1、三年英年 月 三年英年 月 主備教參與教sixskillwords: swim,run,rideabike, TheCan you .?Yes,I can.No,IcantTeaching key poNew words of part 2重點(diǎn)、Talking about the drills cturesofnew wordsa computer and aalargescreen a recorder and教 學(xué) 過 資源應(yīng)用1.Free talk Words:sing,ion找教案 HYPERLINK http:/w/ 1. Learn the swim,run,draw,ride,b
2、ike,can,present 2.Look and sayIcanswim/run/rideabike/sing/dance/draw. 3.Ask and answer.Can you Yes, I Can you ride aNo,I Practice the words and the senten5.Sing a song.MyLitt6.Learn to say.TheteacherPractice the words and the senten5.Sing a song.MyLitt6.Learn to say.Theteacherexplainsthewords:likean
3、duncle, then translates the text to the student.Askthestudentstoread after theforseveral2.Ask and answer. 3.Play the game.Read the ActivityBookLesson.Writing Unit 1 AbilityLesson 1 Can you ?Yes,I run swim No, I教本課重點(diǎn)學(xué) 個(gè)動(dòng)作的單詞,swimrunrideabikesing,dance,draw。重點(diǎn)掌握一個(gè)表示能力的句子Can you .?Yes,I can. No,I can t
4、 .教學(xué)過程中創(chuàng)操練,使學(xué)生在 中掌握知識(shí)點(diǎn),寓教于樂。還要注意糾正單詞can 年 月 日第 節(jié)授課教三英年 月 日主三英年 月 日主備教參與教you? Yes, Ican. No, Iwords: but ,lay eggs, HYPERLINK http:/w/ 重點(diǎn)、熟練掌握并靈活運(yùn)用can. No,掌握字母a 在閉音節(jié)中的讀音ctures words 教 學(xué) 過 資源應(yīng)用1.Free talk Somewords:swim,run,draw,sing,dance,rideaT:Canyouswim/run/draw? S: Yes, I can./No, I cant.Now,lets
5、learnLesson三1. Lesson2.Lets3.Showa picture of aThebirdcanfly.Thebirdcanfly.Fly,fly,fly. But it cant swim.Show a pictureof ahenThehencantrideabike,butitcanlayegg. 4.Learn the words: fly, lay eggs ,butListen to the tandreadafterit Can you swim, Miss Bird?No,Icant,butIcanfly. Can you ride a bike ?No,Ic
6、ant,butIcanlayeggs. Can you fly, Mr.Monkey ?No, Icant, butI canridea Look, thinkandsay. HYPERLINK http:/w/ Listen ,read and copya: bag cat 2.Listen and connect Read the ActivityBookLesson.Writing Unit 1 AbilityLesson 2 Can you ?Yes,I lay No, I三年英年 月 日N主備教參與三年英年 月 日N主備教參與教能聽懂、會(huì)說What about ? Good idea
7、.Happytomorrowbirthday partybuydollstory 重點(diǎn)、Talking about the drills ctures of new words 教 學(xué) 過 資源應(yīng)用1.Free talk Sing“ Happy Showthetitleof Unit2Lesson T:Who knows the meaning of “ Happy Birthday”?T:Today we are going to learn Unit 2 Lesson 3Learn thewordsof “birthday” HYPERLINK http:/w/ 教靈活運(yùn)用Can you?
