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1、 名 詞考情分析預(yù)測復(fù)合句考點20212020201920182017賓語從句47題(完形填空);58題(語法填空)定語從句57題(語法填空)狀語從句42題(完形填空);59題(語法填空)60、63、66題(單詞拼寫)38題(完形填空)48題(完形填空)58題(語法填空) 名 詞復(fù)合句 分析近五年杭州中考真題可知,復(fù)合句為每年必考點,且狀語從句為必考的重中之重。主要考查點為賓語從句、定語從句、狀語從句的引導(dǎo)詞辨析?!局锌家蟆?.掌握賓語從句的基本用法。 2.理解由關(guān)系代詞that、which、who引導(dǎo)的限制性定語從句的用法。3.掌握表示時間、地點、條件、原因、比較、結(jié)果和讓步的狀語從句的基

2、本用法??键c探究突破考點1:賓語從句A)賓語從句三重點賓語從句構(gòu)成規(guī)則例句連接詞what,when,where,how,who,whom,whose等特殊疑問詞作連接詞。When did he leave for Japan?Could you tell me?Could you tell me when he left for Japan?你能告訴我他什么時候動身去日本嗎?當(dāng)賓語從句由一般疑問句變化而來時,連接詞用whether或if,表示“是否”。Are you from Japan?He asked me.He asked me if/whether I was from Japan.他

3、問我是不是來自日本??键c探究突破連接詞that 作連接詞。She was a good girl.The teacher told us.The teacher told us(that) she was a good girl.老師告訴我們她是一個好女孩。語序從句一律用陳述句語序,即主語謂語。 Whats Kates email address?Do you know?Do you know what Kates email address is?你知道凱特的電子郵箱地址嗎?考點探究突破時態(tài)主句是現(xiàn)在時,從句根據(jù)實際情況使用相應(yīng)的時態(tài)。I remember he gave me a book

4、 yesterday.我記得他昨天給了我一本書。主句是過去時,從句使用與過去相關(guān)的時態(tài)。 He told me that he would take part in the high jump.他告訴我他將會參加跳高比賽。從句表示的是客觀事實、真理、自然現(xiàn)象等時,不管主句使用什么時態(tài),從句都用一般現(xiàn)在時。He told me that the earth goes around the sun.他告訴過我地球繞著太陽轉(zhuǎn)??键c探究突破 注意:(1)在介詞之后,動詞不定式之前或在or (not) 之前,只用whether,不用if。 如:Let me know whether he will co

5、me or not.讓我知道他是否會來。(2)有些疑問詞作句子的主語,所以問句本身就是陳述語序,在變成賓語從句時,語序無需變化。如:Do you know what is happening over there?你知道那邊發(fā)生了什么嗎?Do you know whats the matter with him?你知道他怎么了嗎?考點探究突破 (3)賓語從句的簡化當(dāng)賓語從句的主語和主句的主語相同,且主句的謂語動詞是hope,wish,decide,agree,choose等時,從句可簡化為不定式結(jié)構(gòu)。如:I hope that I can receive your email.I hope t

6、o receive your email.我希望能收到你的電子郵件。當(dāng)賓語從句的主語和主句的主語相同,且主句的謂語動詞是know,remember,forget,learn等時,從句可簡化為“疑問詞動詞不定式”結(jié)構(gòu)。如:She doesnt know what she should do next.She doesnt know what to do next.她不知道下一步該做什么。一、根據(jù)漢語翻譯句子。1.I wonder _(她將來要怎么辦).2.Does she care about _(她住的地方嗎)?3.Would you tell us _(幾點了)?4.I asked him

7、_(他成功的秘訣是什么).5.His parents are worried about _(他開車開得那么快).二、語法應(yīng)用:用that, whether, what(ever), whoever, why, how, where填空。what she should do about her futurewhere she liveswhat time it iswhat the secret to his success washow fast he drives his car Everyone knew 6._Ann was a famous writer, but no one kn

8、ew 7._ she came from and 8._she was born in 1961 was still a mystery. 9._they did know was 10._she was loved by poor people because she always helped 11._was in need of money. Ann was generous and helpful, she used to say she didnt understand 12._some people were so narrow-minded, but it didnt matte

9、r 13._others would thought of her. She just wanted to do 14._ she thought was right. I think that is 15._ the meaning of her life lies.that where whether What that whoever why how what(ever)where 考點探究突破考點2:定語從句 在復(fù)合句中,修飾某一名詞或代詞的從句叫作定語從句。兩個句子之間通過關(guān)系代詞(that,which,who,whom,whose)或關(guān)系副詞(when,where,why)連接起來

10、。定語從句前的那個被修飾的名詞或代詞叫作先行詞。如:考點探究突破Chinese Restaurant is a very relaxing TV programme which is popular among the young people.主句:Chinese Restaurant is a very relaxing TV programme從句:which is popular among the young people先行詞:TV programme因此,如果確定是考查定語從句,我們就可以排除不是關(guān)系代詞或關(guān)系副詞的選項,如:what??键c探究突破根據(jù)成分選關(guān)系詞在此過程中要掌握

11、“三看”原則。(1)一看指人還是物先行詞指人:that,who,whose,whom先行詞指物:that,which,whose(2)二看在句中作何成分所作成分關(guān)系詞主語who(人),which(物),that(人/物)賓語who/whom(人),which(物),that(人/物)考點探究突破例1My brother likes the stories _ were written by Mark Twain because they are humorous.先行詞(the stories)指物,關(guān)系詞在從句中作主語,可用關(guān)系代詞which/that。例2He is the boy _ I

