翻譯技巧 詞類轉(zhuǎn)換法課件_第1頁
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1、翻譯技巧(2)詞類轉(zhuǎn)換法 I. Review and comments on the students assignmentII. Converting to verbsIII. Converting to nounsIV. Converting to other parts of speechV. SummaryVI. AssignmentsVII. References for further readingTeaching ProceduresI love children, flowers and touched by an angel. I once even sent cards

2、to my grandmothers for that fake Grandparents Day holiday. Thats not going to happen again. But no matter how much I want to be a normal, manly, over consuming American, I cant get myself to like dogs.我喜歡孩子,喜歡花朵,喜歡天使的觸摸。為了那個假惺惺的“祖父母日”的節(jié)日,我還給我的姥姥和奶奶寄過賀卡呢。我以后再也不干這種事了。然而,無論我多么想成為一個正常的、充滿陽剛之氣的、大手大腳消費的美國

3、人,我怎么也喜歡不起狗來。Review and comments on the assignmentI dont want to hate dogs. But I just cant imagine sharing my apartment with some dirty, dependent animal willing to trade unconditional love for canned food that, to be honest, I find a little salty. How can people love something so much that they ar

4、e willing to walk behind it and retrieve its feces with their own hands every day? I have yet to meet a woman for whom Id do that. I. Review and comments on the assignments 我并不是想討厭狗,可我就是不能想象跟某種臟兮兮的,懶兮兮的動物同居一室。這種動物愿意用無條件的愛來換取一點點罐頭食品,這一點,說實話,我覺得有點粗俗。人怎么能把某個東西喜歡到如此程度,以致于愿意每天都跟在它屁股后面用自己的手去撿它拉出來的屎?我還沒遇到過

5、能讓我喜歡的為她撿屎的女人呢。Dog owners are a mystery to me. I once went on a long series of nonproductive dates with one, and every time we were about to fool around she would have to leave to go home and walk her dog. Hey, wait. I think I just figured out something. I.Review and comments on the assignment那些狗的主人

6、對我來說是個百思不得其解的謎。我曾經(jīng)跟一個養(yǎng)了條狗的女人進行過一系列的約會,但多未能取得我預期效果,每一次要跟她親熱,他總是要走人,說是要回家遛狗去!我現(xiàn)在搞懂這是咋回事了:原來她不想跟我親熱啊!A woman I know throws her dogs a Bar Mitzvah every year. Thats not even correct on a religious level. People knit their dogs things. Now Ive never knitted anything, but it looks like a pretty serious en

7、deavor. If getting married meant knitting something instead of buying a ring, there would be even more out-of wedlock births.我認識的一個婦人每年都給她的狗們舉行類似猶太男孩成人儀式即使是從宗教的角度來看這也是不正確的。人們還為他們的狗織衣服。我可從來沒有織過什么東西。不過,編織似乎是件很嚴肅而費勁的事。如果結(jié)婚意味著織衣服,而不是買只戒指,那么就會出現(xiàn)更多的婚外生育。Review and comments on the assignmentDog owners; ple

8、ase dont buy that leash-on-a-reel thing that takes up 40ft. of sidewalk. Save yourself some money: let your dog run free and use a large stick to trip people with instead. And why do you get offended when I refer to your dog as “it”? Was it supposed to be checking out its genitals the whole time? Or

9、 am I just supposed to get some kind of feminine vibe from your bulldogs strut?I. Review and comments on the assignment狗的主人們,請別買那種帶卷軸的牽狗皮帶。這種皮帶要占上近40英尺長的人行道。給自己省點錢吧,你就別用這種皮帶來把行人絆倒吧,干脆用大棒算了。我把你的狗說成無性別區(qū)分的“它”的時候你干嗎要生氣?難道我還得從你那叭兒狗的趾高氣揚的步伐中看出某種女性的氣質(zhì)來嗎?I decided that Im no longer going to remain a victim

10、of my fears. The New York City parks department, which claims dogs do $250,000 worth of damage each year to park lawns in Manhattan, is going to hand out cell phones to volunteers willing to turn in owners of unleashed dogs. 我決定,我再也不做自己的恐懼的受害者了。紐約市的公園管理部宣稱,狗對曼哈頓的公園草坪造成的破壞每年達250,000美元之多。這個部門準備給主動舉報不給

11、狗系皮帶的主人的人發(fā)手機。Review and comments on the assignmentParks Commissioner Henry J.Stern told me that he would put me on the list for a phone but that the program hadnt been started yet because he was waiting for a cell phone company to give him some second-hand ones. 公園負責人亨利 斯特恩告訴我,他愿意把我的名字記在那個發(fā)手機的名單上,只是

