2022高考總復習英語配北師版-課后習題及答案-必修1高考題型·組合規(guī)范練1(必修1 Unit 1)_第1頁
2022高考總復習英語配北師版-課后習題及答案-必修1高考題型·組合規(guī)范練1(必修1 Unit 1)_第2頁
2022高考總復習英語配北師版-課后習題及答案-必修1高考題型·組合規(guī)范練1(必修1 Unit 1)_第3頁
2022高考總復習英語配北師版-課后習題及答案-必修1高考題型·組合規(guī)范練1(必修1 Unit 1)_第4頁
2022高考總復習英語配北師版-課后習題及答案-必修1高考題型·組合規(guī)范練1(必修1 Unit 1)_第5頁
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1、高考題型組合規(guī)范練1必修1Unit 1閱讀理解題組練速度(35 mins).閱讀理解AAre you ready for the English assignments:graduation projects,presentations,reports,and summaries continuing throughout the semester?Dont worry if you find yourself struggling with piles of writing work to be done.Please notice that English Writing Tutoring

2、 Program is available now!You can find the detailed information on our official website.Introduction to the ProgramEnglish Writing Tutoring Program has made its comeback!This semester,we have hired assistants with rich experience to offer help in papers,essays and literature by one-to-one consulting

3、.If you have any question concerning academic writing in English,including topic choosing,framework and composing,you can get lots of advice from our tutors.With their rich writing experience in essays,daily journals and international communications,student volunteers majoring in literature,science

4、and engineering are willing to give you a helping hand whenever you need advice or tutoring.About the TeamProfessional teachers as writing coachesAssistants on duty every dayVast majoring fieldsOutstanding command of language skillsExtraordinary experience in international exchangesWith piles of art

5、icles and papers already publishedServices1.Revision and tutoring on English academic writing.2.Refinements of English diaries and homework.3.Revision and tutoring on graduation projects.4.Advice on English daily uses.Time & LocationWeeks 2-16,Mon.to Sun.7:20 p.m.9:45 p.m.Please make individual appo

6、intments if necessary.Location:6A013,CASS BuildingOnline ApproachAfter completing the questionnaire on our website and submitting it,project members will contact you and invite you to join the writing assistants online Q&A group and arrange one-to-one consultation.ContactIf you have any other needs

7、or questions,please contact us through e-mail.1.What can we learn about the program?A.It is a first-year program.B.There are no teachers involved in this program.C.You can ask questions about writing on the website.D.Help in papers and essays will be offered in the program.2.What service does the pr

8、ogram offer to students?A.Spoken English practice.B.How to use English in daily life.C.How to publish academic papers.D.Refinements of Chinese homework.3.How can a student have the one-to-one consulting?A.Through e-mail.B.By making an appointment at the office.C.By filling up the questionnaire on th

9、e website.D.By going to 6A013,CASS Building during the working hours.BMany graduation ceremonies look different.But for Melody,it looked different because of the classmate who graduated alongside herher grandmother,75-year-old Pat Ormond.They both went to the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga (

10、UTC) and graduated together.Pat took her first college class 42 years ago.After one semester,she dropped out to move to Chattanooga,where she spent the next several decades working as an accountant and raising a family.While she did take an occasional class at UTC,she said her family continued to en

11、courage her to go back to finish her degree,especially after she retired.She agreed when her granddaughter decided to move to study psychology at UTC after a year at Berea College.They both entered UTC with enough college credits to make graduating together a possibility.Pat and Melody graduated on

12、November 20 as part of UTCs 2020 class.The achievement has also made Pat somewhat of a celebrity.“We are so proud to have graduates like Melody and her grandmother,Pat Ormond,in the UTC class of 2020,” said Steven,UTC Chancellor.“Together,they personify the determination,commitment and love for life

13、long learning we encourage in every UTC graduate.”Pat hopes that she can be an example to other non-traditional college students who want to get their degrees.“Learning never stops,” Pat said.“Thats something that my father taught me when I was young.No matter what you do,learning never stops.” Pat

14、isnt planning to stop anytime soon.Shes already working on another degreea bachelors degree in history.Meanwhile,her granddaughter,who is hunting for jobs,is interested in getting a masters degree in clinical psychology so she can become a lawyer.But she says shes in no rush.Her grandmother has taug

