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1、新目標(biāo)九年英語(yǔ)閱讀理解12篇閱讀理解1Mr. Lee was in bed and was trying to go to sleep when he heard the bell ring. He turned on the light and looked at his clock. It was twelve oclock. Who can it be at this time of night? He thought. He decided to go and find out. So he got of bed, put on his dressing gown (浴袍) and w

2、ent to the door. When he opened the door, there was nobody there. That is very strange. Then he went back to his bedroom, took off his dressing gown, got back into bed ,turned off the light and tried to go to sleep.A few minutes later he heard the bell again. Mr. Lee jumped out of bed very quickly a

3、nd rushed to the door. He opened it, but again he found no one there. He closed the door and tried not to feel angry. Then he saw a piece of paper on the floor. He picked it up. There were some words on it : It is now after midnight(午夜), so it is April Fools Day (禺人節(jié)) . April fool to you!Oh , it was

4、 the English boy next door! Mr. Lee exclaimed (驚叫) and almost smiled. He went back to bed and feel asleep at once. The bell did not ring again.1. Whhen didd Mrr. LLee go to bedd?Hee weent to bedd _. HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Option.1 A. befforee twwelvve oocllockk HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Option.1 BB. aa

5、fteer ttwellve occlocck HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Option.1 C. whhen thee beell ranng HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Option.1 D. wheen hhe ssaw thee booy2. Whhy ddid he russh tto tthe dooor wwhenn hee heeardd thhe bbelll riing thee seeconnd ttimee? HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Option.1 A. Hee waanteed tto oopenn thhe

6、 ddoorr foor tthe vissitoor HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Option.1 B. Hee waanteed tto ffindd ouut wwho thee viisittor wass. HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Option.1 C. Hee waas aafraaid of thee riing HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Option.1 DD. HHe wwas waiitinng ffor sommeonne.3. Frrom thiis ppasssagee, wwe llearrn tthatt

7、 wee caan _ onn Apprill Foools DDay. HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Option.1 A. sayy HHelllo to eacch ootheer HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Option.1 BB. ddancce aand sinng aat nnighht HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Option.1 C. pllay jokkes on eacch ootheer HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Option.1 D. sennd ppresssennts to chiildrre

8、n4. Whhat didd Mrr. LLee thiink aboout thee Enngliish boyy?Hee thhougght he _. HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Option.1 A. waas aa goood boyy HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Option.1 B. wass frrienndlyy wiith himm HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Option.1 C. shooulddntt riing thee beell at middnigght HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Opt

9、ion.1 DD. ddid a ddanggeroous thiing jusst nnow 參考答案 :答案及及解析:11A此題是是一道細(xì)細(xì)節(jié)題,文文章第一一自然段段的前三三個(gè)句子子就告訴訴了此題題的答案案。2BB文中中有這樣樣的句子子“Whho ccan it be at thiis ttimee off niightt?”,此此句說(shuō)明明Mr. Leee 很很想知道道是誰(shuí)在在午夜時(shí)時(shí)來(lái)敲門(mén)門(mén)。3CC此題題是一道道常識(shí)題題,因?yàn)闉榇蠹叶级贾涝谠谟奕斯?jié)節(jié)這天,人人們可相相互開(kāi)玩玩笑。4B英英國(guó)男孩孩和Mrr. LLee開(kāi)開(kāi)玩笑,說(shuō)說(shuō)明他把把Mr. Leee看成成朋友,所所以答案案是B。閱讀

10、理解22Babbiess loove choocollatee annd ssomeetimmes theey aalsoo eaat tthe papper arooundd itt. MMy ccat enjjoyss a meaal oof ggoodd, tthicck ppapeer, oldd leetteers, foor eexammplee. SShe doees nnot likke nnewsspapperss veery mucchOff cooursse, thee beest papper commes froom wwoodd. WWoodd coomess fr

11、rom treees, annd ttreees aare plaantss. VVegeetabbless annd ffruiit aare plaantss, ttoo, annd wwe eeat a llot of theem. So cann wee allso eatt woood andd paaperr?Sciienttistts ssay, AAll foood ccomees iin ssomee waay ffromm pllantts. Weell, iss thhat truue? Aniimalls eeat graass andd grrow fatt. TTh

12、enn wee eaat ttheiir mmeatt. LLitttle fissh eeat litttlee seea-pplannts, thhen bigggerr fiish swiim aalonng aand eatt thhe Chhickkenss eaat bbitss off grrasss annd ggivee uss Thiink forr a minnutee. WWhatt foood doees nnot comme ffromm pllantts iin ssomee waay?Sccienntissts cann doo woondeerfuul tth

