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1、Welcome to Wisdom Welcome to Wisdom Time for classPeriod1 14:3015:10Period2 15:2016:00Period3 16:0017:00Time for classPeriod1 14:301Self-introductionSelf-introductionMy name is Kelly, K-e-l-l-y, Kelly.who where I am from Zhanjiang. a beautiful and nice placeNow I live in Dagang.My name is Kelly, K-e

2、-l-l-y, K新概念英語一Lesson-101-102-A-card-from-Jimmy新概念英語一Lesson-101-102-A-card-from-Jimmy新概念英語一Lesson-101-102-A-card-from-JimmywhatHobbyI like swimming and playing basketball becauseit is good for my health.My favorite food is seafood because its delicious.whatI like swimming and playinEnding I am an ea

3、sy and outgoing boy/girl. I like to make friends, so if you want to make friend with me, just come to me .Thank you!Ending I am an easy and L 101-102 A card from JimmyL 101-102 A card from Jimmy新概念英語一Lesson-101-102-A-card-from-JimmyNew words and expressions國外節(jié)日New Years Day新年Valentines Day情人節(jié)Easter

4、Monday復(fù)活節(jié)April Fools Day愚人節(jié)Mothers Day母親節(jié)Fathers Day父親節(jié)Halloween萬圣節(jié)Thanksgiving感恩節(jié)Christmas Day圣誕節(jié)card (n.)卡片Business card 名片 birthday card 生日賀卡membership card 會員卡 postcard 明信片I received a postcard on Charistmas eve.New words and expressions國外節(jié)日chostel (n.)招待所,旅館hotel 旅館, 客棧, 監(jiān)獄;大旅社hostel 宿舍, 旅店, 客棧

5、;會館;(校外)學(xué)生宿舍青年招待所inn (尤指鄉(xiāng)村或公路邊的) 旅館, 客棧,酒館lodge 門房, (獵人住的)山林小屋, (游覽區(qū)的)旅館, (地方社團的)集會處motel 汽車旅館youth (n.)青年They studied together in their youth.The youth of today has greater opportunities than ever before.hostel (n.)招待所,旅館youth (n.)青年association (n.)協(xié)會,聯(lián)合,團體,交往NBA:National Basketball AssociationAsso

6、ciation of Southeast Asian Nations東南亞國家聯(lián)盟 soon (adv.)立刻,馬上;一會兒,不久;快Youll be hearing from us very soon.We reached the station an hour too soon.She will come here sooner or later.Please get this done as soon as possible. Youll never guess what happened as soon as I left my room. 一就你怎么也猜不出我一離開房間就發(fā)生了什么事

7、。association (n.)協(xié)會,聯(lián)合,團體,交往sooyou are all well be well 是說主語是“身體健康的或令人滿意的”,往往用人做主語;而be good是說主語是“優(yōu)良的;令人愉快的;虔誠的”,往往不用人做主語。in good health, in good coditionwrite (v.)寫,寫信 wrote-written writingShe wrote to ask me to come. 寫信When he was very young, he began to learn to read and write. 習(xí)字you are all wellw

8、rite (v.)寫,寫信“I have just arrived in Scotland and Im staying at a Youth Hostel.” 直接引語 Jimmy wrote that she had just arrived in Scotland and he was staying at a Youth Hostel.間接引語 He doesnt say very much, does he?反意疑問句由陳述句和簡略問句組成。如果前一部分陳述句是肯定形式,簡略問句就要用否定形式;如果前一部分是否定形式,后面則用肯定形式。You are a good student,

9、arent you?Its a fine day, isnt it?He isnt a good man, is he?You have finished your homework, havent you?“I have just arrived in Scotlaa member of 是.的一個成員He is a member of our team.Read Jimmys card to me please, Penny.read sth to sb 把讀給聽read sb. Sth.讀這份報紙給我聽。Read the newspaper to me. 你能給我讀一下這封信嗎?Can

10、you read the letter to me?a member of 是.的一個成員直接引語: 直接引述別人的原話.直接引語的前后必須加引號。間接引語: 轉(zhuǎn)述別人的話。間接引語前后不加引號。直接引語與間接引語的定義直接引語: 直接引述別人的原話.直接引語的前后必須加引號。間e.g. He often says,“China is great.” He often says (that) China is great.Tom says,“I am a student.” Tom says (that) he is a student.He says,“I leave my book in

11、your room” He said (that) he left his book in your room.直接引語如果是陳述句,變?yōu)殚g接引語時, 用連詞that引導(dǎo),that在口語中常省略。主句的謂語動詞可直接用引語中的say, 也可用tell來代替,注意,可以說sb. say that, sb. tell sb. that,不可直接說tell that 陳述句e.g. He often says,“China is g一般疑問句 He said, “Do you have any difficulty with pronunciation?” He asked (me) whether

12、/if I had any difficulty with my pronunciation. He said, “You are interested in English, arent you?” He asked whether I was interested in English. 間接引語用連詞whether或if引導(dǎo),原主句中謂語動詞say要改為ask ,語序要變?yōu)殛愂稣Z序 一般疑問句 He said, “Do you have anHe asked, “Do you speak English or French?” He asked me whether I spoke En

13、glish or French. I asked, “Will you take bus or take train?” I asked him whether he would take bus or take train. “Is he all right?”They cried out.They cried out whether he was all right.注意:大多數(shù)情況下,if ,whether 可以互換,但句中出現(xiàn)or (not),或放在介詞后作連接詞,只用whether。He asked, “Do you speak Englis特殊疑問句 He said to me,“

