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1、精品課件小學(xué)英語新外研版(一起)六年級上冊市實(shí)小 清風(fēng)制作精品課件小學(xué)英語新外研版(一起)市實(shí)小 清風(fēng)制作M2U2 I went to a library yesterdayM2U2 I went to a library yesWhere did Daming go yesterday?Lets review.What did Daming see in the street?He went to Chinatown in New York .He saw a lion dance in the street.Where did Daming go yesterday?What did th

2、ey do yesterday?Lets underline the key words. P11(2)He went to the Ming Tombs yesterday.He went to a library yesterday.She wrote a story in English class .What did they do yesterday?LetWhat did Xiaoqiang do yesterday?He went to the Ming Tombs yesterday.Tell me about the Ming Tombs.What did Xiaoqiang

3、 do yesterdaThe Ming Tombs明十三陵位于北京,距今300多年明十三陵坐落于北京市昌平區(qū)天壽山麓,總面積一百二十余平方公里,距離天安門約五十公里。十三陵地處東、西、北三面環(huán)山的小盆地之中,陵區(qū)周圍群山環(huán)抱,中部為平原,陵前有小河曲折蜿蜒。自永樂七年(1409)五月始作長陵,到明朝最后一帝崇禎葬入思陵止,其間230多年(1645),先后修建了十三座皇帝陵墓、七座妃子墓、一座太監(jiān)墓。共埋葬了十三位皇帝、二十三位皇后、二位太子、三十余名妃嬪、兩位太監(jiān)。(至今300多年)The Ming Tombs明十三陵位于北京,距今300多The Ming TombsThere were a

4、nd lots of stone animalsa big red gate.there wasthere be 就近原則用單復(fù)數(shù)Tell me about the Ming Tombs.The Ming TombsThere were What did they find in the tombs?They found _and _in the tombs.clothesmoneyIt was exciting!Tell me about the Ming Tombs.What did they find in the tombXiaoqiang went to yesterday.It w

5、as He saw lots of and a big red There were and in the tombs.Lets complete.the Ming Tombsexciting.stone animalsgate.clothesmoneyXiaoqiang went to What did James do yesterday?He went to a library yesterday.What does a library have?It has_books,CDs and computers.What did James do yesterday?HeJames favo

6、urites are books aboutthe UKChinathe USCanadaJames favourites are books abJames went to yesterday.It is very It has books . His are books about the US and Lets complete.a librarybig.CDs and computersfavouritesCanada.James went to Ruby a story in English class yesterday.Her teacher it very much.Ruby

7、to write a book when she is big.She wants to many and writeabout them.Lets complete.wrotelikedwantsvisitcountries.Ruby a story in EngCan you give a subject to the three emails?Lets imagineSubject: the Ming Tombs,Beijing.Subject: a librarySubject: a storyCan you give a subject to the What did you do

8、at the weekend?Lets do and guess. 抽簽表演 I was at the beach. I went swimming there. Then I ate a hamburger. S1: Did you go swimming? S2: Yes, I did. S2:Did you eat some bread? S1: No, I didnt.What did you do at the weekendWhere did you go yesterday?Lets do and guess. 學(xué)生表演三篇短文之一,其他學(xué)生問,猜。 S1: Did you .?

9、 S2: Yes, I did. S2:Did you .? S1: No, I didnt.Where did you go yesterday?LetLets write. P13(6)To:JSubject:Hello!Dear James,I went to a fruit farm yesterday.It was exciting! There were lots of fruit trees.I picked up pears.I ate apples. I took photos. I was happy!Yours,_Lets write. P13(6)To:JamesnWhat have you learned day?Subject: the Ming Tombs,Beij


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