15、ht her that she has plenty of time.4.What was special for Melodys graduation ceremony?A.It looked different from others.B.Her grandmother was 75 years old.C.She celebrated it with all her classmates.D.Her grandmother graduated alongside her.5.What does the underlined word “personify” in Paragraph 4

16、mean?A.Represent.B.Follow.C.Repeat.D.Identify.6.What can we know about Pats family?A.They are anxious to be celebrities.B.They support and encourage each other.C.They never stop creating opportunities.D.They prefer attending non-traditional colleges.7.Which of the following can best describe Pat Orm

17、onds story?A.Passion gives life power.B.A good beginning is half done.C.Its never too late to learn.D.Love can change everything.CFew people realize that it takes the army of volunteers for one young child to have a half-hour riding lesson.I volunteer at Valley Therapeutic Equestrian Association (VT

18、EA) in Alder grove.B.C.,close to the Washington State border.It takes a few paid staff and an army of volunteersapproximately eightyto take care of a dozen horses and help with eighty or more children during the week.There is a large barn to clean,and hay nets and water buckets to brush and fill.Spe

19、cific feeds for each horse must be prepared twice daily.The list is endless.To prepare a horse for a ride,someone has to bring it in from outside,at times sinking into inches of black,sticky mud during the winter months.Usually,two volunteers groom (刷洗梳毛) the horse and put on the special saddle.Then

20、 they lead the horse to where the lesson takes place.There,one volunteer leads the horse,and usually two walk alongside for safety,one on each side.Then the horse must be returned to the barn,unsaddled,cleaned and fed.Yet so many people willingly give their time because the children need us.Ranging

21、in age from two upwards,the children have varying degrees of mental disabilities.Some have severe physical handicaps (殘疾).Riding strengthens their muscles and bones,enabling them to enjoy a more fruitful life.Throughout my past life as an accountant,business author and speaker,I volunteered on many

22、levels and in many organizations.However,a terrible motor-vehicle accident changed my life in a split second when my car was hitas was my headcausing severe brain injury.It was hard to accept a new “me” and her often-frustrating limitations,until I discovered that I needed to do something that I hav

23、e a passion for.Id loved horses from childhood,and working with them and with the children has helped turn my life around,making me warm from the inside out.The journey back has been painful but worthwhile.Now,fourteen years later,I am a different,more simplified person.8.What is the main idea of Pa

24、ragraph 2?A.Horses for riding lessons are cared for carefully.B.Horse-riding lessons bring children many benefits.C.Volunteers have much to do for a horse-riding lesson.D.Disabled children are taught horse-riding in a different way.9.What does the author think of her voluntary work in VTEA?A.Risky a

25、nd thrilling.B.Tiring but worthwhile.C.Funny and enjoyable.D.Demanding but fruitless.10.What can be inferred about the author from the last paragraph?A.The accident transformed her thoroughly.B.Volunteering has brought her a win-win result.C.Shes never recovered from the injury.D.She wasnt intereste

26、d in voluntary work before.11.What could be the best title for the passage?A.Helping Children in NeedB.Surviving the Brain InjuryC.Volunteering:A Journey BackD.Horse-riding:Toughest LessonsDSingapore researchers say they have developed a form of electronic skin that can create a sense of touch.They

27、hope their invention will give people with prosthetic hands(假肢) the ability to identify different objects.The skin device measures 1 square centimeter.The system contains 100 small sensors that attempt to recreate things like texture(質地),temperature and even pain.The researchers call the device Asyn

28、chronous Coded Electronic Skin(ACES),which can process information faster than the humans nervous system.Machine learning methods trained the device to recognize 20 to 30 different textures.It can even correctly read Braille letters(布萊葉盲文) most of the time.The system does not require the users movem

29、ent to work.They just need to slide to feel texture.But in this case the skin,with just a single touch,is able to detect textures of different roughness.A demonstration showed that the device could identify the difference between a soft ball and a solid plastic one.“When you lose your sense of touch

30、,you essentially become numb and prosthetic users face that problem,” said Benjamin Tee,leader of the research team.“So by recreating an artificial version of the skin for their prosthetic devices,they can hold a hand and feel the warmth and feel that it is soft.”Tee said his idea for the device cam

