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1、初中英語翻譯專題訓練100題含參考答案一、漢譯英:整句.你有棒球拍嗎?沒有,但是邁克有。答案Do you have a baseball bat? No, but Mike does.【詳解】根據(jù)中文提示可知,此句是一般現(xiàn)在時的一般疑問句。由于句中有行為動詞 且主語是you,因此句首用助動詞Do;根據(jù)句意可知,前后是轉(zhuǎn)折關(guān)系,用but連 接,Mike是第三人稱單數(shù),用助動詞does來代替“has a baseball bat.。故填Do you have a baseball bat? No, but Mike does.這些是他的箱子嗎?是的?!敬鸢浮恳籄re these his boxes

2、?一Yes.【詳解】這些these,他的箱子his box,是的yes; 一般疑問句含be的結(jié)構(gòu)為:be+主 語+表語?故填一Are these his boxes?Yes.他媽媽經(jīng)常鼓勵他努力學習?!敬鸢浮縃is mother often encourages him to work hard.【詳解】他媽媽his mother;經(jīng)常often,用于一般現(xiàn)在時;鼓勵某人做某事encourage sb. to do sth.;努力學習work hard。his mother是單數(shù)第三人稱,動詞需用三單形式; 根據(jù)句意結(jié)構(gòu)和中文提示,可知填His mother often encourages

3、him to work hard. o.今天誰來做演講? (speech)【答案】Who is going to make a speech today?【詳解】根據(jù)所給漢語意思可知,時態(tài)是一般將來時,構(gòu)成:主語+be going to+動詞原 形,疑問詞who“誰”作主語,所以be動詞用is,動詞短語make a speech”做演講”, today今天,故填 Who is going to make a speech today?.他喜歡聽音樂,因為音樂總能讓他開心。答案】He enjoys listening to music because music always makes him

4、 happy.【詳解】他he,喜歡聽音樂enjoy listening to music,因為because,音樂music,總.大明喜歡聽英語歌曲。(enjoy)【答案】Darning enjoys listening to English songs.【詳解】句中使用的句型是enjoy doing sth.喜歡做某事,主語Daming是第三人稱單數(shù) 形式,故謂語動詞enjoy后加s; listen to是固定短語,聽,后面跟English songs作 賓語。.她總是將公交車上的座位讓給有需要的人?!敬鸢浮縎he always gives her seat on the bus to so

5、meone in need.【詳解】她:she,人稱代詞主格,句首首字母大寫;總是:always;將座位讓給: give ones seat to sb.,此句中應用“her表示她的”;有需要的人:someone in need;公 交車上:on the bus。根據(jù)“always”可知,句子時態(tài)為一般現(xiàn)在時,she是單數(shù)第三人 稱,動詞需用三單形式“gives”。故填 She always gives her seat on the bus to someone in need.我寧愿騎車,也不愿考慮乘地鐵。答案】I would rather ride a bike than conside

6、r taking the underground.【詳解】“寧愿 也不愿 “對應的句型是“would rather do sth. than do sth.;騎車” 對應的表達是“ride a bike”; “考慮做某事”對應的表達是“consider doing sth”?!俺说罔F” 對應的表達是“take the underground”。 故填 I would rather ride a bike than consider taking the underground.警察們搜遍了森林找那個九歲的男孩。答案】The policemen/ The police searched the

7、whole forest for the nine-year-old boy.【詳解】根據(jù)題干可知,本句是一般過去時。the policemen/the police“警察們”,作主 語;searchfor”搜查, search 的過去式為 searched; the whole fbrest”整個森林”;the nine-year-old boy”九歲的男孩”,作 for 的賓語。故填 The policemen/ The police searched the whole forest fbr the nine-year-old boy.你認為我們必須使青少年遠離互聯(lián)網(wǎng)嗎?【答案】 Do

8、you think we must keep teenagers away from the Internet?【詳解】你認為我們必須使青少年遠離互聯(lián)網(wǎng)嗎?根據(jù)keep away from遠離;故答案是.Do you think we must keep teenagers away from the Internet?.每個人的家里都有許多家務要做。(There be.)【答案】There is a lot of/lots of/much housework to do in everyones family.【詳解】根據(jù)中文句意可知,本句為Therebe句型,使用一般現(xiàn)在時。Therebe

