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1、 PAGE 頁碼 11 / NUMPAGES 總頁數(shù) 11四年級劍橋英語上冊期中知識點綜合復(fù)習(xí)知識點鞏固練習(xí)班級:_ 姓名:_ 【看圖寫單詞】1. 看圖片用there be的句型回答下列問題。1How many bananas are there?2How many apples are there?2. 看圖,補全單詞。1 ba_tball 2f_tball3 s_m 4s_te3. 看圖,圈一圈,并寫出與圖片相符的單詞。1i i-e_ 2o o-e_3a a-e_ 4u u-e_5-e -e-_4. 根據(jù)圖片寫單詞。1 23 455. 看圖,寫單詞或短語。1 23 45 67 8【填空題】

2、6. 選詞填空。was is on when summer because birthday in1. He talked to Mockythe phone.2. It was December 1st. It _ Mockys birthday.3. I amAustralia4.is your birthday?5.it cold there?6. It was hot. It wasthere.7. Happy!8. He was very happy_ he had his own gift.7. 給下列單詞分類。A. quiet B. pen C. tall D. father E

3、. uncleF. good G. basketball H. mother I. football1稱呼:_2形容詞:_3物品:_8. 根據(jù)提示完成各題。1I can_(籃球打得很好).2Bobby_(會做這個).3_(多少個大球) do you have?4Mike can_(游泳和溜冰).5Can you_(和我們一起踢足球)?6We_(有十五輛玩具汽車).7Dont be sad. I can teach you._8These hamburgers are nice. Can youeat them all?_9. 看圖,將對應(yīng)的選項填入括號內(nèi)。A. Big Ben B. cloud

4、y C. robot D. snow E. ship1(_) 2(_)3(_) 4(_)5(_)10. 填空。1Where do you want_go this holiday?2I want_go_Suzhou.3What do you want_do there?4I want_row a boat_the lake.11. 讀一讀,選一選。A.speaks B.so C.help D.is E.has1Let me_you.2She_short hair.3She_English well.4My bag is_heavy.5Who_your friend?12. 寫出單詞的正確形式填

5、空,并將其填在橫線上。1How many_(orange/oranges)do you have?I have one orange.2Look at_(that/those)animals.3 Can Wang Biang_(skates/skate)Well? Yes, he can.4Have a birthday cake_(with/at) a cherry.5They_(is/are) tigers.13. 寫數(shù)字。1二十二 2三十五3四十八 4十五5五十三 6九十7九十七 8七十八9六十四 10八十一【選擇題】14. Can I have _ soup? ( )A.many B.

6、some C.any15. 讀單詞,選圖片。1classroom ( )A. B.2window ( )A. B.3light ( )A. B.4computer ( )A. B.16. Look at my _. Its 8 _. ( )A.oclock; clock B.clock; clock C.clock; oclock17. _ theglassescheap? ( )A.Am B.Are C.Is18. Whats your favorite month? ( )_.一月A.February B.June C.January【連詞成句】19. is cinema the wher

7、e (?)20. Sunday today is It (.)21. can, you, do, what (?)22. nurse sheaIs (?)23. show I you can (.)【閱讀理解】24. 閱讀信件內(nèi)容,選擇正確答案。Hi, Sarah!It is autumn in April here in Sydney. Autumn is my favourite season! It is warm in the day and cool at night. Many people visit us in autumn because they like the weat

8、her. When you come, you can visit the Sydney Royal Easter Show. It is the largest event in Australia.What is the weather like in April in your city? What do you often do?All the best,Stella( )(1)This letter is from.A. Stella B. Sarah C. I dont know( )(2)The weather in April in Sydney is.A. warm in t

9、he day B. cool at night C.Both A and B( )(3)What season is in April in Sydney?A. Spring B. Autumn C. Summer( )(4)People like thein autumn in Australia.A. weather B. animals C. food( )(5)What is the largest event in Australia?A. The Animals ShowB. The Fashion ShowC. The Sydney Royal Easter Show25. 讀短

10、文回答下列問題。Table manners are not the same in the worlD.In many countries, people sit on chairs at a table to eat. They do not usually touch their food with their hands. They use a fork, a knife, and a spoon.In some countries, people sit on the floor to eat. Food is on a low(低矮的) table in the middle. Pe

11、ople eat food with their right hands. Everyone washes their hands both before and after eating.Making noise when you eat noodles or drink soup is not polite(禮貌的).(1)Do people usually touch their food with their hands?(2)Are table manners the same in the world?(3)Which hands do people use to eat food

12、?(4)What is not polite when you eat noodles or drink soup?(5)When do people wash their hands?26. 看圖完成問題。(1)根據(jù)圖意寫出相應(yīng)的警示語,每線詞數(shù)不限(2)Write more signs(除了上述的警示語,在公園里,我們還禁止做什么呢?請至少寫三條)27. 讀短文,選擇正確答案。My name is Tom. I have a new friend. My friend is a girl. Her name is Mary. She is thin. She has long hair,

13、big eyes and ears. She has a small nose and a small mouth. She is cute.( ) 1. What is the name of Toms friend?A. Ann. B. Mary. C. Jane.( ) 2. Mary is _. A. thin B. fat C. tall( ) 3. Mary has _ eyes and a _ mouth. A. small; big B. big; small C. small; small( ) 4. Mary has _ hair. A. long B. short C.

14、black( ) 5. Mary is Toms _ friend. A. new B. old C. boy28. 閱讀理解,判斷對錯。Liu Tao:Hi,Mike.Nice to meet you.Mike:Nice to meet you,too.Liu Tao:What date is it today?Mike:Its May 15.What subject do you have in this morning?Liu Tao:We have math,Chinese,art and PE.Mike:Oh,I like PE very much.Whats your favourite subject?Liu Tao:My favourite subject is English.But we dont have English today.Mike:What a pity! Do you like PE?Liu Tao:No,I dont.Mike:Its time for class.Lets go.( )(1)Its May 5 today.( )(2)Mike doesnt like PE very much.( )(3)Liu Tao likes English v


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