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1、2022高考英語(yǔ)統(tǒng)考一輪復(fù)習(xí)訓(xùn)練模塊一Unit2閱讀理解題組_練速度含解析牛津譯林版2022高考英語(yǔ)統(tǒng)考一輪復(fù)習(xí)訓(xùn)練模塊一Unit2閱讀理解題組_練速度含解析牛津譯林版PAGE 2022高考英語(yǔ)統(tǒng)考一輪復(fù)習(xí)訓(xùn)練模塊一Unit2閱讀理解題組_練速度含解析牛津譯林版高考題型組合規(guī)范練2模塊一Unit2閱讀理解題組練速度(35mins)。閱讀理解ABeing stuck at home doesnt mean that learning stops。In fact,its just the opposite。Here are some activities and resources to fost

2、er kids imagination and build their curiosity at home.LetsGetDowntotheScienceThe science lab at school may be closed,but you can still put on goggles and a white lab coat and learn at home.ThisTestTubeExperimentKit will make you feel like a genius in no time.Kids will get the chance to learn about b

3、asic chemistry,physics,and more by creating pop-resistant bubbles,bouncy balls,and other objects。ToInfinity(無(wú)窮) andBeyondThe Earth is a part of the Milky Way galaxy,but do you know there are around 100 million galaxies in the universe?There are so many fun and fascinating things to learn about space

4、 that the possibilities truly go to infinity and beyond。A great way to start your childs educational space adventure is with this RealLifeStickerandActivityBook.TakeaWalkontheWildSideBiology class is in session!Heres your chance to get up close and personal with a great white shark without putting o

5、n a wetsuit.This 4D GreatWhiteSharkAnatomyKit allows you to get an inside look at what makes these predators of the deep so powerful.And then take an even deeper dive into a sharks world with IAmShark。Take advantage of this time at home and find new ways to keep exploring the world around you.1。What

6、 do these activities have in common?A。They are all performed outdoors。B.They are all associated with physics.C。They are all carried out by the way of experimenting。D。They all recommend some resources for kids to study.2.Which book favours children interested in stars?A。ThisTestTubeExperimentKit。B.Re

7、alLifeStickerandActivityBook。C.4D GreatWhiteSharkAnatomyKit。D。IAmShark.3.What is the shared goal of the activities?A.To gain financial benefits。B。To save kids from boredom。C。To explore new technologies.D。To inspire kids to study at home。BLife on the street is a constant struggle for homeless people.

8、In times of extreme weather conditions,that struggle becomes even more difficult.Recently,homeless people across Chicago faced freezing to death if they couldnt find shelter for the night.Thankfully,one local woman refused to let that happen。On January 30,2018,34year-old Candice Payne,a local managi

9、ng broker,was lucky enough to have shelter from the dangerous conditions.“It was 20,and I knew they were going to be sleeping on ice and I had to do something,” said Payne。Payne started brainstorming different ways she could possibly help。Finally,she decided to see if there were any rooms available

10、at local inns and hotels that she could get to help those stuck on the street。For Payne,her mission was personal.According to Payne,her husband,Carlos Callahan, had lived on the streets at one point in his life。Based on his experiences,Payne knew that the homeless people still out on the street desp

11、erately needed help and that if she didnt step up to help,no one likely would。However,when Payne explained what she was trying to do,many of the local hotels refused to allow her to pay for the rooms as they didnt want homeless people to stay in their rooms?!癗o one wanted them,but one hotel,the Ambe

12、r Inn,was nice enough to allow me to buy the rooms, said Payne.Paynes selfless act made news across the country。However,she insisted she had never done it for attention?!癐 am a regular person,” said Payne,who spent thousands of dollars of her own money to help complete strangers?!癐t all sounded like

13、 a rich person did this,but Im just a little black girl from the South Side?!?.What does the underlined word “that in Paragraph 2 refer to?A.Locals living on the street。B.The extreme weather。C.The shelter for the homeless。D。The homeless freezing to death。5.How did Candice Payne help the homeless peo

14、ple?A.By drawing public attention。B。By giving them money directly.C。By taking them to her own house。D.By buying hotel rooms for them。6.What may contribute to Paynes nice act?A。Her husbands past experiences.B.The requests from the homeless。C。Her desire to become famous。D。The coldness of local hotels.

15、7.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?A.A Black Fighter Changes the WorldB。A Womans Curiosity Brings a RewardC。A Regular Woman Makes a DifferenceD。A Couples Brave Act Moves the CountryCScientists have found that eating dark chocolate appears to lower the risk of depression by a

16、 quarter.While 7。6 percent of the 13,000 people surveyed reported depressive symptoms,just 1.5 percent of the chocolate eaters did.The study also found that the people who consumed the most of any chocolate were also 57 percent less likely to report depressive symptoms。The study is the first to exam

17、ine the association with depression according to the type of chocolate consumed。The team assessed data from 13,626 adults from the US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey。A range of other factors including height,weight,marital status,education,household income,physical activity,smoking

18、and chronic(慢性的) health problems were also taken into account to ensure the study only measured chocolates effect on depressive symptoms。After adjusting for these factors,it was found that individuals who reported eating any dark chocolate in two 24hour periods had 70 percent lower odds of reporting

19、 clinically relevant depressive symptoms in the previous two weeks than those who reported not eating chocolate at all.Chocolate contains a number of psychoactive ingredients(精神活性成分) which produce a feeling of euphoria(興奮感) similar to that of cannabinoid(大麻素),found in cannabis.It also contains pheny

20、lethylamine(苯丙氨酸),which is believed to be important for regulating peoples moods。However British scientists urged caution about the findings,suggesting that the decision to eat dark chocolate could be linked to other health factors.For example,people who choose dark chocolate may be more health-cons