9、 “有琳 a lot of/lots 0fzmuch許多;housework 家務;to do要做;in everyones family在每 個人的家里本句為一般現(xiàn)在時,主語為不可數(shù)名詞,使用be動詞is。故填There is a lot of/lots of/much housework to do in everyones family.你應該盡可能多地聽中文歌曲和看中文電影?!敬鸢浮?You should listen to Chinese songs and watch Chinese films as much as possible.【詳解】根據(jù)漢語可知,本句是一般現(xiàn)在時;“應該

10、should,后跟動詞原形;“聽中文歌曲listen to Chinese songs;”看中文電影“watch Chinese films;和and;盡可能多地“as much as possible o 故填 You should listen to Chinese songs and watch Chinese films as much as possible.會議后他媽媽太累了做不了任何事。【答案】 After the meeting , his mother was too tired to do anything.【詳解】表達“后”用介詞“after”,表達“會議”用定冠詞“th

11、e”和名詞“meeting”。句子的 主語是“his mother”,是單數(shù)概念。句子是一般過去時,be動詞用“was”?!疤荒?”用“tooto”的結(jié)構(gòu)。表達“累”用形容詞“tired”,表達“做”用動詞不定式“to do”,表達否認,“任何事用不定代詞anything”。故填 After the meeting, his mother was too tired to do anything.大家都知道火星上的重力只是地球上重力的大約八分之三。(漢譯英)答案It is known to all that the gravity on Mars is just about three e

12、ights of that on Earth.【詳解】“大家者K矢口道“it is known to all;重力gravity;八分之三three eights;比擬 的對象是重力,可以用指示代詞that指代。此題需用it指代句子后半局部that引導的 主語從句 o 故填 It is known to all that the gravity on Mars is just about three eights of thaton Earth.孩子們認為萬圣節(jié)是個很有趣的節(jié)日?!敬鸢浮緾hildren think Halloween is an very interesting festiv

13、al.【詳解】children“孩子們”,think“認為,Halloween萬圣節(jié)”是單數(shù),be動詞用單數(shù)is, interesting festival“有趣的節(jié)日“,interesting是以元音音素開頭的單詞,所以用不定 冠詞 an 修飾表泛指,故填 Children think Halloween is an very interesting festival.她打破了這扇窗,所以她主動提出要賠償?!敬鸢浮縎he broke the window, so she offered to pay for it.【詳解】根據(jù)句意可知,本句是一般過去時,she“她 broke the win

14、dow打破了這扇 窗”,so所以,offered to pay for it主動提出要賠償”。故填 She broke the window, so she offered to pay for it.當公交車到了,孩子們就迫不及待地上車了?!敬鸢?1 The children couldnt wait to get on the bus when the bus arrived.【詳解】根據(jù)句意和語境可知是一般過去時。分析句子結(jié)構(gòu)可知是when引導的時間狀 語從句。公交車到了: the bus arrived;孩子們:the children;迫不及待做某事:can*t wait to do

15、 sth.; 上車:get on the bus。 故填 The children couldnt wait to get on the bus when the bus arrived.天將要下雨了,你最好待在家里。答案】It is going to rain, youd better stay at home.【詳解】前半句是一般將來時,可用am/i前re going to do表示;天:用it代替,所以 be動詞用is;下雨:rain;你:作主語,用主格you;最好:had better do sth;待在家 里:stay at home0 故填 It is going to rain,

16、 youd better stay at home.深圳有適合每個人的東西,今年為什么不來深圳游玩呢? (whynot)答案】Shenzhen has something suitable for everyone, so why not come to have a visit?【詳解】something”一些東西,suitable“適合的”,修飾不定代詞后置,Shenzhen作主 語,謂語動詞用第三人稱單數(shù)has; for”對某人來說”,everyone“每個人”;so“那么”; why not為什么不”,提建議句型,后接動詞原形,come to do st句來做某事”;have a vi

17、sit“參觀。故填 Shenzhen has something suitable fbr everyone, so why not come to have avisit? o.雖然你很努力了,但是你應該認真考慮一下你的學習方法。【答案 Although you worked very hard, you should think about your way of learning carefully.【詳解】本句可用although“盡管”置于句首,引導讓步狀語從句;很努力:work very hard;應該:should,情態(tài)動詞,其后應接動詞原形;考慮:think about;認真地

