【高考專(zhuān)題輔導(dǎo)】廣東省2014版高考英語(yǔ) 專(zhuān)題檢測(cè)卷(十一) 閱讀理解_第1頁(yè)
【高考專(zhuān)題輔導(dǎo)】廣東省2014版高考英語(yǔ) 專(zhuān)題檢測(cè)卷(十一) 閱讀理解_第2頁(yè)
【高考專(zhuān)題輔導(dǎo)】廣東省2014版高考英語(yǔ) 專(zhuān)題檢測(cè)卷(十一) 閱讀理解_第3頁(yè)
【高考專(zhuān)題輔導(dǎo)】廣東省2014版高考英語(yǔ) 專(zhuān)題檢測(cè)卷(十一) 閱讀理解_第4頁(yè)
【高考專(zhuān)題輔導(dǎo)】廣東省2014版高考英語(yǔ) 專(zhuān)題檢測(cè)卷(十一) 閱讀理解_第5頁(yè)




1、 A雅安地震中體裁新聞報(bào)道話題319的熊貓There are more than 80 pandas living here at the Chengdu Panda Breeding Base.7 baby pandas have just left their mothers and have begun to learn how to fendfor themselves.The quake was felt strongly in Chengdu. Fortunately, all of the pandas here were out on the groundswhen the e

2、arthquake hit, so they were very safe. Although no deaths or injuries have beenreported among the Baoxing panda population so far, theyve been badly frightened by theearthquake. Several days has passed and the earthquake seems to have made no discernible( 可區(qū)分的)negative impact on the pandas. These tw

3、o baby pandas Chengshuang and Chengdui are playfighting with each other and climbing trees. When they climbed too high, the breeders have torescue them from the trees.The visitors are amused by the scenes and think its like a fantastic acrobatics show.The quake zone is not only the home of these pan

4、das, its also the source of their food. Fortunately,enough bamboo has been stored away in five bamboo storehouses for the pandas, so there are noworries with regard to food supplies.1. The passage mainly tells us that.A. a 7. 0-magnitude strong earthquake hit YaanB. food supply to pandas is enoughC.

5、 impact of Yaan earthquake on Chinas pandasB. Some pandas are injured but no deaths are made.C. Theyve been badly frightened by the earthquake.D. The earthquake seems to have made no discernible negative impact on the pandas.3. During Yaan earthquake, there is no need to worry about pandasfood becau

6、se- 1 - / 5. wordA. the pandas eat less food because of frighteningB. the Panda Breeding Base was slightly hit by this earthquakeC. the Panda Breeding Base received the food supply from foreign countriesD. the Panda Breeding Base has stored away enough bamboo in advance4. The underlined word“succule

7、ntin the last paragraph means.A. 多汁的C. 多糖的B. 高蛋白的D. 有營(yíng)養(yǎng)的5. Whats the authors attitude towards the reaction of Chengdu Panda Breeding Base?A. Supportive.C. Indifferent.BB. Disappointed.D. Objective.體裁說(shuō)明文話題隱形衣詞數(shù)315Ever since J. K. Rowling planted the idea of an invisibility coat in her blockbuster( 大片

8、)HarryPotterbook series, scientists have been falling all over themselves to create a material that cannotonly camouflage(偽裝)people, but also buildings. Now a Canadian company claims to have wonthat race with a magical textile that it properly calls“Quantum Stealth.British Columbia based Hyperstealt

9、h Technology Corporation claims that the material makes itswearer completely invisible, even to people with night glasses. Also, just like the young wizardscoat, it is lightweight and does not need cameras, batteries, lights or mirrors to operate. But best ofall, it is cheap to manufacture!So how do

10、es it really work? Well, that is a top secret. Besides stating that they have successfullymanaged to bend light waves, so that they go around the material instead of through it, thecompany is not giving out any details. What it does detail is that all the good uses“QuantumStealthcould be put torangi

11、ng from protecting the US and Canadian soldiers forced to step intoenemy region, to allowing special armed forces to carry out surprise attack without any fear ofbeing seen. And if that is not enough they even imagine creating aircraft and submarines that cango completely undetected.To prove that“Qu

12、antum Stealthreally exists, the company has released photos and even a videoshowingitsmagical properties. For those that are still skeptical, they have only one thing tosayboth the US and Canadian Military officials have witnessed it live and are so impressed thatthey are now working with Hypersteal