8、 Yes, I can. No, I cant. 。掌握字母a 在閉音節(jié)中的年 月 日第 節(jié)授課教T:TomorrowisT:TomorrowisetomypartyT:Tomorrow is myetomyparty,please.party,youknow,party? e to my party. Come to my party ,please.Ask studentsto read aftertheCometomyparty,please.WhowanttobeMr.Tiger?S:“Sure.”5.T: Lets buy a present for Mr.Tiger.6. Lear
9、n thesentenceand thewordsWhat about a ?doll, cake, story book T:What aboutT:Whataboutadoll? T:A doll. A doll.S:“Good idea.”Learnthewords:cake,storybook 7.Read after the t1.Listenandanswer theT:Ok,listencarefully,whosebirthdayisitWho elsehe dialogue?2.Read and repeat3. Do the pair work to practise th
10、e dialogue T: Now,fourofyou,agroup,topractisethisdialogue. 4.Role playSing thesong “Happy Birthdayto1.Read the text 2.ActivityBookLesson3.Writing design: HYPERLINK http:/w/ Unit 2come to my buy a三年英年 月 日N主備三年英年 月 日N主備教參與教復(fù)習(xí)鞏固:Tomorrowismybirthday. Cometomyparty, please. Letsbuya present for Sally. W
11、hat about a doll? Good idea.學(xué)習(xí)掌握:Happybirthday!Thisisapresentforyou. Openthepresent,Sally. Wow, a beautiful doll!掌握字母a在開音節(jié)中的讀音重點(diǎn)、掌握字母a 在開音節(jié)中的讀音Whatabout Goodstory教這節(jié)課的內(nèi)容以學(xué)生們熟悉“生日聚會(huì)”為 ,孩子們很有 ,我在課前以”生日聚會(huì)”為話題,跟他們簡(jiǎn)單聊幾句,提起他們的 ,再引入相關(guān)單后,讓程度較好的學(xué)生帶上事先準(zhǔn)備的生日 來完成簡(jiǎn)單 。接著通過小組比賽形式,( 誰記得快記得多)來反復(fù)復(fù)習(xí)文中的 。但發(fā)現(xiàn),小組比年 月 日第
12、節(jié)授課教教 學(xué) 過 資源應(yīng)用StepWarm-up HYPERLINK http:/w/ Singasong:HappyBirthdaytoYou Step ReviFree-talk:talkwiththestudentswiththesentencepatternsinLesson3,suchas Lets buy a present for Sally.Step ShowthetitleofUnit 2Lesson T: Now, please look at the screen. Today were going to learn Unit2 Birthday Lesson4. Fo
13、llow me!T:Now, boysandgirls, look!Therearemany beautifulpresents here.Thisis a present for you. This is a present for you, This is a present for you, Please show me your presents!.T:Wow,beautifulpresents.Wow,abeautifulpresent.Wow,abeautifuldoll!. Learn the word “beautiful.Ask the studentsto opentheT
14、:Now,Threestudentscomehere!comePlease open the present and make a sentence with A beautiful Ok Open the present, please! This is a present for you!. Go back to your seat! Who can read this word (open)Listen,repeat and Playagame:onebyonetosayopenthepresent 4.Listen,read and copy5. Saya StepSum-upandE
15、valuation 0310Unit主備教參與教0310Unit主備教參與教N(yùn)ewwords: s, melons, Thedrills:Ilike /Idont like./Theyre notNewwordsof part3 andtheof partUsethe of part 2. HYPERLINK http:/w/ 聽讀課文Lesson4 完P(guān)175.Listenand Step.Writing design:Unit 2Happy birthday!Thisisapresentforyou. Open the present.a beautiful 教這節(jié)課的新句型較少,很多句子
16、是 Lesson3 中的句子,所以在上新課前,我主要以復(fù)習(xí)導(dǎo)入,讓學(xué)生們把事先準(zhǔn)備的 拿出,老師隨意在學(xué)生中走動(dòng),抽取一 Lets buy a present for Sally. 和What about ? Good idea. a present for you.這句,學(xué)生老是和Lets buy a present for Sally. ,需反復(fù)讓年 月 日第 節(jié)授課教Some foodobjects orcturesSome foodobjects orcturesof newwords.a recorder 教 學(xué) 過 資源應(yīng)用2.Singasong .Review the fruit
