



1、 a I ) 八年級(jí)英語下冊第二單元基礎(chǔ)復(fù)習(xí)題1. I argued with my mother this morning. -_A. Thats nothing! B. Great! ) )C. You should say sorry to her. D. Lets play soccer.2. I cant speak ish well, and Li Lei cant, _.A. too B. also C. as well D. either I II I3. I think you _ talk about your problem with your parents and a

2、sk for their advice.A. need4. You look really cool in the new dress, dear. How much did you _ it?A. ask for B. think about C. find out5. The young boy found _ hard to finish the work alone.A. that B. this C. itB. needntC. shouldD. shouldntD. pay forD. which 6. My friend is angry with me. What _ I _

3、to him?A. should; say B. could; talk C. may; speak D. need; tell 7. Your spoken English is much better.-Thank you. My teacher often asks us _ English as _ as possible.A 2 A B C IIa A B C D A B C D I .A B C D I A B C D I a A. to speak; many8. I lost my friends bike, and I really dont know _.A. what s

4、hould I do B. what to do9. Mom, my shoes are _. Could you buy me a new pair?A. out of style B. the same C. in style10. Why not tell her the good news right now? -Oh, no. I want to _ her.A. surprise B. call C. findB. not to speak; muchC. to speak; muchD. not to speak; moreB CD (C. how shall I doD. ho

5、w to doD -Sure.D. very popularD. help11.Why did Tom look upset yesterday? -Because all his classmates passed the test _ him.A. includingB. exceptC. withD. without12. Now many students _ go to bed until eleven oclock every night.A. t13. Dont worry about the kids. I think they can do it _.A. by yourse

6、lves B. by myselfB. notC. didntD. /C. by themselvesD. by himselfA B C D 14. This pair of shoes is too small to _ me. Could you show me another? -Of course. Please look at thses ones. A. fit for15. Mikes cousin is the same age _ him. They get on well _ each other.A. for; in B. for; with C. as; inB. f

7、itC. suit forD. agree withA A B C Dt0 I I BC D D. as; with用所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。 16. I think Erin should tell her friend Anna not _ (be) late for class again.17. She always hes an _ (argue) with her husband about money.18. Children need some _ (organize) activities.A I B C DI . 19. You dont need to have too much _ (press). Just try your best.20. They are _ (crazy) about dancing and singing.A A B C 3 I ”A a B C D / A B C D B C D 4 D I I A B C D( 。 I )I )( ) ( ) ) . ) ) ()


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