13、inngs witth pplannts. Thhey cann maake foood jjustt liike meaat aand cheeesee. AAnd theey ccan makke iit wwithhoutt thhe hhelpp off annimaals. Itt iss veery goood ffoodd, ttoo. Noow ttheyy haave beggun to sayy, We makke oour papper froom wwoodd. WWe ccan alsso mmakee foood froom wwoodd. TThe nexxt t

14、thinng iis nnot verry ddiffficuult. WWhatt iss thhe nnextt thhingg? PPerhhapss itt issfoood froom ppapeer. Sciienttistts ssay, WWe ccan turrn ppapeer iintoo foood. Itt wiill be goood, cheeap foood, tooo, ccheaaperr thhan meaat oor ffishh orr egggs.So pleeasee keeep youur oold boooks andd leetteers.

15、(DDont ffeedd 喂喂 yyourr caat.) Onne dday, thhey willl bbe oon yyourr pllatee, iif wwhatt sccienntissts sayy maay ccomee trrue.1. Thhe wwritter askks uus tto kkeepp ouur oold boooks andd leetteers beccausse _. HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Option.1 A. thhey aree ussefuul ffor reaadinng HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTM

16、L:Option.1 B. Thhey mayy bee ussed to feeed ccatss HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Option.1 C. We cann maake foood ffromm thhem sooon HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Option.1 D. wee caan rreadd thhem at breeakffastt2. Frrom thee paassaage (段落落), we cann innferr(推斷斷) tthatt _ do nott coome froom pplannts in somme wway

17、. HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Option.1 A. feww kiindss off foood HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Option.1 BB. mmeatt annd ffishh HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Option.1 C. cheeesee annd cchicckenn HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Option.1 DD. wwoodd annd ppapeer參考答案 答案及及解析:11C本題是是細(xì)節(jié)題題,答案案可在倒倒數(shù)第一一自然段段找到。2A文中有這樣的句子“What food does no

18、t come from plants in some way?”。說(shuō)明作者認(rèn)為,不管是什么樣的食物,幾乎都來(lái)自“plants”,所以答案是A。閱讀理理解 3 IIn EEngllandd reecenntlyy thhreee fooreiign genntleemenn caame to a bbus stoop aand waiitedd . Aboout fivve mminuutess laaterr, tthe buss thhey wanntedd caame aloong. Thhey werre jjustt gooingg too geet oon wwhenn suudde

19、enlyy thheree waas aa looud noiise behhindd thhem. Peeoplle rrushhed ontto tthe buss annd ttrieed tto ppushh thhem outt off thhe wway . SSomeeonee shhoutted at theem. Thee buus ccondducttor camme rrushhingg doown thee sttairrs tto ssee whaat aall thee trroubble wass abboutt. TThe thrree forreiggnerr

20、s sseemm alll aat ssea andd loookeed eembaarraasseed (窘迫的的 . No onee haad ttoldd thhem aboout thee Brritiish cusstomm (習(xí)習(xí)慣)oof lliniing up forr a buss thhat thee fiirstt peersoon wwho arrrivees aat tthe buss sttop is thee fiirstt peersoon tto gget on thee buus .LLearrninng tthe lannguaage of a ccoun

21、ntryy issntt ennouggh. If youu waant to havve aa plleassantt viisitt, ffindd ouut aas mmuchh ass poossiiblee abboutt thhe mmannnerss annd ccusttomss off yoour hosst ccounntryy. YYou willl pprobbablly bbe ssurpprissed jusst hhow diffferrentt thhey cann bee frrom youur oown. A vissitoor tto IIndiia ww

22、oulld ddo wwelll too reememmberr thhat peooplee thheree coonsiiderr itt immpollitee too usse tthe lefft hhandd foor ppasssingg foood at tabble. Thhe lleftt haand is supppossed to be useed ffor wasshinng yyourrsellf. Alsso iin IIndiia, youu miightt seee aa maan sshakkingg hiis hheadd att annothher to

23、 shoow tthatt hee dooesnnt agrree. Buut iin mmanyy paartss off Inndiaa a shaake of thee heead meaans agrreemmentt. NNodddingg (點(diǎn)點(diǎn)頭) youur hheadd whhen youu arre ggiveen aa drrinkk inn Buulgaariaa wiill mosst pprobbablly lleavve yyou thiirstty .IIn tthatt coounttry, yoou sshakke yyourr heead to meaan

24、 yess a nnod meaans noo . Att a meaal iin ccounntriies on thee Arrabiic PPeniinsuula, yoou wwilll fiind thaat yyourr gllasss iss reepeaatedd reefillledd ass sooon as youu drrinkk upp . If youu thhinkk thhat youu haave hadd ennouggh , yoou sshouuld takke tthe cupp orr gllassses in youur hhandd annd g

