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1、Contingency plan for typhoon臺風暴雨應急預案Approved by: General Manager二O 一一年五月一日 May 05 2011一、概述 Overview深圳市隸屬中國廣東省,位于東經(jīng)114,北緯22附近。地處珠江口伶仃洋東側,北 與東莞市和惠州市接壤,南與香港一河之隔,東至大亞灣畔。市域面積2020平方公里,海 岸線長229.96公里。境內最高峰為梧桐山國家森林公園主峰,海拔943.7米。深圳屬亞熱 帶海洋性氣候,年平均氣溫最22.04 C,年平均降水量1948.40毫米。Shenzhen,a city belong to Guangdong Pr

2、ovince at 114 E,22 N,exends to Daya Want at the east,swparated from Hong Kong by a rive at the south,lies on Dong guan and Hui zhou at the north ,makesLing Ding Yang at on its west.The area of the city are 2020 square kilometers,the coastline is 229.26km.Main peak of Wu tong National Forest Park ,wh

3、ich is of 943.7 metres high,is the highest mountain in Shenzhen.Shenzhen has a subtropical oceanic climate with an annual teperature 22.40C and annual average rainfall 1948.40mm.對颶風和臺風的預防措施可以有效的起到縮小破壞程度的作用。每個酒店都應盡早成立 應急小組,制定應急預案。特別是我們處于亞熱帶海洋性氣候地帶,以確保隨時應付惡劣的天氣。應急小組需要明白熱帶風暴對所帶來的災難性破壞以及在這種緊迫時刻所采取的措 施。預

4、防損失的措施計劃中的緊急事件部分將針對如何處理颶風或臺風事件提供更好的方 案。The typhoon prevention measures play an effective role in reducing the damage caused.Hotel should set up the emergency response team and establish the contingency plan as early as possible,especially, Shenzhen is subropical oceanic climate.The emergency respons

5、e team need to understand the devastation caused and the emergency measure should be taken.A better soultion plan on a typhoon will be provided in the losss proevent plan.二、臺風預警信號 Typhoon Warning Signals臺風預警信號分五級,分別以白色、藍色、黃色、橙色和紅色表示。(一)白色風球預警信號:There are 5 warning signals of typhoon,white、 blue、 yel

6、low、 orange and red.Typhoon White Warning Signal 48小時內可能受熱帶氣旋影響。in 48 hours.The area may be affected by the tropical cyclones(二)藍色風球預警信號:Typhoon BuleWarning Signal或陣風7級以上;或者已經(jīng)受熱24小時內可能受熱帶氣旋影響,平均風力可達6級以上, 帶氣旋影響,平均風力為6-級,或陣風7-8級并可能持續(xù)。The area may be affected by the tropical cyclones in 24 hours,the av

7、erage wind-force will grow up to 6 grades and above ,or gusts7 grades above;Or,the area has already affected by the tropical cyclong,the average wind-force is 6to7grade,or the gusts is 7to8grade and is likely to continue.ESTyphoon Yellow Warning Signal(三)黃色風球預警信號:i1 24小時內可能受熱帶氣旋影響,平均風力可達8級以上,或陣風9級以上

8、;或者已經(jīng)受熱 帶氣旋影響,平均風力為8-9級,或陣風9-10級并可能持續(xù)。The area may be affected in 24 hours,the average wind-force will grow above 8 grade,orthe gusts 9 grade and above;or the area has affected by the tropical cyclone,the average wind-force is 8to9 grade,or the gusts are 9 to 10 grade and is likely tocontinue.(四)橙色風

9、球預警信號orangeTyphoon Orange Warning Signal12小時內可能受熱帶氣旋影響,平均風力可達10級以上,或陣風11級以上;或者已經(jīng)受 熱帶氣旋影響,平均風力為10-11級,或陣風11-12級并可能持續(xù)。The area may be affected in 12 hours,the average wind-force will grow above 10 grade,or the gusts 11 grade and above;or the area has affected by the tropical cyclone,the average wind-f

10、orce is 10to11 grade,or the gustsire 10 to 11 gradeand(五)紅色風球預警信號is likely to continue.Typhoon Red Warning Signal 12小時內可能或者已經(jīng)受臺風影響,平均風力可達到2級以上,或者已達12級以上并可能 持續(xù)。The area may be affected within 12 hours or has affected by the tropical cyclone,the average wind-fore can reach 12 grade or has reached and

