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1、關(guān)于定冠詞不定冠詞零冠詞第1頁(yè),共49頁(yè),2022年,5月20日,22點(diǎn)1分,星期三冠詞的定義 冠詞是置于名詞之前、說明名詞所表示的人或事物的一種虛詞。冠詞也可以說是名詞的一種標(biāo)志,它不能離開名詞而單獨(dú)存在。冠詞有三種:定冠詞(definite article)、不定冠詞(indefinite article) 和零冠(zero article) 第2頁(yè),共49頁(yè),2022年,5月20日,22點(diǎn)1分,星期三不定冠詞有兩個(gè)形式,一個(gè)是a, 另一個(gè)是an。 a 用在輔音(指的是音標(biāo)不是指字母)開頭的詞前, an 用在以元音開頭的詞前。 a university, an umbrella, a Eu

2、ropean, an example, a one-act play, an hour an honest man第3頁(yè),共49頁(yè),2022年,5月20日,22點(diǎn)1分,星期三Mrs. Taylor has _ 8-year-old daughter who has _ gift for painting -she has won two national prizes.A. a; a B. an; theC. an; a D. the; a第4頁(yè),共49頁(yè),2022年,5月20日,22點(diǎn)1分,星期三不定冠詞的基本用法 1. 泛指某一類人或事物的一個(gè) A boy is waiting for y

3、ou. A Mr Smith is coming here。2. 表示某一類人或事物, 相當(dāng)于any, A horse is an animal. A child needs love. A car must be insured(保養(yǎng))。第5頁(yè),共49頁(yè),2022年,5月20日,22點(diǎn)1分,星期三3. 用于首次提到的人或物的單數(shù)名詞前 面。An old cock is sitting in a tall tree.4.用于描寫自然現(xiàn)象的名詞前,表示“一 陣”、“一場(chǎng)”、“一種”等。例如: snow- a snow 一場(chǎng)雪shower- a shower 一陣暴雨第6頁(yè),共49頁(yè),2022年,

4、5月20日,22點(diǎn)1分,星期三5. 用在抽象名詞之前表示具體介紹:是 什么樣的人,是什么樣的事物。The little girl is a joy to her parents. He is a success. 和你一塊共事很愉快。It is a pleasure to work with you.He did me a great kindness.What a great surprise you gave me.第7頁(yè),共49頁(yè),2022年,5月20日,22點(diǎn)1分,星期三6.用于某些固定的詞組。 a lot of/ a great deal of 很多 a few 有些 a littl

5、e 一些 a piece of 一張 to have a rest 休息一下 as a matter of face 事實(shí)上第8頁(yè),共49頁(yè),2022年,5月20日,22點(diǎn)1分,星期三7.用在序數(shù)詞前,“又一,再一”;a most = a very. Although he had failed four times, he was determined to try a fifth time. This is a most instructive film.8.用在many, half , such 等詞后. Many a boy is swimming. The village is ha

6、lf an hours walk from here. 9.用在 so (as/too/how etc.) +形容詞之后 1 How interesting a film it is! = How interesting the film is! 2 He is not so /as good a driver as you 第9頁(yè),共49頁(yè),2022年,5月20日,22點(diǎn)1分,星期三10.用 a/an + 物質(zhì)名詞,表示“ 一 ” eg. a coffee; a tea; a brandy; an ice cream11.用a/an表示部分不可數(shù)名詞,表示“一 點(diǎn)”,“一 些”等。 a sm

7、ile一絲微笑 a rain一場(chǎng)雨 make a noise 制造一點(diǎn)噪音 12.與專有名詞連用,“一個(gè)。式的人”;“。的作品”。 eg: a Lei Feng of our class; play a Liszt第10頁(yè),共49頁(yè),2022年,5月20日,22點(diǎn)1分,星期三13. 可以表示量度單位,每40 km an/per hour 每小時(shí)40公里twice a/per day 每天兩次14. 與可數(shù)名詞連用位于what, such之后,表示感嘆,或強(qiáng)調(diào)程度What a surprise! 真是讓人吃驚。My boss is such a fool! 我的老板這么蠢。15. 用在形容詞最高