18、: carefully;你的學習方法:your way of learning; “你很努力了 ”為發(fā)生在過去的事,故 從句為一般過去時,謂語動詞work用其過去式。故填Although you worked very hard, you should think about your way of learning carefully.將以下句子譯成英語,并將所譯句子寫在答題卷標有題號的橫線上。. 一天一蘋果,不用去診所。.她最愛的科目是地理和歷史。.周末她通?;ǘ嗌贂r間練習打排球?.為了我們的健康,我們需要吃更健康的食物。.感謝你帶著這些英雄參觀這兩座現(xiàn)代化的圖書館。【答案】57. An

19、apple a day keeps a doctor away.Her favorite subjects are geography and history.How much time does she usually spend practising/practicing playing volleyball on weekends/on the weekend/at weekends/at the weekend?For our health, we need to eat healthier food.Thank you/Thanks fbr showing these heroes

20、around the two modem libraries.【解析】57.根據(jù)中文提示可知,an apple a day表示“一天一個蘋果,keep a doctor away表示“遠離醫(yī)生,也就是“不用去診所”;one叩pie a day是句中主語,而且是第三 人稱單數(shù)形式,所以此處動詞keep使用第三人稱單數(shù)形式。故填An apple a day keeps a doctor away.根據(jù)中文提示可知,her表示“她的,favorite subject表示“最喜愛的科目”, geography and history表示“地理和歷史”,最喜歡的科目是地理和歷史兩科,所以此處 subje

21、ct 使用復數(shù)形式,并且 be 動詞使用 are。故填 Her favorite subjects are geography and history.根據(jù)中文提示可知,該句為特殊疑問句;how much time表示“詢問多少時間”, she表示“她,usually表示“通?!?spend time doing sth.表示“花時間做某事”, practise/practice 表示練習,play volleyball 表示打排球,practise/practice playing volleyball 表示“練習打抖F球”,spend time practising/ practicing

22、 playing volleyball 表示“花 時間練習打排球,on weekends/on the weekend/at weekends/at the weekend 表示“在周 末”;疑問句中how much time置于句首,句中spend是實義動詞,主語she是第三人 稱單數(shù)形式,所以此處需要助動詞doeso故填How much time does she usually spend practising/practicing playing volleyball on weekends/on the weekend/at weekends/at the weekend?.根據(jù)中文

23、提示可知,for表示“為了,our health表示“我們的健康”,we表示“我 們“,need表示“需要,need to do sth.需要做某事,eat表示吃”,healthier food表示 “更健康的食物故填 For our health, we need to eat healthier food.根據(jù)中文提示可知,thank you/thanks for表示“感謝你”,其中for是介詞,其后可 接動名詞;show sb. around sp.表示“帶著某人參觀某地”,for是介詞,所以show使用 動名詞形式showing; these heroes表示“這些英雄,the two

24、 modem libraries表示“這兩 座現(xiàn)代化的圖書館”。故填 Thank you/Thanks for showing these heroes around the two modem libraries.你會寫作業(yè)嗎?【答案】Can you do your homework?【詳解】會(能)can;寫作業(yè)do ones homework。本句是一般疑問句,can需放在句 首,大寫首字母;主語是“你you, ones需用your;根據(jù)句意結(jié)構(gòu)和漢語提示,故填 Can you do your homework?根據(jù)括號內(nèi)所給英文提示語將以下句子翻譯成英語。.那時,她像往常一樣在看電視。

25、(as usual).最終,他們找到了那家旅館。(in the end).在放學回家的路上我遇到了我叔叔。(on ones way).他昨天容許要幫助我。(promise to do sth.).媽媽經(jīng)常告訴我要努力學習。(tell sb. to d。sth.)案63. As usual, she was watching TV at that time.In the end, they found that hotel.I met my uncle on my way home from school.He promised to help me yesterday.Mum often te

26、lls me to study hard.【解析】63. as usual像往常一樣;那時at that time,用于過去進行時;看電視watch TVO she是單數(shù)第三人稱,需用“was doing”結(jié)構(gòu);句首單詞的首字母需大寫,根據(jù)句 子結(jié)構(gòu)和中英文提示,可知填As usual, she was watching TV at that time. In the end最終,用于一般過去時,動詞需用過去式;找到find;那家旅館that hotelo根據(jù)句子結(jié)構(gòu)和中英文提示,可知填I(lǐng)n the end, they found that hotel. on ones way在某人 的路上;

