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1、長沙市2014高考英語完形填空:2013暑假訓(xùn)練題(7)及答案There comes a time in a persons life when childhood fantasies (幻想) end and reality begins. Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny (復(fù)活節(jié)兔子) 1 to be Mum and Dad, and 2 fade away. I dont know if most people remember this event, but I know 3 it happened to me. On a(an) 4 summer d

2、ay, my grandfather told me one of his crazy stories. I headed off to 5 the Indians that grandpa said lived in the woods. But after some hours searching without success I gave up. Tired and 6 , I went to ask grandpa.How come 7 of your stories ever come true?Well, sometimes you have to make them come

3、true, he answered. I once had a friend named Huck Finn who made his own adventures.He 8 to tell me about his buddy (密友) Huck, who floated down the Mississippi River on a raft (木筏). I sat listening to him, 9 every word he said. When he finished, I went off to have my own 10 .Two hours later I had a s

4、mall and badly made raft. I took it to the 11 along with a branch from a tree to use as an oar (槳). I couldnt 12 and had been told many times to stay away from the pond. But today I had the raft so with a big shove; I pushed it out and jumped on top. I was fine for a total of four seconds; then I st

5、arted to 13 . 14 , I tried to use the branch to paddle (劃槳) 15 in, but 16 pushed myself farther out. Knowing that I would drown, I did what any other nine-year-old would do in a similar situation: I 17 ,From the edge of the pond came my sister and cousins who easily rescued me. As my raft sank, 18 d

6、id my belief in my grandpa. Although I never stopped loving him, something 19 in our relationship that day.Looking back now, I can see that the change wasnt in my grandfather, but in me. I was 20 .1. A. happenB. end upC. work outD. turn out2. A. heroesB. friendsC. memoriesD. stories3. A. how B. when

7、C. soD. clearly4. A. specialB. interestingC. hotD. ordinary5. A. meetB. trackC. findD. check6. A. unhappyB. cheatedC. discouragedD. disappointed7. A. neitherB. noneC. nothingD. any8. A. continuedB. lovedC. startedD. agreed9. A. doubtingB. believingC. remembering D. thinking of10. A. adventureB. plan

8、C. raftD. game11. A. riverB. watersC. pond D. stream12. A. rowB. swimC. waterD. bathe13. A. fallB. realizeC. fearD. sink14. A. FrightenedB. NervousC. Clear-headed D. Fighting15. A. nearerB. closeC. backD. up16. A. thenB. ratherC. rightD. only17. A. jumpedB. screamedC. sought helpD. wept18. A. thusB.

9、 alsoC. soD. such19. A. changedB. disappearedC. lostD. happened20. A. thinking for myself B. becoming clevererC. growing upD. learning from my experience參考答案15 DABDC 610 CBCBA1115 CBDAC1620 DBCAC*結(jié)束 A little boy invited his mother to attend his schools first teacherparent meeting. To the little boys

10、 81 , she said she would go. This 82 be the first time that his classmates and teacher 83 his mother and he felt 84 of her appearance. Although she was a beautiful woman, there was a severe scar(傷疤) that 85 nearly the entire right side of her face. The boy never wanted to 86 why or how she got the s

11、car.At the meeting, the people were 87 by the kindness and natural beauty of his mother 88 the scar, but the little boy was still embarrassed(尷尬的)and 89 himself from everyone. He did, however, get within 90 of a conversation between his mother and his teacher.The teacher asked 91 , “How did you get

12、the scar on your face?”The mother replied, “ 92 my son was a baby, he was in a room that caught fire. Everyone was 93 afraid to go in because the fire was 94 , so I went in . As I was running toward his bed, I saw a long piece of wood coming down and I placed myself over him trying to protect him. I

13、 was knocked 95 , but fortunately, a fireman came in and saved both of us.” She 96 the buried side of her face. “This scar will be 97 , but to this day, I have never 98 what I did.”At this point, the little boy came out running toward his mother with tears in his eyes. He held her in his arms and fe

14、lt a great 99 of the sacrifice(犧牲)that his mother had made for him. He held her hand 100 for the rest of the day.81. A. enjoymentB. disappointmentC. surpriseD. excitement82. A. wouldB. couldC. should D. must83. A. noticedB. greetedC. acceptedD. met84. A. sickB. ashamedC. afraidD. tired85. A. include

15、dB. passed C. covered D. shaded86. A. talk aboutB. think about C. care about D. hear about87. A. impressed B. surprisedC. excitedD. comforted88. A. in sight of B. by means of C. by way of D. in spite of89. A. hid B. protectedC. separatedD. escaped90. A. understandingB. remindingC. hearingD. learning

16、91. A. carefully B. seriouslyC. nervouslyD. anxiously92. A. AsB. WhenC. SinceD. While93. A. soB. muchC. quiteD. too94. A. out of controlB. under controlC. in controlD. over control95. A. helpless B. hopelessC. senselessD. useless96. A. pointedB. showedC. wipedD. touched97. A. uglyB. lasting C. serio

