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1、Unit 11 How was your school trip? do his homework.Did his homeworkplay football.Play footballride a horse.Rode a horsewatch TV.Watched TVmilk a cowMilked a cowfeed chickensFed chickenstake some photosTook some photospick strawberriesPicked strawberriestalk with a farmer Talked with a farmergo for a

2、walkWent for a walkRemember these phrasesdo his homeworkplay football.ride a horse.watch TV.milk a cowfeed chickenstake some photospick strawberriestalk with a farmer go for a walkRemember these phrasesdid his homeworkplayed football.rode a horse.watched TV.milked a cowfed chickenstook some photospi

3、cked strawberriestalked with a farmer went for a walkAnswer the following questions:What did you do last weekend?Did you do your homework?Did you go to the zoo?Did you take any photos?Yes, I did./ No, I didnt.Yes, I did./ No, I didnt.Yes, I did./ No, I didnt.Did he ride a horse? No, he didnt.Did he

4、feed chickens?Yes, he did. He fed chickens.Did he go to the zoo? No, he didnt. He went to a farm.Did he see any cows?Yes, he did. He saw quite a lot.Did they pick any strawberries on the farm?Yes, they did.How were the strawberries?They were delicious.Were the strawberries good?Yes, they were.No, th

5、ey werent.How was their school trip?It was great.Guessing gameShe _ yesterday.did some washingWhat did she do yesterday?He _ last night.read a bookWhat did he do last night?What did they do last night?Guess go ride do is are have eat buy see寫出下列動(dòng)詞的過去式, 找出規(guī)則動(dòng)詞過去式的構(gòu)成。 pick visit watch climb study worr

6、y play live stop went rode did was were had ate bought saw picked visited watched climbed studied worried played lived stopped 規(guī)則動(dòng)詞不規(guī)則動(dòng)詞 規(guī)則動(dòng)詞過去式的構(gòu)成構(gòu)成規(guī)則原形過 去 式一般在動(dòng)詞原形末尾加-ed work play worked played結(jié)尾是e的動(dòng)詞加-d hope live hoped lived末尾只有一個(gè)輔音字母的重讀閉音節(jié)詞,先雙寫這個(gè)輔音字母,再加-ed stop trip stopped tripped結(jié)尾是“輔音字母+y”的動(dòng)詞

7、,先變“y”為“ i”再加-ed study worry studiedworried規(guī)則動(dòng)詞過去式詞尾-ed的讀音讀音規(guī)則讀 音例 詞在濁輔音和元音后面 /d/ moved /mu:vd/ 在清輔音后面/t/ passed /pa:st/在t, d 后面/ it / /id/needed /ni:did/清念 /t/, 元濁/d/; /t/ /d/ 之后念/id/知識(shí)結(jié)構(gòu)構(gòu)成用法常用時(shí)間動(dòng)詞的過去式1. 表示過去某個(gè)時(shí)間發(fā)生的動(dòng)作或存在的狀態(tài)。2. 表示過去經(jīng)常或反復(fù)發(fā)生的動(dòng)作。yesterdaylast night/week/ time. days agoOn Sunday morning

8、一般過去時(shí)一般過去時(shí) am(is) was are were陳述句:He was at home yesterday.否定句:He wasnt at home yesterday.疑問句:Was he at home yesterday? Yes, he was./No, he wasnt.陳述句:主語+動(dòng)詞過去式+其它I go to the movie. I went to the movie.否定句:主語+助動(dòng)詞didnt+動(dòng)詞原形+其它I dont go to school today. I didnt go to school.一般疑問句:Did +主語+動(dòng)詞原形+其它?Do you

9、have breakfast? Did you have breakfast?Yes, I do./No, I dont. Yes, I did./No, I didnt.動(dòng)詞一般過去時(shí),表示過去發(fā)生事;be用was或用were, have, has變had;謂語動(dòng)詞過去式,過去時(shí)間坐標(biāo)志;一般動(dòng)詞加-ed,若是特殊得硬記。否定句很簡(jiǎn)單,主語之后didnt添;疑問句也不難,did放在主語前;如果謂語之前有did,謂語動(dòng)詞需還原;動(dòng)詞若是was,were,否定就把not添。 巧記一般過去時(shí)1a Match the phrases with the pictures. went for a wal

10、k milked a cow rode a horse fed chickens talked with a farmer took some photosebacfdA: Did Carol take any photos?B: Yes, she did.A: Did Carol ride a horse?B: A: Did Carol talk with the farmer?B: 1c Ask and answer questions about Carols school trip.SpeakingB: I _ to the movie.A: What _ you do yesterd

11、ay?didwentA: What _ you do last weekend?B: I _ my homework.diddidExercisesWhat did you _ last weekend?We _do visited the fire station.What did they _ last weekend?They _dopicked some strawberries.How _ your trip last weekend? It was boring.How _ the strawberries?They were delicious.werewasWhat did y

12、ou do last month?I _ to the countryside.How _ the countryside?It was beautiful._ you go to the zoo?No, I didnt.wentwasDid2C Ask and answer questions about Tinas visit to the farm.A: What did Tina do?B: She picked some strawberries.2. What did the farmers grow ? The farmers grew strawberries from Dec

13、ember to June.3. Did the farmers grow apple? Yes. They did./ No. they didnt .2d. Role-play the conversation.Peter: Hi, Eric. How was your trip last week?Eric : It was excellent. I visited my grandparents in the countryside. Peter: Oh, nice. What did you do ?Eric : I went fishing every day. And I Fed

14、 the chickens with my grandpa. It was so much fun Peter: Sounds good. How was the weather there?Eric : It was great, and the air was so clean. I watched the stars at night. They were so beautiful.Peter: Lucky you.請(qǐng)用正確動(dòng)詞形式填空 1. He (live) in Wuxi two years ago. 2. The cat (eat) a bird last night. 3. W

15、e (have) a party last month. 4. Nancy (pick) up oranges on the farm last week. 5. I (make) a model ship with Mike yesterday. 6. We (take)many photos about Mount. Hua last year.livedatehadpickedmadetook用括號(hào)內(nèi)所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空1. Tom and Mary _ (come) to China last month.2. My mother _ (not do) housework yeste

16、rday.3. _ your father _ (go) to work every day last year?4. He _ (be) here just now.5. Did she _ (have) supper at home?camedidnt doDidgowashave1.I usually _(get) up at 6:30 in the morning. Today I _ (get) up at 7:20, I _ (be) late for class. Mr. Yang _(tell) me not _ (be) late again.2. -_you _ (have

17、) a good time last Sunday? -No, I _ (do not). I _ (go) shopping with my friends, but it _(rain). 3. Where _(be) you last night? I _ (call) you, but you _(be) not in. Oh, I _(be) in my uncles house. I _ (have) supper there. 根據(jù)提示完成句子getgotwastoldto beDidhavedidntwentrainedwerecalledwerewashadII. 按要求變換句型 1. Frank read an intere


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