8、級(jí)前,相當(dāng)于very。This is a most useful dictionary.這是一本非常有用的字典。 第11頁(yè),共49頁(yè),2022年,5月20日,22點(diǎn)1分,星期三16. 用在序數(shù)詞前面表示“再一次,又一次”。Ten years after the death of her husband, she got married for a second time.在她丈夫去世十年后,她再次結(jié)婚了。17. 用在many, quite, rather, such, twice, what 等詞后面,構(gòu)成短語(yǔ)。Its quite a problem. 這是一個(gè)相當(dāng)難的問題。Ive never

9、 seen such an exciting football match before. 我以前從來沒見過這么精彩的比賽第12頁(yè),共49頁(yè),2022年,5月20日,22點(diǎn)1分,星期三定冠詞的基本用法: 1. 特指某個(gè)或某些人或事物, 或指談話 雙方都知道的人或事物, 或重復(fù)上文 提到的人或事物。例如:How do you like the film?There was a chair by the window. On the chair sat a young woman with a baby in her arms. The baby is very fat.第13頁(yè),共49頁(yè),202

10、2年,5月20日,22點(diǎn)1分,星期三 2. 指世界上獨(dú)一無二的事物。The earth is biggest than the moon, but smaller than the sun. the sky; the universe; the atmosphere 3. 用在單數(shù)可數(shù)名詞之前, 表示某一類 人或事物。如:The lion is more fierce than the wolf.The compass was invented in ancient China.第14頁(yè),共49頁(yè),2022年,5月20日,22點(diǎn)1分,星期三 4. 常用在樂器的名稱之前。如: play the

11、violin/piano5. 用在某些專有名詞前:the Peoples Republic of China, the Great Wall, the White House; 在江河、山脈、海洋、湖泊、群島的名詞之前: the Changjiang River; the Yellow River; the Salt Lake第15頁(yè),共49頁(yè),2022年,5月20日,22點(diǎn)1分,星期三6.在姓氏的復(fù)數(shù)形式前加定冠詞, 表示一家人。 the Smiths 史密斯一家人 The Wangs live in the next-door house.7.用在方位名詞前或某些表示時(shí)間的詞組或慣用語(yǔ)中.

12、 eg. On the left (right) in the west in the end in the morning8.某些形容詞前加 the 表示一類人或物,指人時(shí)謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞用復(fù)數(shù)。 eg. 1 The rich become richer, the poor poorer. 2 The beautiful is always loved. 3 The Chinese are working hard. the British英國(guó)人, the rich富人, the young年輕人, 9、用在序數(shù)詞前,形容詞的最高級(jí)前及表示兩者之間的比較中. eg.1 the longest riv

13、er ; the third lesson 2 He is the taller of the two.10、表示幾十年代的數(shù)字之前。 eg. In the 1870s (而表示 “在某人四十多歲” 時(shí)翻譯成in his forties )11、表示發(fā)明物的名詞前. Eg. Alexander Graham Bell invented the phone in 1876.第16頁(yè),共49頁(yè),2022年,5月20日,22點(diǎn)1分,星期三12. 和表示數(shù)量的名詞連用,表示“以為單位” Eggs are sold by the dozen. 雞蛋按打來賣。 He is paid by the hour

14、 / the day/ week/ month.他按小時(shí)/天/周/月來付酬。13. 與名詞連用時(shí),要注意與不定冠詞的區(qū)別。a / the most interesting非常有趣的/ 最有趣的 a / the number of 許多/ 的數(shù)量 for a/ the moment 片刻,一會(huì)兒/ 暫時(shí),目前 give sb. a / the push 推某人一下/ 解雇某人 第17頁(yè),共49頁(yè),2022年,5月20日,22點(diǎn)1分,星期三英語(yǔ)定冠詞用法口訣特指重現(xiàn)用定冠,獨(dú)一無二把冠添,打球不用戴帽子,演奏樂器衣冠嚴(yán),江山河海和峽灣,戴上帽子較安全, 不戴帽子就吃飯,形容詞加the名詞變,習(xí)慣用

