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1、中考英語同義句轉(zhuǎn)換專題復(fù)習(xí) +練習(xí)中考英語同義句轉(zhuǎn)換專題復(fù)習(xí)及練習(xí)【考點(diǎn)分析】 同義句一般考察的是句型的轉(zhuǎn)換,或近義詞的轉(zhuǎn)換。高頻考點(diǎn)表結(jié)果 so .that +句子 = too (adj) to do= not (a反dj義詞 ) enough to do He is so weak that he can t play football.= He is_ weak play football.= He is not to play football.so that .=in order to do /in order that= so as to do=to do =for doing H

2、e got up early so that he could catch the early bus.=He got up early to catch the early bus.=He got up early so as to catch the early bus.if not =unlessShe won t improve her handwriting if she doesn t have enough practice.=She won t improve her handwriting unless she has enough practice.did sth afte

3、r/when=didn t do untilThey left the place after they were 8.=They didn t leave the place until they were 8.四個(gè)花費(fèi) 人 + spend + 錢 / 時(shí) + (in)doing sth /on sth 。It + takes + (人) + 時(shí)間 + to do sth 物 + cost + (人) + 錢 + to do sth 人 + pay + 錢 + to sb/ for sthbe held= take place 舉辦現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)中瞬間動(dòng)詞轉(zhuǎn)換為延續(xù)性動(dòng)詞,如 : join ha

4、ve been in in the pastbecame a lawyer- have been a lawyer-have worked as a lawyerused to do sth = often/usually did sth = did sthhigh=in height EG: It is 10 meters in height. (wide= in width ; long= in length)remove = take away11 600 square meters in size = have/cover an area of 600 square metersyou

5、 mustn t do sth = be not allowed to do = Don t do sthbe good at 擅長于 = do well in 【反義】 be poor at 拙劣于 = do badly incare for =look after= take care of 關(guān)愛,照顧stop from = keep from = prevent 阻止某f事orm發(fā)生set out = set off = start/leave12五個(gè)成功做某事 do sth. successfully, succeed in doing sth.;be successful in st

6、h. manage to do sth. ;be able to do sth. 以及失敗 fail to do sth.(fail in a test)13.in my opinion = I think 14. be responsible for =be in charge of = take charge of 對(duì) 負(fù)責(zé)make an apology to sb. for doing=say sorry to sb. for sth 想某人道歉purchase sth. for money=buy sth. for money( 注意和 cost、 spend 的區(qū)別 )be made

7、 up of= consist(s) of 由 組成prefer(red ) A to B= like(d) A better than B 喜歡 A 勝過 Bprefer to do A rather than do B=prefer to doing A to doing B 寧愿做 A 事情而不做 B 事情besides A= in addition to A =What more, 除 A以外(還有)do harm to = be bad for對(duì)有害improve a lot = make progre在ss 有進(jìn)步run(be) out of= use up 用完consider

8、doing = think about doing 考慮decide to do= make a decision to doescape from= run away from 逃跑;immediately= at once=right away=in no time 立即27be held= take place 舉辦28. when he was over sixty= in his sixties案例分析John always keeps calm and knows what he should do when in trouble. ( 保持句意基本不變 ) John always

9、 keeps calm and knows do when in trouble.【正確答案】 what to 【題目解析】賓語從句改為簡單句用疑問詞+to doMy friend Peter looked after my pet dog while I was on holiday last month. ( 保持句意不變 )My friend Peter my pet dog while I was on holiday last month.【正確答案】 cared for【題目解析】 同義詞的轉(zhuǎn)換, look after = care for 照顧,注意過去時(shí)態(tài)。Alice took

10、 up French in college in order to communicate with friends in Paris.( 句意不變 ) Alice took up French in college she could communicate with friends inParis.【正確答案】 so that【題目解析】 表示“因此,所以”后接一個(gè)完整的句子,用 so that.Our English teacher likes black coffee better than green tea. ( 保持句意基本相同 )Our English teacher blac

