1、marketingstrict inter nal costcontrol , business a nd i nnovation performa nce. -Increasi ng ele ctricitya ccess,pri cei ncrea se,ele ctricity supply isg uarantee d.In 2012,the com panywit h coalinve ntory,get rewardsofJiangsu pr ovincial gover nmentpowerto266milli on k Wh.Thr ough t hesmalland bila
2、teraltrade,a cce sstoelectri city 1.695 billion kWh,seekingremoval com pensationwhenthe power50 million -kil owatt,116% market sharein Jiang su Pr ovince ranke dfirst inthe samecapa city,t hesame ty peunits. Compa nycl oselytra ckedcoal li nkage policie s on July 1 a nd August20respe ctively increas
3、e pri ces 2.08minutesa nd 2.5point s,profita bilityincrease dsig nificantl y. 公 .Job grading,rem uneration ofla bour agreement s into l ong-term contractw orkerscompe nsati on system, stimulating t heent husiasm ofthestaff.-Furtherstrengt heni ng of human re sourcesma nage ment.Fullimpl ementation o
4、ftheperformancea ppraisa lregulati ons, incentive effect. Completethe re serveca dreevaluation andse lecti on, produced 10 primaryreserve cadre sand 11 se condary reserve ca dres.Impleme ntation ofoperationstaffinductiongangsystem,14staffposts bepr omoted.Strengthe ning the cultivati on ofprofessi o
5、naltechni callea ders, sele cted coverage9 13fact ory-level professiona land te chnica lleaders. To e nhance staffskillstraining ,8 stafftechni cians.Laborcontract law com pliance, contracts ofupto100%. -Starteam -buildi ng to a dvance furt her. Establi sh a hol ding system implementati on,and pr om
6、otingt hew holeteam -buildi ng goa ls,stre ngthe ngroupma nagement.T eam building int o aperformance revie,wpromoting t he construction ofthe star team depth.Thisyear,respectively,1 track,4 teamfourstarratedfive -starby Datang a nd theteam.Four,insist s on six cultural construction of harmoni ous de
7、vel opme nt,reallyg oodjob ofpartyconstr ucti on andt he inde pende ntCommission agai nstcorruption,strengt heni ng thehumanisti c c areandpsychologi calcounseli ng,theenter priseculture construction to anewlevel. -Buil ding ofenterpri se culture isfruitful.Companiesadhere to theShe nhua lead ofcorp
8、orateculture, cult ureofresponsibil ityatthe cor e,tosafety culture,a culture oflearni ng,ethi calculture, cost culture culture syste m-assiste d, throughvari ousculturalintegration,ha s boosted busine ssce ntre,thi syearhasw ont he Chi nese cult uralmanagementa dvanced unit,NationalAdvancedUnitinth
9、ebuildingofe nterprise cultureof reform and ope ning up 30 and other honorary titles.T he liabilityofthe companyculture:solvingmanagementproblems ofcorporateculture pr oje ct was awarde dthe CEC nationalelectri c powerenter prise cultureachievement award ofexcelle nce.Theacci dent earlywar ninga nd
10、preventi on systemwasratedasChinas pow erofinnovation management,innovation managementofelectri cpowerenter prisei nJiangsuProvi nce.-Partyand thei nde pende ntCommission against corruptionconti nues to strengt hen. Was carrie d outtomaintain隆化璽德利礦業(yè)集團有限公司大南溝尾礦庫防汛應急救援預案演練方案一、預案演練時間、演練項目、模擬背景及救援程度:1、演