27、在(我)放學回家的路上on my way home firom school;遇到meet;我叔叔my uncle。根據(jù)句子結(jié)構(gòu)和中英文提示,可知動詞meet發(fā) 生在過去,需用過去式,故填 I met my uncle on my way home from school. o. promise to do sth.承諾/容許做某事;幫助某人help sb.; yesterday昨天,用于一般 過去時,動詞需用過去式。根據(jù)句子結(jié)構(gòu)和中英文提示,可知填He promised to help me yesterday. tell sb. to do sth.告訴某人做某事;經(jīng)常often,用于一般

28、現(xiàn)在時;努力學習study hardo mum是單數(shù)第三人稱,動詞需用三單形式;根據(jù)句子結(jié)構(gòu)和中英文提示,可知 填 Mum often tells me to study hard.【點睛】完成句子,綜合考查句式結(jié)構(gòu),動詞形式、時態(tài)和語態(tài),需要考生結(jié)合句子 的主語確定動詞形式,根據(jù)時間狀語的提示確定時態(tài),根據(jù)主語和動詞之間的關(guān)系確 定語態(tài)。同時注意各種從句和固定句式的運用。例如小題4, promise to do sth,承諾/答 應做某事;幫助某人helpsb.; yesterday昨天,用于一般過去時,動詞需用過去式。根 據(jù)句子結(jié)構(gòu)和中英文提示,可知填He promised to help

29、 me yesterday.o.他長大后想當一名籃球運發(fā)動。【答案】He wants to be a basketball player when he grows up.【詳解】want to do sth想要做某事;be a basketball player”成為一名籃球運發(fā)動”; when“當時”;grow up“長大”,此句是一般現(xiàn)在時,主語是第三人稱單數(shù),動詞用 三單,故填 He wants to be a basketball player when he grows up.訓練學生的生活技能很重要?!敬鸢浮縄t is very important to train studen

30、ts9 life skills.【詳解】這是陳述句,表示“做某事是重要的“用it is very important to do;it是形式 主語,真正的主語是動詞不定式,表達“訓練”用to train,賓語“學生的生活技能“此處用 名詞所有格+復數(shù)名詞students9 life skills”。故答案為 It is very important to train students9 life skills.他的課堂總是充滿了樂趣。他在教學中運用了許多的游戲?!敬鸢浮?His classes are always full of fun. He uses lots of games in h

31、is teaching.【詳解】His classes“他的課堂”;always“總是”,固定短語be full o中充滿。主語是復 數(shù),be動詞用are; fun“樂趣:use“使用。是動詞,主語是第三人稱單數(shù),動詞用三 單形式;lots or許多;game“游戲;in his teaching在他的教學中”。故填His classes are always full of fun. He uses lots of games in his teaching.厚厚的白雪覆蓋了一切。【答案】Everything is covered in deep white snow.【詳解】be cove

32、red in deep white snow被白雪覆蓋著,由句意可知時態(tài)是一般現(xiàn)在時, 主語 everything 接 be 動詞 is。故填 Everything is covered in deep white snow.明星該如何得體吸引粉絲注意?? *【答案】How should stars catch fans attention properly【詳解】根據(jù)標點符號和中文句意可知,本句是特殊疑問句,how“如何,怎么樣”,是 特殊疑問句詞,should是情態(tài)動詞,意為“應該”,后接動詞原形;star是名詞,可作主 語,意為“明星,星星”;fan是名詞,意為“粉絲”;fans是復數(shù)形

33、式,其名詞所有格形 式為fans; catch ones attention吸引某人的注意力;properly是副詞,可修飾動詞;故 填 How should stars catch fans9 attention properlyo.在這本書中,我們設法了解了很多關(guān)于世界文化方面的東西。【答案】In this book, we managed to learn a lot about the worlds culture.【詳解】in this book:在這本書中;manage to do sth:設法做某事:learn a lot about sth: 了解很多關(guān)于某事;the worl

34、ds culture:世界文化,根據(jù)中文提示,可知,此句應 用一般過去時,故填 In this book, we managed to learn a lot about the worlds culture.他主動提出要幫我清掃教室。【答案】He offered to help me clean the classroom.【詳解】固定搭配:offter to do sth“主動提出做某事;help sb do sth“幫助某人做某 事”;clean the classroom清掃教室,句子是一般過去時,故填He offered to help me clean the classroom.

