1、!#$%& $(g=1 Me KvhHlK2W0QHlKMe8KMeDKMeQ OHlK2tq!-./(, +)(,#&6#q!0(% 0(,&Bq!#$#%&$() +)(,#&)*)+vhHlK2W0QHlKMe8KMeDKMeQ O#$%& ()*+,&()*+,&(-.+(/,),+&-0&,)(/,),+&-0&,)1()1/,1),1+&1-01&,)1)1(2345647&1-1/8396:,1);,1+24:01&?6A=34,)1)B=649CDE3F: 7 ED3: =3 4DK3:D4 3LMA9 CDE3N: 3 5M3 :AQ3 DK =3 :=34DAE:1,#D
2、3LMDG =3 :=34DAE: P3M= G: EA:5DR343E1-#D 3LMDG S4RA=TD93 M3 AV5= DK =3M3:5D3: D9 3 4DK3:D4 A9=4DE653 CDE3N: GOC7 E3VD9:=4DG A= A: E34AR3E V3VT53 EA:5DR347 DK X496:1-C7 E4GA9S 3 A9556457 DK 534=A9 3 9V3: DK :3R343 = ACDE3F: GOI MG DK S4RA=TD91,I9 3:TV3 EA:=953 P3=G339 24: DG V97 343 431#I 3 :5A9S DK
3、M3 4DK3:D4Z G= =GD K3EA:5DR347 DK =3 :=34DAE H343:O HMA5 D9 & 9:G34:V4DR3E =3M3:5D3:1,IER953: A9 V3V3 EA:5DR347 DK 93G :=3 D:ATD9 DK X496: A9 3 4DK3:D4 AVM7 3 :=34DAE P3M=O= A: K34 K4DV =3 B69 =9 X496:1,CDE3 P3MA3R3E A= G: VE3 6 DK :VMM :=4:1-= A: MD5343 3DM3 3L35=3E =D 9E M3 D9M7 D93 DK =3 = 5D6= 7
4、 ED3: =3 4DK3:D4 :A:O#D A9=4DE653 9 M=349TR3 MA5TD9 DK CDE3N: G1,#D SAR3 9 3L= CDE3N: MG 599D= 3LM3 MAVA=TD9: DK S4RA=TD93D471#D 5D9=4:= CDE3N: 43M :5A39T5 MG1.!#$ &()*+ ), -./) ,0 . 1*2)3/* + .+ .()/,+,45 21.(# 6,3 711 +,) +*8 ), /*4*49*/):* +349*/( ):* -/,0*(,/ 4*+),+(#;/,0*(,/OK. Lets get going.
5、Today Im going to talk about how the asteroid belt #$ %&$()*+*%,And . . . Im going to start by writing sostart with zero, then 3, . . . 6,12. Uh,mbers on thl me what Im. Here they are: Wellng.*4.1* ()38*+)-./0&1/2&34 52 67;/,0*(,/Right. Im doubling the numbers, so 2 times 12 is 24, and the next one
6、Im going to write#80*+ 69 (./% 5* , , ,)38*+)%&34 9 0( 0;* 3.=5*+$ &3 0;* 8&+$0 +(,;/,0*(,/Im adding 4 to each numberherow to give you a second row. So the last two willng.be 52, 100, and nowl me what Im)38*+).00&34 &3 # %*&=#/7;/,0*(,/Yes, I divided all those numbers by 10 by putting in a decimal p
7、o. Now Im going to+&0* 0;* 3#=*$ (8 0;* 1/#3*0$ .3%*+ 0;* 3.=5*+$, -*+.+2 , , , ?*3.$, , , #+0;, , , -#+$,A(B ;#0 %( 0;* 3.=5*+$ =*#37 C( 2(. +*=*=5*+ 8+(= 0;* +*#%&347=.1* )38*+)D$ &0 0;* %&$0#3* (8 0;* 1/#3*0$ 8+(= 0;* A.37;/,0*(,/E&4;0, D3 #$0+(3(=* )#/.* 8(+ -#+$ &$ (88by . . . 6 or 7 percent or
8、 so. Its . . . but its within 10 percent of the average distance to-#+$ 8+(= 0;* A.3, H.0 D I&3% (8 ;#)* 0( $I&1 0;* (3* #80*+ -#+$ 8(r now. Then Jupiters+&4;0 0;*+* #0 JK1(&30 $(=*0;&34B #3% 0;*3 A#0.+3 &$ #5(.0 LM #$0+(3(=*Sun. Um, well, this pattern is known as odes Law.Um, it isnt really a scien
