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1、小學英語六年級書面作業(yè)設計樣例(下學期第9周)單元名稱Module 3 Things we doUnit 7 Helping others課題 Module 3 Things we doUnit 7 Helping others (Listen and say, Look and learn)節(jié)次第一課時作業(yè)類型作業(yè)內容設計意圖和題目來源基礎性作業(yè)(必做)看圖寫單詞。(1)_(2)_g _意圖:學生在本課時已學過這些短語,通過生動的圖文配對,訓練學生單元核心詞匯的形義識記。來源:改編自教材42-432.選擇填空。 意圖:學生在本課時已經學習了幫助他人的對話語篇,本題在此語境中針對第三人稱單數(shù)、

2、praise sb. for sth. 等語法點、詞組在具體語境中的運用能力。來源:知識與能力訓練P38-393.讀一讀,選擇恰當?shù)木渥油瓿蓪υ?。意圖:學生在本課時已經學習了幫助他人的對話語篇,本題在本具體交際語境中鞏固強化相關核心語言,培養(yǎng)學生交際能力及日常用語的運用能力。來源:知識與能力訓練P39拓展性作業(yè)(選做)1.根據課文內容填空。Today is Sunday. Sally and Peter are in the park. A boy is (1) _.He cant find his dog. Sally and Peter ask: “Whats the (2) _? Can

3、 we help you?” The boy says his dog is small and white. She has a pink (3) _ around her neck. “I saw her (4) _ (5) _ (6)_. She was near the gate, ” says a man. “I saw her (7) _ (8) _ (9) _. She was near the lake, ”says a woman. Peter is going to the lake and Sally is going to ask the (10) _. 意圖:在學生學

4、完課文Listen and say的基礎上,鞏固課文,訓練學生對課文的理解及核心詞匯的運用,提高學生課文復述能力,內化語言知識。來源:改編自教材P42讀一讀,選擇正確答案。意圖:在學生學習本課時對話的基礎上,通過主題相關閱讀進行閱讀理解訓練,培養(yǎng)學生獲取關鍵信息的能力。來源:知識與能力訓練P39-40根據提示,寫一則尋狗啟事。意圖:在本課時課文情景中拓展寫作,提升學生書面表達及信息組織能力。單元名稱Module 3 Things we doUnit 7 Helping others課題 Module 3 Things we doUnit 7 Helping others(Listen and

5、enjoy, Ask and answer)節(jié)次第二課時作業(yè)類型作業(yè)內容設計意圖和題目來源基礎性作業(yè)(必做)觀察圖片,完成句子。意圖:學生已在1、2課時學習了幫助他人的對話語篇及問答能夠幫助他人的事情,本題通過觀察圖片補充完成句子,鞏固對能夠幫助他人做事的表達。來源:改編自活動手冊P492.讀一讀,用所給單詞的適當形式填空。意圖:學生已在1、2課時學習了幫助他人的對話語篇及問答能夠幫助他人的事情,本題聚焦關鍵知識點,提高學生語法綜合運用和表達的準確性。來源:知識與能力訓練P393. 根據提示,補充完整句子。We can _ after school.We can _at home.We can

6、 _ on the road.意圖:學生已在1、2課時學習了幫助他人的對話語篇及問答能夠幫助他人的事情,本題通過根據提示寫句子,提升學生書面表達能力。來源:改編自課本P46拓展性作業(yè)(選做)情景交際:根據上下文選擇正確的句子。意圖:學生已在1、2課時學習了幫助他人的對話語篇及問答能夠幫助他人的事情,本題在本具體交際語境中鞏固強化相關核心語言,培養(yǎng)學生交際能力及日常用語的運用能力。來源:活動手冊P49閱讀短文,回答問題。意圖:在學生學習本課時對話的基礎、初步感知單元話題的基礎上,本題通過讀短文提取關鍵信息,整進整出回答問題,培養(yǎng)閱讀能力同時提升學生整句表達能力。來源:活動手冊P50同學們,你們是