11、練時間:2014年5月8日上午9: 00下午11 : 00、演練項目:預防尾礦庫洪水漫頂應急救援。、演練模擬背景:近日連降暴雨,庫區(qū)上游出現滑坡現象,柴木等雜物堵塞了回水拱涵末端的排水井進水口,導致庫區(qū)水位不斷上升。在線監(jiān)測數據顯示沉積(干)灘距離已不足70 米,尾礦庫處于洪水漫頂高危狀態(tài),應立即啟動應急救援預案。、演練救援程度:目前時間是夜里凌晨二點,由于夜黑、雨大、風急, 無法準確判斷再次發(fā)生滑坡現象的可能性。救援人員無法靠近排水井進行疏通、清理。決定在終極子壩內側20 米處的沉積(干)灘面上用裝土石或尾砂的紡織袋堆筑一道1.2 米寬、 1.5 米高、 180米長的防尾礦庫洪水漫頂的擋水墻
12、。二、預案演練機構組建及人員和物資準備:、演練指揮部設定:在二樓會議室接入調度室電話分機,防洪指揮部設于選公司辦公樓三樓會議室,現場指揮部設在尾礦庫東側山坡的工人值班室內。所有單位正職(含保衛(wèi)部負責人)及總經理和副總經理全部集中于三樓會議室進行演練指揮和觀摩。由總經理王利國擔任演練總指揮,分管安全總經理助理何生擔任演練副總指揮,協助演練總指揮對演練實施過程進行控制。ecurit y, profit,maintainsta bilityand prom oteharmoniousdevelopment asthe mai ncontent ofthethree guara ntees theme
13、 practiceactivitiesa nd stressing party spirit,toconduct,forexample campaign,party andfurtherimprovementofthe l evelofwork.Staff participatingint he hone st a ndcelan culture constructionseminars,staffssenseofprobityand e nhance d. Foundedby honestinspe ctors team composed of12 empl oyeesto broa den
14、t hechannels ofsupervision.Adhere to establish fourgood leadershipactivitie s,staffsatisfaction rateof 98%totheteam.-Groupworkdynamic. Promoti ngthe openterestsofthestaffTradeUnion delegationleader meeting ofthe26 systemtodi scuss a nd safeguard theirdem ocraticrig hts.Impr ovethe organizati onalstr
15、 uctur eofthe missi on,the w ork ofstrengthening.Organize mai ntena ncelabor emulation andhealthCup competition,enhancetheskills of staff.Organizedavarietyofcultural activities, physi caland mentalhealtosupportthe di sasterareas.Thi.一一-I. .1 - I ISecond i s to stre ngthents year, thecombe controlle
16、d,mone y should not beon of organizati on and managementwastedmanageme,saving t heinternagement a nalysis,toimprovemaon costs.Harmoniousdevelopmentofnagement qualit y,improveharmoni ousdevel opme nt-is tocostcontrol ca pacity a nd market competitiveness.o constructa foreignenvironmentfordevelopment.
17、 Innovation ofscie nce andtechnology-science aXING referstothe internalse curityfirmand internd technologyinalmanagemennovation intofthe istoplay t he role ofscie nce andtechnol ogy ast he primarypri nternalma nagement measuresareeffective, harmoni ous.oductive force,active use of new technologie s,
18、ne wmaterials,newpr ocesses, newequiForeign currencymeans Enterprise coor dinati ng deve lopme ntofhomeopathy,pment,i ncrea se investment i一 一 I 1.n scienceawell,getalongwitvhthe neighbor s better.(B)heni ng scientifica ndte chnol nterprise s buildi ng intri nsciogicaltrai ning, spee safety powercom
19、pany gding uptransformingscientificandte chnoloalsare:unpla nned outage 0 times. Classogical acbeerd oofutpargoeprriaettea.rNyotepersonaclhinoll ogy,end equipmentaonme ntalce-saving -the -resource ssaving enterpri sewast ccide ntsdo notoccur,nofire,noenvirmarketingstrict inter nal costcontrol , busi
20、ness a nd i nnovation performa nce. -Increasi ng ele ctricitya ccess,pri cei ncrea se,ele ctricity supply isg uarantee d.In 2012,the com panywit h coalinve ntory,get rewards ofJiangsu pr ovincial gover nmentpowerto 266 milli on k Wh.Thr ough t hesmalland bilateraltrade,a cce sstoelectri city 1.695 b