9、tific law, notor something, but its attempting a&()*+ ,% -+* ./&+0*+1 2 %*#01he sense of predicting graviion mathemati#$%pattern in the spacing of the planets, and it was#34 5*$6 %/ #& )7#3)&* (.#( (.*0* 8#1 17*)&(*0*1( )& 8.% (.* 94: 1;( )& (.* ;#(*0& 8#1 1.*& 8.#( .#;*&*+ )& (.* $#(* ?AA1B.* +)1=*
10、0% 2 4 4 4 B!#$% ()*+(C&(.*0 ;$#&*(B,-./00.-.* &*D( ;$#&*( /(6 E0#&/1#2(*0 F#(/0&4C&+ $6 E0#&/1 2)(1 )& (.* &*D( 1;( )& (.* ;#(*0& ;0*(% &)*$%6 /76 &( ;*02*($%6 ,/($1*4 C&+ 1 (.*& ;*;$* 3( 0*#$% *D)(*+ #,/( (.* =#$)+)(% 2 (.)1 (.)&3 #&+ 2)&+)&3(.* 7)11)&3 ,G*( ,*(8*& H#01 #&+ I/;)(*04 C&+ (*$*1;*16
11、0*7*7,*06 8*0* 3*()&3,*(*04 F ;*;$* 8*&( ( 80 & 2)&+)&3 ,G*(1 (.#( 8/$+ ,* #( (.#( 7)11)&3 +)1(#&* 207 (.* F/&6 #&+ (.*& )& ?:A?6 (.* ,G*( J*0*1 8#1 +)1=*0*+4C&+ J*0*1 8#1 )& (.* 0)3.( ;$#*(.* 7)11)&3 1;(4 E.6 ,/( )( 8#1 8#% ( 2#)&( ( ,* #;$#&*(4 K( $*+ $)* # $)($* 1(#04 E.6 #&+ ,*#/1* 2 )(1 1(#0L$)
12、* #;*#0#&*6 /76 )( 8#1called an asteroid. OK Aster is reek for star, as in astronomy. Um, and so, eres8#1 (.* 2)01( #&+ )1 (.* $#03*1( 2 8.#( ,*#7* 7#&% ,G*(1 +)1=*0*+ #( (.#( 1#7*+)1(#&*4 M( G/1( &* (.)&36 ,/( #$ (.* ,G*(1 2/&+ #( (.#( +)1(#&* 207 (.* #1(*0)+belt. So the asteroid belt is the most f
13、amou#1(*0)+ ,*$( 8#1 +)1=*0*+4cs of this odes Law.ts how thevhHlK2W0QHlKMe8KMeDKMeQ O #$%,/ ,2AM 7D=3:A:,1 J3 M35=643 VA9M7 7D=3:A: = 3LMDG 59S3: A9 ;F: VDTD9:35= 5MAV7D=3:A: = 3LM7 =3 :3 DK 3F: D4PA= R4A3: DR34 TV31_37D=3:3:3 5MAV=31,-#I93 556457 DK E= 5DMM35=3E A9 EA3439= G7 ED3: =3 4DK3:D4 5DV43
14、;F: VDR3V39=: =D GO#D 5M4AK7 5DVVD9 VA:69E34:=DG A9 G= G7 ; A: :AVAM4 =D G1-#D 3V3 43S6M4A=7 DK ;F: VDR3V39=:1#D 5D9935= =3 5D953=: DK D4PA=: 7 ED3: =3 4DK3:D4 V39TD9 aD4=349 W3VA:343 SM37 R3 :AS9A53 LAM TM= DK ;1,#37 M7 VDE34T9S 4DM3 D9 ;F: 5MAV3A4 KD4VTD9 5D6ME P3 9S3: A9 ;F: D4PA=1#= 5D94V3E 2AMF
15、: 7D=3:A:1.(1 J3 :AS9A53 3RAE3953 KD69E D9 =3 D539 UDD4O= 93S=3E 3= 2AM KD69E1,= M3E =3 E3R3MDV39= DK 93G V3=DE: =D V3:643 SMDPM 5MAV3M3E 2AM 4:= KD4V6MA: 7D=3:A:1#= 5D94V3E 2AMF: 7D=3:A:1.01 J= E E 5M5A=3 E3D:A=: K4DV b3RAM: WDM3 43R3MO95564=3 A9KD4VTD9 PD6= MD9Sc=34V 5MAV= 5D9=4EA5=3E 2AMF: 7D=3:A
16、:1-;RAE3953 = 5MAV9S3: D5564 D9M7 MD5MM71#84ATD9: A9 ;F: D4PA= =E MAYM3 AV5= D9 5MAV7 ED3: =3 4DK3:D4 :A:O#D A9KD4V =3 :=6E39=: 3 GAMM 9D= EA:56:1,#D A9EA53 EA56M=7 DK V3:64A9S 4353:AD91-#D 3LM7 3 M9: =D :39E MD9S TV3 EA:56:A9S 4353:AD91#D 5M3 GAMM 4DRAE3 EEATD9M A9KD4VTD9 M=341.!#$ &()*+ ), -./) ,0
17、 . 1*2)3/* + .+ *+4/,+5*+).1 (2*+2* 21.(#6/,0*(,/#$ %& ( )*+( ,(- .*/#0-1 *,&2. .)(&30(% .)*. 4(*/ 0.) .)( (55(6.% &5 )27*- *6.0+0.8on the climate. ut today Id like to talk a littit about other theoriest can explain+*30*.0&-% 0- 6/07*.(9 :-4 &-( &5 .)( ,(%.;#-&- 0% 6*/(4 .)( &.)(%0%9Now what the Dil