11、is likely to continue.三、預防措施 Prevention measures在颶風/臺風季節(jié)到來之前 The time before the coming of a typhoon season臺風季節(jié)從前月份5日持續(xù)到10月30日Typhoon season runs from April 15 until October30.緊急處理小組Emergency group緊急處理小組應按照以下要求配置設備和做準備:The emergency team should install equipment and make preparation with the followi

12、ng requirements:盛裝足量飲用水的容器(按照每天每人供應1/2加侖的比例,可供應三天餓的水量)Prepare enough water (the water stored can supply for three days,according to the ratio 1/2gallon per person per day).所有無限電設備的備用電池準備完畢。Get ready the bettery of all the RF equipments.所有的移動電話的備用電池準備完畢。Get ready the emergency bettery of all mobile p

13、hones.手電筒的備用電池準備完畢。Get ready the bettery of all the electric torches.捆綁用的繩索準備完畢。Get ready the ropes which would be used for tying.用于遮掩窗戶玻璃的防風擋板準備完畢。Get ready the wind protection screen which would be used for shutter the glass windows.用于保護各標志牌和屋頂裝置的皮帶或者麻袋準備完畢。Get ready the strap and the sacks which

14、would be used for protecting the signs and the installations on the top of the building.沙袋準備完畢。(把用作吸水用的沙袋延展開來并以防其撕破)Get ready the sandbag.(Unfold the sandbag to avoid tearing it)備有足量的急救箱。Get ready enough frist aid boxes.回顧并演練應急程序,確保當事件發(fā)生時可迅速做出有效反應。Review and exercise the emergency procedures to ensu

15、re that when the event occurs we can respond quickly and effectively.在有需要的情況下聯(lián)系公共代理機構為客人安排避難場所。Contact the public agency to arrange shelter for the foreign guest in the case of the need.颶風/臺風即將到來或已經(jīng)到來The right time when the typhoon is coming or hasreached(一)白色風球預警信號防御措施 Prevention measure on white w

16、arning signal總經(jīng)理:General Manager了解當?shù)鼐o急事件處理機構,公安機關,消防大隊以及酒店集團危機管理部門的緊急求 助電話,重溫狂風肆虐后的安全處理方案。Know about the emergency phone number of the local emergency management agencies,public security bureau,fire brigade and criaia management department of hotel group;Review the solution plan on handling the foll

17、ow-up work after a big wind.通過廣播或者電視了解臺風/暴雨的信息,并接收定時報告。確保各部門領導清楚颶風/ 臺風的處理進程。監(jiān)督酒店的預防措施。通過前臺向客人傳達臺風/暴雨的動向及員工 預防措施的進程等信息。Get the information of the typhoon/rainstorm though the radio or the TV and receive the regular report .Ensure the treatment pocess of the typhoon is known by each department head;Su

18、pervise the prevention measure taken.Convey the information to the guest on the tendency of the typhoon and the process of the prevention measure taken through the Front Desk.確定在颶風/臺風到達時在酒店工作的員工數(shù)量。Determine the number of the staff should be on duty during the typhoon period.安管部Security安管部負責固定在39樓、25

19、樓存放沙包,以防水災。同時加強對酒店各隱患區(qū)域的巡 視,在臺風來臨前配合工程部協(xié)調酒店公區(qū)沙包的放置;Security is respondible for storing sandbag at 39F and 25F in case of flooding.Strengthen the patrol of the hotel hidden area,coordinate with Engineering on the placement of the sandbag before the arrive of the flooding as well.確保雨衣有足夠儲備;Get ready e

20、nough raincoats.戶外站立指示牌必須搬移到酒店內。The out door standing signs must be moved into hotel.協(xié)助總經(jīng)理、酒店經(jīng)理督促各部門落實預防措施。Assist General Manger and Hotel Manager to urge each department to carry out the prevention measure.前廳部 Front office在大堂展示臺風分布圖;Display the distribution map of the typhoon;在地面大堂和酒店在大堂前臺LED顯示屏上公布