15、語(yǔ)冠不冠,入鄉(xiāng)隨俗記心間。第18頁(yè),共49頁(yè),2022年,5月20日,22點(diǎn)1分,星期三英語(yǔ)定冠詞用法口訣特指、重提和唯一,島嶼,海峽和海灣;海洋,黨派最高級(jí),沙漠,河流與群山;方位、順序和樂器,年代,團(tuán)體與機(jī)關(guān);船名,建筑和組織,會(huì)議,條約與報(bào)刊;姓氏復(fù)數(shù),國(guó)全名,請(qǐng)你記住用定冠。第19頁(yè),共49頁(yè),2022年,5月20日,22點(diǎn)1分,星期三不加冠詞的情況: 1.在大多數(shù)專有名詞、泛指的抽象名詞和物質(zhì)名詞前: We love science. She is fond of music.2.名詞前有物主代詞,指示代詞,不定代詞,名詞所有格及 kind of, sort of, type of,

16、 piece of 等限制時(shí)不加冠詞。 This is my book.3.三餐前不加冠詞,但有形容詞修飾時(shí)加a 表示一頓。 1 What do you usually have for lunch? 2 We had a really good dinner.4.四季前一般不加the。但特指必須加the。 1 It was very cold in the winter of 1985. 2 Summer comes after spring and before autumn.第20頁(yè),共49頁(yè),2022年,5月20日,22點(diǎn)1分,星期三5.在星期、月份、節(jié)假日等名詞前: National

17、 Day; New Years Day;Womens Day在含有day的節(jié)日、假日前,不用冠詞Childrens Day ,但在含有festival的節(jié)日前,需加冠詞the Spring Festival; the Mid autumn Festival. 6. 在表語(yǔ),賓語(yǔ)補(bǔ)足語(yǔ),同位語(yǔ)中,表示獨(dú)一無二的職位或 頭銜及呼吁前 Whos captain of your team? 誰(shuí)是你們隊(duì)長(zhǎng)? He was elected monitor of our class.他被選為班長(zhǎng) George Bush, president of the United States 美國(guó)總統(tǒng)布 什Whats

18、 wrong with you, Uncle? 第21頁(yè),共49頁(yè),2022年,5月20日,22點(diǎn)1分,星期三This is Comrade Yang, chairman of the Students Union.He reported this to Mr Black headmaster of the school. 7.在三餐飯和球類運(yùn)動(dòng)、棋類運(yùn)動(dòng)的名詞前: I like rice for supper. Lets go and watch them play chess.第22頁(yè),共49頁(yè),2022年,5月20日,22點(diǎn)1分,星期三8. 國(guó)名、人名前面,一般不加定冠詞。 China,

19、 Japan, England, Mary, Henry 等。但有的國(guó)名例外,如: the United States, the Philippines, the Peoples Republic of China。 第23頁(yè),共49頁(yè),2022年,5月20日,22點(diǎn)1分,星期三9.表示獨(dú)一無二頭銜或職位的名詞在句中做賓補(bǔ),表語(yǔ) 以及同位語(yǔ)時(shí),大都用零冠詞。 He was made monitor only yesterday.10.當(dāng)bike,car,taxi,bus,train,foot,ship等與介詞by連用,表示一種交通手段時(shí),不用the。 Did you come back by

20、plane or by train? 還有by water,by land,by sea,by air,on foot,On horse back 以及 by telephone, by telegraph但take a bus, on the bike, in a boat等需加冠詞。11表示語(yǔ)言的名詞前一般不用冠詞。如: Chinese,English, French, 但用language時(shí)需加the 如: the Chinese language12. turn 作“變成,成為”,后邊的名詞不帶冠詞。 turn engineer = become an engineer.13. 用于家

