已閱讀5頁,還剩6頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、.:.;采購根本協(xié)議Basic purchasing contract甲方買方: 乙方賣方:Party A(Buyer): Party B(Seller):甲乙雙方為建立長期采購關系,經(jīng)雙方友好協(xié)商,訂立本協(xié)議:For the establishment of long-term procurement relationship,buyer and seller enter into this agreement through friendly consultation.第一條:本協(xié)議是甲乙雙方一切買賣行為的根本共同條款,適用于甲乙雙方一切買賣關系。Section 1.This Agreem

2、ent is the basic terms of all transactions and applicable to all trading relationship between buyer and seller.第二條:甲方可另行向乙方發(fā)送涉及買賣內(nèi)容的個別協(xié)議,包括但不限于“訂購單。一切個別協(xié)議經(jīng)甲方簽名或蓋章后以EMS或快遞或,貴公司平常假設下單此處就如何填寫方式發(fā)送給乙方,乙方簽字蓋章后生效,但應立刻以同樣的方式回傳甲方備案。Section 2.Party A may sent the individual agreements involving the content of

3、 transactions to Party B,which is including but not limited to “purchase orders. All the agreements sealed by Party A are EMS或快遞或,貴公司平常假設下單此處就如何填寫to Party B.All the agreements enter into force after sealed by Party B and Party B must send them to Party A to put on records.第三條:本同樣適用于一切的個別協(xié)議,假設與個別協(xié)議中的

4、條款相沖突時,以 為準。貴公司自行選擇是以本協(xié)議為準,還是以訂單為準Section 3.This basic purchasing contract is applies to all individual agreements.If the article of the basic purchasing contract is different from the individual agreement, 貴公司自行選擇是以本協(xié)議為準,還是以訂單為準.第四條:買賣單價及付款一 一切物料及產(chǎn)品的單價應由雙方協(xié)商確定,決議后的價錢除雙方另有商定外,是指乙方在甲方所指定地點交貨,并且包含包裝費、

5、運費、裝卸費等在內(nèi)的價錢。如在本協(xié)議生效期間原單價有所變動時,一方該當向對方提出價風格整的書面懇求,經(jīng)對方贊同后依新價錢進展計算。二 雙方每月對帳一次,經(jīng)對帳無誤后乙方在7日內(nèi)開票什么樣的票貴公司自行確定至甲方,甲方在收票后10個任務日內(nèi)付款。詳細日期貴公司可自行調(diào)整Section 4. Unit price and payment1、The unit price of all materials and products should be determined in consultation and includes packaging costs, freight, handling f

6、ees, in addition to other agreements between the two outside. The buyer specify the location of delivery.If the unit price may be changed when the agreement enter into force, a party should make a written request for price adjustment to the other party and calculate in accordance with the new price

7、after the other party agree.2、Buyer and seller make balance of accounts monthly. After reconciling accurate,Party B make out an invoice to Party A in 7 days and Party A should pay in 10 days afer it receive the invoice.第五條:包裝、運輸及交貨一包裝方式:二運輸方式:三交貨地點及交貨時間:甲乙雙方于個別協(xié)議內(nèi)商定。雙方該當嚴厲遵守個別協(xié)議內(nèi)所商定的交貨地點及交貨時間,乙方如欲在交

8、貨期限前交付應先獲得甲方贊同;甲方如需變卦交貨期限時應事先與乙方磋商協(xié)議。如乙方有嚴重延誤影響甲方消費和出口交貨期,乙方必需承當賠償責任。四交貨方式:貴公司自行確定,如:乙方將貨運至甲方指定交貨地點后,該當將送貨單交由甲方XX部門XX職位親身簽收,否那么呵斥的貨物數(shù)目及質(zhì)量爭議一概由乙方承當責任。Section 5. Packaging, transport and delivery1、Packaging: 2、Transport: 3、Place and time of delivery:It is prescribed in the individual agreement.The two

9、 sides must comply with it strictly.Party B can deliver ahead of schedule afer party A consent.Party A can change the time of delivery afer consultations with Party B.If the party B deliver delayed and affect the production and export, it must assume liability.4、The way of delivery: .第六條:質(zhì)量規(guī)范及驗收一 質(zhì)量

10、規(guī)范:可以填寫詳細的規(guī)范也可以填寫XX行業(yè)規(guī)范1、貨物在各方面應符合生效的國家法律、命令、規(guī)定、或規(guī)章所規(guī)定的要求。2、貨物應符合貨物普通運用要求,應符合買方依賴賣方技藝和判別告知買方實現(xiàn)特殊目的要求。二 乙方貨至后,甲方按照雙方商定的質(zhì)量規(guī)范進展驗收。1、貨物檢驗期:自甲方實踐接受貨物之日起 天。2、甲方在貨物檢驗期內(nèi)將貨物檢驗結果以 方式通知乙方。3、貨品經(jīng)甲方檢驗不良率在 以內(nèi)的,甲方對整批貨物予以接納。其中的不良品按以下方式處置:1要求賣方盡快修繕或改換使在各方面都符合規(guī)定要求。2要求賣方就不符合要求的貨物退款。4、貨品經(jīng)甲方檢驗超越 % 不良率,應予整批退貨。退貨時乙方在接到通知 天

