Unit 1 Food matters Grammar and usage 課件- 高一下學(xué)期英語牛津譯林版(2020)選擇性必修第一冊_第1頁
Unit 1 Food matters Grammar and usage 課件- 高一下學(xué)期英語牛津譯林版(2020)選擇性必修第一冊_第2頁
Unit 1 Food matters Grammar and usage 課件- 高一下學(xué)期英語牛津譯林版(2020)選擇性必修第一冊_第3頁
Unit 1 Food matters Grammar and usage 課件- 高一下學(xué)期英語牛津譯林版(2020)選擇性必修第一冊_第4頁
Unit 1 Food matters Grammar and usage 課件- 高一下學(xué)期英語牛津譯林版(2020)選擇性必修第一冊_第5頁
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1、Unit 1 Back to school (3)Grammar and usageexplore the rules of sentence elements and sentence structures.apply the rules by doing some exercises. In todays class, we shall:Lead-inMiss Yan, to, was, excited to, the opportunity, give, be given, really, a speech.Miss Yan was really excited to be given

2、the opportunity to give a speech.連詞成句A Exploring the rules主語定語賓語補(bǔ)語謂語狀語表語同位語句子成分Do you know what sentence elements are?1. 主語(S)表示句子表述的是“誰”或“什么”,通常由名詞、代詞或與其相當(dāng)?shù)慕Y(jié)構(gòu)充當(dāng)。如:The path before you leads to a world full of challenges. (名詞)You must make efforts to improve your communication skills. (代詞)Learning En

3、glish opens the door to a colourful world. (動詞-ing形式)What we choose decides what we are. (名詞性從句)2. 謂語(V)說明主語的動作或特征和狀態(tài),由動詞組成。由一個動詞構(gòu)成的是簡單謂語,由兩個或更多部分構(gòu)成的是復(fù)合謂語。如:Amy has a gift for music. (簡單謂語)The class size is small in the UK. (簡單謂語)You will find yourself growing into a well-rounded individual. (復(fù)合謂語)S

4、ome animals can understand human feelings. (復(fù)合謂語)句子成分3. 賓語(O)表示動詞動作的對象,或在介詞后面與介詞構(gòu)成介詞短語。 賓語通常由名詞、代詞或與其相當(dāng)?shù)慕Y(jié)構(gòu)充當(dāng)。如: My mum teaches English in a middle school. (名詞) We all respect him. (代詞) I will support whatever choice you make. (名詞性從句) 有時動詞后面會接兩個賓語,表示人的賓語通常被稱為間接賓語(indirect object),而表示物的賓語則被稱為直接賓語(dire

5、ct object).如: I cant wait to describe to you what senior high school life is like.4. 表語(P)說明主語的特征、身份、狀態(tài)等,位于系動詞(be, look, go, turn, become等)后,通常由名詞、代詞、形容詞或與其相當(dāng)?shù)慕Y(jié)構(gòu)充當(dāng)。如: Today is the start of a new term. (名詞) The only person I care about is you. (代詞) The possibilities are endless. (形容詞) You are what yo

6、u eat. (名詞性從句)5. 定語(Attr.)修飾名詞或代詞,表示其性質(zhì)和特征,通常由形容詞或 與其相當(dāng)?shù)慕Y(jié)構(gòu)充當(dāng)。如:We heard an impressive speech last week. (形容詞)There is a swimming pool in our school. (動詞-ing形式表示用途)Dont wake up the sleeping child. (動詞-ing形式表示狀態(tài)) 定語有時還會置于名詞或代詞之后。如:You will have the opportunity to acquire great knowledge. (動詞不定式)Potent

7、ial is your natural ability that can be developed when you try hard enough. (定語從句)6. 狀語(A)修飾動詞、形容詞、副詞或整個句子,表示方式、程度、語氣等,通常由副詞或與其相當(dāng)?shù)慕Y(jié)構(gòu)充當(dāng)。如:Carefully plan your study. (副詞表方式)She is very careful about what she says. (副詞表程度)He did quite well in the project. (副詞表程度)Honestly, I dont mind if you want to lea

8、ve now. (副詞表語氣)Guided by my English teacher, I entered a wonderland. (分詞作狀語表方式)Make hay while the sun shines. (狀語從句表時間)7. 補(bǔ)語(C)用來補(bǔ)充說明主語或賓語的特征或狀態(tài),由名詞、動詞、形 容詞等充當(dāng)。如:The New York City is called the Big Apple. (名詞作主補(bǔ))Mr. Xu encourages us to realize our potential. (動詞不定式作賓補(bǔ))We painted the wall green. (形容詞