11、k coffee green tea.【正確答案】 prefers to 【題目解析】考察同義句型比起。更喜歡。The speaker spoke loudly. All audience could hear him.( 合并為一句 ) The speaker spoke loudly all the audience could hear him.【正確答案】 so that 【題目解析】由題意可知是表示目的,后面接的又是句子所以是 so thatTom s cousin does a pa-rttime job. He can get more working experience.(

12、保持原句意思 ) Tom s cousin does a pa-rttime jobto get more working experience.【正確答案】 in order【題目解析】由前面兩個(gè)簡單句關(guān)系是表目的的,表目的的短語在這里用 in order toThe cook was too busy to notice the overcooked soup. ( 保持句意不變 ) The cook was busy he didn t notice the overcooked soup.【正確答案】 so that【題目解析】結(jié)果狀語從句 so+adj+that 從句Mr. Gree

13、n was surprised that his son didnt tell anyone that he was staying out late. (保持句 意基本不變)To Mr. Greens, no one wasof his sons staying out late.【正確答案】 surprise; told.【題目解析】此題考查 to one s +n. 令某人的是,故 surprised 變?yōu)槊~ surprise, 后面由主動(dòng)變?yōu)楸粍?dòng), tell 變?yōu)?told.Brush your teeth regularly, or you will get toothache s

14、ooner or later. (保持句意不變) You will get toothache sooner or later you your teeth regularly.【正確答案】 unless brush【題目解析】根據(jù)題意 “有規(guī)律地刷牙,否則你遲早會(huì)牙痛 ”,那么同義句改成 “除非你有規(guī) 律地刷牙,你遲早會(huì)牙疼 ”正,確答案為 unless brush( unless 也可記成 if not )。The telephone rang and Jerry answered it immediately. (保持句意不變) The telephone rang and Jerry

15、answered it .【正確答案】 at once 【題目解析】根據(jù)題意 “ immediately 翻”譯為 “立刻,馬上 ”,考綱We need to design a program in order to make computers recognize our voice.(保持句意不變)We need to design a program computers can recognize our voice.【正確答案】 so that【題目解析】考察同義句的改寫,需要把原句中的 in order to 換掉,很容易確定是 so thatThey created a Child

16、ren s Fund to provide money for those who are 保ill.持 ( 句意不變 )They a Children s Fund to provide money for those who are ill.【正確答案】 set up【題目解析】把 create 改成同意詞組,可知這句話意思是建造一個(gè)兒童基金,所以是 set upWe cannot drink salt water. We cannot take a shower with it, either. ( 保持句意不變 )We can drink salt water take a showe

17、r with it.【正確答案】 neither , nor【題目解析】我們不能喝鹽水也不能用鹽水洗澡,兩者都不。常見的同義詞組轉(zhuǎn)換1.achieve an A for maths get an A for maths數(shù)學(xué)得了一個(gè) A2.a kind of a type of a sort of一種;一類3.agree with sb. have the same idea / opinion with同意某人的觀點(diǎn)、意見4.all day the whole day一整天5.also as well too也6.amounts of a great amount of大量 (加不可數(shù)名詞 )

18、7.answer reply to回答8.apologize to sb. for sth. / doing sth. make an apology to sb. for sth. / doing sth. say sorry to sb for sth.因 而向某人道歉9.arrive at/ in some place get to some place reach some place到達(dá)某地10.as well as together withalong with with和 一起11.at lastin the endfinally最后12.at once immediately

19、in no time立刻,馬上13.at present at the moment此刻,目前for the time being now14.be able to do sth. manage to do sth. can do有能力做某事;15.be unable to dofail to do未能做某事16.be active in play an active part in積極參加17.be afraid of sth. / doing be frightened at sth.害怕18.be aged 30 be 30 years old30 歲19.be bad for be h

20、armful to do harm to對(duì)有害20.be busy with sth. be busy doing sth.忙于做某事21.be different from (not) be the same as與 不同22.be fond of sth. / doing be keen on sth./ doing喜愛做某事;熱衷于做某事23.be friendly to be kind to對(duì) 友好24.be full of be filled with充滿了 . be crowded with擠滿了 25.be good at sth. / doing do well in sth.

