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1、國立立方專業(yè)引領(lǐng)共成長 / 229A U4基礎(chǔ)強化+原因、讓步狀語從句+閱讀+考綱詞匯seasonsimple+聽力訓(xùn)練 3初三英語秋季班課程國立立方專業(yè)引領(lǐng)共成長 # / 229A U4基礎(chǔ)強化+原因、讓步狀語從句+閱讀+考綱詞匯seasonsimple+聽力訓(xùn)練 3初三英語秋季班課程初三英語秋季班教師日期學(xué)生課程編號08課型復(fù)習課課題9AU4強化+閱讀綜合+考綱詞匯+作文教學(xué)目標1)熟練掌握與運用9A U4知識點;2)能正確使用原因、讓步狀語從句;3)閱讀綜合。提升閱讀應(yīng)試技巧,以讀促寫提升書面表達能力;4) 掌握考綱詞匯:seasonsimple;5)聽力訓(xùn)練。教學(xué)重點1)原因、讓步狀語

2、從句用法;2)閱讀訓(xùn)練;3)聽力訓(xùn)練。教學(xué)知版塊時長19A U42原因、讓步狀語從句3閱讀訓(xùn)練4考綱詞匯:rightseaside5師生總結(jié)6作業(yè)布置I立,立方專業(yè)引領(lǐng)共成長 # / 229A U4基礎(chǔ)強化+原因、讓步狀語從句+閱讀+考綱詞匯seasonsimple+聽力訓(xùn)練 3初三英語秋季班課程I立,立方專業(yè)引領(lǐng)共成長 / 229A U4基礎(chǔ)強化+原因、讓步狀語從句+閱讀+考綱詞匯seasonsimple+聽力訓(xùn)練 3初三英語秋季班課程9A U4基礎(chǔ)強化PracticeD. raiseD. driversD. everybody s help.D. with, withD. lovelyD.

3、 eightiethsD. spendD. may notD. rose, roseA. aware ofB. unaware ofC. didnt aware of D. wasn t aware ofWhich of the following match the sound / rek3gnaiz/?A. realizeB. recognizeC. reorganizeWe put disks into the in the main unit.A. mouseB. monitorC. speakers. A: I need to help me register (注冊)a QQ ac

4、count?Are you kidding me? Everybody knows HOW!A. nobodyB. somebodyC. anybodyWe are doing much better English our teacherA. in, atB. at, inC. in, withThese Teddy Bears look. Most of us want to buy one.A. nicelyB. wellC. beautifullyTu Yoyo was awarded the Nobel Prize in her.A. eightiesB. eightyC. eigh

5、tiethI have enough money on me to the postage.A. costB. payC. take- Must parents help do everything for their children?-No, they.A. mustn tB. can tC. needn tSuddenly he from the chair and his voice.A. rose, raisedB. raised, roseC. raised, raisedThe baby just stood before the car. He the danger.D. wi

6、ll surfI will go on a business trip. Now I the Internet to search a hotel.A. am surfingB. had surfedC. surfIf Jackie tomorrow, we him to get more information.A. comes . will interviewB. will come . will interviewC. comes . interviewD. will come . InterviewComputers rarely give wrong answers,w圖立,立方專業(yè)

7、引領(lǐng)共成長 # / 229A U4基礎(chǔ)強化+原因、讓步狀語從句+閱讀+考綱詞匯seasonsimple+聽力訓(xùn)練 3初三英語秋季班課程w圖立,立方專業(yè)引領(lǐng)共成長 / 229A U4基礎(chǔ)強化+原因、讓步狀語從句+閱讀+考綱詞匯seasonsimple+聽力訓(xùn)練 3初三英語秋季班課程立立將專業(yè)引領(lǐng)共成長 / 229A U4基礎(chǔ)強化+原因、讓步狀語從句+閱讀+考綱詞匯seasonsimple+聽力訓(xùn)練 3初三英語秋季班課程D. doesn t itA. do theyB. don t they C. does itimportant piece of information it is!D. How