9、作賓補(bǔ))8. 同位語(apposition)對主語、賓語、表語進(jìn)行解釋,通常由名詞、代 詞、數(shù)詞或與其相當(dāng)?shù)慕Y(jié)構(gòu)充當(dāng)。如:You two wait here. (與主語同位)We were shocked by the news that he died in the accident. (與賓語同位)Ms. Xu is our principal, a very popular teacher. (與表語同位)Do you know what sentence structures are?主+系+表主+謂+間賓+直賓主+謂+賓+賓補(bǔ)主+謂+賓+狀主+謂+狀there be句型主+謂主+謂+

10、賓1. 主謂(SV)。如:Fears are growing.2. 主謂賓(SVO)。如:I like eating rice.I would like to have an apple.My grandpa said that rice was the most wanted food in his childhood.3. 主系表(SVP)。 如:This technology company is growing bigger and bigger.The staple crop is rice.4. 主謂間賓直賓(SVOO)。如:I made her a rice cake.句子結(jié)構(gòu)5

11、. 主謂賓賓補(bǔ)(SVOC)。如:We consider rice a necessity.6. 在SV中,謂語動詞為不及物動詞(intransitive verb),后面不可再接賓語。如果有狀語,其結(jié)構(gòu)是:主謂狀(SVA)。如:Rice grows well in the south.Bananas grow in tropical areas.7. 在SVO中,謂語動詞是及物動詞(transitive verb),如果加上狀語,其結(jié)構(gòu)是:主謂賓狀(SVOA)。如:People grow rice in the south.8. there be句型。如:There is a growing

12、fear in the country.Albert Einstein said, “If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal.” (1) I agree. Goals are important in many ways. (2)Setting goals gives you a focus in life. By setting goals now, you are deciding what you want to achieve in the future. Then you know where you are going

13、in life and can work hard to get there. Setting goals also helps you develop good habits. To realize your goals, you need to have a good plan, manage your time well and pay attention to details.(3) These habits will be helpful. Finally, (4) setting goals makes you more confident. When you achieve a

14、goal, you see the result of your hard work and know how much progress you have made. A goal is a dream that needs action. As a result of your action, your dream will come true and hopefully (5) you will live a happy life.On the first day of school, Miss Yan gave a short speech about the importance o

15、f setting goals. Pay attention to the underlined sentences and fill in the table below. The first one has been done for you.SubjectVerbI agreeSubjectVerbPredicativeSubjectVerbObjectSubjectVerbIndirect objectDirect objectSubjectVerbObject Object complementThese habitswill be helpful Youwill livea hap

16、py lifeSetting goalsgivesyoua focus in lifeSetting goalsmakesyoumore confidentThe subject and the (1) _ are necessary parts of a sentence.A transitive verb is always followed by a(n) (2) _ .Some verbs can have two objects. The indirect object usually refers to a person and the direct object a thing.

17、The object complement adds more information about the object.Working out the rulesverbobjectB Applying the rulesB1 Mark the different elements of each sentence with different symbols.1 You will find (senior high) school different from (junior high) school.2 (Your) schoolwork will be more challenging

18、.3 We will give you (more) independence.4 You should listen more carefully.5 You can join a club.6 Your teachers will help you in (many) ways.7 You will succeed!1 You will find senior high school different from junior high school.2 Your schoolwork will be more challenging.3 We will give you more ind

19、ependence.4 You should listen more carefully.5 You can join a club.6 Your teachers will help you in many ways.7 You will succeed!B2 Below are some tips about setting goals. Match the underlined sentences with the correct structures. Write the letters in the boxes.cbegdfaB3 What is your goal for the

20、new term? How are you going to achieve your goal? Write about it using different sentence structures. Use the example below to help you.I will try to improve my English in the new term. There are a lot of things I need to do achieve this goal. I will read two English novels this term. I will also tr

21、y to find a language partner. Joining the English club will be helpful to me too. All my efforts will pay off!My goal for the new term is to improve my communication skills. To achieve this goal, I will be friendlier to my classmates. Joining a school club will help me make more friends. I will also

22、 read a book on how to improve communication skills. I will succeed!Speaking in public confidently remains a challenge to me. I find it difficult to speak in public confidently. My goal for the new term is to improve my communication skills. To achieve this goal, I will encourage myself to ask and a

23、nswer more questions. Joining a club also seems a great idea. I think it can offer me a good opportunity to make new friends and acquire new skills. Besides, I will read a book on how to improve communication skills. Always try hard and I will succeed! Sample answerPracticeCorrect the grammar mistakes in the following passage.Manage time p


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