7、家中的好幫手嗎?請在同學之間做一個小調查,看看同學們都能在家承擔哪些家務,并寫一寫在家如何幫助父母。意圖:學生在Do a survey板塊已經練習過如何對同學做調查。本題通過做調查和口頭匯報,加強訓練學生綜合語言運用能力,培養(yǎng)學生遷移創(chuàng)新能力。同時,本題為學生提供框架指引,訓練學生對本課時核心句型的書寫運用。單元名稱Module 3 Things we doUnit 7 Helping others課題 Module 3 Things we doUnit 7 Helping others(Read a story, Learn the sounds)節(jié)次第三課時基礎性作業(yè)(必做)讀一讀,判斷單

8、詞劃線部分發(fā)音是否相同,相同的打“”,不同的打“”。意圖:本題通過辨別形近發(fā)音組合,訓練學生所學語音知識在具體單詞中的識別,提高學生語音意識,突破發(fā)音難點。來源:知識與能力訓練P38根據課文,補充完整故事。People (1) _ the bee (2) _ her hard work. The ant was not happy. She (3) _, “ I also work hard (4) _ (5) _ but people never praise me. Why?” The bee says, “You and I (6) _ work very hard. But you w

9、ork for (7) _. My work also (8) _ flowers and people. ”意圖:在學生學完課文The bee and the ant的基礎上,鞏固故事學習,訓練學生對課文的理解及核心詞匯的運用,提高學生課文復述能力,內化語言知識。來源:改編自課本P44閱讀理解。Helping others makes you happy, tooWhen Isabels teacher asks, “Who do you want to be when you grow up?”, Isabel has no answer. A scientist? A teacher?

10、A basketball player? None of these sounds right to her.Isabel knows it makes her happy to help her friends, her neighbours and her family. But can a person really grow up to be a helper?Its time for Isabel to open her eyes and her heart. She takes a long walk through her town and sees different peop

11、le doing different jobs: police officers drivers, teachers, doctors and nurses. They are helping others every day.“Service and giving back have played a big role in my life,”Isabel thinks.( ) 1. Isabel is a_A. nurse B. teacher C. doctor D. student ( ) 2. Isabel wants to be_.A. a basketball player B.

12、 a scientist C. a teacher D. none of them ( ) 3.Isabel feels happy when she_A. helps others B. studies at school C. plays basketball D. stays at home ( ) 4. Isabel understands people helping others every day by _.A. reading books B. walking through her townC. watching different people doing differen

13、t jobsD. Both B and C意圖:學生已經前三課時中學習有幫助他人的對話及故事,本題在相關主題語篇閱讀中拓展學生相關語料,培養(yǎng)學生獲取信息能力,培養(yǎng)閱讀技能。來源:新編拓展性作業(yè)(選做)完型填空。Yesterday Tom and Ben went to a park to ride bikes. Suddenly they saw a little girl crying. They stopped and wanted to help her. The girl told them that she couldnt find her pet cat. The cat was

14、yellow and she had a red bell 1_her neck. Tom and Ben rode their bikes to 2_ the cat. They asked the park gatekeeper. He said he saw a cat near the lake about an hour ago. Luckily, they 3_ the cat near the lake.The girl was 4_. She 5_ Tom and Ben a lot.( )1.A.in B. on C. around ( )2.A.find B.look C.

15、 look for ( )3.A.found B. looked like C. looked for ( )4.A.sad B.angry C. happy( )5.A.gave B.thanked C.saw意圖:學生已經前三課時中學習有幫助他人的對話及故事,本題在相關主題語篇完型填空中拓展學生相關語料,培養(yǎng)學生綜合語言應用能力。來源:新編在不同情況下可以如何幫助別人呢?選擇句子,補充完整內容。意圖:學生已經前三課時中學習有幫助他人的對話及故事,本題拓展助人情景,培養(yǎng)學生綜合語言運用能力及邏輯思維。來源:新編人類之間互相幫助,動物也能幫助同伴或人類哦!請在網上進行信息搜索,找出三種以上動物

16、,完成小作文Animals can help.提示:frogs, penguins, dogs, .Animals can help_意圖:通過學習任務(Task),結合具體語境,幫助學生鞏固和綜合運用本單元所學的語言知識和技能,提升學生的綜合理解能力和寫作能力。來源:新編單元名稱Module 3 Things we doUnit 7 Helping others課題 Module 3 Things we doUnit 7 Helping others (Review)節(jié)次第四課時作業(yè)類型作業(yè)內容設計意圖和題目來源基礎性作業(yè)(必做)拓展性作業(yè)(選做)讀句子,根據首字母填單詞,注意單復數(shù)。The