12、 talked with just now.先行詞(the boy)指人,關(guān)系詞在從句中作賓語,可用關(guān)系代詞whom/who/that/不填。考點探究突破先行詞是不定代詞something,anything,everything,nothing,all,little,few,much,none,some等時。如:As we all know,all that can be done has been done.眾所周知,所有能做的都已經(jīng)做了。先行詞被 the only,the very,the right,the last等修飾時。如:It is the only word that I do

13、nt know in the passage.這是這篇文章里唯一一個我不認識的單詞。(3)三看是否屬特殊只能用關(guān)系代詞that的情況:考點探究突破當(dāng)先行詞既有人又有物時。如:The characters and events that the author described in his book are very interesting.作者在他書里描寫的那些人和事非常有意思。先行詞前有序數(shù)詞或形容詞最高級修飾,或先行詞本身就是序數(shù)詞時。如:This is the best film that has been shown so far in the city.這是這座城市迄今為止放映過的

14、最好的電影。先悟后練一、根據(jù)句意填入適當(dāng)?shù)年P(guān)系代詞。16.The girl _ you talked with at the school gate is our new math teacher.17.I have many good friends _ my parents love very much.18.Do you like the weekly talk show, The Reader, on CCTV?Sure. Its a great TV program _ brings the habit of reading back into the public.19.This

15、is the factory _ I visited last year.20.The movie _ we saw last night was fantastic.that/who/whomthat/who/whomwhich/thatwhich/thatthat/which先悟后練二、根據(jù)句意用所給詞及適當(dāng)?shù)年P(guān)系詞完成句子。21.我永遠不會忘記去年夏天我們一起度過的日子。I will never forget the days _(spend) together last summer.22.所有該做的已經(jīng)做了。All _(do) has been done.23.他談?wù)摿怂麄冇浀玫脑趯W(xué)

16、校的人和事。He talked about things and persons _(remember) in the school.(which/that) we spentthat should be done(that) they remembered先悟后練24.他是唯一一個受到邀請參加這個活動的學(xué)生。He was the only student _(invite) take part in the activity.25.他在這個電影中扮演的角色很出色。The part _(play) in the film was wonderful.that was invited to(wh

17、ich/that) he played考點探究突破考點3:狀語從句 用來修飾主句中的動詞、副詞和形容詞的從句叫狀語從句。根據(jù)其含義,狀語從句可分為時間狀語從句、條件狀語從句、原因狀語從句、結(jié)果狀語從句、比較狀語從句、目的狀語從句、讓步狀語從句、地點狀語從句和方式狀語從句。考點探究突破1.初中常見的從屬連詞具體用法從屬連詞表時間when當(dāng)時候,while正當(dāng)時,after在之后,before在之前,until直到,as soon as一就,since自從表條件if如果,unless除非,如果不,in case萬一,once一旦表讓步though雖然,although盡管,even though/

18、if即使表原因because因為,since既然,as由于表結(jié)果so/such.that如此以至于考點探究突破2.主句與從句時態(tài)問題 (1)“主將從現(xiàn)”:主句使用一般將來時,從句使用一般現(xiàn)在時。常見的使用“主將從現(xiàn)”原則的連詞有:表示時間的when,while,after,before,until,till,whenever,as soon as等;表示條件的if,unless等。如: He will write to me as soon as he gets to America. 他一到美國就給我寫信。 (2)“主情從現(xiàn)”:主句有情態(tài)動詞,從句使用一般現(xiàn)在時。如: You can get

19、 good grades if you study hard.如果你好好學(xué)習(xí)就會取得好成績??键c探究突破 (3)“主祈從現(xiàn)”:主句使用祈使句,從句使用一般現(xiàn)在時。如: Be careful when you cross the road.當(dāng)你過馬路時要小心。 (4)since引導(dǎo)的時間狀語從句,主句一般用現(xiàn)在完成時,從句用一般過去時。如: She has been a teacher since she moved to this city. 自從她搬到這座城市,她就當(dāng)了一名老師。先悟后練一、根據(jù)句意用適當(dāng)?shù)膹膶龠B詞填空。26.When you get angry, dont shout at

20、 others. You can go to talk with them _ you calm down.27._ we go swimming, being safe must come first.28.A decision means a result. Remember that you should think about it carefully _ you make any decision.29.The firemen set out _ they received a phone call for help.30.I had no interest in painting

21、_I met a creative and patient art teacher one day.after When before as soon asuntil 先悟后練31.Our teachers have been with us for nearly three years _we came to junior high school. We should thank them for what they have done for us.32.Your mother will be happier _ you can help with housework when you a

22、re free.33.We can do the thing well _ we are confident in ourselves and put our hearts into it.34.You wont experience beautiful things around you _ you keep your heart open.35.The ancient village is _ beautiful a place _ many people come here to take photos, especially in spring and autumn.since unless if as long asso that 先悟后練二、根據(jù)句意用括號中所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。36.Dont read WeChat messages when you _ (cross) the street.37.The Chinese doctors _(go) to Italy to help fight against COVID-19 though they knew it was dangerous.38.We _(cause) less pollution if we can find ways to


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