



1、2021-2022學(xué)年安徽省合肥市巢湖泥河中學(xué)高一英語期末試題含解析一、 選擇題1. Recently I cant focus on my lessons. Maybe I need to see a doctor.A. somewhat B. somehow C. anyway D. otherwise參考答案:B2. All the towns and villages down by the Huaihe River _ many times by the end of last month.A. have been floodedB. had been flooded C. have

2、 flooded D. had flooded參考答案:B3. After hearing the bad news, Susan found herself of it from time to time while at work.A. to thinkB. thinkingC. thoughD. having thought參考答案:B4. Roderick _ when he caught sight of a mosquito landing on his arm, ready for a bite.A. took his turn B. kept his wordC. held h

3、is breath D. earned his living參考答案:C略5. Dont reply to any e-mails _ personal information, no matter how official or formal they appear.A. searching B. asking C. offering D. requesting 參考答案:D【考點(diǎn)】考察動詞詞義辨析search尋找;ask要求,請求;offer主動要求;request請求;句意:不要回復(fù)任何要求你個(gè)人信息的郵件,無論這些郵件看上去是多么的正式和正規(guī)。根據(jù)說明本句中的request表示請求,符

4、合上下文的含義,而且本句中的現(xiàn)在分詞短語在句中作為定語修飾名詞e-mails。故D正確。【舉一反三】【2012湖南卷】31. The lecture, _ at 7:00 pm last night, was followed by an observation of the moon with telescopes. A. startingB. being startedC. to startD. to be started答案:A【考點(diǎn)】本題考查非謂語動詞的用法。解析:根據(jù)last night可知start已經(jīng)發(fā)生,故排除C、D(不定式常表將來),B(being done)一般表進(jìn)行,也排

5、除。非謂語動詞的主動語態(tài)和被動語態(tài) 現(xiàn)在分詞作定語 6. Take a short walk. It will give you twice _ energy as a candy bar does.A. so many B. as many C. so much D. as much參考答案:D7. _ amazed the NBA world is _ Kobe Bryant scored 81 points just in one game.A. That, what B. What, thatC. That, that D. What, what參考答案:B考查名詞性從句。句意:使NB

6、A世界驚訝的是Kobe Bryant在一場比賽中得了81分。根據(jù)句意可知,句子主語是一個(gè)主語從句,引導(dǎo)詞即起引導(dǎo)作用又要做從句的一個(gè)成分,所以第一空填What;第二空是that引導(dǎo)的表語從句,只起引導(dǎo)作用,故選B。8. It is his laziness and carelessness _ ruined his future.A.when B.that C.which D.what 參考答案:B9. During the holiday I bought a CD player, _ was rather reasonable.A. its priceB. of which price C

7、. the prices of whichD. whose price參考答案:D10. -Have you heard the news that an incident happened in a coal mine in Shanxi?-Yes. _ news!A. What astonishing B. How astonishing C. How astonishing a D. What astonishing a參考答案:A11. It was at 8 oclock _ I went back home last night.A. that B. when C. which D

8、. what 參考答案:A12. He prefers _ indoors _ out this afternoon.Ato stay;to go Bstaying;to goingCstaying;to go Dto stay;to going參考答案:B考查prefer的用法。prefer doing sth to doing sth“比較喜歡做某事,而不太喜歡做某事?!?3. _ surprised me most was _ such a little boy of seven could play the violin so well. A. That.what B. What.th

9、at C. That.which D. What.which參考答案:B14. Many students believe that the choice of their courses and universities should _ their own interest.A. be based on B. base on C. be basing on D. base at參考答案:A15. we should exploit the Antarctics natural resources is open to discussion. A.What B. Whether C. If