31、e from the movie Star Wars,where character Luke Skywalker loses his right hand and it is replaced with a robotic one.In the film,the new hand is able to experience touch sense just like the real one.The artificial skin technology is still going through experiments and development.But Tee said there

32、had already been a lot of interest in the system,especially from the medical community.Tee said similar inventions that his team has developed include see-through skin that can repair itself when torn and a material for wearable electronic devices that gives off light.12.What can we learn about the

33、artificial skin in Paragraph 2?A.It is sensitive to high temperature.B.It reacts faster than our nervous system.C.It can recognize different objects.D.It helps the users memorize Braille letters.13.What can be inferred from Benjamin Tees words?A.The artificial skin feels like a real thing.B.People w

34、ith the artificial skin feel warm.C.People dont want to lose the sense of touch.D.He is sympathetic towards the prosthetic users.14.What inspired Benjamin Tee to create the artificial skin?A.The desire to help those in need.B.The life of the disabled.C.A dream of earning more money.D.A scene from a

35、famous movie.15.Which word can best describe the artificial skin technology?A.Profitable.B.Stable.C.Promising.D.Challenging.閱讀七選五Decide on your ideal pen pal.Consider where you want your pen pal to be from,how old you want them to be,and whether you want a male or female pen pal.Its best to be flexi

36、ble on terms of locations and stick to someone only two years older or younger than you if you are a kid,maybe even a difference of five or so if you are an adult.1Connect with others who share your hobby.When looking through profiles pay attention to what the users enjoy doing.2 Or choose someone w

37、ith a completely different set of hobbies so both of you can teach each other something new.3 There are often elderly users who are interested in developing friendships in their old age.Communicating with these pen pals can not only allow you to make a friend across generations,but help somebody who

38、 needs a friend.Check the website guidelines to find out how to make contact.4 Dont get attached to them before they write back to avoid letdowns.Paid websites will typically only let you send one initial message or a smiley,so make sure you have a premium membership if youre trying to maintain cont

39、act.5 Write a bit about yourself and why you are writing.For example,you could say “I am a high school student in Allentown,Pennsylvania looking to find friends abroad who are interested in botany.” Dont give too much information upfront so you can decide if this is the right pen pal for you before

40、disclosing a physical address.A.Make your initial contact short,light,and friendly.B.Consider using pen pals as a form of community service.C.By doing this,you can find someone who shares your particular interest.D.Look for ways to learn more about a country and improve your language skills.E.When y

41、ou find a pen pal,websites will allow you to add them as friends or send them a message.F.Having a pen pal can be a wonderful educational experience,so put some thought into what you want to learn.G.Developing a friendship is a game of give and take where you each reveal more personal information as

42、 time goes on.語言運用題組求精準(25 mins).完形填空Kevin Barber was just 15 years old when he had an idea that would change downtown San Diego.His mother,Dr.Carolyn Barber,1 in a busy emergency room and would come home with stories about the homeless 2 she had treated there.“We were trying to 3 if there was some

43、kind of work program or something that we do for the homeless instead of just 4 them with medicines,” Dr.Barber said.One night,Barber found a TED Talk 5 “A practical way to help the homeless find work and safety.” The Talk 6 Barbers interest.After doing some more research,he started to 7 his own ver

44、sion of the program in San Diego called Wheels of Change.The non-profit,which he launched at age 16,offers 8 to those in need,helps keep the city clean and works to 9 homelessness.At the beginning,getting Wheels of Change moving wasnt 10.And to make his dream a 11,Barber needed to find an organizati

45、on to 12 with.The obvious choice was Alpha Project,a San Diego-based non-profit organization.Many students,with the 13 of intentions,volunteered to work on homeless causes,14 most of them were 15 when they met their first homeless person with severe mental illness.But Barber kept showing up at his o

46、ffice and shared 16 words with everyone he came across.Now,Wheels of Change employs 20 homeless people a day,who are 17 $52 in cash at the end of their four-hour shift (with a lunch break in the middle).Workers said the money that theyve earned has made a big 18.“It makes you feel like youre a 19 ag

