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1、2020秋人教版英語九年級上冊精品教學課件Unit-9-Section-A-(2a-2d)2020秋人教版英語九年級上冊精品教學課件Unit-9-Se Key words & phrases: Australian, electronic, suppose, smooth, spare, case, in that case, director Key sentences: 1. Carmen likes musicians who play different kinds of music. 2. I like musicians who write their own songs. Use

2、 Relative Clauses with “that”, and “who” to express preferences.學習目標 Key words & phrases:學習目標A: What kind of music do you like?B: I like music that What about you?A: I prefer music thatrevisionthat I can sing along with.that is quiet and gentle. that is loud and energetic.that is sweet.that I can da

3、nce to.that has great lyrics.that makes me excited.that is comfortable to hear.that reminds me of my childhood.A: What kind of music do you lWarming upGuess QuicklyWho is this? He is a top singer who can write his own songs.is from China.has a song named Mojito .loves kinds of music.can play the pia

4、no well.Warming upGuess QuicklyWho is Warming upGuess QuicklyDo you know the band? It is a rock band that has four members.is from China.is well known to rock fans.was formed in 1998.has a song named Everybody.Warming upGuess QuicklyDo you Warming upGuess QuicklyDo you know the group? It is a famous

5、 group that has four girl members.is from South Korea.was formed in 2006.has a song named How you like that.Warming upGuess QuicklyDo you Listen and circle T (for true) or F (for false).2aListeningListen and circle T (for true)1. Carmen likes musicians who play different kinds of music. T F 2. Xu Fe

6、i likes the Australian singer Dan Dervish. T F 3. Carmen likes electronic music thats loud. T F 4. Xu Fei prefers groups that play quiet and slow songs. T F adj. 澳大利亞(人)的1. Carmen likes musicians who Listen again. Complete the sentences.Carmen says1. I really love Dan Dervish. I like musicians _ _.2

7、. The Modern are really great. I love electronic music _.Xu Fei says3. I like musicians _.4. I think The Modern are too noisy. I prefer groups _ _. who play different kinds of musicthats loudwho write their own songs that play quiet and slow songs2bListen again. Complete the senMake conversations us

8、ing the information in 2a and 2b.Does Xu Fei like The Modern? No, he doesnt. He prefers groups that play quiet and slow songs.2cMake conversations using the iScotts weekend planJills weekend planThe reason why they cant spend the weekend togetherI suppose +(that)賓語從句),表示推斷,料想空閑時間prefer sth.prefer to

9、 do sth.prefer doing to doing sht.2dRole-play the conversation.Scotts weekend planJills wee找出對話中的定語從句關系代詞that在定語從句中做賓語時,可以省略。找出對話中的定語從句關系代詞that在定語從句中做賓語時,可Lets watch a videoLets watch a videoDiscussing with your partnerWhat do you usually do on weekends? Do you prefer to enjoy music or watch movies?

10、What kind of music(movie) do you prefer? Why?ORDiscussing with your partnerWhLanguage Points1. Carmen likes musicians who play different kinds of music.kind:(1) n.C 種類a kind of 一種,某種all kinds of 各種各樣的 different kinds of 不同種類的 What kind of?哪種 Language Points1. Carmen likes(2)kind of +adj. 有點,有幾分=a li

11、ttle +adj.= a (little) bit + adj.(3) adj. 友好的 be kind to sb. = be good to sb.對某人友好 (2)kind of +adj. 有點,有幾分2. I suppose Ill just listen to this new CD suppose v. 推斷;料想 1)當主語是第一人稱,后接賓語從句,遵從“否定前移”。(同think,believe)2. I suppose Ill just listen2) suppose+sb.(+to be)+n/adj 認為某人. eg: I suppose Mrs. Smith( t

12、o be ) a teacher. I never supposed him a hero. 3) be supposed to do sth =should do sth.應該做某事eg:All of the students are supposed to hand in their homework on time. 2) suppose+sb.(+to be)+n/adj 認3. smooth musicsmooth adj. 平滑的;悅耳的;平整的smoothly adv.平滑地;順利地Our path in life will not always besmooth. 我們人生的道

13、路不會總是平坦的。3. smooth music4. spare adj. 空閑的;不用的備用的;多余的 spare time 空閑時間 in ones spare time “在某人的空閑時間”spare tire 備胎 a spare seat 空座位eg:He often help the old people in his spare time. 4. spare adj. 空閑的;不用的spare v.抽出;留出(時間、房間等)spare no effort to do sth 不遺余力做某事spare no expense 不惜任何代價eg: Id love to have a r

14、est,but I cant spare the time now.We can only spare one room for you. spare v.抽出;留出(時間、房間等)5. case n. 情況;實情 n. 箱,盒;容器 a case of beer一箱啤酒in that case “既然那樣;即使那樣的話” eg: In that case, we wont wait any longer.Oh, in that case, Ill ask someone who likes serious movies. 5. case n. 情況;實情 一、根據漢語意思完成句子,每空一詞。

15、 他有時幫助父母打掃房子。 He sometimes his parents the house. 2. 什么時候動身取決于天氣條件。 When to start the weather conditions.Exerciseshelpscleandepends on一、根據漢語意思完成句子,每空一詞。 Exercisesh二、單項選擇。 People sometimes couldnt help_ something they dont really need while shopping. A. buy B. buying C. to buy D. bought二、單項選擇。Could y

16、ou please tell or not? , please call me as soon as possible. A. if he comes; When he will come B. if he will come; Whether he comes C. whether will he come; If he comes D. whether he will come; If he comesCould you please tell o3. Do you prefer tea milk? I prefer tea milk. A. or; or B. to; than C. t

17、o; or D. or; to4. We preferred home rather than a bus. A. walking; take B. to walk; take C. walk; take D. walking; to take 3. Do you prefer tea m5. I prefer some shopping to _ camping since the weather isnt lovely. A. do; going B. doing; go C. do; go D. doing; going5. I prefer some shoppi6.What _ an

18、imals do you like? Monkeys. I think theyre _ clever. A. kind of; kind of B. a kind of ;a kind of C. kind of; a kind D. a kind of ; kind of 6.What _ animals do you li7. Its kind _ you_ help me with my English. A. of; to B. for; to C. of; for D. to; to PS: Its very kind/nice/considerate of you to do sth.(用來表達感謝) 7. Its kind _ you_ help Summary1. Express preferences wit


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