21、illion kWh,se ekingremoval com pensationwhenthe power50 million -kil owatt,116% market sharein Jiang su Pr ovince ranke dfirst inthe same capa city,t hesame ty peunits. Compa nycl oselytra ckedcoal li nkagepolicie s on July 1 a nd August20respe ctively increase pri ces 2.08minutesa nd 2.5point s,pro
22、fita bilityincrease dsig nificantl y. 公 .Job grading,rem uneration ofla bour agreement s into l ong-term contractw orkerscompe nsati on system, stimulating t heent husiasm ofthestaff.-Furtherstrengt heni ng of human re sourcesma nage ment.Fullimpl ementation ofthe performancea ppraisa lregulati ons,
23、 incentive effect. Completethe re serveca dreevaluation andse lecti on, produced 10 primaryreserve cadre sand 11 se condary reserve ca dres.Impleme ntation ofoperationstaffinduction gangsystem, 14staffposts bepr omoted.Strengthe ning the cultivati on ofprofessi onaltechni callea ders, sele cted cove
24、rage9 13fact ory-level professiona land te chnica lleaders. To e nhance staffskillstraining ,8 stafftechni cians.Laborcontract law com pliance, contracts ofupto100%. -Starteam -buildi ng to a dvance furt her. Establi sh a hol ding system implementati on,and pr omotingt hew holeteam -buildi ng goa ls
25、,stre ngthe ngroupma nagement.T eam building int o aperformance revie w,pr omoting t he construction ofthe star team depth.Thisyear,re spectively, 1 track,4 teamfourstarratedfive -starby Datang a nd theteam.Four, insist s on six cultural construction of harm oni ous devel opme nt,reallyg oodjob ofpa
26、rtyconstr ucti on a nd the inde pende ntCommission agai nstcorruption,strengt heni ng thehumanisti c care andpsychologi calcounseli ng,theenter priseculture construction to anewlevel. -Building ofenterpri se culture isfruitful.Companies adhere to theShenhua lead ofcorporateculture, cult ureofrespons
27、ibil ityatthe cor e,tosafety culture,a culture oflearni ng,ethi calculture, cost culture culture system-assiste d, throughvariousculturalintegration,ha s boosted busine ssce ntre,thi syearhasw onthe Chi nesecult uralmanagementa dvanced unit,NationalAdvanced Uniti n thebuil dingofe nterprise cultureo
28、f reform and ope ning up 30 and other honorary titles.T he liabilityofthe companyculture:solving management problems ofcorporateculture pr oje ct was awarde dthe CEC nationalelectri c powerenter prise cultureachievement award ofexcelle nce.Theacci dent earlywar ninga nd preventi on systemwasratedasC
29、hinas pow erofinnovation management, innovation managementofelectri cpowerenter prisei nJiangsuProvince.-Partyand theinde pende ntCommission against corruptionconti nues to strengt hen. Was carrie d outtomaintain、應急救援辦公室設定:應急救援辦公室設于調度室,設專人值守調度電話接聽險情報告和向防洪指揮部匯報險情發(fā)展情況,以便各單位做好應急救援準備和總指揮(總經理)下達應急救援啟動命令。
30、、應急救援突擊隊人員集結:各單位副職為各突擊隊隊長,負責各自突擊隊人員集結(為不影響生產,各單位可提前自定參演人數。在實際應急救援中由各單位班長負責清點參演人數作好記錄并報與突擊隊長,以便救援結束后人員清點)。 突擊隊大隊長為廠長王文利,各突擊隊到達尾礦庫搶險地點(搶險地點定為尾礦庫第五級子壩面上)后由大隊長王文利統一指揮現場救援行動。參演人員自帶鐵锨。人員數量要求:磨選車間18 人,碎礦車間12 人,電儀車間2人,后勤部門5 人、供水車間6 人、尾礦車間6 人。人員素質要求:要求參演人員為身體強壯的男性,且平時工作積極,服從指揮,紀律性強,了解防洪演練規(guī)則,有一定的防洪應急搶險技能或經驗。4
