批吊法 level scheduling半準(zhǔn)化排程 level production(linearity)平準(zhǔn)化生嚴(yán) linearity定率生產(chǎn) load負(fù)荷 look ahead/look back 瞻前顧后法 lot for lot逐批批就法 lot number 批弓 lot size 批量 lot size inventory 批量庫(kù)存 lot sizing rule 批堆法則 low-level co

11、de 最低階碼 maintenance, repair and operational supplies 間接物料make to order定單生產(chǎn) make to stock計(jì)劃生產(chǎn) managerial prodiicl stnicture 管理用產(chǎn)品給構(gòu)茨 manufacturing bom 制造單元 manufacturing cell 制令單 manufacturing order制造規(guī)劃與控制 manufacturing planning and control 制坡資源規(guī)劃 master production scheduling 主生產(chǎn)扌 master scheduler上生產(chǎn)

12、排程員 material service sheduling 丄服務(wù)扌| 枚 material handling 材料搬運(yùn) material requirement planning 材料需求規(guī)劃(計(jì)劃) mean absolute deviation 平均絕對(duì)弟 modular bom模塊材料表 modular production 模塊化生產(chǎn) nips item MPS 項(xiàng) I I mrp crusades MRP 改Y* 運(yùn)動(dòng) mrp nervousness MRP 不安定性 multilevel mps多階上生產(chǎn)扌押P net change凈變法 net requirement 掙需求

13、 offset time沖銷(xiāo)時(shí)間 one less at a time點(diǎn)on-hand inventory 在庫(kù)杲 on-order inventory (門(mén)金 吊.open system platform開(kāi)放系統(tǒng)半臺(tái) operations planning and control 作業(yè)規(guī)劃與管制 operations process chart 作業(yè)祝序圖 option選用件 optional bom選用材料件 order interval 訂購(gòu)區(qū)間 order point 訂購(gòu)點(diǎn) original equipment manuafaciurer 原設(shè)備制造商 outbound queue

14、control輸出端隊(duì)列控制 overflow stockroom 濡甘倉(cāng) parent/component 父 fl / f fl pari number 件號(hào) part periodic balancing杲期平衡批杲法 past due邇期量 peg file溯源文件 pegging 溯源 period length 期長(zhǎng) periodic order quantity 定期批量法 periodic review system 定期評(píng)估法phantom陽(yáng)靈林料phantom bom幽靈材料表 phaniom component 幽靈 了 件 picking order 領(lǐng)料單 pipel

15、ine stock 管路庫(kù)存 plan-do-check-action cycle il 劃執(zhí)行檢查行動(dòng)循環(huán) planned order receipts 計(jì)劃定單收料 planned order releases 計(jì)劃定單發(fā)出 planning bom計(jì)劃材料表 planning horizon 計(jì)劃期間 planning time fence 計(jì)劃時(shí)柵 point of use 使用點(diǎn) primal stockroom 展木倉(cāng) priority control優(yōu)先次序控制 priority planning優(yōu)先次序規(guī)劃 preventive maintenance 傾防性維護(hù) proces

16、s flow chart制程流程圖 process manufacturing 流程式生產(chǎn) product configuration system 產(chǎn)品構(gòu)造系統(tǒng) product family 產(chǎn)品族 product line 產(chǎn)品線 product load profile 產(chǎn)品負(fù)荷表 product structure 產(chǎn)品給構(gòu)農(nóng) product sub-line 產(chǎn)品副線 production activity control 生產(chǎn)活動(dòng)爸制 prcxiuction rate 生產(chǎn)速率 production plan 生產(chǎn)計(jì)劃 production planning l productio

17、n run 生產(chǎn)連 project-based pnxluction 項(xiàng)目式生產(chǎn) projected available balance 預(yù)計(jì)可用京 projected on-hand 預(yù)計(jì)在庫(kù)昴 pseuo bom假材料表 pull signal拉式訊弓 pull system拉式系統(tǒng) purchase order i購(gòu)甲 purchase reuisition 請(qǐng)購(gòu)單 quantity-per單位用最 quick response 快速反悶 rated capaciiy 評(píng)估產(chǎn)吊 raw material 原材料 reasonableness test 合理測(cè)試 receiving ord

18、er 收料單 refill kanban補(bǔ)充看板 regeneration 再仆法 re-order poini再訂購(gòu)點(diǎn)法 repetitive manufacturing 重復(fù)性生產(chǎn) replacement part 替代件 replenishment plan 補(bǔ)充計(jì)劃 replenislinient (ime 補(bǔ)充時(shí)間 resource profile資源負(fù)荷農(nóng) resource requirement planning 資源需求規(guī)劃 rework kanban 審加.I 看板 rolling kanban滾動(dòng)看板 rolling schedule滾動(dòng)式排程 rough-cut capa

19、city planning 粗略產(chǎn)荒規(guī)劃 route途程 routing途程表 safely stock女全存毘 safety time安全時(shí)間 safely order銷(xiāo)售定單 scheduled receipts在途笊(LL訂木交鬧) scarp rate報(bào)廢率 secondary stockroom 次級(jí)倉(cāng) semi-finished goods 半成品 serial number 序號(hào) setup準(zhǔn)備作業(yè) shop calendar 丿丿力 shop floor制造現(xiàn)場(chǎng) shop floor conlrol制造現(xiàn)場(chǎng)控制 shop order制令單 significant numbering 顯義編號(hào) standard coefficient 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)系數(shù) stock keeping unit材料庫(kù)存單位 subsontract order 外包單 supe


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