10、D. That 參考答案:B略16. The old woman was run over_ while she _ the street()Aby bus; acrossBby a bus; acrossCby bus; crossedDby a bus; crossed參考答案:D 那位老太太穿過街道時(shí)被一輛公共汽車撞倒了考查介詞短語根據(jù)第二空要填入一個(gè)動詞,排除A、B項(xiàng),across意為越過,是介詞C項(xiàng)中by bus意為乘公共汽車,與題意不符,也應(yīng)排除;根據(jù)題意,D項(xiàng)正確二、 新的題型17. How Can I Fight Laziness?Lazy people will never

11、amount to anything in life. However, laziness can be defeated once a few changes have been made in your mind._36_ Many people lack sleep constantly, since they stay up too late and get up too early to prepare for work. These people have little motivation once they arrive home. Laziness works hand in

12、 hand with a lack of motivation and a tendency (趨勢) to put off things. By adjusting your sleep schedule to provide a few more hours of meaningful rest, you can fight laziness throughout the day.Another way to fight laziness is to change your mind from passive to active. _37_ Others take a more activ

13、e approach, viewing each task as a challenge they must overcome alone. Laziness sets in when you no longer feel in charge of your own life.Some people fight laziness by removing the temptations (誘惑) that surround them. A television in the living room may provide entertainment. However, watching too

14、much TV in your spare time often contributes to laziness. _38_ Complete a few tasks and reward yourself with what you enjoy, such as a good dinner or a film. Laziness can also be a lasting problem at home. Couples and children may all have different energy levels, but laziness can be spread if not d

15、ealt with immediately. _39_ Be the first to collect and wash dishes after a meal. Others in the home may eventually follow your example and perform their own task. It is difficult to practice laziness when you are surrounded by motivated people._40_ Enough exercise and a balanced diet can enable you

16、 to have more energy and help lift your spirits.A. To fight family laziness, set an example.B. Knowing how to fight laziness is important.C. One way to fight laziness is to get enough sleep.D. Finally, developing a healthy lifestyle can help you fight laziness.E. With strong determination (意志力), you

17、 will be able to achieve your goal.F. Some people treat their lives as if they were pushed from task to task.G. Create a reward system for yourself, just as parents do for a child.參考答案:36. C 37. F 38. G 39. A 40. D【分析】本文是一篇說明文。作者通過這篇文章主要向我們描述了幾種克服懶惰的方法?!?6題詳解】本段作者講的是有些人為了準(zhǔn)備工作熬夜起床又早,導(dǎo)致下班回家后就沒有動機(jī)和沖勁,通

18、過調(diào)整睡眠多一些休息,可以讓你一整天精神飽滿。由此判斷空格處的內(nèi)容是:克服懶惰的方法之一就是有充足的睡眠。故選C?!?7題詳解】someothers,一些人另外一些人,為固定用法。根據(jù)后文Others take a more positive approach,viewing each task as a challenge they must overcome alone另一些人采取更積極的方法,把每一項(xiàng)任務(wù)看作是他們必須獨(dú)自克服的挑戰(zhàn)。選項(xiàng)F. Some people treat their lives as if they were pushed from task to task. 有

19、些人對待他們的生活就好像他們被從一個(gè)任務(wù)推到另一個(gè)任務(wù)。選項(xiàng)中的some對應(yīng)下文中的others,表示兩類人的對比,符合語境,故選F。【38題詳解】根據(jù)后文Complete a few tasks and reward yourself with what you enjoy,such as a good dinner or a film可知你需要為自己創(chuàng)造獎勵(lì)制度,就像父母為孩子做的一樣(Create a reward system for yourself, just as parents do for a child),選項(xiàng)G符合題意,故選G?!?9題詳解】前文Couples and c

20、hildren may all have different energy levels, but laziness can be spread if not dealt with immediately. 提到懶惰可能會傳遞給你的家人。后面舉例子來講如何避免將懶惰傳遞給家人:Be the first to collect and wash dishes after a meal.要發(fā)揮榜樣作用,選項(xiàng)A起承上啟下的作用,符合題意,故選A。【40題詳解】后文Enough exercise and a balanced diet can enable you to have more energy