21、/ doing擅長于做 26.be interested in sth. / doing對(duì) 感興趣的show/ take/ have interest in sth. / doing27.be located (in, at, on) lie (in, at, on)位于 ;坐落于 28.be made up of consist of由 組成29.be pleased with be satisfied with對(duì)感到滿意30.be responsible for be in charge of對(duì)負(fù)責(zé)take charge of31.be surprised at be amazed at對(duì)

22、 感到驚訝32.be thankful toshow thanks to對(duì) 感激33.belong to sb.be one s屬于某人;是某人的is the owner of34.begin to do begin doing start to do start doing開始做某事35.by oneselfalone personallyon one s own單獨(dú)地獨(dú)自地36.by bus / train on a bus / train take a bus/train to by car / taxi in a car / taxi drive to乘公共汽車 / 火車 乘小轎車 /

23、 出租車37.besides in addition此外,另外強(qiáng)化練習(xí)Johnson had a chemistry lab of his own.The chemistry lab Johnson himself.They are too tired to walk farther.They are tired that they walk farther.My elder sister left university at the age of thirty. (保持句意基本不變)My elder sisterin che university she was thirty.Kitty a

24、nd her cousins are all keen on Korean love TV series (保持句意基本不變)Kitty and her cousins are all Korean love TV series.Susie went to bed after the TV play was over. (保持句意基本不變)Susie go to bedthe TV play was over.Chinese is more popular than Japanese (保持句意基本不變)Japanese is popularChinese.It took her whole

25、life to write the world-famous play. 保持句意基本不變)She her whole life the world-famous play.Last week she spent l,000 dollars altogether buying clothes online (保持句意基本不變) Last week she spent l, 000 dollars buying clothes online.You must be quick, if not, youll miss the early bus (保持句意基本不變) quick, youIl mi

26、ss the early bus.You should apologize to the old man for your rough words (保持句意基本不變) You should to the old man for your rough words.They crossed the road after the light turned green (保持旬意基本不變)They cross the road the light turned green.The mother chose some beautiful clothes for her daughter. (保持句意基

27、本不變) The mothersome beautiful clothes for her daughter13, The boy can take only one of the two toys (保持句意基本不變)The boy can take this toy that one.14. The story happened in a small town on a rainy afternoon (保持句意基本不變)The story in a small town on a rainy afternoon.My brother joined the Party three year

28、s ago (保持句意基本不變)My brother a Party member for three+ years.It is good for Uncle Sam to stop smoking (保持句意基本不變)It is good for Uncle Sam to smoking.We will have no water to drink unless we learn to save water. (保持句意基本不變)We will have no water to drink we learn to save water.His fans went to the airport

29、 to say goodbye to him ,(保持句意基本不變)His fans went to the airport to him .Tom is good at not only English but also Chinese (保持句意不變)Tom is good at English Chinese.參考答案belonged to 2.so can t 3.stayed until 4.fond of 5. didn utntil6.less than 7.spend on 8.in all 9.Be or 10.say sorry 11.didn t until 12.pic

30、k out 13.either or 14. took place 15.has been 16.give up 17.if don t18.see off 19.both and二、英語書面表達(dá)專項(xiàng)訓(xùn)練2 中國傳統(tǒng)文化源遠(yuǎn)流長,代代相傳。近期各校都在開展學(xué)習(xí)中國傳統(tǒng)文化活動(dòng)。某網(wǎng) 站正在開展以 “弘揚(yáng)中國傳統(tǒng)文化 ”為題征文,請(qǐng)你用英文寫一篇報(bào)道,介紹你校上周舉辦 的“講中國成語故事 ”活動(dòng)并談?wù)勀愕氖斋@與感受。提示詞語: Chinese idioms, story, collect, share, learn from, acient 提示問題: What did you do durin

31、g the activity of Telling Chinese idioms story? What did you learn from the activity? What do you think of it?【答案】 The activity of“ Telling Chinese idioms story” was held in our school last week.In order to take part in this activity, I collected lots of Chinese idiom stories in advance. Many studen