12、這個計劃還沒有啟動,因為他正等待著一家手機公司給他一些用過的手機。Review and comments on the assignmentI was going to tell him just to wait for a leash company to get rid of some old leashes, but I really wanted the phone. Im not even planning on using it to tattle. Whenever I see a dog owner, Im going to talk loudly and obnoxiousl

13、y about how I just bought a cell phone and this is my first call. Its a dog-eat-dog world. I. Review and comments on the assignment我本打算告訴他,這簡直就等于等著賣錢狗皮帶的公司淘汰舊的牽狗皮帶一樣的沒門,可我又的確很想要那個手機,所以就沒有把這個想法告訴他。我甚至就不打算用這個手機來打小報告。一見到狗的主人,我就要大聲地、令人討厭的大談我是怎么從公園負責人那里剛剛弄到手機的,而且這還是我用這個手機打的第一個電話。這可是個“狗吃狗”的世界!A. 名詞轉(zhuǎn)譯成動詞1.

14、 They went on strike in demand of a 40 percent wage increase. 他們舉行罷工,要求工資增加40%。2. Give me liberty or give me death. 不自由, 毋寧死。3. He is an enemy to reform. 他反對改革。4. Difference between the social system of states shall not be an obstacle to their approach and cooperation. 國與國社會制度的不同應妨礙彼此的接近與合作。 II. Con

15、verting to verbs5. I am afraid I cant teach you English. I think my daughter is a better teacher than I. 恐怕我教不了你英語,我想我女兒比我教得好。6. The operation of a computer needs some knowledge of English. 操作電腦需要一些英語知識。 II. Converting to verbsC. 形容詞轉(zhuǎn)譯成動詞(adj.-v.)1.Integrity means you do what you do because its righ

16、t and not just fashionable or politically correct. 誠實意味著去做你認為對的事,而不僅僅是為了趕時髦或在政治上不出錯。2.Dont be afraid of those who might have a better idea or who might even be smarter than you are. 不要恐懼那些想法可能比你高明,或者那些可能比你更聰明的人。3. Is Mr. Smith familiar with the performance of the laboratory equipment? 史密斯先生熟悉實驗室設備的性

17、能嗎? II. Converting to verbs D.副詞轉(zhuǎn)譯為動詞(adv.-v.)1. What film will be on this evening? 今晚放映什么影片?2. That book will be out pretty soon. 那本書不久就要出版了。3. In those years the republicans were in. 那些年是共和黨執(zhí)政。4. Double windows were fixed to keep the cold out. 安裝雙層窗御寒。E. 動名詞轉(zhuǎn)譯成動詞(gerund-v.) 1. The origin of this p

18、articular culture is far from clearing. 這種奇特的文化根源遠沒有弄清楚。 II. Converting to verbsA. v.-n.1.The book did not impress me at all. 那本書沒留給我什么印象。2. Harry aims to become a computer expert. 哈里的目標是成為計算機專家。3. Your work is characterized by lack of attention to detail. 你工作的毛病是不注意細節(jié)。(粗心大意)4. The machine weighs ab

19、out five hundred kilograms. 這臺機器的重量是500公斤。 III. Converting to nouns5. When light falls on certain things, it bounces back, which we say the light is reflected. 光照到某種物體上會彈回來,我們把這種情況稱之為光的反射。注意: 如果英語動詞譯成漢語動詞時跟前后的修飾語不好搭配;或搭配起來不符合漢語習慣,可以把動詞譯成名詞,再在名詞前加上與之搭配的動詞。6.The youths always dream fondly of their fut

20、ure. 年輕人對前途總是懷有美好的夢想。7.Independent observers have commented favorably on the achievements you have made in this direction. 有獨立見解的觀察家們對你們在這方面所取得的成就給予了很高的評價。 III. Converting to nounsB. 形容詞轉(zhuǎn)譯為名詞 (adj.-n. ) 1. The day was cloudy but the sun was trying to come through. 天上有云,不過太陽就要破云而出了。2. Obedience is ob

21、ligatory on a soldier. 服從命令是軍人的天職。3. Many Western people are religious. 很多西方人/西方人多數(shù)都是虔誠的教徒。 III. Converting to nouns1. You are a greater blockhead than I had supposed you to be. 你比我所想象得要傻得多(n.adj.)2. Our government shows great concern for the Chinese resident abroad. 我國政府十分關(guān)心海外華僑。3. His address impressed me deeply. 他的講話給我留下很深的印象。4. From the front, back and both sides we kept a strict watch on the enemy. 我們在前后左右嚴密地監(jiān)視敵人。 IV. Converting to other parts of speech5. To be indepen


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