17、s. ShowabananatotheSsandask: Whats this ?lead to bananasShowagain a cake,egg totheSsandask What aretheseLead to cakes,eggs HYPERLINK http:/w/ Usethesame waytoteach: /Showatoymonkeyandleadtoaskandanswer: What do you like,Monkey?I like bananas.Showtheothertoysandleadtosay: I like fish .I like gr s. I
18、like melons. I like carrots. I likeRead after thet Get thestudentstolisten totheonPage 19 and thenGetthestudentsto open thebooksand art1afterthe teacherGetthestudentstoreadtogetherandreadeach other 2.Part 3 on page213.Play the片,學(xué)習(xí)相關(guān)的317 UnitLesson主備教317 UnitLesson主備教參與教Listento theandrepeatFinishthe
19、 exercisesin youractivitybook UnitLessonI likeI dont likeThey areTheyre not 課前通過帶來的 、實(shí)物等來復(fù)習(xí)之前學(xué)過的一些關(guān)于水果食物的單詞,之后老師指著香蕉說 I like bananas.引出教學(xué)新單詞 like(喜歡,接著出示單詞卡片,教gr 、cattot7個(gè)單詞的教學(xué)。遇到學(xué)生大多不喜歡的食物時(shí),引出句型IdontlikeIlike 和Idontlike 兩種句型來復(fù)習(xí)鞏固所學(xué)單詞。這樣學(xué)生對(duì)單詞 接著學(xué)課文時(shí),也輕松了很多!學(xué)習(xí)對(duì)水果食物很感 ,學(xué)習(xí)效果較好!學(xué)生對(duì) carrots 和 peaches 兩個(gè)單
20、詞,還是記得不夠牢固!323日第12.復(fù)習(xí)鞏固句型;I like . /I dont3.Learn2.復(fù)習(xí)鞏固句型;I like . /I dont3.Learnsomewords:noodleshotdoghamburger 4.學(xué)習(xí)字母e 在閉音節(jié)中的讀音重點(diǎn)、1.I like . /I dont2.What do you like?Doyou like?Yes,wedo.Fourhamburgers,cturesofthewordsA recorder HYPERLINK http:/w/ 教 學(xué) 過 資源應(yīng)用1.Free talk Review 1.Somegr ,apple ,pea
21、 elon,fish,cake,egg,orange,banana,carrot 2.Ask Ss to say :I like . I dontShowapictureofhamburgersandask: Do you like hamburgers?Leadtoanswer:Yes,Ido/wedo. 3.Learn the words:noodles, hot dog.lstudentstopayattentiontotheword:noodles 4.Translate the texto chiShow somcturesoffoodontheblackboard. Ask Ss
22、to express their hobbies.Ask Sstoread afterthe onpage Read after the三年英年 月 日Unit三年英年 月 日UnitBody7.AskSstoreadbythemselves 8.Lets chant.9.Pay attention to the pronunpen ,hen .red .egg2.Evaluate yourself 3.Play a gameReadthe ActivityBookLesson6. HYPERLINK http:/w/ http:/w .Writing design:Unit 3What do
23、 you like?I likehot Do you like .?Yes, I do. / No, I dont.在上新課前以句型Ilikepeaches和Idontlike 進(jìn)行鞏固上節(jié)課所學(xué)食物和水果的單詞,再出示教學(xué) ,(上面有很多食物)老師指著其中IlikenoodlesWhatdoyoulike?引出此句型教學(xué)!有年 月 日第 節(jié)主備教參與教1、Four skill words: headeye earmouth主備教參與教1、Four skill words: headeye earmouthfacenose :Touchyourhead.Touchyoureyes.Touchy
24、ourears. Touch your face.Touch your mouth.重點(diǎn)、1.Vocabularyaboutthepartsofthebody 2.Listen and act the parts of the body.cturesofnew words2a recorder and教 學(xué) 過 資源應(yīng)用Stepl WarmSingasong: AppleStep 2Teach thenewwords onpage Showthecardsaboutthepartsofthebody,andreadthefollowingwords Face ,ear ,mouth,nose,