32、ts, including me, actively shared the Chinese idiom stories in the activity. After each story, the teacher explained the meaning of idioms and how to use it correctly. We learned a lot from our teacher.I did lots of reading in the process of preparation. My readi ng ability has improved greatly. Wha

33、t smore, I realized the richness of Chinese acient culture. I really had a good time on the activity.【解析】【詳解】題干解讀:這是一篇提綱類書面表達(dá),只給了一些要點(diǎn)提示,但都不很明確。學(xué)生除了 要把所給要點(diǎn)提示都表達(dá)出來外,還要進(jìn)行適當(dāng)拓展,使文章內(nèi)容充實(shí)。例文點(diǎn)評(píng):例文采用三段式;用第一人稱來敘述講成語故事活動(dòng);因?yàn)榛顒?dòng)已經(jīng)舉辦, 所以時(shí)態(tài)采用一般過去時(shí);對(duì)參加活動(dòng)的過程描寫完整且條理清晰。高分亮點(diǎn):短語: in order to ,take part in , lots of , lear

34、n from ,in the process of , Whats more, have a good time 。句型:被動(dòng)句型。3同學(xué)們,初中生活即將結(jié)束,本次考試后,盼望已久的假期就要到來!請(qǐng)你根據(jù)以下提 示,制定出度假計(jì)劃,可以結(jié)合自己的實(shí)際發(fā)揮。寫作內(nèi)容:和家長 / 同學(xué)一起旅游,享受大自然的美景,放松心情。參加志愿活動(dòng),幫家長做家務(wù)。讀自己喜歡的書。遠(yuǎn)離危險(xiǎn)的地方。 寫作要求:1.80 詞左右,開頭部分已給出,但不計(jì)入規(guī)定字?jǐn)?shù)。內(nèi)容合理;要點(diǎn)齊全;句子及篇章結(jié)構(gòu)正確、連貫;書寫規(guī)范。不得出現(xiàn)自己的校名和自己的姓名等個(gè)人信息。My junior high school years a

35、re coming to an end. The summer holiday is on the way. Here are my plans for the long exciting holidays.【答案】 My junior high school years are coming to an end. The summer holiday is on the way. Here are my plans for the long exciting holidays.Because I have a busy life in school days,I will get close

36、 to nature and relax myself with my parents. I will volunteer to do something for others .I will stay with my parents and help my parents to do some housework in my free. I will also read every morning. From the books, I can get more knowledge to fulfill myself. I also decide to have a good sleep du

37、ring the vacation. I decide to take part in some social activities in order to know about the real society. I will stay away from dangerous places.Besides, I will keep a diary and then take it to school for sharing with my classmates.Im sure Ill have an interesting and meaningful summer holiday.【解析】

38、 試題分析:短文要制定出度假計(jì)劃,文章需要用第一人稱“I進(jìn)”行書寫,不可使用 “we/ you等其他人稱。文章主要內(nèi)容為計(jì)劃的書寫,主要使用一般將來時(shí)態(tài)。所寫的句子要符合英 語語法,不能遺漏要點(diǎn)。寫作亮點(diǎn):短文用了一些短語和句式,如:come to an end 結(jié)束; on the way 在途中; getclose to nature 親近大自然; volunteer to do something 自愿做某事; help sb to do sth 幫助某 人做某事; take part in sth 參加活動(dòng)。用了一些銜接詞 besides 等,句子過度自然。用了 because引導(dǎo)的原

39、因狀語從句,增加了文章的亮點(diǎn)??键c(diǎn):考查提綱作文。4書面表達(dá) 親子關(guān)系是目前廣受關(guān)注的話題。假設(shè)你是張華,你正在以 “如何與父母更好地相處 ”為 題 進(jìn)行英語自主課程研究。通過搜集資料,你查找到中國青少年研究中心 (CYCRC近) 日就中美 兩國親子關(guān)系進(jìn)行了問卷調(diào)查,結(jié)果如下表。請(qǐng)你根據(jù)下表選取并整合你認(rèn)為有用的信 息,結(jié)合你的實(shí)際經(jīng)歷以 How to get along well with parents 為題寫一篇感想。ChinaUSKids often talk to their parents48.1%89%Kids think their parents understand th

