新外研(WY)版九年級(jí)下冊(cè)英語Module 4單元測(cè)試卷(含聽力材料及答案解析)_第1頁
新外研(WY)版九年級(jí)下冊(cè)英語Module 4單元測(cè)試卷(含聽力材料及答案解析)_第2頁
新外研(WY)版九年級(jí)下冊(cè)英語Module 4單元測(cè)試卷(含聽力材料及答案解析)_第3頁
新外研(WY)版九年級(jí)下冊(cè)英語Module 4單元測(cè)試卷(含聽力材料及答案解析)_第4頁
新外研(WY)版九年級(jí)下冊(cè)英語Module 4單元測(cè)試卷(含聽力材料及答案解析)_第5頁
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1、Module 4達(dá)標(biāo)測(cè)試卷時(shí)間:100分鐘滿分:120分第卷聽力部分(20分)一、聽對(duì)話,選擇與對(duì)話內(nèi)容相符的圖片或選項(xiàng)(每小題1分,共5分)1What rule do they talk about in the conversation? A B C2Which isnt Toms favorite book? AB C3What was the weather like yesterday? ABC4What does the boy want to do?AStay at home. BGo shopping. CGo skating.5When can the girl go sho

2、pping with her friends?AOn Saturday afternoon. BOn Sunday afternoon.COn Thursday afternoon.二、聽對(duì)話,選擇最佳選項(xiàng)(每小題1分,共5分)聽第一段對(duì)話,完成第6至7小題6What does the woman prefer to do?ASee the new play. BDo some shopping. CGo to the bank.7What day is it today?AFriday. BSaturday. CSunday.聽第二段對(duì)話,回答第8至10小題8What time did th

3、e girl call Tom?AAt 7:00 yesterday evening. BAt 7:00 this morning.CAt 7:00 yesterday morning.9What did Tom do last night?AWent to a concert.BHad the piano lesson.CSang in the theatre.10Why was the concert held?ATo help the children.BTo raise money for the poor people in the country.CTo build new sch

4、ools.三、聽錄音,完成短文(每小題1分,共10分)We students often talk about the _(11) that we have to obey at school, _(12) as. “Dont fight.”, “Clean the classroom every day.”, “Hand in homework on time.”, “Always be on time for school.”. We _(13) obey these rules. The only problem is that we _(14) to wear uniforms at

5、school every day, _(15) all my classmates think the uniforms are not cool. We think that young people _(16) look smart and so we would like to wear our _(17) clothes. Our teachers _(18) that if we do that, we would concentrate more on our clothes than our studies. We disagree.We will feel more comfo

6、rtable and that is _(19) for studying. If we cant do that, we should be allowed to design our uniforms. That would be a good way to keep _(20) teachers and students happy.第卷筆試部分(100分)四、單項(xiàng)選擇(每小題1.5分,共15分)21Please keep quiet.If you make a lot of _,you may disturb others.Avoice Bnoise Csound Dsinging22

7、Talking on the phone while driving may _ car accidents.So drivers had better not do it.Aput Btake Cget Dcause23All the clerks went home _ Mr Wang.Why?Because he had to finish his work.Aexcept Bbesides Cwith Dbeside24. We started early _ arrive before dark.Ain order that Bin order Cso that Din order

8、to25. I was so excited that I could hardly _.Awent to bed Bwaken up Cfall asleep Dgets up26When is dinner?Im _.Astarving Btiring Cexciting Drelaxing27When I looked up,I saw a beautiful kite _ high in the sky.Aflew Bflies Cflying Dto fly28They will _ for Paris next week.Aset off Bsee offCturn off Dpu

9、t off29_! There is something falling from the top of the mountain.ALook after BHelp yourselfCWatch out DReach out30Listen! I think it _ be Mr.White singing in the office.No.It _ be him.He left for London just now.Amust;mustnt Bmay;mustnt Cmust;cant Dcan;can五、完形填空(每小題1.5分,共15分) (詞數(shù):約180;建議用時(shí):6分鐘)When

10、 youre a teenager, it seems that every time you say “I want to.”,your parents answer, “No, you cant.”Young people further complain that their parents do not _(31)them. When something goes _(32), most parents just dont believe in their children._(33)asking why, they think their kids are wrong. And no

11、t many parents allow their kids to choose for themselves.Yes, _(34) is true that your parents sometimes treat you as a little child .But remember that not long ago you were really a child. Your parents still remember the childish_(35) you used to make. They want to protect you _(36)you dont want the

12、m to do so.So, if you want to get _(37)freedom, please try to understand your parents and dont lie to them.Try a more friendly way.If you want them to _(38) you to stay out late, dont just say,“ All _(39) kids can stay out late.” Tell them as much as you can about what you want to do and where youll

13、 be and _(40)its important for you to stay out late.Then they might just say, “Yes.”31. Aenjoy Bprefer Cunderstand Ddecide32. Aright Bwrong Cnice Dclear33. AExcept BFor CWith DWithout34. Ait Bthis Cthat Done35. Auses Bdifferences Cminds Dmistakes36. Aif Bthough Cbecause Dsince37. Amost Bleast Cmore