25、eye,head,neck,The teacher touches own face,head,ear,mouth,nose,eye,neck and says my face/head/ear/mouth/nose/eye/neckAskthechildrentofollowtheteacher,readandStep3 ListenandTheteacher givesthe Touchyourhead/ear/eye/mouth/nose/face. HYPERLINK http:/w/ Thewholeout whentheyheartheRead aloud aftertheteac
26、her,actppilyandListento the andDividethewholeotwo bigOnegroup givesorders,theotheractsout.ThenStep4Play adrawafacewithoutamouthdrawafacewithoutamouthontheblackboardandaface without a nose.Thenasksomestudentstocometotheblackboardandclosetheir eyeswith red scarf.Giveorders: Draw amouthon theDrawa nose
27、 on theStudentsdraw while hearingthe ordersStep5Sing aReadthe words ofthe Play therecorderand ask the children toSing andListento the andDotouchyourears/mouth/eyes/nosegamewithyourparentsoryour DoActivityBookLessonStep7WritingUnit 4Parts of the bodyTouch your eye ear nose headmouth 教年 月 日第 節(jié)授課教三年英年
28、月 日UnitBody三年英年 月 日UnitBody主備教參與教1、Reviewthewordshead eyeearmouthfacenose2、:Thisis your artteacher.Nowdraw aface and twoThendraw anoseand amouth,whats3.掌握字母E重點(diǎn)、1.Vocabularyaboutthepartsofthebody. 2.The sentenon page 353.掌握字母E 在絕對(duì)開音節(jié)中的讀音cturesof newwords2A recorder and教 學(xué) 過 資源應(yīng)用Warm 1.Greetings 找教案 H
29、YPERLINK http:/w/ http:/w How are you today?WhatisthisinEnglish? It is an apple.Ilikeapples.Whataboutyou? 2.Sing a songT: Touch your head/ eyes/nose/ears/face/mouth/neck ,the studentasthe teacher says.The studentsexchange theirorderand actoutthe1 Unit 4Parts of the BodyLesson2.LookattheVCDlesson8the
30、teacherexplainsittothestudents. 3.Ask the children to follow the teacher ,read and act.LetsTheteacher givesthe Ask the students tol the differenLetsTheteacher givesthe Ask the students tol the differennhatandcat. Read aloud after the teacher.Listen to the andReadand Learnthewordslong,big he sentenAs
31、kthe studentstoread aftertheteacher thenListen,read and copythesewords,payattentiontothe Listenand circle theright picture onpage Listen to the andActivityBookLesson.WritingUnitPartsofthe LessonDrawa andtwoWhats next?教本課繼續(xù)學(xué)習(xí)鞏固關(guān)于身體部位單詞,利于指令動(dòng)作反應(yīng) 有效復(fù)習(xí)操練年 月 日第 節(jié)授課教三年英年 月 日UnitBody三年英年 月 日UnitBody主備教參與教掌
32、握單詞:leg,hand,arm,foot,feet,knee, clap,wave, , 能聽懂:Clap your hands. Styourfeet.Waveyourarms. Bend your knees.并按照指令做動(dòng)作。掌握句子:How many can you see? I can see 重點(diǎn)、cturesof newwords2A 教 學(xué) 過 資源應(yīng)用Step lWarmGreetings HYPERLINK http:/w/ Singasong: Head,shoulders,kneesandStep 21Review No. from 1 to 10 2Playagam
33、e:Touchyourbody.Step 3Unit4 PartsoftheBody LessonAsktwostudentstothefrontoftheclass T: How many eyes can you see?T: How manyears can you see? Leadstudentstosay:IcanseeContinuelikethis:noses, necks, Learn the newT:HowmanylegscanyouT:Howmanylegscanyousee? S:I can see .T:Read after me :leg .Ask student