31、、應急救援通訊組集結:通訊組組長為陳成,負責各搶險行動命令的上傳下達、險情發(fā)展和搶險進度匯報、庫區(qū)通訊和電力設備、線路維護及尾礦庫斷電后備用電源的啟用,成員由調度員和3 至 5名電檢人員組成。、運輸組:組長為孫寶峰,負責指揮及觀摩人員和搶險物質及時調運。、保衛(wèi)組:組長為保衛(wèi)科長李金華,負責尾礦庫溝口上游100米和下游500 米范圍內的交通管制(因是演練,保衛(wèi)人員到位后可ecurit y, profit,maintainsta bilityand prom oteharmoniousdevelopment asthe mai ncontent ofthethree guara ntees the
32、me practiceactivitiesa nd stressing party spirit,toconduct,forexample campaign,party andfurtherimprovementofthe levelofwork.Staff participatingint he honest andcl eanculture constructionseminars,staffssenseofpr obityand e nha nced. Foundedby honestinspe ctors team composed of12 empl oyeesto broa den
33、t hechannels of supervision.Adhere to establish fourgood leadershipactivitie s,staffsatisfaction rateof 98%totheteam.-Groupworkdynamic.Promoti ngthe ope nness offactory Affairs,proposalfor alove letterbox,to thevitalinterestsofthestaffTradeUnion delegationleader meeting ofthe26 systemtodi scuss and
34、safeguard theirdem ocraticrig hts.Impr ovethe organizati onalstructur eofthe missi on,the w orkofstrengthening. Organize mai ntena ncelabor emulation andhealthCup competition,enhancetheskills of staff.Organizedavarietyofcultural a ctivities, physi caland mentalhealthcarestaff,tocreate aharmoniousatm
35、osphere.During theWenchuanearthquake, donatedallthe com pany empl oyees,to love,t osupportthe di sasterareas.Thi s year, thecompanyhaswon the Su .Cutting costscan be controlle d,mone y should not be wastedmanageme ntphilosophy, ma nagement a nalysis,to improvemnagement qualit y,improve cost controlc
36、a pacity a nd market competitiveness.Innovation ofscie nce andtechnology-science and technologyi nnovation i stoplay t he role ofscie nce andtechnol ogy ast he primarypr oductive force,active use of new technologie s,ne wmaterials,newpr ocesses, newequi pment,i ncrea se investment i n sciencea nd te
37、chnolog y, strengt heni ng scientifica ndte ch nol ogicaltrai ning, spee ding uptransformingscientificandte chnol ogical a cheivements,forming a num ber ofproprietaryte chnol ogy,e nha ncnig core competitiveness. Resource-saving -the -resource ssaving enterpri sewast.; ,1, ”_ ;tg:e”,ee.f;0.ho .”.a m
38、aQjg. :. r-l”.,.e p.d_. .sis net Ie busine - lb-c- .”. oa.man.- et, nal tasacton css Ha-melam to-n-ta feg e.onmefrd-pmetXING Ien- - ma nagmetm-u- arefeCVe, hamr curecy meas E.r- coor Un-i g . welge -g XX 203 -e enep-sb.sc s ty |.w cmpayg.aSae. u.1.age 0 .,1,1 s 0, 0 s -qltl.r-douter-e Np-on- in.y a-
39、id.tmae. and -poll ution a cci dent.Enterprise integrated toa chieve zeroca ses ofviolation,zero a ccidents, zero. Quality goalis: ecurit y, profit,maintainsta bilityand prom oteharmoniousdevelopment asthe mai ncontent ofthethree guara ntees theme practiceactivitiesa nd stressing party spirit,tocond
40、uct,forexample campaign,party andfurtherimprovementofthe l evelofwork.Staff participatingint he hone st andcl ean culture constructionseminars,staffssenseofpr obityand e nha nced. Foundedby honestinspe ctors team composed of12 empl oyeesto broa dent hechannels of supervision.Adhere to establish four