18、ovitch Hypothesis is about It sayst variations in earths7&+(7(-.%$ %(60506*/8 0- 0.% &3,0. *3&2-4 .)( %2-$ .)(%( +*30*.0&-% /(*4 .& 4055(3(-6(% 0-.)( *7&2-. &5 %&/*3 (-(318 .)*. 3(*6)(% .)( (*3.)9 :-4 0. 0% .)(%( 4055(3(-6(% 0- .)(amount of energyearths climate.ts reaching earth from the sun, it is
19、what causes variations inOk, a lot of people think of earths orbit around the sun as being perfectly circular, as%7&.) *-4 *% 3(12/*3 *%$ %*8$ .)( *8 .)*. )*-4% 7&+( &- * (/ ;7*4( *.6)$ ,2. 0. ?2%.doesnt workt way. You are probably awaret the earths orbit around the sun, it is-&. %)*(4 /0#( * (35(6.
20、 6036/(9 . 0% 7&3( &5 *- &+*/$ 0. 0% (/0.06*/9 A2. .)( %)*( &5 .)0%&3,it isnt consistent, it varies over time, over a period of about a thousand years. Sometimes it is a little more circular, sometimes it is more elliptical. And when earths &3,0. 0% 7&3( (/0.06*/$ (*3.) 0% *6.2*/8 6/&%(3 .& .)( %2-
21、4230-1 *3. &5 .)( 8(*39 B)06)7*#(% (*3.)$ *-4 0- *3.062/*3$ .)( -&3.)(3- )(70%)(3($ *37(39 :-4 )8 0% .)*.important well, because most of the planets glaciers arehe northern hemisphere,and if it gets too warm, then glaciers will stop forming. And weve already ta/#(4 *,&2.howt affects earths overall t
22、emperature.C)( %(6&-4 7&+(7(-. 0-+&/+(4 0- .)( )8&.)(%0% )*% .& 4& 0.) *D0*/ .0/.9 C)( .0/. &5earths axis,t imaginery polet runs through the center of the earth. And4(-40-1 &- .)( *-1/( 0. .0/.% *.$ .)( %(*%&-% 6*- ,( 7&3( &3 /(% %(+(3(9 . 7*#(%0-.(3% 6&/(3 *-4 %277(3% *37(3$ &3 )*. %&7( 701). %*8 0
23、. 0% 4&0-1 -&$ 0. 7*#(%277(3% /(% )&.$ *-4 7&3( 07&3.*-./8$ .)( 0-.(3% /(% 6&/49 B)06) ?2%. /0#( )*. 7(-.0&-(4 ,(5&3($ 6*- */%& %.&$ 3(+(-. 1/*60(3% 53&7 5&370-1$ &3 6*2%( .)(7 .& 7(/.9C)(3( 0% * .)034 7&+(7(-. .)( )8&.)(%0% 6&+(3% 6*/(4 3(6(%0&-9 E3(6(%0&-$ ,*%06*/8is the changehe direction of eart
24、hs axis of roion. It will take me a million years to(D/*0- (+(- ?2%. .)( ,*%06% &5 .)0% 7&+(7(-. *% 3(6(%0&- 0% F20.( 6&7/(D9 :-4 */these details are wayour scope. Whats important for you to understand ist.&or.)(%( .)3( 7&+(7(-.%$ (/$ .)(8 *3( 686/06*/$ *-4 .)(8 &3# .&1(.)(3 .& 5&37$3&426( 6&7lex bu
25、t regular variations in earths climate, and lead to the growth4(6/0-( &5 1/*60(3%9G&$ )(- 3&%(4 .)0% .)(&38 0- .)( HIJK%$ 7*-8 &5 )0% 6&/(*12(%were skeptical. Dilovitch didnt have any proof. Actually there wouldnt be any(+04(-6( .& %2&3. )0% )8&.)(%0% 2-.0/ .)( HILK%$ )(- &6(*-&13*)(3% (3( *,/( .&43