14、Dless38A.allow Bhope Cwish Dask39. Aanother Bothers Cthe others Dthe other40. Awhere Bwhen Cwhy Dwhich六、閱讀理解(每小題2分,共20分)A(詞數(shù):約130;建議用時(shí):4分鐘)Building friendships is a lifelong job but is worth spending time.Also,its important to keep in touch with friends.Advice on making new friendsTry to be open to

15、new experiences and relationships.Join clubs or volunteer organizations.These activities will give you a chance to communicate with people who share similar interests.Go on with iteven if you dont feel comfortable.It takes time to build friendships.Advice on keeping friendsBe a good listener.Dont of

16、fer advice unless youre asked.Respect(尊重)the other persons opinion,even when you dont agree.Your friends need to know they can trust you.根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,判斷下列句子的正(A)誤(B)()41.Building friendships doesnt take long.()42.Volunteer activities can help you make some new friends.()43.You should respect your friends

17、idea. ()44.Offer your friends advice if you are not asked. ()45.The passage talks about how to make new friends and keep friends. B (詞數(shù):約120;建議用時(shí):5分鐘)The World Wide Web has so much great stuff to see. So how do you discover the best place to visit on your Web travels?One solution is to take an ETour

18、. On this handy site,you simply register your interests,and the fun begins. Its a lot like channel surfing with the remote control on your TV. Each click of the“next site” button brings a new site,matched to your interests.New sites are added every dayones you probably never knew existedso no two gu

19、ided tours are the same. And of course,ETour is free.Its been called one of the most useful websites on the Internet. But be careful. Its also been called one of the most addictive(易上癮的)!For your personal Web tour,go to ETour.46The passage is talking about _.Achannel surfing on the Net BsolutionCETo

20、ur Dremote control47Do you know what the“WWW”means?AThe World Web Wide. BThe World Wide Web.CThe Web World Wide. DThe Wide Web World.48What is the solution of discovering the best place to visit on your Web travel?AIts to take an ETour. BIts to control TV.CIts to add new sites. DIts to travel.49What

21、 does each click of the“next site”button bring?AIt brings a new site,matched to your interests.BIt brings nothing.CIt brings an old site.DIt brings some interesting things.50Which of the following is wrong?AETour is free. BETour is useful.CETour is addictive. DETour is not interesting.七、任務(wù)型閱讀(每小題2分,

22、共10分) (詞數(shù):約170; 建議用時(shí):5分鐘)閱讀下面短文內(nèi)容,完成表格。Some Advice on SafetyAlways play in a safe place. A park is a safe place because there are no cars or trucks. But do not talk to strangers. Never go with a stranger into a car.Before crossing the road, stop and look both ways. Look left, look right and look lef

23、t again.Keep away from houses or buildings that are being built or knocked down. Something might fall on your head, or you might cut yourself on broken glass.Medicines or pills can be dangerous. Never swallow(吞下) any pills or medicines you find in the cupboard.Dont swim in the pool or river without

24、adults. Wear a life jacket whenever you go out in a boat. Even if you are not in the open sea and the water is not deep, you should have your life jacket on. Its easy to fall out of a boat.Do not put your head out of a car, bus or train.Many children have been killed by doing this._(51) AdviceWhen o

25、r whereHow to doPlay in a safe placePlay in a park.Never talk to _(52) or go with them.When crossing a roadStop and look _(53).Houses or buildings being built or knocked downStay away.Medicines or pillsNever swallow any medicines without a doctors advice.In a _(54)Wear a life jacket.On a bus, car or

26、 trainNever put _(55) out of them.八、根據(jù)首字母提示完成短文(每小題1分,共10分)Do you enjoy climbing mountains? Id like to tell you a true story about John and Peter. They b_(56)were mountaineers(登山者)As John was experienced, he was always asking Peter to copy his example.“Would you like to stand on the t_(57) of the wo

27、rld, Peter?”“Of course. It has already b_(58) my dream,” Peter answered.On a sunny morning, the two men started for the top of Mount Qomolangma.After they climbed over one of the most d_(59) slopes(斜坡), they found a man lying in the snow.“Hes going to d_(60),” Peter looked at John and said.“Leave hi

28、m by himself and just follow me! If you bring the burden with you, Im a_(61) you will lose your life,” John warned Peter.Then he turned around and walked forward a_(62)It was too cold. After thinking for a w_(63), Peter made up his mind to help the dying man. He carried the man on his back and made

29、his way forward. Little by little, Peters temperature made the man w_(64)The man came to himself! And soon he could move all by himself. Together they moved side by side.About two hours later, they kept up with John. To their surprise, they found that John was almost d_(65) in the snow.九、用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空

30、(每小題1分,共5分)66Is Jack in the library?Maybe. I saw him _(go)out with some books just now.67_(sudden)he began to shriek(尖叫)68When you go travelling,you must take care of your child,or he may get _(lose)69We should clean our classroom every day _(keep)it clean.70(N)I remember _(lock)the door before I le