40、em61%81.4%Kids have different ideas from their parents82.1%76%Kids have different ideas from their parents mostly because of Schoolwork (65.4%)Pocket money (20%)注意事項(xiàng):內(nèi)容須根據(jù)表格數(shù)據(jù)和實(shí)際經(jīng)歷合理展開;要求語句通順、意思連貫、符合情境;詞數(shù)在 90 個(gè)左右,首尾已經(jīng)在答題卡上給出,不計(jì)入總詞數(shù);內(nèi)容必須寫在答題卡指定的位置?!敬鸢浮?How to get along well with parentsMore and more

41、people begin to focus on the parent- child relationship. Heres manyd uingd erstof how to get along well with our parents.CYCRC did a survey in the United States and China. The results showed that 48.1% of Chinese children often talk to their parents, far fewer than the Americans. More understanding

42、lies in American parent-child relationship. I think we should not only talk often but open our heart. For example, when I got low marks in exams, I always talked to my parents. They helped me find the reason and encouraged me. I also shared my secrets and worries with them. A good relationship requi

43、res efforts from both parents and children.As children, getting well with parents is of great importance to us. We should find a proper way to create a healthy parent-child relationship.【解析】【詳解】 這篇作文要求我們以 How to get along well with parents 為題,就中國青少年研究中心 (CYCRC) 近日對(duì)中美兩國親子關(guān)系問卷調(diào)查的結(jié)果進(jìn)行介紹,并結(jié)合自己的實(shí)際經(jīng)歷,發(fā)表自己

44、的 感謝。寫作前,應(yīng)仔細(xì)審題,觀察所給表格,弄清楚表格中每一項(xiàng)的內(nèi)容以及它的意義。 然后結(jié)合自己的實(shí)際情況,對(duì)如何與父母良好相處,發(fā)表自己的看法。短文應(yīng)主要以一般 現(xiàn)在時(shí)為主,第一人稱和第三人稱來敘述。寫作時(shí)應(yīng)注意:內(nèi)容應(yīng)密切結(jié)合表格中所給的 數(shù)據(jù)以及自己的實(shí)際經(jīng)歷,有敘述,有議論。合理安排各部分內(nèi)容之間的關(guān)系,注意分清 結(jié)構(gòu),表達(dá)要有條理。其次應(yīng)注意英語表達(dá)習(xí)慣和漢語的不同,不能根據(jù)漢語式思維逐詞 翻譯,應(yīng)從句式的整體結(jié)構(gòu)出發(fā),使用適當(dāng)?shù)膯卧~、短語和句型表達(dá)。句式結(jié)構(gòu)要完整, 可以簡單句為基礎(chǔ),穿插使用并列句和復(fù)合句以及其他復(fù)雜句式。同時(shí)注意語句之間使用 恰當(dāng)?shù)倪B接成分,使行文連貫、自然?!?/p>

45、點(diǎn)睛】 這是一篇優(yōu)秀的作文,短文作者根據(jù)題目要求,介紹了中美兩國親子關(guān)系的對(duì)比,并結(jié)合 自己的實(shí)際對(duì)如何與父母相處,發(fā)表了個(gè)人看法。短文有以下幾個(gè)特點(diǎn):首先文章內(nèi)容完 整,符合題目要求。短文分三段:第一段引出文章的話題 parent-child relationship ,點(diǎn)明文 章主旨 Here s my understadning of how to get along well with our parents ;第二段對(duì)調(diào)查結(jié)果 的第一項(xiàng)內(nèi)容進(jìn)行了介紹,并結(jié)合自己的經(jīng)歷,講述了如何與父母相處。這是文章的主體 部分,敘述非常詳細(xì),內(nèi)容也很充實(shí),所占篇幅也最大;最后一段作者重申主題,點(diǎn)明了