47、ain,” said Louis Varga,who works for Wheels of Change.Other workers have used the money to pay for college classes or transportation costs.Sometimes,just a little 20 can turn a life around.1.A.livedB.workedC.joinedD.arrived2.A.patientsB.childrenC.volunteersD.employees3.A.write downB.carry onC.put up

48、D.figure out4.A.comfortingB.treatingC.observingD.calming5.A.exploredB.evaluatedC.titledD.reviewed6.A.changedB.gotC.reducedD.aroused7.A.launchB.nameC.advertiseD.attend8.A.drinkB.foodC.employmentD.shelter9.A.endB.leadC.advocateD.treat10.A.profitableB.usefulC.toughD.easy11.A.sightB.realityC.factD.failu

49、re12.A.competeB.compareC.partnerD.deal13.A.worstB.bestC.leastD.evil14.A.thereforeB.howeverC.moreoverD.furthermore15.A.paying offB.spreading outC.scared awayD.given back16.A.warningB.disappointingC.amusingD.encouraging17.A.paidB.donatedC.chargedD.shown18.A.debtB.programC.burdenD.difference19.A.doctor

50、B.beggarC.citizenD.millionaire20.A.cashB.luckC.wheelD.girl.語法填空Everywhere we look,we see advertisements that urge us to buy.Most people only buy what they need and what they can afford.However,there are some people,1. (call) shopaholics,who cant control their desire to spend money and buy things.Thi

51、s kind of addictive behavior can lead to large 2. (finance) problems,family conflicts and deep 3. (unhappy).Shopaholics often spend hours and hours shopping on the Internet or at the mall.Although their closets are full of clothing and jewelry that they have never worn and their homes may 4. (pack)

52、with shopping bags and boxes that they bought but never used,many shopaholics 5. (simple) cant resist the urge to buy.Some of them are ashamed of their weakness and try to hide it by storing their purchases in places like the attic,6. others wont see them.There are several reasons for shopping addic

53、tion.For some people,it is a way of relieving stress.For 7.,shopping is a way to fight loneliness or depression.Sometimes the problem develops out of boredom.Although shopping can temporarily make people 8. (feel) good,they often experience feelings of shame and guilt later.When shopping habits get

54、out of control,people need professional help.They can either see a counselor (顧問) 9. join an organization,whose goal is 10. (help) people find ways to fulfill themselves that do not lead to heavy debts and troubled lives.主觀題組合練要規(guī)范(40 mins).語法填空In a diving competition,Quan Hongchan from China set the

55、 10 m platform final alight with three 10s.The perfect Quan,only 14 years old,1. (bare) made a ripple (漣漪) as she surged (涌動) ahead with a score of 466.20.Teammate Chen Yuxi won silver,more than 40 points back on 425.40,with Melissa Wu of Australia 2. (three) on 371.40.But the final belonged to Quan

56、,who was thrilled and amazed in equal measure 3. (take) an unforgettable diving gold.It was a fantastic performance from a young but 4. (excellence) diver who has only recently burst onto the scene but will surely provide some of the impressive images of the Games.5. hero of Tokyo and new Olympic ch

57、ampion was the star of the show 6. a thrilling afternoon at the Tokyo Aquatics Centre.Quan spoke after the final about how she had felt in 7. was the most important competition of her life.Yet despite her tender age,it seems that she didnt feel any pre-finals anxiety.“I 8. (be) a little nervous in t

58、he competition,but not very,just a little bit,” she said.Quan also shared how she 9. (celebrate) her win.She said,“I want to eat a lot of delicious food tonight!” And when 10. (ask) about her favorite food,she said she felt like eating latiao (a popular Chinese spicy snack) the most.短文改錯What is the

59、best way to learn a language?We should remember that we all learn our own language well when we were children.If we could learn a second language in the same way,then it would not seem so difficulty.Think of what small children does.They listen what people say and try to imitate about what they hear

60、.It is important to know that we learn our language with hearing.At school,I learn to write and read.Now,we need to spend less time speaking and hearing.But lets try to learn new words through our ear.書面表達假定你是李華,你市圖書館將播放關于中國茶文化的紀錄片。你的外教Mr.Smith是中國茶文化愛好者,請給他寫一封郵件,邀請他一起觀看。內容包括:1.播放時間、地點;2.紀錄片主要內容。注意:1


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