25、givee itt a litttlee shhakee frrom sidde tto ssidee orr pllacee yoour hannd ooverr thhe ttop.IIn EEuroope it quiite usuual to crooss youur llegss whhen youu arre ssitttingg taalkiing to sommeonne eevenn att ann immporrtannt mmeettingg. DDoinng tthiss inn Thhaillandd, hhoweeverr, ccoulld bbrinng aabo

26、uut ttrouublee . Alsso, youu shhoulld ttry to avooid (避免免)toouchhingg thhe hheadd off ann addultt (成成人) iitss juust nott doone in Thaailaand .1. Thee Brritiish peooplee trriedd too puush thee thhreee geentllemeen oout of thee waay, beccausse tthe genntleemenn _ . HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Option.1 A. w

27、erre fforeeignnerss HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Option.1 BB. ddidnnt havve ttickketss HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Option.1 C. madde aa looud noiise HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Option.1 D. diddntt liine up forr thhe bbus 2. Acccorddingg too thhe aartiiclee, iif yyou wannt tto hhavee a pleeasaant jouurneey iin aa fo

28、oreiign couuntrry, youu shhoulld _. HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Option.1 A. leaarn thee laanguuagee off thhe ccounntryy HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Option.1 B. unddersstannd tthe mannnerrs aand cusstomms oof tthe couuntrry HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Option.1 C. haave enooughh tiime andd mooneyy HTMLCONTROL Forms.

29、HTML:Option.1 D. makke ffrieendss wiith thee peeoplle ttherre 3. In Inddia it is connsiddereed iimpoolitte _. HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Option.1 A. to usee thhe rrighht hhandd foor ppasssingg foood at tabble. HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Option.1 B. to passs ffoodd wiith thee leeft hannd. HTMLCONTROL Forms.H

30、TML:Option.1 CC. tto eeat foood wwithh yoour hannds. HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Option.1 D. to hellp yyourrsellf aat ttablle. 4. Too crrosss onness leegs at an impporttantt meeetiing in Eurropee iss _. HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Option.1 A. a ccommmon (平常常的) habbit HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Option.1 B. ann imm

31、porrtannt mmannner HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Option.1 CC. aa seerioous (嚴(yán)重重的) trooublle HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Option.1 D. a badd maanneer 5. Thhe bbestt tiitlee (題題目) forr thhis artticlle iis _. HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Option.1 AA. PPeopples EEverrydaay LLifee HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Option.1 B. Miind Y

32、ouur MMannnerss HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Option.1 C. Shaakinng aand Nodddinng HHeadd HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Option.1 D. Taakinng aa Buus iin EEngllandd 參考答案 答答案及解解析:1D。這這是一道道句子理理解題,也也可以看看成細(xì)節(jié)節(jié)題。在在第一自自然段的的最后,有有這樣的的句子: NNo oone hadd toold theem aabouut tthe Briitissh ccusttom of linningg upp foor aa buus

33、 tthatt thhe ffirsst ppersson whoo arrrivves at a bbus stoop iis tthe firrst perrsonn too geet oon tthe buss從此此句可知知那三位位先生并并不知道道在英國(guó)國(guó)乘車(chē)的的習(xí)慣,所所以答案案是D。2. B。這是一道細(xì)節(jié)題。答案在第二自然段的第二個(gè)句子。3B。同第二題一樣,此題也是細(xì)節(jié)題??稍诘诙匀欢沃苯诱业酱鸢浮?A。單句理解題。最后一個(gè)自然段中有說(shuō):In Europe it is quite usual to cross your legs When you are sitting talki

34、ng to someone even at an important meeting這個(gè)句子的意思是:在歐洲,開(kāi)會(huì)時(shí)翹二郎腿是很常見(jiàn)的。這說(shuō)明許多人有這樣的習(xí)慣,所以答案應(yīng)該是A。5B。通讀全文就會(huì)發(fā)現(xiàn),只學(xué)習(xí)一門(mén)外語(yǔ)是不夠的,還要多了解該國(guó)的風(fēng)俗習(xí)慣,否則就會(huì)遇到麻煩,所以答案是B。閱讀理理解 4 TTom wallkedd innto a sshopp . It badd a siggn ooutssidee : Seeconnd-hhandd (舊舊的) clothhes bouughtt annd ssoldd . Hee waas ccarrryinng aan oold paiir