35、我的表弟Andy迫不及待地在臥室安裝了一盞更亮的燈?!敬鸢浮?My cousin Andy couldnt wait to put in a brighter light in the bedroom.【詳解】我的表弟Andy: my cousin Andy,作主語,放在句首首字母要大寫;迫不及 待做某事:cant wait to do sth.,根據(jù)中文句意可知,本句是描述過去發(fā)生的事,時態(tài) 為一般過去時,應用couldnt;在臥室:inthebedroom,作地點狀語,放在句末;安 裝:put in,前面有couldnt wait to,應用動詞原形;一盞更亮的燈:a brighter l

36、ighto 故填 My cousin Andy couldnt wait to put in a brighter light in the bedroom.我們尚未在任何其他星球上發(fā)現(xiàn)生命。(yet)【答案】We have not found life on any other planet yet.【詳解】分析題干可知,本句是現(xiàn)在完成時(have/has done)o we“我們”,作主語,位 于句首首字母需大寫;find“發(fā)現(xiàn)”,其過去分詞為found; notye儼還沒;life“生命”, 作賓語;on any other planet”在其他星球上”。故填 We have not f

37、ound life on any other planet yet.我的父母總是耐心傾聽我的煩惱,并主動給予我?guī)椭!敬鸢浮?My parents always listen to my problems patiently and offer to help me/offer me help.【詳解】我的父母:my parents;總是always,頻度副詞,實前系后;傾聽我的煩惱 listen to my problems;耐心patiently,副詞修飾動詞;提供offer,后續(xù)動詞不定式, 或 sb. sth.o 故填 My parents always listen to my pr

38、oblems patiently and offer to help me/ofler me help.根據(jù)漢語意思及英文提示翻譯句子.孩子們下星期將登上長城。(walkup).我正期盼能見到我最喜歡的電影明星。(look forward to).今天下午我將和我媽媽去購物。(go shopping).他們將何時從倫敦到達紐約?(get to).很多女孩不喜歡在晚上外出。(goout)【答案】78. The children are going to walk up the Great Wall next week. Pm looking forward to seeing my favour

39、ite film star. I am going to go shopping with my mother this afternoon. When are they going to get to New York from London?. Many girls donft like to go out in the evening.【解析】78.通過句意可知,本句是一般將來時,結(jié)合本單元內(nèi)容用be going to結(jié) 構(gòu);孩子們The children將be going to,這兒主語是復數(shù)所以系動詞用are;結(jié)合提供 詞組walk up可知,登上長城walk up the Grea

40、t Wall; 口寸間狀語一般放在句尾,下星期 next weeko 故答案為 The children are going to walk up the Great Wall next week.通過“正期盼”及句意可知,本句用現(xiàn)在進行時am/is/are doing,本句主語是I,所 以系動詞用am;我正期盼Pm looking forward to;見到see,而look forward to后接 doing,所以用seeing;我最喜歡的my favourite,電影明星Elm star。故答案為Pm looking forward to seeing my favourite fil

41、m star.通過“我將”及句意可知,本句用一般將來時be going to結(jié)構(gòu);本句主語是I所以 系動詞用am,我將I am going to;去購物go shopping;和我媽媽with my mother;時 間狀語放在句尾,今天下午this afternoono故答案為I am going to go shopping with my mother this afternoon.通過句意可知,本句為一般將來時,結(jié)合本單元內(nèi)容用be going to結(jié)構(gòu);主語是 他們,所以系動詞用are;根據(jù)句意和句尾問號可知,本句是以when引導的特殊疑問 句,when后接一般疑問句,are要提前,

42、are they going to;從倫敦到達紐約getto New York from London o 故答案為 When are they going to get to New York from London?.根據(jù)句意可知,本句為一般現(xiàn)在時,實義動詞“喜歡”用原形或三單;很多女孩 many girls,句首單詞首字母要大寫;主語是復數(shù),所以實義動詞喜歡”用原形like, 不喜歡don*t like;外出go out,喜歡做某事是like to do sth,不喜歡外出don!t like to go out; 在晚上 in the eveningo 故答案為 Many girls

43、donft like to go out in the evening.他從未按時完成工作。【答案 J He never finishes his work on time.【詳解】從未never”,是頻度副詞,放在主語后、行為動詞前;結(jié)合題目可判斷句子 的時態(tài)為一般現(xiàn)在時;完成他的工作“finish his work,主語是he,所以后面的動詞要 用第三人稱單數(shù)形式;按時“on time”,介詞短語。故填He never finishes his work on time.除了住在隔壁的那個男子之外,他和所有鄰居都相處和睦。【答案】 He gets along with all of his