21、cious in general,which is known to protect against depression。Depressed people are also more likely to desire more sugary fatty foods and so could be less likely to pick a dark alternative when choosing chocolate。8。What is the aim of the study?A。To find a cure for depression。B。To find out the cause

22、of depression。C。To research on the ingredients of chocolate。D.To study the association between depression and chocolate。9。What is phenylethylamine?A.Something that can make people excited。B.Something that can adjust peoples moods。C.Something that can make people depressed。D。Something that can make p

23、eople overweight。10.What is British scientists attitude toward the findings?A。Supportive.B.Negative。C。Doubtful.D.Cautious.11.What are depressed people more likely to do?A。Eat sugary fatty foods。B。Have dark chocolates.C.Exercise outdoors。D.Concern about health。DChina launched the last satellite of th

24、e BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) from the Xichang Satellite Launch Centre in southwest Chinas Sichuan Province at 9:43 a。m.BJT (0143 GMT) on June 23。The satellite,carried by a Long March-3B carrier rocket,is the 30th BDS3 satellite and the 55th of the whole BeiDou satellite family。The laun

25、ch marked the completion of the countrys domestically developed BeiDou constellation(星群),one of four global navigation networks alongside with the United States GPS,Russias GLONASS and the European Unions Galileo.When fully completed,the system will offer its users services including highprecision p

26、ositioning and short message communication,which will bring new highlights to global navigation satellite systems.Weighing over 10,000 pounds,the final BDS satellite is the largest of its kind in the family,and is filled with propellants for the movement in orbit,said deputy chief designer Liu Tianx

27、iong。“The reason why we launched this one in the final stage is to round out the navigation network,”Liu added.Featuring radio-navigation,radio-determination and enhanced timing synchronization(同步) functions,the last satellite,after joining BDS-3 family,will allow the constellation to provide more c

28、osteffective navigation services,which rapidly wins the global market。Based on the DFH-3B satellite platform,one of the largest platforms in service in China,the spacecraft is designed to work in orbit for at least 12 years.The latest launch came 26 years after the construction of the BeiDou-1 offic

29、ially started in 1994.The first generation of the BeiDou system made China the third country after the U。S.and Russia to have a satellite navigation system。By 2000,the construction of the BDS1 was completed,which was mainly used to broadcast positioning and timing signals over China。12 years later,t

30、he construction of BDS2,designed to provide navigation services over the broader AsiaPacific region,was completed。Now,the construction of BDS3,with 24 satellites in mediumEarth orbits,three in inclined geosynchronous satellite orbits and three in geostationary orbits,is scheduled to provide services

31、 worldwide.12.What can we know about the last satellite of the BDS?A.It is the most developed of the global navigation networks.B.It is much more powerful than the United States GPS。C.It was made by joint efforts from many countries。D.Its launch marks the developed BeiDou constellation is completed.

32、13.What makes the BDS more competitive in navigation services?A。Precise positioning.B.Short message communication.C。Timing synchronization functions.D.More costeffective navigation services。14.What does the last paragraph mainly talk about?A。The design and expected service life of the BDS。B。The serv

33、ice objects of the BDS in different stages.C。Different periods of the construction of the BDS。D。The difficulty to be overcome in navigation services.15。What can we infer from the passage?A。The BDS is promoting the development of education in China.B。The BDS in China has been the best navigation syst

34、em around the world。C.The latest launch of satellite indicates the great improvement of the BDS.D。Great achievements in the construction of the BDS really dont come easily.。閱讀七選五TeachChildrentheValueofMoneyAs were moving towards a more cashless society and real pocket money is becoming increasingly

35、unpopular,children increasingly no longer understand the value of physical money and simple tasks such as working out how many coins are needed to buy a toy or sweets will become out-of-use.Education around money management and establishing healthy money habits at a young age have become even more v

36、ital.1 Start with planning an activity together and then define a budget。Then,research what things you will buy,work out which items may be better to buy。As you carry out each part of the activity,make sure to save all the receipts,and then evaluate if you managed to stay within,or broke your budget

37、.2Giving your children or encouraging them to suggest a regular chore can be rewarded with some pocket money.3 For example,14-year-olds are often making their own beds,so introducing a reward for such a “chore” is not a good idea;however,emptying the dishwasher might be just right for a nineyear-old

38、。These types of chores will help them to get an understanding of earning money and the relationship between time,effort and money。Educate children through encouragement by paving the way for them to act on their own curiosity and interest。4Coming up with and doing activities or day-to-day tasks toge

39、ther with your children,is not only much more enjoyable for your children,but it also helps them to become more confident and decisive about making their own decisions about savings,interest rates,or allowances.5 That is bound to pave the way to breaking the trend of financial illiteracy.A.That is o

40、ne of the most important factors for learning.B。Involve them in everyday money management activities。C。This can be done with real-money or a digital piggy bank.D。Giving your child regular pocket money,big enough to cover basic wants。E.They will become more financially independent and wiser to online

41、 spending。F.Such a chore beyond what is considered to be done at a certain age is the best.G.This practice of setting a budget is very useful and fun for both parents and children.模塊一Unit2閱讀理解題組-練速度。【語(yǔ)篇導(dǎo)讀】本文是一篇說(shuō)明文。文章主要介紹了幾個(gè)適合孩子在家學(xué)習(xí)的活動(dòng)。1.D細(xì)節(jié)理解題.第二段提到“孩子們將有機(jī)會(huì)學(xué)習(xí)基本的化學(xué)、物理;第三段提到“一種開始教育孩子關(guān)于太空冒險(xiǎn)的好方式是通過(guò)RealL







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