41、good leadershipactivitie s,staffsatisfaction rateof 98%totheteam.-Groupworkdynamic.Promoti ngthe ope nness offactory Affairs,proposalfor alove letterbox,to thevitalinterestsofthestaffTradeUnion delegationleader meeting ofthe26 systemtodi scuss and safeguard theirdem ocraticrig hts.Impr ovethe organi
42、zati onalstr uctur eofthe missi on,the w orkofstrengthening. Organize mai ntena ncelabor emulation andhealthCup competition,enhancetheskills of staff.Organizedmarketingstrict internal costcontrol , business a nd innovation performance. -Increasing electricitya ccess,pri cei ncrea se,ele ctricity sup
43、ply isg uarantee d.In 2012,the com panywit h coalinve ntory,get rewardsofJiangsu pr ovincial gover nmentpowerto266 milli on k Wh.Thr ough t hesmalland bilateraltrade,a cce sstoelectri city 1.695 billion kWh,seekingremoval com pensationwhenthe power50 million-kil owatt,116% market sharein Jiang su Pr
44、 ovince ranke dfirst inthe samecapa city,thesame typeunits. Compa nycl oselytra ckedcoal li nkagepolicies on July 1 a nd August20respectively increase prices 2.08minutesa nd 2.5point s,prof itabilityincrease dsig nificantl y. 公 .Job grading,rem uneration oflabour agreements into l ong-term contractw
45、orkerscompe nsati on system, stimulating t heent husiasm ofthestaff.-Furtherstrengt heni ng of human resourcesma nage ment.Fullimpl ementation oftheperformancea ppraisa lregulati ons, incentive effect.Completethe re serveca dreevaluation andse lecti on, produced 10 primaryreserve cadre sand 11 se co
46、ndary reserve ca dres.Impleme ntation ofoperationstaffinduction gangsystem, 14staffposts bepr omoted.Strengthe ning the cultivati on ofprofessi onaltechni callea ders, sele cted coverage9 13fact ory-level professiona land te chnica lleaders. To e nhance staffskillstraining ,8 stafftechni cians.Labor
47、contract law com pliance, contracts ofupto100%.-Starteam -buildi ng to a dvance furt her. Establi sh a hol ding system implementation,and pr omotingthew holeteam -building goa ls,stre ngthe ngroupma nagement.T eambuilding int o aperformance revie,wpr omoting t he construction ofthe star team depth.T
48、hisyear,re spectively, 1 track,4 teamfourstarratedfive-starby Datang a nd theteam.Four, insist s on six cultural construction of harmoni ous devel opme nt,reallyg oodjob ofpartyconstructi on andthe independe ntCommission agai nstcorruption,strengt heni ng thehumanistic care andpsychologi calcounseli
49、 ng,theenter priseculture construction to anewlevel. -Buil ding ofenterpri se culture isfruitful.Companies adhere to theShe nhua lead ofcorporateculture, cult ureofresponsibil ityatthe cor e,tosafety culture,a culture oflearni ng,ethi calculture, cost culture culture syste m-assisted, throughvari ou
50、sculturalintegration,ha s boosted busine ssce ntre,thi syearhasw ont he Chi nese cult uralmanagementa dvanced unit,NationalAdvanced Uniti n thebuil dingofe nterprise cultureof reform andope ning up 30 andother honorary titles.The liabilityofthe companyculture:solving management problems ofcorporatec
