



1、 “三環(huán)教學(xué)模式”研究之新課課案 蜀城中學(xué)高二英語集備組 賈紅麗學(xué)習(xí)內(nèi)容 Book 4 Module 3 Reading and vocabulary 課時(shí)數(shù) 1 課堂目標(biāo) the students to know body language is also very important in communication the students reading ability and develop students communicative ability.重點(diǎn)難點(diǎn) 1. Get to know the the structure of the passage to improve th

2、e students reading ability by skimming scanning and careful reading一組織教學(xué) (一)師(生): 抽查上堂課知識復(fù)習(xí)與本堂相關(guān)知識設(shè)置新課情景等 Leading-in(二)師: 展示學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo)提出學(xué)習(xí)要求To know body language is also very important in communication and develop students reading ability二協(xié)作學(xué)習(xí)(一) 生: 自主學(xué)習(xí)標(biāo)注重點(diǎn)難點(diǎn)(二) 組:比對討論(探究)互教整理 班:展示互評(師:啟發(fā)解難)師:板書 知識框架要點(diǎn)內(nèi)容

3、優(yōu)秀小組加分(三) 師:布置針對練習(xí) 生:自主練習(xí)組:比對討論(探究)訂正 班:展示互評(師:啟發(fā)解難)Comprehensionfast readingRead the passage quickly and do exercise (1) and exercise (2)(1).Choose the best title(A) Saying It Without Words(B) When in Rome , Do as the Romans Do(C) Greetings Around the World (D) Read My Mind (2). Match and divide (連

4、線并劃分文章結(jié)構(gòu)) Paragraph 1 (A) Body language varies from culture to cultureParagraph2 (B)Greetings in Asian countriesParagraph3 (C)Greeting of American youths today Paragraph4 (D)Greetings in western countriesParagraph5 (E)Body language is fascinating for anyone to study.Careful reading for details 2_wor

5、ds Read part1 and fill in the blankswritten wordsWords and sentencesCommunicationsbody positions3_ body language1_4_ body language(2) Part 2 = 1 * GB3 Read and fill in the blanks on your own. = 2 * GB3 Then discuss and check answers in group.Countries and areasWays of greeting Body parts involvedMea

6、nings of the greeeting3 After-readingss = 1 * GB3 Read the whole passage aloud and fill with the right form. = 2 * GB3 Check and show your group work. We communicate with more than just spoken and _ (write) words. We also need to learn body language, which_ (vary) from culture to culture. _ (traditi

7、onal), Europeans and Americans shake hands with their right hand, _ means “I trust you” . Look, I am not carrying a _ (threat) weapon.” They also shake hands when they make a deal. In China, we put the right hand over the left and bow slightly when we greet someone while Muslims give a “salaam”. Hin

8、dus join their hands and bow their heads_ respect. The expression “Give me five” is also a gesture for American youths _ (greet) one another. Body language is fascinating for anyone to study. You can give away much_ (much) by gestures than by_ (word). So look at your friends and family to see if you

9、 are _ mind reader.4 Act and guessWell-done! Stop! Keep quite!Victory! Ok! Hi/ Hello!Me? No! I dont agree. I dont know.We are cheerful. Im tired. Im full.I cant hear you. Come here! I love you, Mum.Please forgive me. .三課堂小結(jié):師(生):完善板書內(nèi)容優(yōu)秀小組加分 小組得分點(diǎn)評四知識過手:生:讀背記憶性知識互抽理解性知識Homework1. Is body language im

10、portant for us? why? (discuss with your partners)2. Fill in the blanks with the words in the passage.1) If you say the word “ communication ”, most people _ _ words and sentences. 2) Theres “l(fā)earned” body language, varying _ _ _ _. 3) Hindus join their hands and bow their heads _ _. 4 )Like other an

11、imals, we are _ _until we know its safe to relax.5) If you _ _ _ someone, you show you trust them.6) We shake hands when we _ _ _.7) Greetings in Asian countries dont _ touching the other person.8 )Body language is fascinating for anyone _ _.9 )People _ _ much more by their gestures than by their words.10) Look at others and see if you are a _ _.3. Writing 交流包括各種各樣的互動,有助于改善人們的關(guān)系。我們在與別人打交道的過程中,經(jīng)常會使用身勢語。身勢語因文化而異。當(dāng)你置身國外時(shí),就要求你了解更多的身勢語知識以便更好地交流。Communication _ various


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