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1、10The weatherModuleUnit 1 It might snow.本課重點(diǎn):情態(tài)動(dòng)詞may/might的運(yùn)用Warming-up Weather snowrainshowerwindcloudstormsunnywindycloudyrainysnowyHow can we know the weather?We can know the weather through the weather forecast.“the weather forecast” means “天氣預(yù)報(bào)”Who makes the weather forecast?The weatherman make

2、s the weather forecast. (天氣預(yù)報(bào)員)?It is a unit for temperature (溫度).“” refers to degree, and centigrade.度攝氏溫度描述天氣的形容詞:多云的: 多雨的: 下雪的: 有風(fēng)的: 晴朗的: 寒冷的: cool warmcold hotcloudysnowysunnyrainywindyfreezingKey words : cold snow storm cloudy rainy snowy windy skate thick ice joke might temperature degree alth

3、ough wet neither wish probably2. key structure: And its cloudy too, so it might snow. Its probably sunny and hot there. 3. Ability: To understand conversation about weather. To talk about possibilities. Teaching aims/klaud/au/snu/st:m/klaudi/reIni/snui/sni/云,云霧 n.cloud陣雨 n.shower雪 n.下雪 v. storm暴風(fēng)雨 n

4、. 多云的 adj.snow多雨的;下雨的 adj.cloudyWords and expressionssnowy晴朗的 adj.rainy多雪的;下雪的 adj.sunny/wIndi/skeit/Ik /aIs/duk/maIt/temprIt /maIns/多風(fēng)的;刮大風(fēng)的 adj.windy滑冰 v.skate厚的 adj.ice冰 n. 說玩笑;開玩笑 v.笑話;玩笑 n.可能;也許 v.aux.joke溫度 n.負(fù)的;零下的 adj.minusthickmighttemperature/dIgri:/:lu /wet/naI:ni:/terbl/wi/prbbli /come o

5、n度;度數(shù) prep.degree然而;盡管 conj.wet下雨的;濕的 adj.terrible (某人或某事物)也不 adv.although使人煩惱的;可怕的 adj.neither但愿;希望 v.wishprobably或許;可能 adv.快點(diǎn)Work in pairs. Talk about the weather. Use the words in the boxes to help rain shower snow storm sun windcloudy rainy snowy sunny windy -82CWhats the weather in Be

6、ijing?ItsWhats the temperature?Itscloudy 2. Listen and check the correct information in the table.3. Then correct the wrong information in the table.58 -42 4. Watch and readEveryday EnglishAre you joking?Sounds great!Me neither.Come on!Then listen and read.Betty: Hey, boys!Tony: Hi, Betty. Hi, Lingl

7、ing. Where are you going?Betty: Were going to the park to skate. Theres thick ice on the lake. Are you coming with us?Tony: Are you joking? Its really cold today.Daming: And its cloudy too, so it might snow.Lingling: Whats the temperature?Tony:Its between minus eight and minus two degrees! Winter is

8、 colder here than in England.Daming: Is it snowy in England in December?Tony: Not usually, although this year it snowed quite a lot. Most Decembers are wet and rainy.Daming: Whats the weather like in America in winter, Betty?Betty: We have cold winters and hot summers. Its snowy in New York in winte

9、r.Tony: Sounds great! I like sunny weather, and I like. snow as well. But I dont like showers or windy weather.Betty: Me neither. Rainy weather is terrible! I wish I were in Australia now. Its probably sunny and hot well,是固定搭配,意思是“也”。Lingling: You can go to Hainan Island if you like sunny w

10、eather.Betty: One day I will.Lingling: Come on, better get going! We can skate in the park and get warm. Now check () the true sentences.1 Tony and Daming are going to skate.2 Winter is colder in Beijing than in England.3 It sometimes snows in England in winter.4 It usually snows in New York in wint

11、er.5 It is not hot in the USA in Summer.6 Tony does not like windy weather.5 Complete the passage with the correct form of the words from the box.dangerous degree joke may minus skate temperature When its very cold it might be safe to (1)_ on lakes, but be very careful! Although it (2) _feel cold, i

12、t might not be safe. The (3) _ has to be at least (4) _ one or two (5) _ or even colder for several weeks. Falling through the ice is(6) _.I am not (7) _ ! minusmaytemperatureskatedegreesdangerousjoking1. come on, better get goingbetter get going = had better go最好現(xiàn)在走 / 去如: Wed better get going (=wed

13、 better go now),or well be late.我們做好現(xiàn)在就走,不然要遲到了。Language points1. You must be joking!2. It may not even be cold.3. It might be windy. 情態(tài)動(dòng)詞: must may might 1. must (一定): 表示具有很大的可能性。He must be ill. He doesnt come today.2. may (可能): 暗含不確定的意思。He may be at home .3. might:表可能,但它的含義比 may 更不確定。He might come

14、 soon .6 Listen to the speaker asking a question or showing surprise.Whats the weather like?Whats the weather like?7 Listen and write * if the speaker is asking a question or * if he is showing surprise. 1. When is the best time to visit your country?2. What clothes should she bring? 3. What is the

15、temperature? 4. Where are you going? Now listen again and repeat. *8 Work in pairs. Tell the story.Make a weather forecast for different cities in China. Use the correct information in the table in Activity 2 to help you.Now say what the weather might or might not be like in your town. tomorrow next

16、 week next monthItll probably be cold tomorrow.Exercise-Look! The man at the gate _ be our headmaster. He is always standing there every morning. -No, it _ be him. He is holding a meeting in the office now. A. must, cant B. must, mustnt C. cant, cant D. cant, mustnt (2009甘肅蘭州) A2. -_ I take some pho

17、tos in the hall? -No, you _.Can; neednt B. Must; mustnt C. Could; wont D. May; mustnt (2009廣州) D3.Whose notebook is this? It _ Janes. It has her name on it. A. must be B. might belong to C. may be (2009山東淄博)4.May I watch TV for a while? No, you _ You have to finish your homework first. A. shouldnt B

18、. neednt C. mustnt D. wont (2009湖北武漢)CC5. -Could you please come to the museum with me this afternoon? -Sorry, I _ . I have to take a piano lesson at 2 pm. A. couldnt B. mustnt C. cant D. neednt (2009山東威海)6. -What would you send to your sister as the Christmas gift? -I havent decided yet. I _ send her a handbag. A. shall B. may C. must (2009四川成都) CB7. Bob, shall we go a


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