13、th Technology to create the next generation“survivalblanketthat could make the soldier invisible all at once! If this is indeed true, we have only onequestion: When will this magical fabric be available to the rest of us?6. Whats the purpose of the first paragraph?A. To introduce the topic.B. To mak

14、e the story interesting.C. To draw peoples attention toHarry Potter.D. To attract the readers.7. According to this text, “Quantum StealthisA. a kind of material making users invisibleB. a type of glasses better than night glassesC. an advanced weapon used to attack enemyD. a device used as a replace

15、ment for cameras.8. Which of the following words can be used to describe the coat?- 2 - / 5 .10. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the last paragraph?A. The photos and video must be false.體裁議論文話題網(wǎng)購(gòu)優(yōu)缺點(diǎn)詞數(shù)322the victim of fraud(詐騙)once to experience all the problems that come with

16、this form of stealing.Use only sites that have a trusted history and an excellent reputation.Some even argue that online shopping indirectly contributes to global warming. Yes, your car canstay parked but how are online goods delivered? Often by some large van porting out carbonmonoxide and adding t

17、o our already desperate traffic problems. You are also by now becomingincreasingly irritated(使煩惱)by the fact that the delivery is late and you have wasted the leavefrom work you have taken to receive it!.B. collect answers from readersC. introduce the topic of the passage- 3 - / 5 wordD. show his di

18、slike of going shopping12. By what can online shoppers avoid fraud?A. Choosing big websites.B. Using only trusted websites.C. Collecting shopping evidence.D. Seeking advice from the police.13. What can we learn about online shopping from Paragraph 3?A. We shouldnt believe product descriptions easily

19、.B. Its normal for a blue dress to change into green.C. Its usually wise for us to buy colorful products.D. Product appearances are sometimes not good.14. The author agrees with the fact that.A. customers are never satisfied with productsB. online shopping is a safe way to make purchasesC. delivery

20、delay often makes online shoppers unhappyD. online shopping has nothing to do with global warming15. What is the authors attitude towards online shopping?A. Very popular. B. A wise choice.C. A waste of time.D. Not trouble-free.【拓展訓(xùn)練】閱讀 B 篇, 回答如下問(wèn)題。1. Whats the topic of this passage? (no more than 10

21、 words)_2. Whats the meaning of the underlined word in the last paragraph?_答案解析A【文章大意】本文主要講了雅安地震對(duì)當(dāng)?shù)匦茇埖挠绊憽?.【解析】選 C。主旨大意題。文章講述了雅安發(fā)生了 7. 0 級(jí)地震, 這次地震對(duì)當(dāng)?shù)氐男茇堅(jiān)斐闪艘欢ǖ挠绊? 故答案選 C。A 項(xiàng)不全面; B、D 兩項(xiàng)是細(xì)節(jié)。2.【解析】選 B。細(xì)節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第三段的“no deaths or injuries have been reported among theBaoxing panda population可知 B 項(xiàng)表述是錯(cuò)誤的, 故答

22、案選 B。3.【解析】選D。細(xì)節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第五段的“Fortunately, enough bamboo has been stored awayin five bamboo storehouses for the pandas 可知, 這次雅安地震, 沒(méi)有必要擔(dān)心熊貓的食物的原因是提前儲(chǔ)藏了足夠的食物, 故答案選 D。其余三項(xiàng)沒(méi)有提與。4.【解析】選 A。詞義猜測(cè)題。根據(jù)最后一段的“theyre also very succulent because they containmore water. 可知, succulent 的意思是“多汁的, 多水分的, 故答案選 A。5.【解析】選 A

23、。觀點(diǎn)態(tài)度題。由文中意思可知作者對(duì)成都熊貓養(yǎng)殖基地的表現(xiàn)很滿意。B【文章大意】這是一篇說(shuō)明文, J. K. 羅琳在她的大片哈利波特中埋下了發(fā)明“隱形外套的想法, 如今科學(xué)家們通過(guò)不懈的努力, 使之成為現(xiàn)實(shí)。它的用途很廣, 不僅可以偽裝人, 也可以隱藏建筑物。- 4 - / 5 word6.【解析】選 A。邏輯結(jié)構(gòu)題。第一段主要是引出本篇文章的中心內(nèi)容。7【. 解析】選 A。細(xì)節(jié)理解題。由第一段末句的 with a magical textile that it properly calls“QuantumStealth以與第二段 the material makes its wearer completely invisible, even to people with nightglasses. 可知, 它是一種可以使穿戴它的人變得不可見(jiàn)的材料。8.【解析】選 C。推理判斷題。由第二段中的 does not


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