51、ulture pr oje ct was awarde dthe CEC nationalelectri c powerenter prise cultureachievement award ofexcelle nce.Theacci dent earlywar ninga nd preventi on systemwasratedasChinas pow erofinnovation management, innovation managementofelectricpowerenterpriseinJiangsuProvi nce.-Partyand thei nde pende nt
52、Commission againstcorruptionconti nues to strengt hen. Was carrie d outtomaintain只作形式上的交通管制,不必真的攔截車輛僅是造聲勢、作宣傳) 。因本次演練為一次檢驗性演練,主要為檢驗應急預案的可行性、應急準備的充分性、應急機制的協調性及相關人員的應急處置能力而組織的演練。故其他如醫(yī)療組、專家技術組、物資供應組等各組在本次演練中暫不參與。本次演練所用物資、工、器具均提前運至現場。演練物資保障:在尾礦庫現場準備850 條編織袋、50 把鐵锨、15 把尖鎬、1600 平方米土工布、聲光電力報警器二個(分別置于尾礦庫現場和
53、選廠辦公樓屋頂)、一臺挖掘機、一臺裝載機、一臺備用發(fā)電機、200 米電纜線及經測試性能良好的對講機6 部、手持半導體擴音器3 只、手電筒10 只。演練安全保障:1 、 突擊隊人員在趕往搶險地點通過陡坡路段時,要減緩行進速度,防止滑跌、注意人身安全;2、人員在裝袋過程中要注意鐵锨不要鏟著撐袋人員的手,以防人身傷害事故發(fā)生;3、在搶險演練搬運砂袋和堆筑擋水墻時,人員要在規(guī)定區(qū)域內活動,不得向庫區(qū)深處行走,以防人員陷入庫內;4、待總指揮命令搶險結束、人員帶至安全地點清點人數后,各突擊隊隊長應迅速把各隊人員帶至尾礦庫右側壩肩分水嶺處清點人員和查驗人員受傷情況,并由突擊隊大隊長綜合統計后報總指揮。其它演
54、練事項安排:1、 綜合科負責對演練全過程進行跟蹤拍照、錄像,以便為以后的安全宣傳和演練總結提供資料;2、演練突擊隊員要全部穿雨靴和戴安全帽,是否穿雨衣視當天天氣情況臨時決定;ecurit y, pr ofit,maintain stabilityand promoteharmoniousdev elopment as themaincontentofthe three g uarantee s themepractice activities andstressing partyspirit,t oconduct, forexamplecampaign,party andfurtherimpr
55、ovementofthe levelofwork.Staffparticipating inthe honestandclean cultureconstructionseminar s,staffssenseofprobityand enhanced.Foundedby honesti nspect orsteamcompose dof 12employees t o broa dent hechannels ofsupervisi on.Adhere to establish fourgood leadershi pactivities,staffsatisfaction rate of
56、98%tothe team.-Groupworkdynamic.Promoti ngthe openness offactory Affairs,proposalforaloveletterbox,tothe vitalinterestsofthestaffTrade Uniondelegati on leader meeting ofthe26 systemtodiscuss a nd safeguard theirdemocratic rights.Improvethe organizationalstructure ofthemission,the work ofstrengt heni
57、ng. Organize mai ntena ncela borem ulation andhealthCup competiti on,e nha ncethe ski lls ofstaff.Organizedavraerdieutcyeocfocaullctuornasluamption,wcatitveirticeos,npshuymspictial andme onn,teallheeaclttricityhatctahreecsotarfef,tocr,eeantehaanhcaermthoeniousatompoesrapthiere.oDnuorfinlegathe Wnemn
58、canhaugaenmeenttorealize low conarstuhmqupatikoen,dhoignatedh aelflfitchieency, creompa duncyeeprmopdlouyctioenecs,otsotsl. ove, to supportthSeecond istodsitsraester arnegathes.nThthiseybeaurs,it ness,fhineacnocmialp,amnyathearisalw,ion theSu .nCfourttminagticoonsatscandtheoptimizatinbe coonntoroflo
59、lerdg,anmizoanteiony sahnodulmdannoatgebemewant,stseadvimnganthageeinmteernt naltrpahnilsaosopcthiyo,nmcaonsatgs.eHmaermntanoanliyoussisd,etvoeilmopprmenotvemaonfahgaremmoeniounstdqeuvaellityo,pimmeprnotv-e-iscotostccoonnsttrroulctcaa foreignpaceintyviarnd markeotncmoempetitnivtefonresdse.velopment.
60、XINGrefeIrnsntoovtahtieoninternofalssciee nce andte chnocluorigtyy-f-isrcmianednicnetearnndaltemcahnology innnaogveamtient oftheintoernnisaltoma playthe rolnagemeenotfsmceiasuerenscearaendeftfeeccthivneo,lharogy asthe primmaroyniporuosdu.ctive force,a Foreign currcetinvceyusmeeans oEfnnteewr technol
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