46、 良好親子關(guān)系的重要性。其次短文使用了正確的時(shí)態(tài)和人稱,語法規(guī)范,用詞準(zhǔn)確,語句 通順。句式結(jié)構(gòu)完整,以簡單句為主,也使用了賓語從句、狀語從句、并列句、非謂語動(dòng) 詞等復(fù)雜句式和結(jié)構(gòu)。行文連貫、自然,表達(dá)流暢。短文中較好的句型有: The results showed that 48.1% of Chinese children often talk to their parents, far fewer than the Americans.、 I think we should not only talk often but open our heart. 、 I also shared m

47、y secrets and worries with them. A good relationship requires efforts from both parents and children 、 We should find a proper way to create a healthy parent-child relationship. 等等。5 書面表達(dá)暑假即將來臨 ,對(duì)于如何安排孩子初中畢業(yè)后的第一個(gè)假期, 家長們和孩子自己有著各自的想法。根據(jù)下表提示 ,寫一篇英語短文 ,描述他們的不同看法 ,同時(shí)發(fā)表你自己對(duì)暑假安排的觀 點(diǎn)。Parents opinionsGet rea

48、dy for high school. Do some houseworkKids opinionsHave a good rest. Do some sightseeing Your opinion注意 表格中的觀點(diǎn)僅供參考 ,允許適當(dāng)發(fā)揮開頭已給出 ,不計(jì)入總詞數(shù) ;文中不得出現(xiàn)真實(shí)姓名和校名等信息 ;詞數(shù) :不少于 80。How will you spend the coming summer vacation? Parents and kids have their own opinions.【答案】 How will you spend the coming summer vacat

49、ion? Parents and kids have their own opinions.Some parents think kids should get ready for high school in the sum?mer so its important to take summer courses. They also think kids can help do housework to learn some life skills. But the kids disagree. They think its time to take a good rest. They ne

50、ed to hang out with their friends to go sightseeing.In my opinion we can have a talk with our parents. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. We need to relax ourselves after working so hard at school. Its good for us to do some sports. 【解析】【詳解】 這是一篇給材料作文,本文已經(jīng)給出了主要寫作要點(diǎn),動(dòng)筆前要先認(rèn)真閱讀要點(diǎn),然后圍 繞要點(diǎn)適當(dāng)發(fā)揮寫作

51、中,應(yīng)注意描述的全面性,盡量將提示的內(nèi)容利用上;結(jié)合材料內(nèi) 容,可知本文主要是第三人稱,一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)態(tài)進(jìn)行敘述語言的表述應(yīng)該符合語法的結(jié) 構(gòu),造句應(yīng)該符合英語的表達(dá)習(xí)慣適當(dāng)使用連詞,做到上下文聯(lián)系緊密,符合邏輯關(guān) 系【點(diǎn)睛】這篇短文用到了一些好的句型: They also think kids can help do housework to learn some life skills. But the kids disagree. They think its time to take a good rest. They need to hang out with their friends

52、 to go sightseeing. 這些給文章增色不少。6假如你是李華,你的美國朋友 Jack 熱愛中國的唐詩宋詞。最近他對(duì)母親節(jié)你在博客里 發(fā)的游子吟( Song of the parting son )很感興趣,給你寫信想了解該詩,請(qǐng)你根據(jù)以下 提示給他回信:作者:孟郊時(shí)間:唐朝內(nèi)容:母親為兒子做衣服主題:母愛的偉大文中不得出現(xiàn)你的真實(shí)姓名和學(xué)校名稱;語言通順,意思連貫,條理清楚,書寫規(guī)范;詞數(shù): 80-100 詞左右,信件的開頭與結(jié)尾已經(jīng)給出,不計(jì)入總詞數(shù)。 Dear Jack,I m glad to hear from you. I know you are interested

53、in this poem Song of the parting son.Yours, 【答案】 Dear Jack,I m glad to hear from you. I know you are interested in this poem Song of the parting son. NowI m writing to tell you something about it.Song of the parting son is one of the most popular Chinese poems. It was written by Meng Jiao, a famous

54、poet in Tang Dynasty. It describes a common matter in daily life a mother making clothes for her son, which is familiar to most of us. It mainly shows how great a mother be. In a word, this short poem has touched many people s hearts.If you have any other questions about this poem, please tell me.Yo

