



1、Day 179. Aug.20五星詞匯:termtest3.4.5.n nk tthetheirthemthemselves四星詞匯:tenthterribleterritorytheatre三星詞匯:terroristtestingtexttheme二星詞匯:1. tent2. teniveterminalterminateterraceterrificterrifyterrifyingterritorialterrorterrorismtestifytestimonytextiletexturetheatricalthefttheirs一星詞匯:tentacletenuoustenure4

2、. tdterminologyterracottaterrainterrestrialterrorizetersetestamenttest casetesticletestimonialtestosteronetethertextbook18.19.20.21.nkful nksgiving tchedw無星詞匯:terraced housetertiarytextingtext messagetext messaging6.7.nkfullyts詞義辨析:Testimony,Affidavit,Deition,Evidence。testimony是指“目擊者在”,解釋為In a court

3、 of上提供的law, someones testimony is a formal sementt they make about what theysaw someone do or what they know of a situation, after having promised tolthe truth.。它也指“一般含義的,證明”解釋為If you sayt one thingis testimony to another, you meant it shows clearly a particular quality.。如:t the second thing hasHis

4、testimony was an importanement of the Prosecution case.他的是這宗公訴中的一個重要。This book is testimony to a very individual kind of courage.這本書顯示了個人非凡的勇氣。affidavit是“宣誓書,經(jīng)陳述者宣誓在上可作為采納的陳述”,true and whi解釋為An affidavit is a written sement which you swear isay be used as evidence in a court of law.。如:swear/make/tak

5、e/sign an affidavit 訂立、簽署、宣誓書deition是“未到庭證人提供的作”,解釋為A y a witness to a,deition is a formal written sement, made for excrime, which can be used in a court of law if the witness cannot be present.。如:The jury heard 200 pages of de。itions.陪審團(tuán)聽取了長達(dá) 200 頁的evidence含義最廣泛,它可以指“一般的,佐證,根據(jù)”,解釋為Evidence is anyth

6、ingt you see, experience, read, or are toldt causes you tobevet something is true or has really happened.。也可以泛指“幾乎所有法”解釋為Evidence is the information which is used庭上的,證物in a court of law to try to prove something. Evidence is obtained from objects, or witnesses.。如:s,There is a lot of evidencet stress

7、 is partly responsible for disease. 有很多證明壓力是造成疾病的原因之一。To date there is no evidence to support this theory. 到目前為止,還沒有證據(jù)支持這種理論。enough evidence for a sucsful prosecution足以勝訴的一譯:2010 年第 4 篇第 14 句The Taylor decialso declared sex discrimination injury selection to be unconstitutional and ordered s procedu

8、res for selecting male and female jurors.詞匯要點(diǎn): declare / v. 宣布 discrimination / n.es to use the sameunconstitutional / adj. 不符合 procedure / n. 程序,步驟,手續(xù)結(jié)構(gòu)要點(diǎn):的The Taylor deci unconstitutionalalso declared sex discrimination in jury selection to be(主干, 主語是 The Taylor deci,第一個謂語動詞是declared)/and ordered ses to use the same p


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