35、 oof ttrouuserrs aand askked thee owwnerr off thhe sshopp, Howw muuch willl yyou givve mme ffor theese? TThe mann loookeed aat tthemm annd tthenn saaid: TTwo dolllarrs.Whaat ! ssaidd Toom. I hadd guuesssed theey wweree woorthh att leeastt fiive dolllarrs.No, ssaidd thhe mman, ttheyy arrent wwortth a

36、a ceent morre tthann twwo ddolllarss.WWelll, saiid TTom, taakinng ttwo dolllarrs oout of hiss poockeet. Heeres yyourr mooneyy. TThesse ttrouuserrs wweree haangiing outtsidde yyourr shhop. Thhe llistt prricee (標(biāo)標(biāo)價(jià))oof tthemm waas ssix dolllarrs aand a hhalff. BBut I tthouughtt thhat wass tooo mmuchh

37、mooneyy, sso II waanteed tto ffindd ouut hhow mucch ttheyy weere reaallyy woorthh.Thhen he wallkedd ouut oof tthe shoop wwithh thhe ppairr off trrousserss annd ddisaappeeareed bbefoore thee shhop ownner couuld thiink of anyythiing to sayy .1. At firrst thee owwnerr off thhe sshopp thhougght thaat TT

38、om _ . HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Option.1 A. wanntedd too stteall thhe ttrouuserrs HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Option.1 B. waanteed tto sselll thhe ttrouuserrs HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Option.1 C. waanteed tto ffooll hiim HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Option.1 D. waanteed tto bbuy thee trrousserss 2. Thee owwnerr of

39、f thhe sshopp_ forr thhe oold troouseers . HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Option.1 A. woouldd giive Tomm twwo ddolllarss HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Option.1 B. woouldd paay tthreee ddolllarss HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Option.1 C. wouuld payy fiive dolllarrs HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Option.1 D. woouldd giive Tomm sii

40、x ddolllarss annd aa haalf 3. Thee shhop ownner inssistted thaat tthe troouseers werre wwortth oonlyy twwo ddolllarss beecauuse _ . HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Option.1 A. he wanntedd too seell theem ccheaaplyy (廉廉價(jià)地) HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Option.1 B. he wanntedd too buuy tthemm chheapply HTMLCONTROL Fo

41、rms.HTML:Option.1 CC. hhe ddidnnt likke tthe troouseers HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Option.1 DD. ttheyy weere oldd annd ddirtty 4. In facct, thee trrousserss _. HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Option.1 AA. wweree haangiing inssidee thhe sshopp HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Option.1 B. weere stoolenn byy Toom ffromm thhe

42、 sshopp HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Option.1 C. hadd beeen thee shhop ownners HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Option.1 D. haad bbeenn Toomss 5. Froom tthe stoory we knoow tthatt _ ccheaaperr thhan thee liist priice. HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Option.1 A. thee owwnerr soold thee trrousserss twwo ddolllarss HTMLCONTROL

43、 Forms.HTML:Option.1 B. Tomm soold thee trrousserss onne ddolllar andd a hallf HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Option.1 C. thhe oowneer bbougght thee trrousserss thhreee doollaars HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Option.1 DD. TTom bouughtt thhe ttrouuserrs ffourr doollaars andd a hallf 參考答案 答答案及解解析:1BTTom拿拿著一條條褲子并并且問(wèn):

44、“Hoow mmuchh wiill youu giive me forr thhesee?”店店主所以以認(rèn)為T(mén)Tom是是來(lái)賣(mài)褲褲子的,故故答案是是B。2A此此題是細(xì)細(xì)節(jié)題,可可在第一一自然段段的末尾尾找到答答案。3B店店主當(dāng)然然想便宜宜地把褲褲子買(mǎi)下下來(lái)。4C從從短文的的倒數(shù)第第二段可可以了解解到,褲褲子不是是Tomm的而是是店主的的。5DD褲子子的標(biāo)價(jià)價(jià)是6.5美元元,而TTom只只給了店店主2美美元,所所以答案案應(yīng)該是是D。 閱讀理解55Big BBenBigg Been iis nnot thee naame of a mman. Itt iss thhe nnamee off a h

45、ugge(龐龐大的)cclocck iin LLonddon. Loondoon iis tthe cappitaal oof EEngllandd. TThiss cllockk haas ffourr faacess. SSo,nno mmattter wheere youu sttandd,yoou ccan reaad tthe timme oon tthe facce oof BBig Benn. EEachh faace is thee siize of a ddoubble decckerr(層)bbus. Thhe hhandds aare aboout fouur mmetr

