1、12、古典時代的文學、藝術與哲學神明崇拜的背景最重要的文學形式和藝術均與神明崇拜相關。戲劇是狄奧尼索斯神崇拜的活動雕塑和建筑的最大成就在于神像、圣地建筑及其雕塑裝飾。希臘戲劇我們現(xiàn)在熟悉的希臘戲劇形式是雅典人的創(chuàng)造,但它的起源更早,起源于詩歌和祭神儀式。drama(drao), “action”亞里士多德:詩學“悲劇起源于dithyramb歌隊領隊的即興口頌,喜劇則來自生殖崇拜(phallika)活動中歌隊領隊的即興口占,此種活動至今仍流行于許多城市?!眃ithyramb是一種歌唱酒神狄奧尼索斯的合唱詩。據(jù)說是公元前7世紀后期的科林斯詩人Arion所創(chuàng),由Lasus of Hermione帶到
2、雅典,509BC起成為狄奧尼索斯節(jié)上的競賽節(jié)目。悲劇(tragedy),tragoidia, “goat song”,大概產(chǎn)生于公元前6世紀后期。據(jù)說Thespis of Icaria首先使用演員,在約533BC獲得狄奧尼索斯節(jié)的悲劇大獎。Aeschylus增加第2名演員、Sophocles第3名。喜?。╟omedy,komoidia)于486BC首次見于城市狄奧尼索斯節(jié)?!眗evel song”, “village song”。雅典的狄奧尼索斯節(jié)“鄉(xiāng)村狄奧尼索斯節(jié)”(Rural Dionysia),每年12月舉行。“大狄奧尼索斯節(jié)”(或稱“城市狄奧尼索斯節(jié)”),Greater Dionysi
3、a,每年3月舉行。據(jù)說Peisistratus創(chuàng)建了這個節(jié)日,將狄奧尼索斯的崇拜圣地從Eleutherae搬到雅典。Lenaea(勒那亞節(jié)),崇拜Dionysus Lenaios,約每年1月舉行。dithyramb競賽:每個部落組成2個歌隊參賽,一為少年歌隊,一為成年男子歌隊,由從本部落挑選出來的2位choregos分別負責。由抽簽決定各部落歌隊選擇詩人和笛子伴奏者的次序,choregos還需雇傭一名歌隊訓練者。獲勝者名單包括部落和choregos的名字,但不包括詩人的名字。悲劇和喜劇競賽:上演3部悲劇和5部喜劇,參賽的劇作家由紀名執(zhí)政官名年執(zhí)政官(Eponymous Archon)指定,他同
4、時負責指定choregos,分配主演,主持評判團。 每位悲劇詩人參賽的悲劇由三部獨立或相關的悲劇組成,稱為“三部曲”(trilogy),外加一部半喜劇性的“羊人劇”(satyr-play)。早期劇作家本人往往就是主演。歌隊1215人組成,俱為男性公民。戲劇競賽完畢后,由評判團(10部落各推舉1人,再從中抽簽選出5人組成)評出悲劇和喜劇名次,獲第1名的劇作家被授予長春藤花冠。從449BC年開始,最佳主演獎,還有最佳choregos獎。從386BC年,可以上演舊悲劇,339BC后可以上演舊喜劇。悲劇詩人及其作品Chaucer, Cantebury Tales“Tragedy is, as old
5、books inform us, a kind of story concerning someone who has enjoyed great prosperity but has fallen from his high position into misfortune and ends in wretchedness. Tragedies are commonly written in verse with six feet, called hexameters.”悲劇的結構:序幕(prologos, prologue),點明主題;歌隊進場合唱(parodos);演員表演的場景(epe
6、isodia,episodes);歌隊合唱(stasima);尾聲(exodus)。Phrynicus, The Sack of Miletus (493BC,Themistocles為choregos),Phoenissae (Phoenician Women, 476BC)埃斯庫羅斯(Aeschylus, 525456BC)創(chuàng)作了約八、九十部悲劇,484BC首次獲獎,共獲13次大獎。波斯人(Persians(472BC)為現(xiàn)存最早的悲劇。七將攻忒拜(Seven Against Thebes,467BC)Suppliants(祈援人,約463BC)Prometheus Bound(被縛的普羅
7、米修斯,不能確定上演時間)。俄瑞斯提三部曲(Oresteia trilogy,458BC)即Agamemnon、Choephoroi和Eumenides:Pelops sought to marry the daughter of King Oenomaus of Elis by defeating him in a chariot race (helped by Myrtilus). Cursed for his fraud. His sons Atreus and Thyestes competed for the throne of Mycenae. Thyestes committed
8、 adultery with Atreus wife Aerope. Atreus feeded Thyestes with the flesh of his sons. His descendants cursed by Thyestes, who exiled beget a son Aegisthus on his own daughter. Athene: My duty is to give the final vote. When yoursAre counted, mine goes to uphold Orestes plea.No mother gave me birth.