31、ft the office.十、根據(jù)漢語完成句子(每小題1分,共5分)71這張床是用木頭做成的。The bed _ _ _ wood.72這個(gè)地區(qū)作為綠茶產(chǎn)地而著名。This area _ _ _ a green tea producing place.73我相信你能獨(dú)自完成這項(xiàng)任務(wù)。I believe you can finish the task _ _ _.74每次我去看他,他總是在房間做作業(yè)。_ _ I go and see him,hes always doing his homework in the room.75. 據(jù)說這種食物能致癌。_ _ _ that this kind

32、of food can _ _.十一、書面表達(dá)(20分)【導(dǎo)學(xué)號(hào)53672087】為了使同學(xué)們更加健康快樂地成長(zhǎng),學(xué)校決定向同學(xué)們征求建議。假如你是劉波,用英語向校長(zhǎng)寫一篇80個(gè)詞左右的建議信。注意:文中應(yīng)包含所有要點(diǎn),并適當(dāng)發(fā)揮;不能出現(xiàn)真實(shí)的校名和姓名。開頭和結(jié)尾已給出,不計(jì)入總詞數(shù)。Dear Headmaster,Im very glad to write a letter to you. These days we are talking about how to have a better school life. Here are some of my suggestions. F

33、irst, I hope our school will_Hope my suggestions will be helpful. Thanks for reading my letter!Yours sincerely,Liu BoModule 4達(dá)標(biāo)測(cè)試卷第卷聽力部分聽力材料:一、1.M:Gina, can you use a mobile phone at school?W:No, we arent allowed to use it at school. The teachers think it might be bad for our study.2W:Which is your

34、favorite book, Tom?M:I like animals best. So I like reading books about them.3W:What was the weather like yesterday?M:It was raining heavily. 4M:Mom, I want to go out to skate with my friends.W:Oh, dear, I must go shopping now. You have to be at home by 3:00pm.5M:Do you have lots of rules at home? W

35、:Yes, of course. Only on Saturday afternoon can I go shopping with my friends.二、Text 1M:Hey, why dont we go to see the new play on Sunday?W:Id rather not. Im not really interested in the play.M:Well, how about going shopping instead?W:That sounds good. And lets go to the new supermarket near the ban

36、k.M:OK. Ill pick you up at 9:00 am. the day after tomorrow.Text 2W:I called you at 7 oclock yesterday evening, but there was no reply. Where did you go, Tom?M:Oh, sorry! I went to the Town Theater.W:Was there a concert?M:Yes. A concert for the poor people in our country. What did you do then?W:Err,

37、I had my piano lesson.M:What a pity! The concert was very successful. They raised lots of money at the concert.W:Great! Some people in our country still need food, clothes and so on. We also should do something for them.M:I agree with you.三、We students often talk about the rules that we have to obey

38、 at school,such as “Dont fight.”,“Clean the classroom every day.”,“Hand in homework on time.”,“Always be on time for school.”. We should obey these rules.The only problem is that we have to wear uniforms at school every day,but all my classmates think the uniforms are not cool.We think that young pe

39、ople should look smart and so we would like to wear our own clothes.Our teachers believe that if we do that,we would concentrate more on our clothes than our studies.We disagree.We will feel more comfortable and that is good for studying.If we cant do that,we should be allowed to design our uniforms

40、.That would be a good way to keep both teachers and students happy.答案:一、15:CBBCA二、610:BAAAB三、11.rules12.such13.should14have15.but16.should17own18.believe19.good20.both第卷筆試部分四、21.B22.D23.A24D點(diǎn)評(píng): in order to do sth.是“為了做某事”之意。 25C26A點(diǎn)評(píng):語境法。Im starving.意為“我快餓死了。”B、C、D都是用來修飾事物的。故選A。27C28.A29C點(diǎn)評(píng):語境法和短語辨析

41、法??疾槎陶Z辨析。look after照顧;help yourself自便;watch out當(dāng)心;reach out伸出。由后一句“有東西正從山頂落下來。”可知情況危險(xiǎn),應(yīng)選C。30C五、31.C點(diǎn)評(píng):考查推理判斷能力。 由句中complain一詞可知要表達(dá)父母不理解他們。32B點(diǎn)評(píng):考查推理判斷能力。從下文的大多數(shù)父母不信任他們的孩子可推斷是出現(xiàn)問題時(shí),所以選B。 33D點(diǎn)評(píng):考查對(duì)上下文的理解。從上文父母的不信任可推斷父母不問青紅皂白就認(rèn)為孩子錯(cuò)了, 所以選D。 34A點(diǎn)評(píng):考查it的用法。 it在句中作形式主語。35D點(diǎn)評(píng):考查短語make mistakes。 從下文的make可知選D。 36B點(diǎn)評(píng):考查讓步狀語從句。 “你不想讓他們這樣做”和“他們想保護(hù)你”構(gòu)成轉(zhuǎn)折關(guān)系。 所以選B, though引導(dǎo)讓步狀語從句。37C38A點(diǎn)評(píng):考查allow的用法。 allow sb. to do sth.是固定短語,意思為“允許某人干某事”。 39


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