14、Whats your name?” He asked me what my name was. He asked us, “How many car factories have been built in your country?” He asked us how many car factories had been built in our country. 原來的疑問詞作為間接引語的連詞,主句的謂語動詞用ask(sb. )來表達,語序改為陳述句語序 特殊疑問句 He said to me,“Whats yo直接引語是祈使句,則改為tell/order/ask sb. (not) to

15、 do sth.祈使句He said, “Please come here tomorrow.”The teacher said, “Dont talk any more.”He asked me to go there the next day.The teacher told us not to talk any more.直接引語是祈使句,則改為tell/order/ask sb.反意疑問句(Tag Questions)附加疑問句 由陳述句加簡短附加問句構(gòu)成,用以要求對方證實所述之事。附加疑問句主要有兩種類型:反意的附加疑問句, 反意的附加疑問句He doesnt say very mu

16、ch, does he?如果前一部分陳述句是肯定形式,簡略問句就要用否定形式如果前一部分陳述句是否定形式,后一部分則用肯定形式。反意疑問句(Tag Questions)附加疑問句回答反意疑問句要根據(jù)實際情況而定,不管問題的提法如何,若事實是肯定的,就要用yes,事實是否定的,就要用no.他是一個工程師,不是嗎?He is an engineer, isnt he?實際情況:He is an engineer. -Yes, he is. 實際情況:He isnt an engineer. -No, he isnt.回答反意疑問句要根據(jù)實際情況而定,他不是一個工程師,是嗎?He isnt an e

17、ngineer, is he? Yes, he is.(不,他是)No,he isnt.(是的,他不是)你沒有準(zhǔn)備好,是吧?Youre not ready, are you? Yes, I am.(不,我準(zhǔn)備好了)No,Im not.(是的,我沒有)他不是一個工程師,是嗎?)人稱的變化口訣說明直接引語間接引語一隨主二隨賓三不變引號內(nèi)的第一人稱變間引后與主句主語的人稱保持一致引號內(nèi)的第二人稱變間引后與主句賓語的人稱保持一致引號內(nèi)的第三人稱在變間引后去人稱不變She said,“ I like tennis.”She said that she liked tennisHe said to Lil

18、y,“ you must get up early”He told Lily that she must get up earlyShe said to me ,“ They want tohelp him”She told me that That they wanted help him一隨主,二隨賓,三不變)人稱的變化口訣說明直接引語間接引語一二隨賓三引號內(nèi)的Practice:1) He said,“ My brother failed in the exam.” He said _brother had failed in the exam.2) He said to Mary,“ H

19、ow is your mother now?” he asked Mary how _mother was then.3)My teacher said, she is a good student. My teacher said _was a good student4) He said to me,“ Ive left her book in your room” He told me that _had left _ book in _ room.hishershehehermyPractice:hishershehehermyHe says,“Is Tom a student or

20、a teacher?” He asks whether Tom is a student or a teacher.He asked me, Do you like playing football?“ He asked me if/whether I liked playing football.My sister asked me : “ Whois your friend?”My sister asked me who my friend was.Jack asked me, How do you like the film?Jack asked me how I liked the f

21、ilm.The solider ordered,“Be quiet.” The solider ordered us to be quiet.He said to her,“Open the door, please.”He asked her to open the door.She says,“I will go to Beijing next month.”She says (that) she will go to Beijing the next month.He often says “ I shall tell you about them.” He often tells me

22、 that he will tell me about them.He says,“Is Tom a student or a2) 時態(tài)的變化He says, I will do it tomorrow”He says that he will do it tomorrow. 如果主句的謂語動詞是現(xiàn)在時,直接引語變成間接引語時,從句的時態(tài)無需變化如果主句的謂語動詞是一般過去時,直接引語變成間接引語時,從句的時態(tài)要做出相應(yīng)的改變2) 時態(tài)的變化He says, I will do 1.“ I am ill today.” said my mother.My mother said that sh

23、e ill that day.2.“We work hard at English.” he said.wasHe said that they hard at English.worked1.“ I am ill today.” said my m1.They said to me, “We are working hard at a company.” They told me that they at a company.were working2.“I am writing a letter now.”she said.She said that she a letter then.w

24、as writing1.They said to me, “We are worPractice :. John said, “I like reading adventure stories. ” John said that he _ reading adventure stories. She said to me, “I broke your CD player. ” She told me that she _ my CD player. He said, “Ill come here this morning.” He said he_ go there that morning.

25、 He says, “I have finished my homework.” He says that he _ his homework. . He said, “they are playing games over there?” He said that they_ playing games over there.likedhad brokenwouldhad finishedwerePractice :likedhad brokenwouldnowthentodayThat daytonightThat nightagoBefore/earlieryesterdayThe day beforelast nightThe night beforetomorrowThe next/following daynext The next/following 直接引語中的時間狀語轉(zhuǎn)換規(guī)則:nowthentodayThat daytonightTha直接引語中動詞come在間接引語中用go:直接引語中副詞here在間接引語中用there:直接引語中的指示代詞轉(zhuǎn)換規(guī)則:this變?yōu)閠hat; these變?yōu)閠hose本來就是that/those則不變。直接引語中動詞come在間接引語中用go:直接引語中副詞1. “What does this word mean?” she


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