34、s tollegandlegs Continue to learn hand,arm,feet4.Look at the screen and read after the VCD How many legs can you see? I can seeHow many hands can you see? I can seeHow many arms can you see? I can seeHow many feet can you see? I can seeStep 4Playa Askthewinnertoclaptheirhands Ask the last to sttheir
35、 feetAsktheotherstudentstowavetheirarms,bendtheirknees Do as the VCD.Letschant. Step5Singasong Step 6Listen to the t andDoActivityBookLessonStep 6WritingUnit 5Parts of the bodyLesson 9 How many can you see?Icansee.Clap your Waveyour Bend your your教教摸到脖子以下,引出身體各部位單詞教學(xué)。新句型How many can you see?I can 還不
36、錯(cuò)!但這節(jié)課容量較大,特別是又增加了四個(gè)動(dòng)詞clap, wave, st, bend 學(xué)生年 月 日第 節(jié)授課教三年英年 月 日UnitBody三年英年 月 日UnitBody主備教參與教學(xué)習(xí)掌握生詞zebra,children 學(xué)習(xí)掌握句型:HowmanyzebrasarethereTherearefourzebras. 3.學(xué)說背誦童謠:Fly My Kite.4.學(xué)習(xí)掌握元音字母i 重點(diǎn)、How many zebrasarethereThere are元音字母i教 學(xué) 過 資源應(yīng)用Sing a song.(FollowHave a free Reviewthe words : Howma
37、nylegscan you see? HYPERLINK http:/w/ 1.T:Whatarethose?S:Theyaremonkeys. T: How many monkeys are there?(課件展示(出(展示課件S: Thereare S: Thereare T:Howmanychildren areS : There are two.Learn the word:children.T: Whats this ?S:Its a T:Howmanyzebrasarethere?Learnthesentence S: There are two.Learnthe text a .
38、look at thctures,askandanswer b.read the sentenWatchVCDAsk studentsto read thetextbyAsksomestudentstohideunderthedesk,puttheirhandsup,theteacher asks questions, the students answer them.The students show their pictures ,make sententwobytwo. 3.Learn the rhyme.learn thei Sum up :Howmany zebrasare Ther
39、e are1.Do Activity Book Lesson 9. 2.Llistentothetextandreadit.3. Copy thenew . WritingUnitPartsofthe Lesson三年英年 月 日UnitLesson主備教參與教2)Main三年英年 月 日UnitLesson主備教參與教2)Main drills:How many cows are there on the farm?There are 3)Singasong:OldMacDonaldHadaFarm. 4)Say a rhyme: Baa Baa Black Sheep重點(diǎn)、1.New wo
40、rds and the main senten2.Talking about thworda computer and a教 學(xué) 過 資源應(yīng)用Howmany zebras areTherearefourzebras. 教本課以歌曲 Follow me 來復(fù)習(xí)上節(jié)所學(xué),接著再以“touch your”發(fā)出指dotheaction。教學(xué) 的展示很好的導(dǎo)入了新句Howmanyare there?There areHowmanycanyousee?進(jìn)行比較,讓學(xué)生發(fā)現(xiàn)兩種句型的區(qū)別。在操練鞏固環(huán)節(jié),用了許多 讓學(xué)生年 月 日第 節(jié)授課教Step l Warm up 2.Sayarhyme.Step l
41、 Warm up 2.Sayarhyme.Step 2Review HYPERLINK http:/w/ 1.T:Showcture andHowmany bananascan you see?I can T: Right.How many legs can you see?2.Follow the teacher .2Repeat 11.12.(SeveralStep Unit6DomesticLessonT:Boysandgirls,Illbringanewfriendforyoutoday.Whohe ?Oh, its Old MacDonald. Hees us to his farm
42、. Lets have a look.show:“farm”Helpthemsay:farmfarm.onthefarm,onthefarm T:OK.Today lets talk about the animals on the farm.T:Whatcanyouseeonthefarm?Icansee T: Yes,we call them as domestic animals.(CAIshowsthetitle“Unit6ADomesticAnimalsLesson11”)T: Look,a cow is coming. Teach“cow”.AsktheSs:“Howmanycow