17、 dog has a yellow b_ around its n_.We need to show our students card to the g_ before we get into the school.The teacher p_ Alice for her hard work. I saw your mother 10 minute a_.意圖:學生在之前的課時中已經學習了這些核心詞匯的詞義和拼寫,本題利用首字母填詞,鞏固學生對單元核心詞匯的拼寫掌握及在具體語境中的使用。來源:改編自課本連詞成句。look your like what dog does_Her all for

18、 they her praised work hard_flowers my also people and work helps_only, you, your, work for, queen, and_意圖:學生在前面三個課時中已復習了用一般將來時描述未來,本題通過填寫動詞的適當形式,提高學生語法綜合運用和表達的準確性。來源:活動手冊P17選擇詞組填空。works hard an hour ago in ten minutes cross the street picking up the rubbish1. Look! Ben and Jill are_on the street no

19、w.2. We should help the blind_.3. Kitty saw a small cat near the tree_.4. My brother is a teacher. He _ every day.5. Lets meet at the school gate_. 意圖:在4個課時學習后,本題幫助學生鞏固核心短語在語境中的綜合運用。來源:新編和你的小伙伴一問一答,了解他們曾經幫過別人什么忙,以及準備今后如何幫助他人。意圖:學生在四個課時學習后已經能熟練用英語聽、說、讀、寫本單元主題相關內容,本題通過口語拓展閱讀訓練學生綜合語言能力,并復習一般過去時。來源:選自知識

20、與能力訓練P382. 閱讀理解。意圖:學生在四個課時學習后已經能熟練用英語閱讀本單元主題相關內容,本題通過拓展閱讀,訓練學生閱讀理解及提取關鍵信息的能力,拓展單元主題相關詞匯,提高學生綜合語言運用能力。來源:選自活動手冊P105-1063.助人為樂是一種美德,能夠給我們帶來快樂和內心的滿足。請回憶你印象深刻的一件助人為樂的事情,寫一寫,至少六句話。What is your name? When did you help others? Where did it happen? What did you do? How did you help him/her/them? How did you

21、 feel? What did you think?Helping othersMy name is _ ._ (when), I went to _ _I feel _ when I help others. I think _意圖:在學生在學完本單元內容的基礎上,結合自己的情況進行寫作,題目中的圖片和語言提示為學生提供框架指引,訓練學生聯(lián)系生活獨立寫作的能力,也引導學生幫助他人。來源:新編小學英語六年級書面作業(yè)設計樣例(下學期第10周)單元名稱Module 3 Work and playUnit 8 Reading Signs課題 Unit 8 Reading Signs (Listen

22、and say. Look and learn.)節(jié)次第一課時作業(yè)類型作業(yè)內容設計意圖和題目來源基礎性作業(yè)(必做)1.看圖寫單詞。意圖:學生在本課時已學過這些新詞,通過生動的圖文配對,訓練學生單元核心詞匯的形義識記,鞏固詞匯學習。來源:自編2.讀句子,用方框中所給單詞的正確正確形式完成句子。 say they smoke city quiet1.Please keep _.2. There are many _ in China.3. We must look for _.4.Pay attention to the sign“No_.”5.They went to the forest an

23、d _ to me.意圖:學生在本課時已學習了核心詞匯的用法。本題在語境中綜合訓練這些語法點的運用能力。來源:自編3.看句子,給下面的圖片排序。You should keep quiet here.You shouldnt smoke in the cinema.The sign said: “Dont walk on the grass.”Do not swim there.There is a primary school nearby, please be careful.意圖:學生已經在課文中Listen and say初步了解了祈使句的用法。本題進一步在具體語境中學會認讀標識,鞏固強

