



1、2022-2023學年河北省保定市興文中學高三英語模擬試題含解析一、 選擇題1. Late again! Where _? Sorry, I _ in the hearvy traffic, or I would have been here earlier. A. were you; have got stuck B. have you been; have got stuck C. were you; got stuck D. have you been; got stuck參考答案:D2. Jim managed to get into his house without the key

2、. _? I dont know. He might have asked someone for help.A. What forB. Who knows C. So What D. Guess how參考答案:D3. Beijing No.4 High School is reported in the newspaper _ its 110th birthday last month.A. to celebrate B. having celebratedC. being celebrated D. to have celebrated參考答案:D考查動詞不定式。句意:據報紙上報道,北京

3、第四中學上個月慶祝了它的第110周年校慶。動詞不定式的動作“慶祝”發(fā)生在主句謂語動詞的動作“報道”前,故用動詞不定式的完成式。答案為D。4. Fresh milk _ in the fridge,or it will go bad()Amay keepBmay be keptCmust keepDmust be kept參考答案:D鮮奶必須保存在冰箱里,否則會變質fresh milk與keep保存是被動關系,應該使用被動語態(tài),可排除A和C;may意思是可以而must意思是必須,may比must的語氣要弱很多,根據句意可知應該選用語氣強的must,答案選D本題考查情態(tài)動詞的用法情態(tài)動詞表示說話人

4、對某一動作或狀態(tài)的態(tài)度,所以在做題時應該把握好說話人的情感態(tài)度5. Pity you missed the lecture on nuclear pollution.I _it, but I was busy preparing for a job interview.A. had attendedB. didnt attendC. would attendD. would have attended參考答案:D略6. Long time no see. What are you up to these days?I have been writing a research report. T

5、hat was _ easy. A. nothing but B. anything but C. all but D. everything but參考答案:B略7. The pine tree in front of the lecture hall is so tall.Yes. It _ nearly 20 metres.A. measuresB. is measuredC. will measureD. is measuring參考答案:A【詳解】考查動詞時態(tài)及語態(tài)。句意:演講廳前面的松樹好高啊。是的。它近20米。measure此處意為“測量,量起來”,為不及物動詞,后接量的結果,不

6、用于被動語態(tài)或進行時態(tài)。此處為描述客觀事實用一般現(xiàn)在時,且主語為it,謂語動詞需用第三人稱單數形式。故選A。8. In our school, light music is often playedclasses to make the students entertained and relaxed for 10 minutes.A.betweenB.alongC.amongD.over參考答案:A句意:在我們學校,課間經常會放十分鐘輕音樂,讓學生們娛樂放松。此處between classes表示課間。9. David left word with my secretary _ he wou

7、ld call on me in the afternoon.A. whoB. thatC. whereD. which參考答案:B試題分析:考查同位語從句。句意:大衛(wèi)給我的秘書留言說他下午會再來找我。word意為“消息”時,是不可數名詞,從句“he would call on me in the afternoon”不缺少成分,word后跟that引導的同位語從句,對word的內容進行補充說明,故選B??键c:考查同位語從句10. The fact has worried many scientist _ the earth is becoming warmer and warmer thes

8、e years.A. what B. which C. that D. though參考答案:C略11. The film Tiny Times puts too much emphasis on “bling-bling” items, and that distracts from its . A. audience B. novel C. theme D. lifestyle參考答案:C12. Mike, have you ever heard of the latest water heater using solar energy? Yes, of course, but I hav

9、ent decided whether to buy _. A. it B. one C. this D. that參考答案:B略13. So concentrated _ on her experiment that she _ it was time to pick up her daughter.A. she was; didnt realize B. was she; didnt realizeC. she was; hadnt realized D. was she; hadnt realized參考答案:B 14. The police looking for the missin

10、g child. A. is B. are C. have D. has參考答案:B略15. Her _ had never been good enough for her hopes to be realized. A. problems B. reputations C. challenges D. circumstances參考答案:D二、 填空16. Decoding the young brainThere was a funny experiment to see how a young child would answer a specific question compare

11、d to an adult.After the adult had spent some time speaking with the child, he asked the child, “What do you think about me?” The child answered, “You talk too much.” When the adult performed the same experiment with another adult, the reply to the same question was, “I think youre a very interesting

12、 person.” Even if the adult felt the same way as the child, his brain allowed him to take a moment,consider the question, and come up with an answer. He could have been annoyed, but his answer didnt reflect it because he was being polite.The secret lies in the science of the developing brain.The chi

13、lds honest answer was reflected in the fact that his brain wasnt equipped to filter(過濾) information before answering the question.As a result, he was honest, but he said something that may have been hurtful.However, the child did not intentionally hurt the adult; its just the way his brain works.As

14、a child grows into adolescence and then into adulthood, that changes.The human brain is made up of billions of neurons(神經元). In order for our body to execute a command, like getting up from a chair and walking to the other room, the neurons in the brain have to communicate with each other. They also

15、 help us employ our senses like taste and touch and help us remember things.When the neurons send messages, perhaps one sensation(感覺) the person feels is excitement about eating a cookie because it is so delicious. Later, if that person smells a cookie or hears someone talking about a cookie, it can

16、 spark the electrical signals that call up the memory of eating the delicious cookie. In an adult, he or she may remember that eating too many cookies can have consequences, like weight gain.But because the younger brain is more impulsive(沖動的), the desire to feel the pleasure of the sweet treat outw