43、sarethereonthefarm?”andhelpthemto answer :There are eleven.Learnhorse,horses. Ask:“Howmanyhorsesarethereonthefarm?” “There are four.”Learnsheep.Ask:“Howmanysheeparethereonthefarm?” “There areCAI shows a picture of a farm.Ask the students to talk about thin groups.Then go to the front to actThelaysth
44、e ,getthestudentstolisten and Ask some studentsto read the三年英年 月 日UnitDomesticLesson主備教參與教三年英年 月 日UnitDomesticLesson主備教參與教1)Four skill words:milk,wool,animal.friend,us.give 2)Main drills: I am a cow. I can give you milk.Iamasheep.Icangiveyouwool. I am aduck. I can give you eggs.I am ahen.Ican give y
45、ou eggs,too3)掌握字母I在開音節(jié)中的讀音 i/aibikefivekite重點(diǎn)、1.New words and the main senten2.Talking about thStep4SayarhymeonPage52 Sing a song OnPage Step Listento the andDoActivityBookLessonStep 6WritingUnit 6Domestic AnimalsLesson11 Howmany arethere ontheThere are醒學(xué)生sheepeleven和twelve容易 不易 ,需年 月 日第 節(jié)授課教worda c
46、omputer and a software. 3.someobjects. HYPERLINK http:/w/ http:/wworda computer and a software. 3.someobjects. HYPERLINK http:/w/ http:/w教 學(xué) 過 資源應(yīng)用Step1. Warm GreetingsSing thesong Step 2Some words; cow,milkHow many cows arethere onthefarm?ThereUnit6DomesticLessonShowsomethingtothestudentsandsay, gi
47、velearnthewordgive. 3.Show a bottle of milk and learn the word milk.Givethebottleofmilktoastudentandsay:giveyoumilk. learn the phrase give you milk .Show a picture of a cow and say: I can give you milk. 6.AsksomestudentstosaythesentenceIcangiveyoumilk. 7.Say the sentence: Hi, I am a cow. I can give
48、you milk.Then do as the same way ,learn the words wool and the senten:Hi,I am a shecan give you wool.Learn the senten:Hi,I amaduck.Icangiveyoueggs. Hi,Iamahen.I can give you eggs,too.Listento the andread after theonpage Learn the word animal. Look and read on page 1.Lets They can giveusmilk. Are the
49、y三年英年 月 日Clothes Lesson三年英年 月 日Clothes Lesson主備教參與教They can giveuswool. Arethey 2. i: /ai / , five , kite , nine ,bike(listen ,read3.Listen and circle the right picture.Step5.Summary Listenand read lesson 12threeCopy theDoActivityBookLessonStep 6WritingUnit 6Domestic AnimalsHi. Im a I can give you教本
50、課學(xué)習(xí)繼續(xù)關(guān)于農(nóng)場(chǎng)動(dòng)物作用,讓學(xué)生扮演角色 不僅積極性高,而且能讓學(xué)生在活動(dòng)中較快掌握句型:Icangive不過還要注意區(qū)分年 月 日第 節(jié)授課教1.學(xué)習(xí)單詞:sweaterskirt,socks,shirt,shoes 2.學(xué)習(xí)句型:Put on your.Take1.學(xué)習(xí)單詞:sweaterskirt,socks,shirt,shoes 2.學(xué)習(xí)句型:Put on your.Take off重點(diǎn)、認(rèn)新單詞。找教案 HYPERLINK http:/w/ 學(xué)習(xí)句型:Put on Take off備ctures of newa recorder教 學(xué) 過 資源應(yīng)用Step 1:WarmSay a
51、 chant: t?t? Ablack Wheresthe cat? Wheresthe heStep 2:Lead to learn the word hat from theparethetwowords:cat and hat.askword :hatT:Look!Theseareclothes.TodayweregoingtolearnUnit7Clothes Lesson 13.teacher :Clothes, ClothesLook! These are clothes. Whats this in English? What are they in English? Takew