9、Therefore the fathers claimAnd male supremacy in all things, save to giveMyself in marriage, wins my whole hearts loyalty.Therefore a womans death, who killed her husband, is,I judge, outweighed in grieviousness by his. And soOrestes, if the votes are equal, wins the case.索福克勒斯(Sophocles, c.496406/5
10、BC),創(chuàng)作123部,現(xiàn)存7部阿亞克斯(Ajax, 早期作品?)安提格涅(Antigone, 442BC)俄狄浦斯王(Oedipus the King, 430BC):Laius carries off Pelops son while being a refuge with him. Apollo warns that as punishment his own son will kill him. Oedipus reared by king of Corinth. Teiresias.俄狄浦斯在科羅諾斯(Oedipus at Colonus, c.405BC)愛勒克特拉(Electra)
11、特拉克斯的女人們(Women of Trachis)菲洛克特特斯(Philoctetes, 409BC)安提格涅(Antigone, 442BC):Oedipus sons Polyneices and Eteocles kills each other fighting for the throne of Thebes. Creon (brother of Jocasta) forbid the burial of Polyneices. Antigone defies the decree and was prisoned in a tomb. She hangs herself and
12、Haemon kills himself beside her.Creon: So let her cry for mercy, sing her hymnsto Zeus who defends all bonds of kindred blood.But whoever steps out of line, violates the lawsor presumes to hand out orders to his superiors,hell win no praise from me. But that manthe city places in authority, his orde
13、rsmust be obeyed, large and small,right and wrong.Anarchyshow me a greater crime in all the earth!She, she destroys cities, rips up houses,breaks the ranks of spearmen into headlong rout.But the ones who last it out, the great mass of themowe their lives to discipline. Thereforewe must defend the me
14、n who live by law,never let some woman trumph over us.Better to fall from power, if fall we must,at the hands of a mannever be ratedinferior to a woman, never. (655ff.)Creon: Were you aware a decree had fobidden this?Antigone: Well aware. How could I avoid it? It was public.Creon: And still you had
15、the gall to break this law?Antigone:Of course I did. It wasnt Zeus, not in the least,who made this proclamationnot to me.Nor did that Justice, dwelling with the godsbeneath the earth, ordain such laws for men.Nor did I think your edict had such forcethat you, a mere mortal, could override the gods,t
16、he great unwritten, unshakable traditions.they are alive, not just today or yesterday:they live forever, from the first of time,and no one knows when the first saw the light.These lawsI was not about to break them,not out of fear of some mans wounded pride,and face the retribution of the gods.Die I
17、must, Ive known it all my lifeAnd if I am to die before my timeI consider that a gain. Who on earth,alive in the midst of such grief as I,could fail to find his death a rich reward?(450ff.)Jean Anouilhs Antigone (February, 1944, Paris)Bertolt Brechts Antigone (1948, Switzerland)Divine law /human law
18、, blood ties, consciousness歐里彼得斯(Euripides, c.484-406BC),創(chuàng)作92部,現(xiàn)存17部。阿爾刻提斯(Alcestis, 438BC,第2名)美狄亞(Medea, 431BC,第3名)希波呂托斯(Hippolytus, 428BC,第1名)“Forgive, son; we are human, we do wrong by nature.”特洛伊的女人們(Trojan Women, 415BC,第2名)海倫(Helen, 412BC)伊菲革涅婭在陶里斯(Iphigeneia in Tauris, 413/12BC)祈援者(Suppliants)
19、愛勒克特拉(Electra, 418?)俄瑞斯提(Orestes, 408BC)伊菲革涅婭在奧利斯(Iphigeneia at Aulis, 405BC)酒神的伴侶(Bacchae, 405BC) 喜劇詩人阿里斯托芬(Aristophanes, c.447c.385BC)Acharnians, 425BC,第1名Knights, 424BC,第1名Clouds, 423BC,第3名Wasps, 422BC,第2名Peace, 421BC,第2名Birds, 414BC,第2名Lysistrata, 411BCThesmophoriazusae, 411BCFrogs, 405BC,第1名Ecc
20、lesiazusae, c.392BCPlutus, 388BC舊喜?。∣ld Comedy)、中喜劇(Middle Comedy)新喜?。∟ew Comedy, c.323c.263BC),代表人物為米南德。散文體創(chuàng)作歷史學:希羅多德修昔底德、色諾芬等醫(yī)學著述:希波克拉底文集哲學著述:柏拉圖、亞里士多德藝術史的轉(zhuǎn)向從審美視角轉(zhuǎn)向“歷史情景”視角傳統(tǒng)藝術史研究注重藝術品的審美價值,藝術表現(xiàn)手法的演進,藝術流派、風格的嬗變。藝術家的創(chuàng)造性。新藝術史研究偏重于將藝術品置于歷史情景中加以考察,探討藝術品和“消費者”的關系,藝術品表達的觀念,藝術品在歷史情景中的作用與意義等?!皥D像的力量”Paul Z
21、anker, The Power of Images in the Age of Augustus, University of Michigan Press, 1990巫鴻:武梁祠:中國古代畫像藝術的思想性,三聯(lián)書店2006年(The Wu Liang Shrine: The Ideology of Early Chinese Pictorial Art, 1989)古典時代的哲學赫拉克利特(Heraclitus, c.540c.480BC),以弗所人。矛盾與沖突是世界的動力。對立面的統(tǒng)一:“What is in opposition is in concert, and from what
22、 differs comes the most beautiful harmony.”變化是萬物之本質(zhì)?!癐t is not possible to step twice into the same river.”“In the same river we both step and do not step, we are and are not.”“萬物由火組成”。必須依靠logos來把握世界。埃利亞學派(Eleatic)巴門尼德(Parmenides,前5世紀前期),意大利南部Elea人,450BC左右和芝諾訪問過雅典,會見蘇格拉底?!爸挥写嬖冢╥t is)是存在著的,非存在(it is not)并不存在,并且不
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