8、A. What anB. HowC. WhatThey will spend as much money as they can the building.A. rebuildingB. rebuildC. to rebuildingD. be rebuiltll be late for the film.You d better set off right now,youA. andB. butC. orD. soI have many hobbies, I like collecting stamps and listening to pop music.A. likeB. such as

9、C. asD. for exampleCan the computer tell you next?A. how to doB. what to doC. what to do itD. to do whatMary as well as her parents waiting the luggage claim area.A. is, forB. are, atC. is, atD. are, forWho knows?why do we call computers electronic brainswhy we call computers electronic brainsthat w

10、e call computers electronic brainsdo we call computers electronic brainsII. Complete the following passages with the words or phrases in the box. Each word or phrase canonly be used once (將下列單詞或詞組填入空格。每空格限填一詞,每詞或詞組只能填一次):.8分)A. amazing B. raise money C. boring D. pilot E. becomeFlying into the sky a

11、t speeds of up to100 miles per hour, a pair of nine-year-old British girls broke a record to 1 the world s youngest wing walkers (機翼行走者 )!The two girls, Rose and Flame, are cousins. They took to the sky on two biplanes(雙翼飛機),and the2 of one of the planes was their grandfather. They completed a wing

12、walk as the two planes flewjust meters apart.After getting down from the planes, they said,“That was 3! It was so cool looking down andseeing all the small houses!Not every nine-year-old girl can take on an adventure like this. Rose and Flame are braver than other girls of their age. Besides, they c

13、ome from a family of wing walkers. They are deeply affected by what they see and hear.This time, the two brave girls took on the adventure, not just to break the record but also to 4for the poor. They try to do something for the society.1. 2. 3. 4.F. expensive G. comfortable H. depends I. owns J. by

14、 himselfWhen most teenagers are learning how to work out maths problems, Kelvin Doe is teaching himself to make batteries and generators (發(fā)電機)for his neighborhood in Africa.Kelvin is only 15 years old, but he has already created batteries and generators 5. He used thethings he picked up around the h

15、ouse or from litter bins to create them.In my hometown, we dont have much electricity and batteries are 6,“ Kelvin said. So hedecided to make batteries to light up peoples homes.Kelvin also 7 a radio station. He broadcasts news and plays music for the local people. Thestation gets its electricity fr

16、om a generator also made by him.His next project will be a windmill (風車)for electricity supply. He wants to help more families in his hometown live a happy and 8 life.5. 6. 7. 8.III. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括號中所給單詞的適當形式完成下列句子):(共8分)It ;s common knowledge th

17、at computers are super. (calculate)Life today is from life ten years ago. (difference)He some sugar to the milk and drank it. (addition)Who knows the of this sign? (mean)Which is from our school, the Science Museum or the Century Park? (far)Unfortunately, Jack was of his mistake and went on doing in

18、 the wrong way. (aware)Its not easy to this new washing machine. (operation)專業(yè)引領(lǐng)共成長 / 229A U4基礎(chǔ)強化+原因、讓步狀語從句+閱讀+考綱詞匯seasonsimple+聽力訓(xùn)練 3專業(yè)引領(lǐng)共成長 # / 229A U4基礎(chǔ)強化+原因、讓步狀語從句+閱讀+考綱詞匯seasonsimple+聽力訓(xùn)練 3Complete the following sentences as required(根據(jù)所給要求,改寫下列句子。每空格限填一詞):(共14分)Little Tom used to watch TV afte

19、r supper.(改為否定句)Little Tom to watch TV after supper.Peggy usually needs twenty minutes to finish her homework.( 對戈U線部分提問 )How time Peggy usually need to finish her homework?The red bicycle is more expensive than the black one.(保持句意基本不變 )The black bicycle is the red one.I dont know when we will depar

20、t for Nanjing.( 保持句意基本不變 )I dont know depart for Nanjing.The boy was too frightened to say a word.(保持句意基本不變 )The boy was frightened that he say a word.John didn t break the windows動語態(tài))The window by John.him, his father, the day before yesterday, a new bike, bought (連詞成句)Translate the following sente