11、內(nèi)應自行領回,否那么遺失時,甲方不予擔任。假設乙方因換貨而延誤合同履行時間,視同未完成交貨逾期處置。5、遭判退貨品,經(jīng)乙方贊同,委托甲方進展全檢,但其所產(chǎn)生之全檢費用,由乙方全額承當。三質(zhì)量保證:1、貨物的保質(zhì)期是從交付后24個月,適用較短的期限需雙方在合同中書面商定。假設在保質(zhì)期內(nèi)貨物在適當、正常運用下出現(xiàn)疵瑕,買方在保質(zhì)期內(nèi)書面通知賣方。賣方應在不損害買方權益和補償?shù)那闆r下,根據(jù)買方的選擇,盡快免費進展修繕或改換。2、根據(jù)本條第一款而被退回貨物的退回費用和風險,由賣方承當。Section 6. Quality standards and acceptance1、Quality standa

12、rds: 1.1 The Goods shall conform in all respects with the requirements of any statutes, orders, regulations or bye-laws from time to time in force.1.2 The Goods shall be fit and sufficient for the purpose for which such goods are ordinarily used and for any particular purpose made known to the selle

13、r by the buyer and the buyer relies on the skill and judgement of the seller in the supply of the Goods and the execution of the Order.2、After delivery to the Party A, Party A accept in accordance quality standards which the two sides agreed.2.1 Period of test: Since the Party A actually receive the

14、 goods days.2.2 Party A should notify Party B the test results by 方式 during the period of test.2.3If the non-performing rate of the goods is 10% or less, Party A can accept all goods and deal with the non-performing goods as following:2.3.1 to have the Goods concerned as quickly as possible either r

15、epaired by the Seller or (as the Buyer shall elect) replaced by the Seller with Goods which comply in all respects with the requirements specified herein;2.3.2 to obtain a refund from the Seller in respect of the Goods concerned.2.4 If the non-performing rate of the goods is over 10%, Party A will r

16、efund all goods Party B.Party B should reclaim their goods within days after they is given notice.Otherwise,Party A does not bear responsibility of the goods lost or damaged. If Party B cant fulfill the contract due to replacement,it must bear the responsibility of delivery overdue2.5 Party A may te

17、st all goods which are returned by Party A in the case of Party B agree.Party B must bear all costs.3、Quality Assurance:3.1The guarantee period applicable to the Goods shall be 24 months from delivery, whichever shall be the shorter (subject to any alternative guarantee arrangements agreed in writin

18、g between the Buyer and the Seller). If the Buyer shall within such guarantee period give notice in writing to the Seller of any defect in any of the Goods as may have arisen during such guarantee period under proper and normal use the Seller shall (without prejudice to any other rights and remedies

19、 which the Buyer may have) as quickly as possible remedy such defects (whether by repair or replacement as the Buyer shall elect) without cost to the Buyer.3.2 Any Goods rejected or returned by the Buyer as described in paragraphs 3.1shall be returned to the Seller at the Sellers risk and expense.第七

20、條:違約責任一延遲交貨:假設買方任何一次不能如期交付貨物,該當按照以下方式支付違約金:延期一天,交付貨物總價款的2%作為日違約金。逾期 天以上,甲方有權一方解除該批定購合同,就該批合同解除乙方向甲方支付違約金 元。乙方延誤 次以上,甲方有權就本協(xié)議予以解除,雙方之間不再具有產(chǎn)品或物料采購關系。二延遲付款:甲方付款每延遲一日,按照同期銀行利息支付乙方遲延履行利息。三質(zhì)量瑕疵:乙方交付的產(chǎn)質(zhì)量量不合格,影響甲方消費及商譽的,應賠償甲方因此而呵斥的一切損失。四任何一方有其他違約情形給對方呵斥損失的,承當損害賠償責任。Section 7. Liability for breach of contrac

21、t1、Delivery delayed: If seller can not finish delivery on time, he should pay penalty to buyer as follow : To any delivery date, if delay one day, penalty should be paid by 2% of payment of goods。Party A is entitled to terminate the contract, if Party B is not for delivery more than days and Party B

22、 must pay liquidated damages to party A. Party A is entitled to cancel this Agreement if Party B can not finish delivery on time for times and the two sides no longer have the product or material procurement relationship.2、Deferred payment: If Party A delay in payment,it must pay interest on bank in

23、terest to Party B.3、Quality defects: If Party B failed to deliver product which meet the quality requirements and affect production and goodwill of Party A,it should compensate all the loss of Party A/4、If any of the parties breach the contract and caused the losses to the other, it must assume liab

24、ility for damages.第八條:協(xié)議期限本協(xié)議自 年 月 日至 年 月 日有效。有效期至后,雙方假設有意向繼續(xù)協(xié)作應重新簽署協(xié)議。Section 8.This Agreement will be effective from January 1, 2021 to January 1, 2021. After the expiry of the agreement, the two sides must signe another agreement.第九條:不可抗力甲、乙雙方任何一方由于不可抗力緣由不能履行合同時,應在5日內(nèi)向對方通報,以減輕能夠給對方呵斥的損失,在獲得有效證明后可免于承當違約責任。Section 9.Forc


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