17、usD. frightening98. A. forget B. recognizedC. consideredD. regretted99. A. honorB. senseC. happinessD. pride100. A. quietly B. slightlyC. tightlyD. suddenly81. B(解析:根據(jù)下文可判斷出男孩不愿自己的母親去參加家長會。所以,當(dāng)他媽媽答應(yīng)去參加時(shí),他感到失望。)82. A(解析:這句話是過去將來時(shí),表示過去某個(gè)時(shí)候?qū)⒁l(fā)生的事。這將是第一次老師和同學(xué)們見到男孩的媽媽。)83. D(解析:老師和同學(xué)們第一次與他媽媽見面。)84. B(解析:

18、根據(jù)下文可判斷出由于男孩的媽媽臉上有一道傷疤,他因媽媽的容貌感到羞恥。)85. C(解析:有一塊嚴(yán)重的疤痕,幾乎覆蓋了她整個(gè)右邊的臉。)86. A(解析:男孩從不愿意談?wù)撍麐寢尀槭裁春驮鯓恿粝铝诉@塊疤痕。)87. A(解析:家長會上,媽媽的自然的美貌和親切的舉動給到會的人留下了深刻的印象(impress)。Impress給留下深刻印象;打動;surprise使驚奇/驚訝;excite使興奮, 使激動;comfort安慰, 使舒適。)88. D(解析:盡管男孩的母親臉上有嚴(yán)重的傷疤,她的和藹可親給人們留下了深刻的印象。)89. A(解析:但小男孩仍然感到尷尬難堪,而把自己藏(hide)起來,以免

19、被大家看見。)90. C(解析:雖然男孩感到羞恥,但是,他還是聽到了老師和媽媽間的談話。)91. A(解析:老師詢問的是媽媽臉上的疤痕,就肯定是小心謹(jǐn)慎地(carefully),而決不是、也用不著嚴(yán)肅認(rèn)真地(seriously),緊張不安(nervously),憂慮不安地(anxiously)。)92. B(解析:事情發(fā)生在小男孩還是嬰兒的時(shí)候(when)。as當(dāng)時(shí),通常指伴隨著另一情況而發(fā)生;when當(dāng)(的時(shí)候,指某一行為或情況發(fā)生之時(shí),另一行為或情況也發(fā)生,通常是短暫行為;since自以來,通常與現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)態(tài)連用;while當(dāng)?shù)臅r(shí)候,通常指與另一情況的同時(shí)發(fā)生,表示持續(xù)行為。)93. D(

20、解析:人們太害怕了,以至于不敢進(jìn)屋。此題考查tooto do sth.的結(jié)構(gòu)。)94. A(解析:大火失去了控制。)95. C(解析:由于受到木頭的撞擊,使她失去了知覺。)96. D(解析:媽媽她用不著指著(point),擦揩(wipe)臉面,老師能夠看得到,它也用不著展示(show),而是摸了摸(touch)她燒壞的右臉,有所感觸。注意與后句的聯(lián)系。)97. B(解析:這個(gè)疤痕很丑(ugly),很嚴(yán)重(serious),很恐怖(frightening),這都沒有關(guān)系,問題是它會持久(lasting)而再也抹不去。)98. D(解析:對自己做的事永遠(yuǎn)不會后悔。)99. B(解析:他把媽媽摟在懷

21、里,對她為自己作出的犧牲而感動。)100.C(解析:由于受到感動而緊緊的握住他媽媽的手。)*結(jié)束Two kinds of people exist in this world: clean people and people who have found millions of ways to avoid cleaning their rooms.I belong to 1 because I am a teenager. Like all teenagers I am 2 busy pretending to be receiving an education to 3 that scien

22、tists attribute 52 percent of global warming to the 4 that escapes from my bedroom window. 5 all you 6 get too angry, I want you to know that I closed my window last week. Dont think the messy state of my room doesnt 7 me, it does. Every night I go to sleep, haunted (受折磨) by the thought that a(n) 8

23、I lost three years ago is somewhere in my room still plugged in (插著電源) and waiting to start a fire. 9 thing that worries me is my fish. I havent gotten around to cleaning their tank this year. I cant 10 if theyre alive or not.A few weeks ago my mother ordered me to clean my room. She said: “Tracie,

24、you 11 not eat, sleep, or breathe until you clean up your room.”I responded, “Mum, did I tell you I got an A on my physics test yesterday?”“You dont even take physics, Tracie, so how can you get an A?”My Mum was 12 than I thought, so I decided to ignore (不理會) the question and change the 13 .“Did you

25、 know that most kids today watch ten and a half hours of TV? And high school students score an average of 500 points 14 on the SATs than the kids in your generation.”“No! Really? Well, Tracie, thats just one more example of how the weak 15 of today affect the minds and education of the kids your age

26、. Oh! I forgot to take the bread out of the oven !”I smiled to myself for once again 16 my mother with perfectly useless and untrue 17 . Thereby I avoided the 18 task of cleaning my room.Then I turned and observed the smoke and the big pile of smelly 19 . But, I am just too 20 to disturb the natural flow of things.1. A. the formerB


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