21、nces into English.我在后院看見一只手掌大小的蜘蛛。I saw a spider which is my hand in the backyard.現(xiàn)在她和她父親居住在上海。, she is living with her father in Shanghai.許多女性得依靠丈夫來得到他們的養(yǎng)老金。Many women have to their husbands for their state pension.麥克沒有意識到他造成的問題。Mike the trouble he s causing.大家都知道旅行開拓視野。that travel broadens the min

22、d.Homework語秋季班課程笳督立方專業(yè)引領(lǐng)共成長 # / 22初三英語秋季班課程9AU4基礎(chǔ)強化+原因、讓步狀語從句+閱讀+考綱詞匯seasonsimple+聽力訓(xùn)練 3笳督立方專業(yè)引領(lǐng)共成長 / 22初三英語秋季班課程9AU4基礎(chǔ)強化+原因、讓步狀語從句+閱讀+考綱詞匯seasonsimple+聽力訓(xùn)練 3Which of the following words matches the sound k?nt?kt?A. contactB. containC. connectD. contestFrom Monday to Friday in our school, every stud

23、ent has to wear uniform.A. aB. anC. theD./I can t fi d in the small wooden box. It s empty.A. somethingB. anythingC. nothingD. some thingsWe all agree that owning a car is expensive than taking the underground.A.far littleB. much moreC. many moreD. muchMy sister s voice is sweet and she can sing as

24、as a superstar.A. wellB. goodC. betterD. bestWe can go to Shanghai Forest Park easily through Xiangyin Road Tunnel which is.A. 2-kilometre-longB. 2 kilometres longC. 2-kilometre long D. 2-kilometres-longPaying credit card is easier and safer than taking a lot of money nowadays.A. forB. byC. withD. o

25、nThe water in the river three feet last night because ofthe sudden flood.A. raisedB. roseC. grewD. addedThey about how to protect our earth when I entered.A. will talkB. have talkedC. are talkingD. were talkingThe Eiffel Tower by the French engineer Alexandre Gustave Eiffel for the Paris Exposition(

26、巴黎博覽會)of1889.A. designedB. was designedC. will designD. will be designedShips of all kinds the Yangtze River, so we shouldn t swim there.A. fillB. are full ofC. fill withD. are full withWhen the earthquake was felt, Mr. Wang rushed into the teaching building to ask the students out to safety.A. to r

27、unB. runC. ranD. runningLook out! The traffic is moving fast. It dangesous cross the road.A. very toB.so toC. much toD. too toTrees can CO2. So we must protect them.A. take part inB. take inC. take placeD. take intoYou will be out of date you keep on studying from time to time.笳督立方13.上陋LUF專業(yè)引領(lǐng)共成長 /

28、229A U4基礎(chǔ)強化+原因、讓步狀語從句+閱讀+考綱詞匯seasonsimple+聽力訓(xùn)練 3初三英語秋季班課程笳督立方13.上陋LUF專業(yè)引領(lǐng)共成長 # / 229A U4基礎(chǔ)強化+原因、讓步狀語從句+閱讀+考綱詞匯seasonsimple+聽力訓(xùn)練 3初三英語秋季班課程A. ifB. unlessC. becauseD. orCould you tell me?A. who is heB. if he will attend the meeting tomorrowC. where s the nearest fast food restaurant D. what he has rec

29、eived my Christmas cards17. The sick man s allowed to take a wiallthe garden every day,?A. isn t heB. hasn t he C. is heD. wasn t hefreezing weather it is! The water in the river has frozen.A. HowB. What aC. what anD. What- You ve done such a great job in the English speech cotest, Sarah.A. I agree