44、 neighbours except the man who lives next door.【詳解】他:he;和某人相處的和睦:get along with;所有他的鄰居:all of his neighbours;根據(jù)語境可知應用一般現(xiàn)在時,主語he為第三人稱單數(shù),所以謂語動詞 應用動詞的第三人稱單數(shù)形式;除了之外:except;那個男子:the man;住在隔 壁的男子:the man who lives next door, who引導定語從句,先行詞man為單數(shù),所以 謂語動詞live用動詞的第三人稱單數(shù)形式。故填He gets along with all of his neigh

45、bours except the man who lives next door.這場暴風雨摧毀了許多東西。 always,讓他開心make him happyo本句時態(tài)是一般現(xiàn)在時,主語分別是he和 music, 動詞用三單。故填 He enjoys listening to music because music always makes him happy.她們是你的姐妹們嗎?(sisters)【答案】Are they your sisters?【詳解】她們:they;你的姐妹們:your sisters;此題是一般疑問句,時態(tài)為一般現(xiàn)在時,主語they是復數(shù),因此be的用are,位于句

46、首首字母大寫。故填Are they your sisters?.他想吃一些香蕉。【答案】He wants to eat some bananas.【詳解】want to do sth想要做某事;eat some bananas“吃一些香蕉”,句子是一般現(xiàn)在 時,主語he是第三人稱,動詞用三單形式,故填He wants to eat some bananas.我是一個新學生。(漢譯英)【答案】I am a new student.【詳解】我:I,人稱代詞的主格作主語;一個新學生:anew studento結(jié)合語境可 知,此題為一般現(xiàn)在時,主語為I, be動詞應用am。故填I(lǐng) am a new s

47、tudent.金門大橋有多長?【答案】How long is the Golden Gate Bridge?【詳解】金門大橋有多長?根據(jù)how long多長;故答案是How long is the Golden Gate Bridge?句子翻譯.美國學生花在作業(yè)上時間最少。.那個有著微笑的眼睛的女孩從不說別人的壞話。.周末我喜歡呆在家里而不出去。.媽媽建議我用當季的水果制作水果沙拉?!敬鸢浮縏he storm broke many things apart.【詳解】考查漢譯英。根據(jù)句意可知要用一般過去時。“這場暴風雨”譯為“the storm”;“摧毀”譯為“break sth. apart”

48、; “許多東西”譯為“many things”。事情已經(jīng)發(fā)生,用一般過 去時,break 的過去式是 broke故答案為:The storm broke many things apart.句子翻譯:.我們最好堅持用英語寫我們的日常生活。.在世界公園里,有來自世界各地一百多個名勝古跡的模型。.明天你能代替我去參加那個會議嗎?.當他們到達農(nóng)場時,他們迫不及待地往籃子里裝蔬菜。. David建議我多花點時間在打籃球上?!敬鸢浮?6. Wed better keep writing about our daily life in English.There are models of over/mo

49、re than 100 places of interest from all over the world in the World Park.Can you attend the meeting instead of me tomorrow?When they arrived at/got to/reached the farm, they couldnt wait to fill the baskets with vegetables.David advises me to spend more time playing basketball.【解析】86.根據(jù)題干,可知考查句子結(jié)構(gòu):主

50、語+have better do.你最好做某事。時 態(tài)為一般現(xiàn)在時。主語 我們we ,謂語had better ,后跟動詞原形,堅持ke叩,用英語 in English,寫我們的日常生活 writing about our daily lifeo 堅持做某事 keep doingo 故 答案為 Wed better keep writing about our daily life in English.根據(jù)句意,時態(tài)為一般現(xiàn)在時,考查“there be”句式。一百多個over7morethan 100;名勝古跡的模型 models of places of interest;來自世界各地 f

51、rom all over theworld;在世界公園 in the World Park。故答案為 There are models of over/more than 100 places of interest from all over the world in the World Park. o.根據(jù)題干,可知考查句子結(jié)構(gòu):Can sb do sth?某人能做某事嗎?主要短語是:參加 那個會議attend the meeting;明天tomorrow, 代替我instead of me時態(tài)是一般現(xiàn)在 時,由句意可知,你能代替我去參加這個活動么?故答案為Can you attend t