52、ord :shirt,pay attention to the pronuntion :irirshirt.uselearn theword: skirtl the twoword: shoes( shshshirt, shshshoes。)6) Step 3:Game:Whatsto match the Step 4:Learn to1)Show theword:hat, acton andtake oTake off yourlearnwrite3)Competition; askstudents todo as三年英年 月 日UnitClothes 三年英年 月 日UnitClothes
53、 Lessonblackboard , doputonoff ,thelip-reading. 5) Listen,read and play(62)(draw thStep 5:Learn toT: Your skirt is beautiful. I like your shoes. Learnothers .leadnk you.ListenandStep Listento the andread after Put on Takeoff DoActivityLessonLessonPut on your.Take off your. 脫掉.教年月日第授課教主備教參與教hat、sweat
54、er、skirt、shirt、socks、復(fù)習(xí)句型 Put on Take off 學(xué)習(xí)新詞 主備教參與教hat、sweater、skirt、shirt、socks、復(fù)習(xí)句型 Put on Take off 學(xué)習(xí)新詞 T-shirt 、size、small、學(xué)習(xí)句型 This T-shirt is too What size do you 重點(diǎn)、The New Words : T-shirt 、size、small、The New : This T-shirt is too What size do you 教 學(xué) 過 資源應(yīng)用Step 1 WarmingReviewthefollowingw
55、ordshat、sweater、skirt、shirt、socks、Learntheword:T-shirt, henT-shirt and Play a HYPERLINK http:/w/ Step 2 ion andLead to learn the sentence from the clotherhechild This T-shirt is too large.Writethe sentence on theblackboard andlearnShowasmallT-shirtandleadtothesentence This T-shirt is too small.Write
56、the sentence on theblackboard andlearnShow the label and lead Size Slet students guess the meaning ofLearn Size S Lethow to expressLearn Size Lask studentstosayothersizesof the cloth,lead to learn Size M,learnphrase .aShow theclothes sizeS、M三年英年 月 日T: What size do三年英年 月 日T: What size doyou Ss: Size
57、Size Step 3 Listenand circle therightStep 4phoneticdog、dollfrog、stopteacher LetfindSum tionPractice :read the words Step5SumupandEvaluation Step 6Listen to the Do a Lesson 14 Clothes ThisT-shirtistooWhat size do you T-shirt 、size、small、教年月日第授課教Unit8 Lesson主備教參與教Two skill words: Unit8 Lesson主備教參與教Two
58、 skill words: whose, The Whose jacket is this? It is HuWhosesweateristhis?ItisWaoTaos.重點(diǎn)、Part 1learn toTalking about the drills ctures ofwords. 2)a recorder.教 學(xué) 過 資源應(yīng)用SteplWarmup 2.Say a rhyme. Step 2 ReviewThe clothes learned in unit 7.The teacher shows some pictures of the clother and asks student
59、s to spell them Game :put the cards away and ask students to guess the last one .Step3Presen Unit 8LessonShowabookonthedeskandask:whosebookisthis? And then show a jacket ,ask whosein : Reviewthis ?ruler /Xiaomings.(Bens/repeat : Itsthis ?Its sanswerthis? Its Huthis? Its Wangyou ,Mr. Wang.6. say: wea
60、ring blue?thezoo? 1.Ask andanswergame .Step Listento DoActivityBookLesson板書設(shè)計(jì):找教案 HYPERLINK http:/w/ Unit8 LessonWhose jacket is this? It is HuWhosesweateristhis?ItisWaoTaos.文建 議年月日第授課教三年英年 月 日Lesson主備教參與教三年英年 月 日Lesson主備教參與教復(fù)習(xí)單詞red, yellowgreen復(fù)習(xí)句子:whosejacket/sweater/shirtisthis?Its學(xué)習(xí)句子 :mom,I lik
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