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1、精品文檔公司企業(yè)文化宣揚(yáng)用語(yǔ) 在線網(wǎng)校:考試書(shū)庫(kù): 中英文 網(wǎng)校以及考試書(shū)庫(kù)開(kāi)發(fā)及擁有課件范疇涉及公務(wù)員 / 財(cái)會(huì)類(lèi) / 學(xué)歷類(lèi) / 建筑工程類(lèi)等 9 大類(lèi)考試的在線網(wǎng)絡(luò)培訓(xùn)輔導(dǎo)和全新引進(jìn)高清 3D電子書(shū)考試用書(shū); 1.觀賞的神奇之處在于, 它能讓我們自己也擁有被觀賞者的優(yōu)點(diǎn); Appreciation is a wonderful thing:It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well. Voltaire 伏爾泰 2. 最了不得的天賦,莫過(guò)于能估量事物的真正價(jià)值; The greatest of all gifts is

2、 the power to estimate things at their true worth. Rochefoucauld 拉羅什富科 3. 觀賞你的同事為工作的付出;沒(méi)有什么能夠替代幾句合時(shí)宜的、發(fā)自內(nèi)心的贊揚(yáng),贊揚(yáng)不花費(fèi)任何成本卻能帶來(lái)無(wú)比的財(cái)寶; Appreciate everything your associates do for the business.Nothing else can quite substitute for a few well-chose,well-timed,sincere words 獨(dú)家原創(chuàng)of 2022 全新精品資料 -全新公文范文 -全程指導(dǎo)

3、寫(xiě)作1 / 8精品文檔praise.Theyre absolutely free and worth a fortune. Sam Walton 山姆 . 沃爾頓 4.我每天早上醒來(lái)都提示自己:我自己說(shuō)的話并不能幫忙自己成長(zhǎng);所以假如我想多學(xué)習(xí),就要留意傾聽(tīng); I remind myself every morning:Nothing I say this day will teach me anything. So if I m going to learn,I must do it by listening. Larry King 拉里 . 金 5. 摸索如智者,說(shuō)話如民眾; Think

4、like a wise man but communicate in the language of the people. William butler Yeats 葉芝 6. 昨日已經(jīng)消逝,明日仍未到來(lái),我們擁有的只是今日;讓我們從現(xiàn)在開(kāi)頭吧! Yesterday is gone.Tomorrow has not yet come.We have only today.Let us begin. Mother Terese 德蘭修女 7. 無(wú)論走到哪里, 無(wú)論天氣如何, 你都要帶上自己的陽(yáng)光; Wherever you go,whatever the weather is ,always

5、bring your own sunshine. 8.假如否定了事物的可能性,你就在瞬時(shí)失去了生活的樂(lè)趣;2022 全新精品資料 -全新公文范文 -全程指導(dǎo)寫(xiě)作獨(dú)家原創(chuàng)2 / 8精品文檔 The enjoyment of life would be instantly gone if you removed the possibility of doing something. 9. 沒(méi)有信任就沒(méi)有愛(ài); Where there is no trust,there is no love. 10. 大自然從不欺詐我們;欺詐我們的永久是我們自己; Nature never deceives us;i

6、t is always we who deceive ourselves. Jean jacques Rousseau 盧梭s self. 11.再也沒(méi)有什么比欺詐自己更簡(jiǎn)潔的了; Nothing is easier than to deceive one Demosthenes 德摩斯梯尼 12. 正直是人生眾多道路中惟一不會(huì)讓你迷路的一條; Integrity is one of several paths.It distinguishes itself from the others because it is the right path and the only one upon w

7、hich you will never get lost. M.H Mckee 麥基 13. 假如你堅(jiān)持誠(chéng)信,其他一切都不重要;假如你沒(méi)有誠(chéng)信,其他一切也都不重要; If you have integrity,Nothing else matters.If you dont have integrity,Nothing else matters. Alan K.Simpson 艾倫 . 辛普森 14. 誠(chéng)信哪怕再微小,都比任何事業(yè)重要;2022 全新精品資料 -全新公文范文 -全程指導(dǎo)寫(xiě)作獨(dú)家原創(chuàng)3 / 8精品文檔 A little integrity is better than any c

8、areer. Ralph waldo Emerson 愛(ài)默生 15. 我認(rèn)為世上最有意義的事,莫過(guò)于當(dāng)團(tuán)隊(duì)中的一員做出奉獻(xiàn),其他人都集合在他旁邊,認(rèn)同他,稱(chēng)贊他; There s nothing greater in the world than when somebody on the team does something good,and everybody gathers around to pat him on the back. Billy Martinn 比利 . 馬丁 16. 常懷感恩之心能給生活帶來(lái)安靜和歡悅; There is a calmness to a life li