26、0/ 4( 0-.& .)( %(*5/&3 *-4 6&/(6. %*7/(%$ %*7/(% )06) (3( .)(- *-*/8M(4 ,81(&/&10%.%9 :-4 53&7 .)(%( %*7/(% .)(8 (3( *,/( .& 2. .&1(.)(3 * )0%.&38 &5 &6(*-temperatures going backdreds of thousands of years, and this showedt earthsclimate had changed pretty much the way Dilovitchs hypothesiggested it
27、 would.! $%& (&*(+,( -. /0($1 $0+2 3/0$ 40 $%( 5&6.+7)&$,% 81/$%(&9 :+* ;1 $%(? A$ /(/6( .,(/$(* $%& $%(019However,he late 1980s, some scientists were exploring evil s Hole, which is basically.+(B$(+&)(-.$(0C4&66(*,.)(4.040A$%(,(.+&+D().*.&+$%(-($(0+E+&$(*!$.$(9 F)(0 A&66&+ 4 1(.0 203+*-.$(0 6(4$ *(
28、/&$ 4 . A&+(0.6 ,.66(* ,.6,&$( + $%(rock within evils Hole. And by st3*1&+2 $%( ,6.,&$( *(/&$ -( ,.+ *($(0A&+( $%(,6&A.$( ,+*&$&+ $%( $(A/(0.$30( )(0 $%( 6.$ %.64 A&66&+ years. Well, the evil s86( 4&+*&+2 ,+$0.*&,$(* $%( +( ;$.&+(* *30&+2 $%( =G? ;.&,.661 $%( H3($&+-.-(0($%(.2(4+(0;$%$%(.A/6(-(0(-0+
29、20 -(0(,&(+$&$A&3+*(0$.+*&+2 $%( &2+&4&,.+,( 4 $%( ()&*(+,(9I(66&+$%(=?.+(-$3*1-.*+(+$%($-.A/6(9:+*$%(,(.+460.A/6( -(0( 43+* $ ;( ,00(,$ . -(0( $%( .A/6( from evils Hole. And now it &generally bevedt thesle from evils Ho6(,00(/+* $).0&.$&+ &+6,.6,6&A.$( &+ $%( -($(0+ E+&$(* !$.$( 0.$%(0 $%.+ 26;.6 ,
30、6&A.$( ,%.+2(9vhHlK2W0QHlKMe8KMeDKMeQ ORB;s B;nS,bl CV kJv kJ 4 RkJ zkJsr,(; kJkJp !#$%&()+,-,#).,-,#/)012)345)678(#$.-9) !:,;-9LK B XiWYl:#$()%-9)-9);9!L53MM39=ef #344A5efIG3:DV3efIVQA9Sefd9=:T5ef gD4S3D6:ef9543EAPM3ef24R3MD6:efC4RDef JD9E34K6Mef$6=:=9,:#vhHlK2W0QHlKMe8KMeDKMeQ O#$%&( *HMDRA: 3DM3,
31、1 J3 M35=643 VA9M7 3D4A3: DG M4S3 9AVM: G343 3 VD:= 43539= A53 S31,;9RA4D9V39= D5564 KDMMDGA9S 9 A53 3D4A3: 3 69T9S V3=DE: 6:3E P7 36V IV34A51;LM93 EA:34953 DK M4S3 9AV IV34A57 ED3: =3 4DK3:D4 V39TD9 9 3DMDSA5349 HMAKD49A3 69T9S =3D471,#D 43:39= 3RAE3953 = V: VAS4G4E =D= V PD93: 43 6:6MM7 KD69E 936V
32、9 E3P4A:1#D E3VD9:=4= M4S3 9AVM: G343 PM3 =D :64RAR3 A9 RPA=3 4DK3:D4N: DA9AD9 3 HMDRA: 3DM3O#3A4 3L53:AR3 69T9S DK V: G3 3LT95TD9 DK =3:3 9AV3A4 M5 DK =DDM: KD4 4D53:A9S V3= 5D9=4369T9S =3D471#37 G343 M3: 3E 69T9S V: =369T9S =3D47 :6SS3:=:1,-#37 G343 4DPPM7 =DD K4AE DK M4S3 9AV69= =3V1.(1I55D4E 9S
33、=D =3 5MAV3D47Z DG EAE =3 5MAV9S3 3 39E DK =3 A53 S3 V3 A= VD43 EA56M= KD4 M4S3 9AVM: =D :64RAR3O HMA5 D9 & 3 :AQ3 DK =3A4 PA=3V =D 39E643 GAE34 49S3 DK =3V343 R4A3=7 DK KDDE R3V1#C7 KD45A9S =3V =D MAR3 936V3 4DK3:D4 AVM7 A: D93 4DPM3V GA= =3 5MAV3D47O297 M4S3 9AVM: 5=63 5MAV9S31,4S3 9AVE :64RAR3E 4
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