24、化相關核心語言,培養(yǎng)學生日常用語的運用能力。來源:改編自評價手冊拓展性作業(yè)(選做)1.根據圖片提示完成句子。意圖:在學生學完課本Listen and say的基礎上,鞏固課文,訓練學生對課文的理解及核心詞匯的運用,提高學生歸納總結的能力,內化語言知識。來源:改編自評價手冊2.選擇合適的詞完成句子。意圖:在學生學完課本的基礎上,訓練學生對課文的理解及核心詞匯的運用,提高學生歸納總結的能力,內化語言知識。來源:活動手冊3.看一看下面的圖片,把正確的編號填入句子前的括號內。 意圖:學生已經在課文中Listen and say初步了解了祈使句的用法。本題進一步在具體語境中給出更多的標識牌,以鞏固強化相

25、關核心語言,培養(yǎng)學生日常用語的運用能力。來源:改編自評價手冊單元名稱Module 3 Work and playUnit 8 Reading Signs課題 Unit 8 Reading Signs (Read and tickThink and writeLearn the sounds)節(jié)次第二課時基礎性作業(yè)(必做)讀一讀,找出重讀音節(jié)位置與其它兩個不同的單詞。意圖:在學生課上復習相關單詞發(fā)音后,通過區(qū)別多音節(jié)詞的重音音節(jié),訓練學生本單元語音知識,提高學生語音意識,突破發(fā)音難點。來源:知識與能力訓練2.讀一讀,給下列句子排序。意圖:學生在Ask and answer中已學習了如何用英語表達

26、標識牌。本題通過看圖造句,鞏固學生對課文的理解和運用。來源:活動手冊3.選詞填空,完成短文 look wait underground give colorful middle danger 意圖:學生已經在1-2課時中學習運用了本單元的核心詞匯;本題提供一個篇章語境,進一步強化學生對核心詞匯的運用,培養(yǎng)學生閱讀理解能力及語言綜合運用能力。來源:改編自知識與能力訓練拓展性作業(yè)(選做)1.選擇最佳答案。( )1.We can follow _back home.them B. they C. their( )2.Dont_.worry B.worried C. worrying( )3.Look

27、 _the stones on the ground. A.in B. on C.at( )4.May I _in?come B. coming C.c ame( )5.They_into the forest yesterday.went B. go C. goes意圖:學生已經學習過相關核心語言和詞匯。本題通過選擇填空的形式,加深學生對祈使句,介詞使用等語言知識的理解。來源:自編1.What does this sign mean (含義)?It means “_”. 2. Can he go fishing here?_ 3. What should you do when you se

28、e the sign?I should _. 4. What does this sign mean (含義)?It means “Dont _”. 5.What does this sign mean (含義)?It means“No _”. 意圖:在學生學習Look and read的基礎上,本題進一步強化學生理解能力,并通過填空練習培養(yǎng)學生獲取關鍵信息的能力,同時擴大學生相關主題詞匯量及知識面。來源:自編3.閱讀短文,根據短文內容,判斷對()錯()。(10分) Jack and Jane lived by the forest. Their father often said to th

29、em, Never go into the forest. You may get lost. One day, Jack said to Jane, Lets go into the forest and have a look.Jack and Jane went into the forest. They saw beautiful flowers and interesting insects. They were happy. After some time, they felt hungry and tired.Jane looked around. She could not f

30、ind her way. She said to Jack, Jack, were lost! Dont worry. Look at the stones on the ground. I dropped them on the way. We can follow them back home, said Jack. Jack and Jane followed the stones back home. Their father was very happy to see them.根據短文內容判斷正(T)誤(F)。( )1. Jack and Jane lived near the m

31、ountains.( )2. Jack and Jane didnt go to the forest.( )3. They felt happy but hungry.( )4. Jack was very clever.( )5. At last, they were lost.意圖:在學生內化課文故事的基礎上,通過新的故事閱讀理解,通過理解判斷培養(yǎng)學生略讀、尋讀等獲取關鍵信息的能力,訓練學生綜合語言運用能力。來源:自編單元名稱Module 3 Work and playUnit 8 Reading Signs課題 Unit 8 Reading Signs (Read a story)節(jié)次