30、with you.C. Please don t say so.20. - Mr. Li, may I ask you some questions?B. Thanks a lot.D. It s hard to say.A. What was it?B. Never mind.C. Go ahead.D. Yes. What is it?浮立方專業(yè)引領(lǐng)共成長 # / 229A U4基礎(chǔ)強化+原因、讓步狀語從句+閱讀+考綱詞匯seasonsimple+聽力訓(xùn)練 3初三英語秋季班課程浮立方專業(yè)引領(lǐng)共成長 / 229A U4基礎(chǔ)強化+原因、讓步狀語從句+閱讀+考綱詞匯seasonsimple+聽力

31、訓(xùn)練 3初三英語秋季班課程2.原因、讓步狀語從句.原因狀語從句連詞用法舉例becausebecause表示直接原因,常用于回答 why的提問,一般置于主句之后。because與 so不能同時使用。He sold the car it was too small.sincesince表示顯然的或已為人所知的理 由,通常置于句首。常意為“因為; 既然”。everyone is here, lets begin meeting.asas多用于口語中,表示的原因是雙方 已知的事實或顯而易見的, 或者理由 不是很重要,所置于句首。Lee was not ready, we went without hi

32、m.讓步狀語從句連詞用法舉例though although兩詞意思相近,引導(dǎo)讓步狀語從句可以互換,although較止式。they are poor, they are happy.兩詞/、能與but連用,但主句部分可以有still , yet等詞。they are old, they still work in the fields every day.Ill go it snows.I. Make sentences with the clauses in the two boxes, using the conjunctions in the brackets.(用兩個方she coul

33、dn t decide which to chooseshe walked carefullyhe is now 17 years oldI had no idea how it workedhis parents praised himthey couldnt buy ityou are well again框中的分句構(gòu)成原因狀語從句,所需使用的連詞在括號中已給出。)he can learn to driveyou can travel a lotthey had no moneythe streets were covered with iceall the cakes looked go

34、odhe did quite well in the examI had to ask for help笳督立方專業(yè)引領(lǐng)共成長 # / 229A U4基礎(chǔ)強化+原因、讓步狀語從句+閱讀+考綱詞匯seasonsimple+聽力訓(xùn)練 3初三英語秋季班課程笳督立方專業(yè)引領(lǐng)共成長 / 229A U4基礎(chǔ)強化+原因、讓步狀語從句+閱讀+考綱詞匯seasonsimple+聽力訓(xùn)練 3初三英語秋季班課程專業(yè)引領(lǐng)共成長 / 229A U4基礎(chǔ)強化+原因、讓步狀語從句+閱讀+考綱詞匯seasonsimple+聽力訓(xùn)練 3初三英語秋季班課程智立方口上二I,一II. Make sentences with the

35、clauses in the two boxes, using although.(用兩個方框中的分句和連詞although構(gòu)成讓步狀語從句。)he has a very important jobI had never seen her beforeit was quite coldit rained a lotI didnt speak the languageweve known each other for a 10ng timewe re not good friends.I managed to make myself understood.he isnt particularly

36、 well-paid.I recognized her from a photographwe enjoyed our holidayshe wasnt wearing a coatAlthoughAlthoughAlthoughAlthoughAlthoughAlthoughIII. Choose the best answer.hes old, he can still carry his heavy bag.A. ThoughB. SinceC. ForD. So-How do you like the concert given by the Foxy Ladies?-Exciting

37、,one piece of the music wasn t played quite well.A. soB. thoughC. because D. and-Shall we go on working?-Yes,I prefer to have a rest.A. whenB. ifC. becauseD. thoughDoctor Li went to see the patient it was raining heavily.A. becauseB. andC. sinceD. thoughThough it is raining,are still working in the

38、fields. TOC o 1-5 h z A. orB. butC. andD. soMr. Liu is the new comer, he doesn t have too many friends here.A. WhenB. AsC. AlthoughD. UntilLi Ming doesn t know the answer to the problem, let s ask Wang Lei for help.A. BeforeB. SinceC. AlthoughD. IfThe women didn t buy that coat,it is too expensive.A