17、eighs the consequences.That is because when a child is young, his brain is “wired” in such a way that he seeks pleasure and is more willing to take risks than an adult.This affects his decision-making process and it is why younger people tend to be more impulsive. Sometimes parents have to tell thei

18、r children over and over again before the child remembers that something is dangerous or risky. How many times have we heard a parent say, “I tell her this all the time, but she never listens!”To conclude, what we know about the young brain is that children are more likely than adults to be impulsiv

19、e.It isnt always necessarily because they are being naughty; it may very well be because of their brains. So the next time you ask a child what he really thinks of you, be prepared for any kind of answer.Decoding the young brainAn experiment on a young childA young child answered the question _71_ t

20、he top of his head while an adult paused, and _72_ twice before he found an answer.Causes of the _73_ reflected in the experimentThe developing brain of the young child contributed to his honest answer.He was more likely to hurt or offend others _74_ he didnt intend to do so.Its just the way his bra

21、in works and with him growing up, that changes.Billions of neurons _75_up the human brain have their own mechanism for functioning.The neurons have to communicate with each other, helping us employ our senses and remember things.A person may _76_ the smell of a cookie with the memory of eating it.A

22、younger brain is more impulsive compared with an adults.A young childs having a natural _77_ to seek pleasure and take risks results from his young brain.This affects his decision-making process and it is why younger people act in an impulsive way.Warned many times before, a young child will still t

23、ry something _78_ or risky.A conclusion drawn from the experimentAn adults ability to control his impulses is much _79_ and a young child is not _80_ being naughty when they make hurtful or offensive answers.參考答案:71. off 72. thought 73. phenomenon 74. although/though 75. making 76. associate 77. Ten

24、dency 78. dangerous 79. stronger/greater 80. necessarily這是一篇說明文。說明了小孩子說一些傷人的、冒犯性的語言并不是故意為之,而是因為兒童的大腦還沒有發(fā)育完全,不具備在回答問題前過濾信息的功能導致的。【71題詳解】由第一段“What do you think about me?” The child answered, “You talk too much.”可知,對于提出的問題,孩子的回答總是答非所問,脫離話題。故填off“脫離;離開”?!?2題詳解】第一段最后一句“his brain allowed him to take a mom

25、ent,consider the question, and come up with an answer”可知孩子得出答案前總是會考慮再三。且實驗已經發(fā)生在過去,故填一般過去時thought?!?3題詳解】第一段通過實驗引出后文中分析造成這種現(xiàn)象的原因,故填phenomenon?!?4題詳解】由第二段倒數第二句“As a result, he was honest, but he said something that may have been hurtful. However, the child did not intentionally hurt the adult;”可知雖然孩子會

26、說一些傷人的話,但是他們并不是有意的。故第四題填連詞although/though“雖然;盡管”?!?5題詳解】第三段第一句“The human brain is made up of billions of neurons”可知數十億的神經元組成了人類的大腦。本句已經存在非謂語動詞have,故make做非謂語與邏輯主語構成主謂關系,故填making?!?6題詳解】第三段最后一句“They also help us employ our senses like taste and touch and help us remember things.”可知神經元通過味覺或者觸覺幫助我們記住事物,

27、故一個人可能會把餅干的味道和吃餅干的記憶聯(lián)系起來。故填associate。【77題詳解】第五段第一句“That is because when a child is young, his brain is “wired” in such a way that he seeks pleasure and is more willing to take risks than an adult.”(孩子的大腦就會以一種“連線”的方式來尋找快樂,并且比成年人更愿意冒險。)故可知一個年幼的孩子有一種尋求快樂和冒險的自然傾向,這是由他幼小的大腦決定的。故填tendency“傾向;趨勢”?!?8題詳解】第五

28、段倒數第一、二句 “Sometimes parents have to tell their children over and over again before the child remembers that something is dangerous or risky. How many times have we heard a parent say, “I tell her this all the time, but she never listens!”可知即使父母警告過多次,孩子還是會去嘗試危險和冒險的食物。故填dangerous?!?9題詳解】由最后一段第一句“what

29、we know about the young brain is that children are more likely than adults to be impulsive.”可知成年人比小孩子控制沖動的能力更強、更好。故填stronger或greater?!?0題詳解】最后一段第二句“It isnt always necessarily because they are being naughty; it may very well be because of their brains.”可知因為大腦構造的關系,小孩子說一些傷人的、冒犯性的語言并不一定總是因為淘氣。故填necessa

30、rily。三、 閱讀理解17. Directions: Read the following passage. Answer the questions according to the information given in the passage. My school goes all the way from classes for five-year-olds to classes for 18-year-olds .One day, my teacher told me about Clare. “I have a girl in my year 3 class. Her name

31、 is Clare and she reminds me so much of you. She seems a little lost in class. Do you think you could have a chat with her?” Of course I was very glad to do this. Clare turned out to be a pale little girl, slim and small for her age. After talking to the 8-year-old for a while, we discovered that we

32、 both enjoyed reading and writhing short stories. I started visiting the junior school as often as I could during morning break to read aloud some of the books to Clare. After a while, other girls started coming to listen too. Some days I didnt read and instead just talked to Clare. We talked about her friends, school work , books wed read and things we


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