32、第三課時基礎性作業(yè)(必做)1.單項選擇意圖:學學生已經學習過相關核心語言和詞匯。本題通過選擇填空的形式,加深學生對祈使句,介詞使用等語言知識的理解。來源:自編2.連詞成句1.go , the , lets , into , forest (.)_2.was, father, their, to, them , see, happy, very(.)_3. from, just, Shanghai, came, I (.)_4.have, we, animal, some, signs (.)_5.there, is, a , here, toilet (?)_意圖:在學生學習read a st

33、ory課文的基礎上,鞏固課文核心句型,訓練學生正確書寫句子的能力。來源:新編3.閱讀對話,回答問題。意圖:本題進一步在具體的對話篇章鞏固強化公共場所標識相關話題知識,通過回答問題,加強學生提煉信息的能力,培養(yǎng)學生交際能力及語言綜合運用能力。培養(yǎng)學生遷移創(chuàng)新能力。來源:活動手冊拓展性作業(yè)(選做)1.讀一讀,把句子前后兩部分配對。(5分)意圖:在學生學習課文的基礎上,通過新的情景會話問答配對的方式培養(yǎng)學生獲取關鍵信息的能力,訓練學生對本課句型的掌握及使用,加強學生對知識的理解和運用,內化語言知識。來源:自編2.讀一讀,判斷下面的句子,正確的選T,錯誤的選F。 To cross the road,

34、look around. Dont play and run on the road. Stop for a while when you see the light is red. Teachers and parents often tell us, we should not only talk about this sentence, but still deeply record in the hearts of safety, so that accidents may become less and less . Let us be happy and safe.Allow th

35、e possibility of traffic accidents have become less and less, it is necessary to know rules of the road, here are some rules of the road.1. Cyclists should follow the right side of bike paths.2. When the light is red, we must stop ad wait.3. Take the bus one by one, do not crowd.4. Walking on the si

36、dewalk, there is no sidewalk to walk on the roadside.根據短文內容填空。When the light is red, we must _.We all obey the traffic rules, the accidents will become _.Its necessary _ _ rules of the road.Dont crowd when we _ _ the bus.We should walk on the _.意圖:學生在四個課時學習后已經熟悉本單元主題相關內容,加強對本主題的訓練。本題通過拓展閱讀訓練學生的跳讀、速讀

37、等閱讀技能,閱讀理解及提取關鍵信息的能力,提高學生綜合語言運用能力。來源:自編3.寫作意圖:在學生學完前幾個課時的基礎上,鞏固強化公共場所標識相關話題知識,結合圖片信息進行寫作訓練,訓練學生獨立寫作的能力,強化單元核心語言的運用。來源:自編單元名稱Module 3 Work and playUnit 8 Reading Signs課題Unit 8 Reading Signs (Review)節(jié)次第四課時作業(yè)類型作業(yè)內容設計意圖和題目來源基礎性作業(yè)(必做)1.根據課文內容填空。I met an interesting girl in the u_ station today . She was

38、from the UK . She came to Shanghai for the first time . She found many things d_ from the ones in the UK .She told me the s_ for the underground station in the UK is a big red circle . She also told me some s_ signs in the UK . People can see signs for a_ in some places, because sometimes animals us

39、e the roads too .意圖:學生在前3課時已經學習這個篇章的內容以及核心詞匯的詞義、拼寫,本題利用篇章復述訓練學生鞏固語言知識及重點詞句。來源:自編2.閱讀理解 At the underground station意圖:學生在四個課時學習后已經熟悉本單元主題相關內容,加強對本主題的訓練。本題通過拓展閱讀訓練學生的跳讀、速讀等閱讀技能,閱讀理解及提取關鍵信息的能力,提高學生綜合語言運用能力。來源:選自活動手冊3.小小設計師意圖:本題首先根據內容提示進行設計、描述公共場所的標識,訓練學生組織句子的能力;再用以問答的形式引導學生聯(lián)系生活實際,引導學生的寫作邏輯,思考關鍵信息,落實筆頭訓練

40、,加深學生對核心語言的理解,提高學生的綜合語言運用能力。來源:選自活動手冊拓展性作業(yè)(選做)1.閱讀理解A Difficult QuestionFour girls went to school every day by taxi.One day one of the girls said, “Theres a maths test this morning. Lets get to school late. Then we dont have to take the test.”“What can we tell the teacher?” one of the girls said. “Hell be angry


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