39、. andB. butC. forD. soyou have no time, I have to ask someone else to play football.A. SoB. AlthoughC. SuchD. Since.I have been to Italy several times, I know a lot about it.A. IfB. AlthoughC. AsD. UnlessThe couple recognized me immediately they hadn t seen me for 10 years.A. ifB. soC. thoughD. when

40、Mark would like to accept the job he is not quite pleased with the pay.A. thoughB. becauseC. ifD. until曲昂立智立方專業(yè)引領(lǐng)共成長 # / 229A U4基礎(chǔ)強化+原因、讓步狀語從句+閱讀+考綱詞匯seasonsimple+聽力訓(xùn)練 3初三英語秋季班課程曲昂立智立方專業(yè)引領(lǐng)共成長 / 229A U4基礎(chǔ)強化+原因、讓步狀語從句+閱讀+考綱詞匯seasonsimple+聽力訓(xùn)練 3初三英語秋季班課程笳督立方13.上陋LUF專業(yè)引領(lǐng)共成長 /229A U4基礎(chǔ)強化+原因、讓步狀語從句+閱讀+考綱詞

41、匯seasonsimple+聽力訓(xùn)練 3初三英語秋季班課程Mr. Wang is always the first one to be in the office he lives far from his company.A. although B. because C. whenD. asthe story of The Little Prince is very simple, it warms people in many ways.A. WhenB. AlthoughC. IfD. BecauseThe kids are taught to stay calm and go out

42、of the building one by one there is a fire.A. untilB. becauseC. ifD. althoughJeremy broke his leg last year, he performed very well on the basketball court in the new season.A. WhenB. Because C. Although D. IfC 3.閱讀(A)For the first time in four years, Donna Grahmann, who is nearly blind, walked arou

43、nd a department store without the help of her husband. Instead, she shopped with Pal, her horse.Yes, a horse. At 151 pounds and 2.5 feet tall, Pal, a small horse and trained guide, is learning to go everywhere with Grahmann, 43, of Magnolia, Texas.Pal did a great job of warning Grahmann that a pile

44、of blankets and pillows (枕頭)had just fallen into one aisle (過道).He stopped, yanked his head, and led her clear of them.Later, Grahmann met her husband, David, who had been shopping on his own, and they went outside.It was time to test some of Pal verbalccsmBands (口頭命令 ),such as: Okay, Pal, find the

45、truAkdso Pal clopped to the truck and took his place in the back seat of the extended cab (力口長車廂 ).He hung his head over the front seat, and Grahmann gave him a carrot and a scratch. Good boy, she said.Pal arrived in Grahmann sfe on Thanksgiving Day, 2003, and ever since it been a learning experienc

46、e. Using horses as guide animals is still in its infancy (幼年).Just three have been placed in U.S. homes by the Guide Horse Foundation of Kitrell, North Carolina.An animal lover by nature, Grahmann had considered getting a guide dog when her eyesight dramatically hurt in the 1990s. Back then, as she

47、lost all the sight in her right eye and the surgeries (夕卜科手 術(shù))on her left reduced her to small spots of vision, it seemed everything was impossible.Horses were her first love. As a kid, she had asked her mother for a horse every year for Christmas, and when she turned 17, her wish finally came true.

48、 Grahmann rode Rebel in horse shows for years, winning state championships (冠軍).Then, in 1990, she lost Rebel to a single bolt of lightning while he stood by the barn. It was a devastating loss for a woman who was already losing so much.“Pal has Rebel eyes, she says with a whisper.I saw them the fir

49、st day I met hhmmthrough the small spots of vision.During the recent four years Donna Grahmann usually went shopping in a department store.A. with her motherB. with her husbandC. with a horseD.with a dogPal arrived in Grahmanns life.A. in 1990B. in 2003C.when she was 43D.when she was17In the United