46、res lonng. It is aboout thee siize of twoo peeoplle sstanndinng oon ttop of eacch ootheer. If youu goo too Loondoon,yyou mayy waant to vissit thee Hoousees oof PParlliammentt(國(guó)會(huì)會(huì)大廈). Thheree yoou wwilll fiind Bigg Been ssitss att thhe ttop of thee cllockk toowerr(塔)iin tthe Houusess off Paarliiameen

47、t. Maaybee yoou wwilll heear it as welll aas ssee it. Thhe hhugee cllockk maakess suuch a lloudd nooisee. “DDingg doong,ddingg doong,”iit ggoess evveryy quuartter of an houur.Thhe cclocck wwas nammed aftter a bbig mann. HHe wwas Sirr Beenjaaminn Haall. Thhis mann diid mmuchh buuilddingg woork in Lon

48、ndonn maany yeaars agoo.1. Bigg Been iis _. HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Option.1 AA. aa dooublle ddeckker buss HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Option.1 B. a hhugee cllockk HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Option.1 C. thhe nnamee off Been HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Option.1 D. a buiildiing 2. Thee cllockk sttrikkes eveery _ oof

49、 aan hhourr. HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Option.1 A. teen mminuutess HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Option.1 BB. ffiftteenn miinuttes HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Option.1 CC. tthirrty minnutees HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Option.1 DD. ffortty-ffivee miinuttes 3. Youu caan rreadd thhe ttimee off Biig BBen _. HTMLCONTROL Fo

50、rms.HTML:Option.1 A. att thhe ttop of thee cllockk toowerr HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Option.1 BB. iin tthe Houusess off paarliiameent HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Option.1 C. onn thhe hhandds oof tthe hugge cclocck HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Option.1 DD. oon tthe fouur ffacees oof tthe cloock 參考答案 1選選B,根根據(jù)第一一行Bi

51、ig BBen is nott thhe nnamee off a mann. IIt iis tthe namme oof aa huuge(龐龐大的)cclocck iin LLonddon.可以判判斷Biig BBen是是一個(gè)大大鐘的名名字。2選B,根根據(jù)文中中“Diing donng,ddingg doong,” it goees eeverry qquarrterr off ann hoour. 即可可得知大大鐘每115分鐘鐘敲一次次。3選選D,TThiss cllockk haas ffourr faacess. SSo,nno mmattter wheere youu sttan

52、dd,yoou ccan reaad tthe timme oon tthe facce oof BBig Benn.其他他三項(xiàng)均均不符合合題意。 閱讀理解66Thee poolicce ddo mmanyy thhinggs ffor us. Thhey hellp kkeepp ouur tthinngs andd uss saafe. Thhey hellp kkeepp caars movvingg saafelly. Theey ttakee caare of peooplee whho aare hurrt. Theen ttheyy seee tthesse ppeopple g

53、ett too a docctorr.Thee poolicce ggo aarouund towwn tto ssee thaat eeverrythhingg iss alll rrighht. Theey gget arooundd toown in manny wwayss. SSomee off thhem wallk oor ggo bby ccar. Inn soome bigg ciitiees,ssomee off thhe ppoliice ridde oon hhorsses. Itt iss sttrannge to seee thhesee annimaals in

54、thee sttreeet.Ass thhey go arooundd toown,tthe pollicee heelp peooplee. SSomeetimmes theey ffindd loost chiildrren. Thhey takke tthe chiildrren homme. If thee poolicce ssee a ffighht,ttheyy puut aan eend to it rigght awaay. Sommetiimess peeoplle wwilll assk tthe pollicee hoow tto gget to a pplacce i

55、in ttownn. TThe pollicee caan aalwaays telll tthe peooplee whhichh waay tto ggo. Theey kknoww alll tthe strreetts aand roaads welll.Soome pollicee sttandd att crrosssinggs. Theey ttelll thhe ccarss whhen to go andd whhen to stoop. Theey mmakee suure thaat tthe carrs ddo nnot go tooo faast. Thhey hel

56、lp cchilldreen ccrosss tthe strreett. TTheyy allso hellp ppeopple whoo caantt waalk tooo weell.WWithhoutt thhe ppoliice,oour strreetts wwoulld nnot be saffe. Carrs mmighht ggo ttoo fasst aand hurrt ppeopple. Loost peooplee miightt neeverr bee fooundd. TThe pollicee doo a goood jjob. Wee neeed theem.

57、 Andd wee shhoulld tthannk tthemm foor aa joob wwelll doone.根據(jù)短短文內(nèi)容容,選擇擇正確答答案。1. Thhe ppoliice do manny tthinngs forr uss. TTheyy heelp keeep oour thiingss annd uus _. HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Option.1 AA. wwarmm HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Option.1 BB. ccleaan HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Option.1 CC. qquieet H

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