9、ved in gratitude,a quiet joy. Ralph H. Blum 布魯姆 17. 沒(méi)有什么投資能比得上為他人散布陽(yáng)光和歡悅帶來(lái)的回報(bào)來(lái)得豐厚; There is no investment you can make which will pay you so well as the effort to scatter sunshine and good cheer through your establishment. Orison Swett Marden 馬登 18. 凡有才能轉(zhuǎn)變這個(gè)世界,促使這個(gè)世界進(jìn)步的人,都是善于勉勵(lì)多于批判的人; Those who are

10、lifting the world upward and onward are those who encourage more than criticize. 2022 全新精品資料 -全新公文范文 -全程指導(dǎo)寫(xiě)作獨(dú)家原創(chuàng)4 / 8精品文檔 Elizabeth Harrison 伊麗莎白 . 哈里森 19. 觀賞可以制造出很不平凡的一天,甚至可以轉(zhuǎn)變你的一生;當(dāng)你想要表達(dá)對(duì)他人由衷的稱(chēng)贊時(shí),請(qǐng)不要徘徊; Appreciation can make a day,even change a life.Your willingness to put it into words is all tha

11、t is necessary. Margaret Cousins 瑪格利特 . 庫(kù)辛 20. 溝通,這種人類(lèi)聯(lián)系的方式,是我們獲得個(gè)人和事業(yè)勝利的關(guān)鍵所在; Communication-the human connection-is the key to personal and career success. Paul J.Meyer 保羅 . 邁爾 21. 好的溝通與花言巧語(yǔ)無(wú)關(guān),也并不肯定要使用規(guī)律嚴(yán)密的詞句,簡(jiǎn)潔明白才是其真正的原就; Good communication does not mean that you have to speak in perfectly formed

12、sentences and paragraphs.It isn t about slickness.Simple and clear go a long way. John Kotter 約翰 . 科特 22. 假如不把歡樂(lè)表達(dá)出來(lái),我們很快就停止了對(duì)歡樂(lè)的感受,這就是人類(lèi)的心理; Such is human psychology that if we dont express our joy,we soon cease to feel it. 2022 全新精品資料 -全新公文范文 -全程指導(dǎo)寫(xiě)作獨(dú)家原創(chuàng)5 / 8精品文檔 Lin Yutang 林語(yǔ)堂 23. 站起來(lái)?yè)?jù)理力爭(zhēng)是士氣的表現(xiàn);而

13、坐下來(lái)虛心傾聽(tīng)也需要莫大的士氣; Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak;courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen. Winston Churchill 溫斯頓 . 丘吉爾 24.要讓你的孩子每當(dāng)想到公平和誠(chéng)信時(shí),就會(huì)想到你;and Live so that when your children think of fairness integrity,they think of you. H.Jackson Brown,Jr. 杰克遜 . 布朗 25. 不能寬恕自己的人,如何寬

14、恕他人; If you havent forgiven yourself something,how can you forgive others. Dolores Huerta 杜拉萊斯 . 胡爾塔 26. 我們?nèi)巳硕际仟?dú)翼天使,只有相擁才能翱翔; We are,each of us angels with only one wing;and we can only fly by embracing one another. Luciano de crescenzo 克雷申佐 27. 惟一的殘疾就是缺乏愛(ài)的才能; The only abnormality is the incapacity

15、to love. Anais Nin 尼恩 28. 人的一生有兩大目標(biāo):第一,得到你想要的東西;第2022 全新精品資料 -全新公文范文 -全程指導(dǎo)寫(xiě)作獨(dú)家原創(chuàng)6 / 8精品文檔二,享受你得到的東西;只有最聰慧的人才能實(shí)現(xiàn)其次個(gè)目標(biāo); There are two things to aim at in life:first,to get what you want;and,after that,to enjoy it,only the wisest of mankind achieve the second. P.Smith Logan 洛根 29. 善意的言辭成本最少,而成效最多; Kind

16、 words do not cost much.Yet they accomplish much. Blaise Pascal 布萊士 . 柏斯卡 30. 寬恕是讓一個(gè)囚犯得到自由,而這囚犯就是你自己; To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you. Lewis B.Smedes 史密德 31. 職業(yè)和工作帶給我們的幸福和滿意感,比我們大多數(shù)人意識(shí)的要多得多; Jobs and work do much more than most of us realize to provide happiness and contentment. Leonard R. Sayles 塞爾斯 32. 享受生活不是去查找答案,而是生活在問(wèn)題里; Enjoying life isnt about finding the answers,but living in the questions. Sue Margolis 蘇. 瑪格瑞斯獨(dú)家原創(chuàng)2022 全新精品資料 -全新公文范文 -全程指導(dǎo)寫(xiě)作7 / 8精品文檔 33. 要獲得良好的溝通,第一要意識(shí)到每個(gè)人都具有自己的特殊性和價(jià)值; The basic building block of good communications


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