廣西接力版六年級下冊小學英語 Lesson 6 Beijing is a great city. 第二課時教學課件_第1頁
廣西接力版六年級下冊小學英語 Lesson 6 Beijing is a great city. 第二課時教學課件_第2頁
廣西接力版六年級下冊小學英語 Lesson 6 Beijing is a great city. 第二課時教學課件_第3頁
廣西接力版六年級下冊小學英語 Lesson 6 Beijing is a great city. 第二課時教學課件_第4頁
廣西接力版六年級下冊小學英語 Lesson 6 Beijing is a great city. 第二課時教學課件_第5頁
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1、Lesson 6 Beijing is a great city. 第二課時接力版 六年級下小船要開動:正確選出小船上詞語的漢語意思,幫助小船開動。Lead inLead inrowrunswimLead inmapmattermathLead intravelclimbtellLead infamousfirstfreeI am going to What about you?the Great Wallthe Summer Palacethe Tiananmen Squarethe Mount taithe West Lake Where are you going today? I am

2、 going to Ask and answer Dear mum,Dad and I went to the Summer Palace today. Its a very beautiful park. It has many famous buildings. There is also a big lake in it. Its Kunming Lake. There is a big stone boat on the lake. We rowed a boat on the lake. We ate Beijing Roast Duck for dinner today. It w

3、as very good. We also ate jiaozi. I cant use chopsticks. I ate with my hands. Beijing is a great city. We had a good time today.Love,Sally Enjoy readingPractice1. What did Sally do in the Summer Palace? _2. What did Sally have for dinner? _She rowed a boat on the lake. She ate Beijing Roast Duck for

4、 dinner. PracticeListen and draw: Sally in BeijingRetellTry to retell the letter. Have a free talkBeijing is . My hometown is . The Summer Palace is . Look and sayBeijing is a famous city. There are many foods. We can eat Beijing Roast Duck. Look and sayMy hometown is Chengdu. There are many pandas.

5、 We can see the pandas. Look and sayThe Summer Palace is beautiful and old. There is a lake. We can row a boat there. Im so happy.Im so happy.Im so happy all the time.Im so happy.Im so happy.Im so happy all the time.Lets chantI am so happy.Listen to the WordsspspringspeaksportPronunciationsprspi:ksp

6、:tspststudentstopstoryPronunciationstju:dntstpst:ristListen to the Wordsstopstopspringstorysportspeak過目不忘studentstreetstayspeechstickstormspellstandfirstspotspacePoint and sayWhat other words do you know with letters sp or st?你還知道哪些帶字母“sp”“st”的單詞? Lets talkRulesPass the parcel with the chant. When i

7、ts paused, say a word with sp or st. 擊鼓傳花,當音樂停下時說一個有sp/st的單詞。Lets playStart Now!Lets playThe Summer Palace is very famous. There is a _ in it. Its Kunming Lake. You _ row a boat on the lake. And you can also _ around the park. There _ many tall trees around the old buildings. Its very beautiful. Fill in the blankslakecanwalkareI know these words: wordsremember or notmaptravelrowaroundfamousCheck and tickWe are going to the Summer Palace today. It is a nice park. We can row a boat a


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