人教PEP版五年級英語上冊《Unit 6 Part B 第一課時》課堂教學課件PPT小學公開課_第1頁
人教PEP版五年級英語上冊《Unit 6 Part B 第一課時》課堂教學課件PPT小學公開課_第2頁
人教PEP版五年級英語上冊《Unit 6 Part B 第一課時》課堂教學課件PPT小學公開課_第3頁
人教PEP版五年級英語上冊《Unit 6 Part B 第一課時》課堂教學課件PPT小學公開課_第4頁
人教PEP版五年級英語上冊《Unit 6 Part B 第一課時》課堂教學課件PPT小學公開課_第5頁
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1、人 教 PEP 版 英 語 五 年 級 上 冊Unit 6In a nature parkPart BLets try & Lets talkLets chantThere is a lake in the park. There is a lake in the park.There is a forest near the lake. There is a forest near the lake. There is a river near the lake.There is a river near the lake. There is a fish in the river.Ther

2、e is a fish in the river.Warm upforestLead inAsk and answerIs there a in the park?Lets tryriverlakehilWhere are the tables? Listen and fill in the blank.The tables are beside the la_k_e.MissWhite:Areyou hungry, children?Children:Yes,Miss White. Are there any tables?MissWhite:Yes,there are some table

3、s beside the lake.Chdliren:Lets have lunch there, please.MissWhite:OK!Listen again and check the answer.Its sunny today. Lets go to the nature park!PresentationIs there a hill in the park? Yes, there is.Are there any lakes in the park? Yes, there are.Are there any houses in the park? Yes, there are.

4、Are there any tall buildings in the park? No, there arent.Are there any animals in the park?Yes, there are. They are ducks and rabbits.Zhang Peng and Miss White are in the nature park. What are they talking about? Lets listen.Lets talkAre there any tall buildings in the park? No, there arent.Are the

5、re any animals in the park?Yes, there are. They are ducks and rabbits.Listen again and answer the questions.1. Why is the nature park so quite? Because there arent many people.arent = are notLets watch the video.in the natureZhangPeng:Arethere any tall buidl ingspark?MissWhite:No,there aren t .Zhang

6、Peng:Arethere any ani masl?MissWhite:Yes,there are. There areducksand_r_a_b_b_ti_s_.ZhangPeng:Thenature park is so q_u_i e t .MissWhite:Yes,Zhang Peng. There ar_entmany people.Listen and fill in the blanks.Language pointsThere be句型變一般疑問句的方法將be動詞放句首,some變any,其余照抄。 肯定回答:Yes, there is/are.否定回答:No, ther

7、e isnt/arent.e.g. Is there a pencil on the desk?Yes, there is.Are there any pencils on the desk?Yes,there are.some和any的用法some 和any都是“一些”的意思,some用于肯定句,any用于疑問句和否定句。e.g. Do you have any story books? Id like some tea, please.Tick a picture and find your “friend”.Mike:Two.ChenJie:Your emy “friend”.Chhee

8、nnJJieie:AArreetthheerreeaannyyllaakkeessiinntthheeppaarrkk?OMliveikre:NYeos,t,htheerereaareren.t.ChCehneJnJiei:e:SHoorwrym.aYnoyu?r enot my friend.PracticePractice in pairs.一、將下列句子改為否定句。There is a clock on the desk. T_h_e_r_e_is_n_t _ac_lo_c_k_o_n_t_h_e_d_e_s_k_.There are some pencils in my pencil

9、box. T_h_e_r_e_a_re_n_tan_ype_n_c_il_s_i_n_m_y_p_e_n_c_il_b_o_x_.Exercises二、連詞成句。any, there, cars, arent (.) The_r_e_a_r_e_n_t_a_n_y_c_a_r_s.isnt, a, the, river, there, in, park (.)_T_h_e_reis_n_t_a ri_v_erin_t_h_e_p_a_r_k_.are, pictures, there, any, the, wall, on (?) Are t_he_r_e_a_n_y_p_i_c_tu_r_e_s_o_n_t_h_e_w_a_l_l?Are there Bflowers in the park?Yes, there are.A. aB. anyC. SomeThere Ca tree and many flowers near the lake.A. amB. areC. is三、選擇填空。學習了下列單詞:arent, r


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