21、 and help lift your spirits.中的exercise and a balanced diet都屬于健康的生活方式(healthy lifestyle),與選項(xiàng)D提到的策略相對應(yīng),故先D?!军c(diǎn)睛】七選五的解題技巧之一是根據(jù)上下文詞匯來鎖定線索。即:要關(guān)注空白前后的名詞和動詞,然后在選項(xiàng)中查找它們的近義詞、反義詞、同義詞、同類詞等。其次是一些專有名詞,或副詞,比如說數(shù)詞、代詞、時(shí)間、年代、地點(diǎn)/名稱等。同時(shí)也要注意一些固定搭配的使用。例如第二題,someothers,一些人另外一些人,為固定用法。根據(jù)后文Others take a more positive approac

22、h,viewing each task as a challenge they must overcome alone另一些人采取更積極的方法,把每一項(xiàng)任務(wù)看作是他們必須獨(dú)自克服的挑戰(zhàn)。選項(xiàng)F. Some people treat their lives as if they were pushed from task to task. 有些人對待他們的生活就好像他們被從一個(gè)任務(wù)推到另一個(gè)任務(wù)。選項(xiàng)中的some對應(yīng)下文中的others,表示兩類人的對比,符合語境,故選F。三、 閱讀理解18. Im sure you know the song “Happy Birthday”. But do

23、you know who wrote the song and for whom it was written?The retired professor, Archibald A. Hill in Lucasville, USA could tell us the sto-ry. Ninety-seven years ago,two of Mr. Archibald Hills aunts9 Miss Patty Hill and Miss Mildred Hill were asked to write some songs for a book called “Song Storied

24、for the Sunday Morning”. Miss Patty Hill and Miss Mildred Hill were both kindergarten teachers then. They loved children very much and wrote many beautiful songs for the book. One of them was the famous “Good Morning to You.” The song said,“Good morning to you,good morning to you, dear children, goo

25、d morning to all. ” This song was very popular at that time among kindergarten children. But not many grown-ups knew it. A few years later little Archibald was born. As his aunt,Miss Patty Hill sang the song “Happy Birthday” to the melody(曲調(diào))of “Good Morning to you” to her little nephew(侄子)? She san

26、g the song like this; Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, dear Archie! Happy birthday to you!Miss Patty Hill and her sister had never expected that this song would become so popular,but it really did. People all over the world like the song because of its simplici-ty in tun

27、e(曲調(diào)簡單)and friendliness in words.21.Archibald A. Hill was.A. EnglishB. RussianC. AmericanD. Australian22.Professor Archibald A. Hill was Miss Mildred Hills.A. sonB. studentC. brotherD. nephew23.The song “Happy Birthday” has a history ofyears.A.97B. about 90C. more than 90 D. less than 9024.Why did M

28、iss Hill wrote songs?A.Because they are musicians.B.Because they love children.C.Because they were asked to write for a book.D.Because their nephew asked them to do so.25.The sentence “it really did,(Para. 3)means:A.The song really became popular.B. Their wish would really come true.C. People all ov

29、er the world like to listen to the song.D. Yes,but the song didnt become popular.參考答案:CDBCA19. Christian Eijkman, a Dutch doctor, left the Netherlands for the island of Java. Many people on the island had a disease called beri-beri. He was going there to try and find a cure.At first, Eijkman thought

30、 some kind of germ (細(xì)菌) caused beri-beri. He raised some chickens. He didnt eat them, but made experiments on them. The local people were quite surprised at that. One day he noticed that his chickens became sick when they were fed the food most Javanese ate refined white rice (精煉米). When he fed them with unrefined rice, also known as brown rice, they recovered. Eijkman realized that he had made an important discovery that some things in food could prevent disease. These things were named vitamins (維生素). The Javanese were not getting enough vitamins becaus


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