50、States horses are used as guide animals in.A. only one familyB. many familiesC. only a few familiesD.no familyWhich of the following is NOT TRUE ?笳督立方13.上陋LUF專業(yè)引領(lǐng)共成長 / 229A U4基礎(chǔ)強化+原因、讓步狀語從句+閱讀+考綱詞匯seasonsimple+聽力訓(xùn)練 3初三英語秋季班課程 / 22初三英語秋季班課程9A U4基礎(chǔ)強化+原因、讓步狀語從句+閱讀+考綱詞匯seasonsimple+聽力訓(xùn)練 3Grahmann got a

51、guide dog as a Christmas present.Grahmann was very sad when she lost Rebel.Pal was able to understand some sentences.A carrot and a scratch can be prizes for a horse.What does the last paragraph probably mean?Pal got Rebels eyes after Rebel died.Pal is a much better horse than Rebel.Grahmann loved P

52、al when she saw it for the first time.Grahmann didnt want to take Pal at first.Which of the following is the best title of the passage?A. An animal loverB. A blind woman C. Her clever Pal D. Her lovely pet(B)When you watch your favourite movies, you might not think about science. Of course, there s

53、a lot of science behind movies like Interstellar or The Martian but not movies like Frozen or The Avengers, right? Think 1.Animated (動畫的)movies use a lot of science and math to make things look as real as possible. For example, snow was used in many parts of the movie Frozen, but making the snow loo

54、k real was a challenge. The snow needed to act differently in different 2, like if it was melting ( 融化)or blowing (吹)in thewind.Mathematicians (數(shù)學(xué)家)had to create a computer program to make the snow look more 3.Joseph Teran, a mathematician at the University of California, US, faced this challenge wi

55、th Frozen, according to the Society for Science and the Public.He and his team used math equations(等式)to treat snow like many different pieces 4 onelarge thing, as movies had done in the past. They worked for months to make a computer program do this.Science is important for superhero movies too. Su

56、perheroes are supposed to have special powers that cant always be 5. But moviemakers still want to make their actions realistic.For example, Raychelle Burks, a chemistry professor from the American Chemical Society, told the Daily Mail that some of the science behind The Avengers could be real. Iron

57、 Man s suit is possible 6it can be made of a light but strong material. In the movie, Tony Stark also makes new elements by making atoms collide (使原子對撞 ),much like scientists do in real life.So next time you see a movie, dont forget to think about the science behind it.1 A就立智立方上 i 工 i.F L 專業(yè)引領(lǐng)共成長()1

58、. A. straightB. againC. yetD. still()2. A. distanceB.channelC. communityD. situation()3. A. naturalB. modernC. variousD. ordinary()4. A. in charge ofB. instead ofC. in front ofD. in favour of()5. A. recognizedB. raisedC. explainedD. solved()6. A. althoughB. ifC. untilD. because(C)What is the best-se

59、lling book in the world? Is it the Harry Porter series or Secret Garden? According to the Guinness World Records, the Xinhua Dictionary , published by the Commercial Press in China, is the worlds most p 1 dictionary and the best-selling book.In 1950, Chinese language experts and scholars, Wei Jiango

60、ng and Ye Shengtao, started to edit the Xinhua Dictionary . There was a lot of discussion, research and paper work. Some hand script (稿件)were checked again and again l 2 compositions, People s Daily reported. Many people s hard work and interesting stories went into making the dictionary.In 1953, th


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  • 4. 未經(jīng)權(quán)益所有人同意不得將文件中的內(nèi)容挪作商業(yè)或盈利用途。
  • 5. 人人文庫網(wǎng)僅提供信息存儲空間,僅對用戶上傳內(nèi)容的表現(xiàn)方式做保護處理,對用戶上傳分享的文檔內(nèi)容本身不做任何修改或編輯,并不能對任何下載內(nèi)容負責。
  • 6. 下載文件中如有侵權(quán)或不適當內(nèi)容,請與我們聯(lián)系,我們立即糾正。
  • 7. 本站不保證下載資源的準確性、安全性和完整性, 同時也不承擔用戶因使用這些下載資源對自己和他人造成任何形式的傷害或損失。