21、臺風警告;Publicize the typhoon warning by the LED screen at sky lobby and ground floor lobby; 即時將臺風警告牌放置于酒店26樓大堂,酒店一樓大門口及電梯口。Place the typhoon warning sign at 26F sky ,ground floor lobby and the entrance of the elevators.客戶服務中心Guest service centre客戶服務中心須擁有一部干電池收音機,以備特殊情況使用,獲取天氣信息。A batter raido should b

22、e prepared in guest service centre to obtain werther information in special cases.及時將互聯(lián)網(wǎng)及電視臺對臺風的報道告知酒店管理層/安管部(每小時);Report the information of the typhoon on the internet and the television to the management team/Security(par hour);從網(wǎng)上查找最新臺風信息(氣象預報站)Search the latest information of the typhoon from th

23、e typhoon from the internet (the weather forecast website).工程部:Engineering檢查緊急發(fā)電機和抽水機。Inspect the emergency generators and the pumps.確保緊急發(fā)電機,消防泵以及所有的燃料水槽準備完畢。Get ready the emergency generator ,fire pump and all the fuel tank.固定指示牌和屋頂?shù)脑O施。(如:空調管道和排氣管道。)Fix the signs and the facilities on the top of th

24、e building.(Such as the air-conditioning duct and the exhaust duct.)將在颶風/臺風來臨時或颶風/臺風過后會用到的一些工具(如錘、鋸、釘子、撬杠等) 移到安全處保管;Find a safe area to place the tools which would be used in or after the typhoon(such as the hammers,saws,nails and the crow bars).移開所有擱置在露天或者室外天臺等地方散放的物品;Move away all the scattered go

25、ods outdoor or on the rooftop檢查酒店排水系統(tǒng)。(必須確保無雜物堵塞)Inspect the drainage system.(Ensure it is not blocked.)準備200個沙袋,并存放在負一樓工程部機房區(qū)域;Get 200 sandbags prepared in B1 Engineering machine room;檢查儲備的夾板、雨衣、雨靴、手電筒、手動抽水機、電池;Check the plywood,raincoats,boots,flashlights,manualpumps and batteries reserved.檢查所有對講機

26、的電池,并充電,確保電量充足;Chesk and charge all the batteries of the walkie-talkie to ensure an asequate power.檢查室外天線、信號線、保證其牢固。Check the outdoor antenna and signal lines to ensure that it is firm enough.確保配電室、機械設備室和油泵房內沒有儲存任何東西。Make sure there is nothing stored in the power distribution roon,mechanical equipme

27、nt room and the pump room.客房部:Housekeeping確保所有的窗戶和房門處于關閉狀態(tài);Make sure all the windows and doors are closed.將一樓的儲物間騰空,搬至上面的樓層;Clean up all the goods in the first floor storage and move to the top floor.室外的物件、設備和倉庫不作移動,將其固定即可。There is no need to move the outdoor items,equipment and storage,but fix it f

28、irmly.餐飲部:Food & Beverage購買并存儲一些可使用三天左右的用餐工具,如紙盤,塑料餐具和食品袋等。Store some paper plate,plastic plate or food bag which can be used for about three days.將可供應的罐頭食品和不易碎的貸物移至安全房間。Store some cannd foods which can be used for about three days and move the non-fragile goods to a safety room.(二)藍色和黃色風球預警信號防御措施De

29、fensive measures on typhoon blue and yellow warning signals 遵循上一級防御措施(一號信號),另外:Follow the defensive measure above,furthermore,總經(jīng)理 General Manager 通知客人和員工颶風/臺風即將到達的信息。Inform the guest and the employees of the information on the typhoon.通過收音機等工具隨時監(jiān)控颶風/臺風的情況。Get the latest information on the typhoon th

30、rough the radio ect at any time.建議客人撤離颶風/臺風區(qū)域。Suggest the guest evacuating form the typhoon area.安管部Security部門當值主管或領班及時獲取最新臺風警告通知,并及時通知給安管部成員。The Competent or team leader on duty should refresh and disseminate the latest typhoon information to every employee in Security.組織內部隊伍,及時處理突發(fā)事件。Organize the

31、internal team to handle the Instant Event. 降旗。Lower the flags.在臺風期間的員工排班情況。Pay attention to the staff scheduling during the typhoon period.加強酒店內、外部的巡邏。Strengthen the internal and external patrol of hotel.前廳部 Front office聯(lián)系旅游團的負責人并告知颶風/臺風的狀況;Contact the person in charge of the tour group to convey th