55、urs, Li Hua 【解析】【分析】這是一篇材料作文。【詳解】 根據(jù)內(nèi)容可知,這是一篇書信類文章。時(shí)態(tài)是一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)。人稱是第一人稱和第三人稱。 英語作文一般分為三個(gè)部分:第一部分:交代寫信目的 朋友 Jack 熱愛中國的唐詩宋詞。我將給你介紹游子吟( Song of the parting son )這首詩。 第二部分:文章主體部分 具體介紹游子吟( Song of the parting son )這首詩。作者:孟郊時(shí)間:唐朝內(nèi)容:母親為兒子做衣服主題:母愛的偉大 第三部分:信的結(jié)語 如果對(duì)方有任何問題,可以繼續(xù)問自己,并期待收到對(duì)方的來 信。7書面表達(dá) 我校決定讓學(xué)生輪流打掃廁所,以此

56、作為教育學(xué)生的一種方式。 這件事在學(xué)生中引 起了強(qiáng) 烈的反響,請(qǐng)你把下列不同意見整理成一篇書面材料,報(bào)告給學(xué)校。同意 :1多數(shù)學(xué)生是獨(dú)生子女,不會(huì)做事。2學(xué)生應(yīng)該學(xué)會(huì)做艱苦的工作。 3學(xué)會(huì)理解和尊重清潔工人的勞動(dòng)。不同意: 1很臟,容易使學(xué)生生病。 2不是學(xué)生應(yīng)該做的事情。 3打掃教室就足夠 了。注意: 1短文應(yīng)包括表中所有內(nèi)容,可適當(dāng)發(fā)揮,但不要逐字翻譯;2不少于 80 詞。生詞提示: respect 尊重【答案】 A strong argument has taken place among students since our school made students do volunt

57、ary labor.Some students think it is a good way of education. Now most families have only one child. They never do hard work. To do voluntary labor is a good chance for them to learn how to do difficult work. It can also help them understand and respect the cleaners.But others have different points.

58、They think it is easy for the m to get sick. They don t think it isstudents jobs. Cleaning the classroom every day is enough.【解析】【詳解】 閱讀題干要求,這是一篇看法類的作文,那么首先得點(diǎn)明討論的話題,然后分別寫出不同 人群對(duì)此事的看法,時(shí)態(tài)以一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)為主。重點(diǎn)詞匯及短語: argument 爭論; take place 發(fā)生; among(三者或三者以上)之間; a good chance for sb 對(duì)某人來說是個(gè)好機(jī)會(huì); help sb do sth 幫助某

59、人做某事; get sick 生病。 亮點(diǎn)句型:(1) A strong argument has taken place among students since our school made students do voluntary labor. 自從我們學(xué)校讓學(xué)生做自愿勞動(dòng)以來,在學(xué)生中發(fā)生了一場激烈的爭論。 現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)( have/has+done )。(2) To do voluntary labor is a good chance for them to learn how to do difficult work. 做義務(wù) 勞動(dòng)是他們學(xué)習(xí)如何做困難工作的好機(jī)會(huì)。動(dòng)詞不定式作

60、主語,謂語動(dòng)詞用單數(shù),疑問詞 +to do 。8書面表達(dá) 根據(jù)要求完成短文寫作,請(qǐng)將作文寫在答題卡指定的位置上。 每年春節(jié),每個(gè)孩子都能收到來自長輩的壓歲錢(lucky money )。隨著生活水平的提高,大部分孩子得到越來越多的壓歲錢,有些甚至通過微信(WeChat)或支付寶 (Alipay)收壓歲錢。同學(xué)們該如何管理自己的錢,讓自己的錢用得更有意義?請(qǐng)結(jié)合自己的實(shí)際寫一篇文 章,詞數(shù) 80 詞以上,文中不能出現(xiàn)真實(shí)校名和人名。內(nèi)容包括如下:你的壓歲錢的來源和用途;對(duì)合理使用壓歲錢的建議(至少 3 點(diǎn));呼吁大家節(jié)約用錢,把自己的壓歲錢用在最需要、最有意義的地方?!敬鸢浮?Every Spr


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