52、he meeting instead of me tomorrow?。.考查句子主從復合句。到達農(nóng)場arrived at/got to/reached the farm;迫不及待 couldnt wait to do;往籃子里裝蔬菜 fill the baskets with vegetables.根據(jù)句意,講過去的事情,時態(tài)為一般現(xiàn)在時。從句為時間狀語從句:當他們到達農(nóng)場時When they arrived at/got to/reached the farm;主句他們迫不及待地往籃子里裝蔬菜。They couldnt wait to fill the baskets with vegeta

53、bles.故答案為 When they arrived at/got to/reached thefarm, the couldnt wait to fill the baskets with vegetables.。.根據(jù)句意,時態(tài)為一般現(xiàn)在時??疾榫渥咏Y(jié)構(gòu):建議某人做某事advise sb to do; 花費時間做某事 spend time doing sth.;多花時間 more time;打籃球 play basketball; 主語David第三人稱單數(shù),謂語動詞加“s”。故答案為David advises me to spend more time playing basketba

54、ll.。.世界被變成了一個更小的地方?!敬鸢浮縏he world is made to be a much smaller place.【詳解】“世界the world;被變成be made to be;”一個更小的地方a much smaller place。the world是單數(shù)第三人稱,又是動詞make的受動者,需用“be+過去分詞”結(jié) 構(gòu)。 故填 The world is made to be a much smaller place.貝蒂是非常樂于助人的,她很樂意幫助那些需要幫助的人。答案】Betty is very helpful. She is willing to help

55、the people in need./Betty is very helpful. She is ready to help the people in need.【詳解】樂于助人的:be helpful;樂意幫助人:be ready to help others/be willing to help others;那些需要幫助的人:the people in need。句子時態(tài)為一般現(xiàn)在時,主語Betty是 單數(shù)第三人稱,系詞需用 iso 故填 Betty is very helpful. She is willing to help the people in need./Betty i

56、s very helpful. She is ready to help the people in need.他過去喜歡游戲節(jié)目,但現(xiàn)在他喜歡體育節(jié)目。答案 He used to like the game show, but now he likes the sports show.【詳解】根據(jù)漢語提示:此題的前半句是一般過去時,后半句是一般現(xiàn)在時。過去: used to;喜歡:like;游戲節(jié)目:the game show;體育節(jié)目:the sports show;現(xiàn)在: now;此題用 but 表示轉(zhuǎn)折。所以答案為:He used to like the game show, but

57、now he likes the sports show.但他總是努力面對任何困難?!敬鸢浮緽ut he always tries to face any difficulties.【詳解】但是but; always總是;try todosth.努力做某事;any用于肯定句中,意為 “任何的;face any difficulties面對任何困難。此句為一般現(xiàn)在時,主語he為第三人稱 單數(shù),故謂語動詞try用第三人稱單數(shù)形式,故填But he always tries to face any difficulties.在春季開著窗睡覺好嗎?【答案】Is it good to sleep wit

58、h the windows open in spring?【詳解】Itis+M:+todosth.做某事是的”,本句是疑問句,be動詞is應提前至句首,首字母要大寫;good“好的;sleep“睡覺”;“開著窗戶”作伴隨狀語,可用“with+賓 語+賓補”結(jié)構(gòu),此處with的賓語是the windows,賓補是形容詞open,即with the windows open; in spring“在春季故填 Is it good to sleep with the windows open in spring?.他沒有失去信心。當他最終得到機會的時候,在第一輪比賽中他贏得了 20分。【答案】He

59、didnt lose heart. When he finally got the chance, he won 20 points in the first round.【詳解】失去信心:lose heart;最終:finally;得到機會:get the chance;在第一輪比 賽中:in the first round;贏得:win; 20分:20 pointso結(jié)合語境可知兩個句子用一般 過去時:第一句是否認句,助動詞用didnt動詞用原形;第二句是when引導的時間 狀語從句,故填 He didnt lose heart. When he finally got the chanc

60、e, he won 20 points in the first round o.我的字典不見了,不是老師就是一個同學拿錯了?!敬鸢?My dictionary is missing. Either a teacher or a student has taken it by mistake.【詳解】be missing消失了,不見了。eitheror要么 要么 ,連接兩個并列主 語時有就近原那么。by mistake錯誤地。“不是老師就是一個同學拿錯了。”表達的是一個 完成的動作,句子的時態(tài)要用現(xiàn)在完成時態(tài)來表達,故答案為My dictionary is missing. Either a


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