32、e situation of the typhoon.告知每個客人颶風/臺風的狀態(tài)和酒店的緊急預備情況;Infrom every guest on the situation of the typhoon as well as the emergency preparedness hotel taken.制定計劃讓客人仍可受到款待。Make plan to ensure the guest can still fell comfortable.時刻關注交通信息,并及時將航班,渡輪的更改信息告客人。Focus on the traffic information and inform the g

33、uest timely about the updated information on the airline and the ferry.將酒店車輛注滿燃料停放在受保護的區(qū)域。Fill all the vehicles with fuel and park in a protected area. 所有車必須停放在地下停車場,大型巴士停放在避風車位。All the vehicles must be parked in the underground car parks,and the larger bus should park in the sheltered parking space

34、.確保手電筒有足夠的電池。Endure the battery of the flashlight is full of power.準備在必要時安排員工留住在客房內。Make a preparation that the staff would use the guest room ,if it is needed.安排司機加班留守酒店,以備緊急需要。Arrange drivers to work overtime and stand by in case of any emergency need.在臺風期間的員工排班情況。Pay attention to the staff schedu

35、ling during the typhoon period.工程部 Engineering檢查并關閉所有外部門窗。Check and close all the external doors and windows.檢查緊急發(fā)電機,緊急照明設備、工具和設施。Check the emergency generators,lighting,and facilities.關閉所有排風機。Close all the Exhaust Fan.在臺風期間的員工排班情況。Pay attention to the staff scheduling during the typhoon period.主管及員

36、工在臺風期間留守酒店。Supervisors and above should be on duty typhoon period.房務部 Housekeeping檢查客房窗戶,確保窗戶鎖閉。Check the windows in guest room and make sure it is closed firmly.確保有足夠的電池/手電筒。Make sure there are enough batteries/flashlights.關閉客房內的遮光簾。Close the in-room windows shades.搬走所有外部盆栽植物。Move away all the outd

37、oor potted plants.聯(lián)絡植物供應商并確保植物的安全。Contact plant suppliers to ensure the safety of the plants.準備廢棄的布草以備漏水時應用。Get some waste linen ready in case of water leakage.檢查所有的地漏,確保正常工作。Check all the floor drain to ensure the normal work.在臺風期間的員工排班情況。Pay attention to the staff scheduling during the typhoon per

38、iod.餐飲部 Food and Beverage檢查食品存貨-我們是否需要再訂貨?Check the storage of the food to determine whether it is needed to purchase more.檢查各分門安全無問題。Check the sections inclouded to ensure the safety.檢查電池/手電筒存?zhèn)浜蛻睙?。Check the reserves of the batteries/flashlights and the emergency lights.在臺風期間的員工排班情況。Pay attention t

39、o the staff scheduling during the typhoon period.行政人事部 Human Resources協(xié)調員工留住酒店內。Coordinate the matters on the employees who are on duty to sleep in hotel.關閉宿舍門窗以確保員工宿舍的安全。Close all the windows and doors in wmployee residence to ensure the safety.如可能發(fā)生員工餐廳服務中斷,同其供應商保持聯(lián)系。Keep in touch with the supplie

40、rs in case of the service interruption of our employee restaurant.檢查電池/手電筒存?zhèn)浜蛻睙?。Check the reserves of the batteries/flashlights and the emergency lights.行政人事部聯(lián)系醫(yī)務人員,保證各急救箱內有足夠藥品。(安管部、工程部、餐飲部、 行政人事部、前廳部、房務部)各部門總監(jiān)負責及時補充急救箱內藥品。Human Resources is responsible for contact medical personnel and ensure the

41、 medical in the first aid box is enough.Directors of each department are responsible for renewing the first aid box.在臺風期間的員工排班情況。Pay attention to the staff scheduling during the typhoon period.(三)橙色和紅色風球預警信號防御措施The prevention measures should taken when there is white or red warning 遵循以上一、二、三號信號防御措施,

42、另外:Follow up the prevention measures above,furthermore:為保護生命及財產(chǎn)安全,啟動最終緊急預備,了解颶風/臺風的中心位置以及其速度。這些 信息對我們的緊急預備至關重要。在北半球,風向是逆時針旋轉的。Start the final emergency preparation to protect life and property safety ,keep in touch with the information on the speed of the typhoonas well as the typhoon center.The inf