21、庭成員或nurse, cook, teacher 等具有our nurse ( cook, teacher) 等意義時(shí): Teacher was very pleased with our work. Mother was being made up looking like the ideal, middle-aged housewife.第24頁(yè),共49頁(yè),2022年,5月20日,22點(diǎn)1分,星期三14. 在獨(dú)立結(jié)構(gòu)中 The hunter entered the forest, gun in hand.獵人手拿著槍,走進(jìn)了森林。15.在as引導(dǎo)的讓步狀語(yǔ)從句 中。 Child as he

22、 is, he knows a lot about the history of China.他雖然是個(gè)孩子,卻對(duì)中國(guó)歷史了解很多16. 用在某些習(xí)慣用語(yǔ)中g(shù)o to school (college, hospital, class, church, bed)by bike, (bus, train, car, boat, ship, plane, air)at sunrise, (sunset, noon, night, midnight)第25頁(yè),共49頁(yè),2022年,5月20日,22點(diǎn)1分,星期三17.在下列表示行為、狀態(tài)、特征、原因以及說明方式、目的等的固定習(xí)語(yǔ)中。at breakfa

23、st(吃早飯時(shí))/at table(吃飯)/at dinner(吃飯)/in class(在課堂上)/in court(出庭作證)/in debt(欠債)/in danger(處境危險(xiǎn))/in good (poor)health身體健康 (不健康)/in good condition(狀態(tài)好)/in great demand/in great need/in motion(在運(yùn)動(dòng)中)/in time of danger/in office(就職)/in trouble (difficulty)/in surprise/in honour of/in favor of/with anger/in

24、 colour/in general/in size/in length/in character(在性格上)/in sight/in (out of) order/in fact/on business/on holiday/on leave(休假)/on strike/on watch/on fire/on time.第26頁(yè),共49頁(yè),2022年,5月20日,22點(diǎn)1分,星期三18.在某些詞組中,用不用冠詞,所表示的含義不同。如go to school (上學(xué)) go to the school(到學(xué)校去)in hospital (住院) in the hospital (在醫(yī)院里面)i

25、n front of (在前面) in the front of (在前部)of age 成年 of an age 同齡die of cold 凍死 die of a cold 感冒而死at table 用餐 at a table 在桌子旁in word 口頭上 in a word 總而言之a(chǎn)t sea 茫然不知所措 at the sea 在海上In charge of 負(fù)責(zé)。 In the charge of 有誰(shuí)負(fù)責(zé)two of us 我們中的兩人 the two of us 就我們兩人第27頁(yè),共49頁(yè),2022年,5月20日,22點(diǎn)1分,星期三19.有定冠詞與無定冠詞的區(qū)別吃飯坐在桌旁

26、在海邊乘船負(fù)責(zé)由負(fù)責(zé),在掌管之下在白天按日計(jì)算發(fā)生代替擁有為所擁有能看見據(jù)的見解代替在的地方成年同齡 sit at table sit at the table by the sea by sea be in charge of be in the charge of by day by the day take place take the place of in possession of in the possession of in sight of in the sight of in place of in the place of be of age be of an age第2

27、8頁(yè),共49頁(yè),2022年,5月20日,22點(diǎn)1分,星期三20.有定冠詞與無定冠詞的區(qū)別征求意見聽從勸告他仍在執(zhí)政他仍在辦公室那是毫無疑問的.那是根本不可能的.take advice take the advice He is still in office. He is still in the office. It is out of question. (=beyond question)It is out of the question(=impossible) in future / in the future ; in front of / in the front of第29頁(yè),

28、共49頁(yè),2022年,5月20日,22點(diǎn)1分,星期三 in bed / church / prison / town睡覺/做禮拜/蹲監(jiān)獄/進(jìn)城 in the bed / church / prison / town在床上/在教堂/在監(jiān)獄里/在城里 go to class / hospital / school / college 上課 / 住院 / 上學(xué) / 上大學(xué) go to the class / hospital / school / college 到課堂 / 醫(yī)院 / 學(xué)校 / 大學(xué)去第30頁(yè),共49頁(yè),2022年,5月20日,22點(diǎn)1分,星期三不用冠詞的集中情況 下列情況應(yīng)免冠,代

