廣東廣播電視大學(xué)理工英語(yǔ)2Unit8 形考成績(jī)-單元自測(cè)8(預(yù)備知識(shí):Unit 8;10分)答案_第1頁(yè)
廣東廣播電視大學(xué)理工英語(yǔ)2Unit8 形考成績(jī)-單元自測(cè)8(預(yù)備知識(shí):Unit 8;10分)答案_第2頁(yè)
廣東廣播電視大學(xué)理工英語(yǔ)2Unit8 形考成績(jī)-單元自測(cè)8(預(yù)備知識(shí):Unit 8;10分)答案_第3頁(yè)




1、試卷總分:100 得分:100一、選擇填空:閱讀下面的對(duì)話(huà)或句子,從A、B、C三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出一個(gè)能填入空白處的最佳選項(xiàng)。Lets go and see our teacher on Teachers Day. _Thats will do.Thats all.All right.答案:C2. Id like?some information?about the management of your hotel.? Well,?_you could have?a word with the manager, he might be helpful.go to ask someone else.

2、I?dont know.you?d better find some information yourself.答案:A3. I usually go there by train.? _You could do more training.The boat is very comfortable.Why not try going by boat?for a change?答案:C4.?Ford Motor Company was _ in 1903. It is one of the greatest car companies in the world today.?findedfoun

3、dfounded答案:C5.?Do you think Qingdao is a fantastic place for tourist?Yes, I have _ there many times. It is quite beautiful.?gonebeenwent答案:B6.二、閱讀理解:閱讀下面的短文,根據(jù)文章內(nèi)容進(jìn)行判斷,正確為“T”,錯(cuò)誤為“F”。?It will be the 50th anniversary of the founding of Lehigh Valley Industrial Park Inc.?LVIPs successes have defined th

4、is region, including its economy, its residents working lives, even the look of broad areas across Lehigh and Northampton counties.People are duly observing the date with banquets, awards and other festivities. But they ought to know about a few facts in order to appreciate the importance of what wa

5、s begun 50 years ago.?LVIP now comprises seven planned parks. They are home to 460 companies. Those companies provide 22,000 jobs. LVIP has borrowed more than $436 million in private investment over the years. It has paid tens of millions of property and payroll taxes.We can imagine what will happen

6、 to this area if there arent those jobs. Obviously, we ought to appreciate the genius of LVIPs founders. Fifty years ago, Bethlehem Steel Corp. and other integrated steelmakers were hit by the fifth nationwide strike in 15 years. Those cycles of strikes affected every part of the local economy.Contr

7、actor Frank L. Marcon told fellow board members at the Bethlehem Chamber of Commerce that a more diverse economy could be fostered if public and private leaders acted together. In those days, there were no state or federal economic development programs. So, 18 individuals pooled $250,000 of their ow

8、n money and LVIP sold bonds to raise $400,000 more to buy four farms along Airport Road. The City of Bethlehem contributed planning work, amended its zoning code and worked out an affordable way to add streets, curbs and sewers. Companies like Bethlehem Steel made major contributions, creating a new

9、 model for cooperation.Another important decision was made that year. It made “Lehigh Valley”?part of the name of the new endeavor. The late Walter Dealtrey, a former LVIP board president, used to tell people that back then, decades before “regionalization”?became part of the public vocabulary. Thos

10、e leaders knew their vision had to carry the stamp of big ideas. That first 226 acre tract could have been called “Bethlehem Industrial Park,”?because thats where it was.?Lehigh Valley Industrial Park is fifty years old now.?Lehigh Valley Industrial Park plays a very important role in the local peoples lives.?People dont really know the history of Lehigh Valley Industrial Park.?Steelmake


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