43、ormation is very important to our emergency preparedness .In the northern hemisphere,the direction of the wind is counterclockwise rotation. 如果颶風/臺風中心襲擊你所在位置那面20英里以內的地方,那么預計會有洪水和狂風 的破壞。If the typhoon conter is within 20miles away from your location,it is expected there will be flooding and storm.如果颶

44、風/臺風中心直接越過你所在的位置或是去往北面,那么引發(fā)洪水的可能性很小, 但風力仍會很強勁。If the typhoon center goes through your location directly or goes to the north,then the possibility of foolding is small but the wind is still very strong.以上信息為兩種情況都作準備。其責任如下:To prepare for both cases ,the responsiblities are as follow:總經(jīng)理 General Manage

45、r確保所有留守人員都在酒店,除非有緊急情況的發(fā)生。To ensure that all personnel are staying in the hotel,except for emergencies.禁止員工和客人飲酒。Prohibit employees drinking with the guests.時刻關注臺風影響和觀測酒店洪水入侵情況。Focus on the affection caused by typhoon and the flood situation.前廳經(jīng)理:(如有必要的話)Front Office Manager(If necessary)用防水裝備覆蓋電腦。Co

46、ver the computers with waterproof equipment.將重要的財務檔案、錢物、辦公用具等搬至高樓層。Move the important financial document,money,vauables and office appliances to the higher floors.保證客人和員工能接收到最新的颶風/臺風信息。Ensure that guests and employees to receive the latest information on the typhoon.如果客人愿意在颶風/臺風期間待在酒店的話,則要求其簽訂一份“放棄轉

47、移”的協(xié)議。If guests are willing to stey at the hotel during the typhoon period,it is requested to sign an agreement called “give up the transfer” .定時獲取最新機場/碼頭服務信息(信息在禮賓部處公布)。Regular access to the latest service information at the airport/terminal and promulgate it at the Concierge.建議酒店客人不要外出Propose the

48、guests don t go out.工程部:(如有必要的話)Engineering(If necessary)切斷酒店低位置部分的電源。Cut off parts of the pows suooly at the loe position.確保頂層和低層位置門的安全。Ensure the safety of the doors at the top-level and the low position.關掉廚房和鍋爐房的燃氣開關。Turn off the gas switch in the kitchen and boiler room.不斷檢查酒店及外圍地區(qū)的地漏。Check the

49、floor srain in and surrounding hotel constantly.監(jiān)控主要配電房。Monitor the main power distribution room. 持續(xù)監(jiān)控仍需運作的設備。Monitor the equipment which are still at operation situation.(酒店處于停業(yè)狀態(tài))切斷電源,在沒有所需檢查完之前不能開啟。(Hotel is at closed down state.)Cut off the power supply and can not reaet before finishing the ins

50、pection required.行政人事部Human Resources保證急救藥物對員工24小時開放。Ensure to supply the emergency drugs for 24 hours.房務部:(如有必要的話)Housekeeping(If necessary)盡量將所有毛巾,洗衣設備搬至高層儲物間放置。Place all the towels ,laundry facilities in the storage on high floors.將所有浴缸和水槽放滿水,以備引用、洗滌、清潔之需。Fill all bathtub and basin with water in

51、cater of the needs washing and cleaning.如有需要,員工需做好準備支援其他部門。If necessary, staff is required to support other departments.餐飲部:(如有必要的話)Food and Beverage (If necessary)用防水油布和防水封蓋將所有的機器和存貨遮蓋起來。Cover all the machines and stock with tarpaulins and waterproof cover.將罐裝食品儲存在儲水容器中。Store the canned food into c

52、ontainer which can be used to store water.將冷凍庫和冰箱調至其最冷的設置。不在萬不得已的情況下決不能打開它們;Set the freezer and the fridge at the lowest temperature and must not open it in case of the last minute.將儲存的食品放置在食品架的最頂端,以防被告洪水沖跑。Place the food at the highest position of the shelf to avoid being washed away.所有部門:All department每次小時對本部門所屬區(qū)域檢查一遍,并報告酒店高層管理人員。Inspect the respective area every 2hours and report to the management team.所有留守人員The staff on duty在各出口放置好沙袋,如果需要的話撤離至高樓層。Place sandbags at all exits.Evacu


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