29、詞限定名詞前;專有名詞不可數(shù),學(xué)科球類三餐飯;復(fù)數(shù)名詞表泛指,兩節(jié)星期月份前;顏色語(yǔ)種和國(guó)名,稱呼習(xí)語(yǔ)及頭銜。第31頁(yè),共49頁(yè),2022年,5月20日,22點(diǎn)1分,星期三Finish activity 1 on students books. Because they are all uniquethere is only one of them.We usually use the definite article (the) with them. Why do you think this is necessary?第32頁(yè),共49頁(yè),2022年,5月20日,22點(diǎn)1分,星期三The I

30、nternet/ the World Wide Web/ the head teacher/ the universethe world/ the sun/ the official language/ the moon/ the president the capital第33頁(yè),共49頁(yè),2022年,5月20日,22點(diǎn)1分,星期三Finish activity 2. Continents: Asia, Europe, Oceania; America,AntarcticaCountries: China, Argentina, Australia, India, France (excep

31、tions: The Netherlands, The Netherlands, The Lebanon)第34頁(yè),共49頁(yè),2022年,5月20日,22點(diǎn)1分,星期三Cities: Beijing, London, New York, Sydney, Shanghai (exceptions: The Hague)Plural and uncountable nouns in general statements: Snow is cold. Guns are dangerous.第35頁(yè),共49頁(yè),2022年,5月20日,22點(diǎn)1分,星期三Is there (a/the) computer

32、 at your school?Do you have (a/the) lesson in the computer room?_Finish activity 3. Choose the correct article to complete each question.第36頁(yè),共49頁(yè),2022年,5月20日,22點(diǎn)1分,星期三3. Can you access (an/the) Internet at school?4. Have you got (a/ the) phone at home?5. Have you got (a/the) computer at home? _第37頁(yè)

33、,共49頁(yè),2022年,5月20日,22點(diǎn)1分,星期三1. Does _ headmaster know how to use a computer?2. Are_ computers important?3. Can you access _ Internet at school?the/theComplete the sentences with the definite article if necessary.第38頁(yè),共49頁(yè),2022年,5月20日,22點(diǎn)1分,星期三4. You need _ software to use a computer?5. _ World Wide W

34、eb is full of _ websites./The/第39頁(yè),共49頁(yè),2022年,5月20日,22點(diǎn)1分,星期三1. -Have you seen _pen? I left it here this morning. -Is it _black one? I think I saw some where. A. a; the B. the; the C. the ; a D. a; a 第40頁(yè),共49頁(yè),2022年,5月20日,22點(diǎn)1分,星期三2. Summers in _ south of France are for _most part dry and sunny. A./

35、; a B. the; / C. /; / D. the ; the 第41頁(yè),共49頁(yè),2022年,5月20日,22點(diǎn)1分,星期三3. Jumping out of _airplane at ten thousand feet is quite _exciting experience. A./;the B. /;an C. an; an D. the; the第42頁(yè),共49頁(yè),2022年,5月20日,22點(diǎn)1分,星期三4. I dont like talking on _ telephone; I prefer writing _letters. A. a; the B. the; 不填 C. the; the D. was killing 第43頁(yè),共49頁(yè),2022年,5月20日,22點(diǎn)1分,星期三5. -I dont like_New York at all.-But this isnt_ New York you remember. A. the; the B. /; th


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  • 6. 下載文件中如有侵權(quán)或不適當(dāng)內(nèi)容,請(qǐng)與我們聯(lián)系,我們立即糾正。
  • 7. 本站不保證下載資源的準(zhǔn)確性、安全性和完整性, 同時(shí)也不承擔(dān)用戶因使用這些下載資源對(duì)自己和他人造成任何形式的傷害或損失。



