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1、9/9公司商學(xué)院提供的文案,翻譯僅供參考:奢愛沙發(fā)玫瑰留香,人獨(dú)醉!Rose in blssom, enchned aone!SEAI, 一個(gè)至柔至美的品牌,正如香奈兒所說:世界上沒有丑女,只有不會(huì)裝扮的女人!設(shè)計(jì)源于靈感,源于生活,又高于生活。SHE給你一個(gè)女性十足的家!SHE, remiurand! o ugllad but jst thosho kno o ressng p。 Our SA of,ecaseo our dei, jtlkes apretty laywiood dressigup。EAI ca ieyou a omefull of fminne chrm。這款SEAI沙發(fā)采

2、用個(gè)性的大花布結(jié)合,既有簡(jiǎn)歐的風(fēng)范又不失中國(guó)傳統(tǒng)的工藝和審美.,加上大大的靠包設(shè)計(jì),寬大的扶手,成為客廳眾人的焦點(diǎn)。With bot ropean smple dein stylnd traitioalCinee craftsand aesthetic, this HEAI soa dot specialjcurd fabric. Wit he aditnal bi cuved acrt and amres, it ith potlighti te living roo.這款SA沙發(fā)對(duì)香奈兒設(shè)計(jì)風(fēng)格的理解和運(yùn)用達(dá)到了極致。大量時(shí)裝面料的使用,煽情性的色彩搭配,時(shí)裝中特殊的剪裁、縫合、細(xì)節(jié)裝飾等

3、時(shí)尚設(shè)計(jì)元素引入,使家更加高貴、優(yōu)雅.With aprfectarnin nddigetig he deignstle o Cael, thi SI sofa has eloyedlos of stish fabicwith suitable colormahs. B brining n the pel clpin, stitcingand other detilddration frm the stylidres, tis sofatype gives yu a e and elean homelife.這款休閑舒適的SA沙發(fā),最為經(jīng)典的就是這款沙發(fā)的色彩,藍(lán)色充滿活力,也讓視覺得到放松。F

4、or ths cmfrtale lis A o,wha th ms lassi is th color ah.I blueoor i fu f vitaly n cnge you a isual relie。這款可以隨意擺放的沙發(fā),可以充分地滿足個(gè)性時(shí)尚的人。可以根據(jù)自己的喜歡擺放。休閑的大擺包,給您極致的靠感體驗(yàn)。e ne, dofpersnliand ashion, od e muh satisewitthis fa,whih canbe frlylce in the lin omTebigisure ackess ofthesfacaiveyou a nc reclnig erien.簡(jiǎn)

5、潔Concision in Sl靚麗 Bau nDegn方正立體的造型,搭配永恒的白色和灰色。SimeLine Sofa ith clssc whitecolor nd gray coloSA沙發(fā)品牌的代表作,設(shè)計(jì)師巧妙運(yùn)用紅加黑色,穩(wěn)重中不缺乏時(shí)尚.高靠背的設(shè)計(jì),給人更多的舒適感覺.配上獨(dú)立的主人位,生活就更愜意。Ths sfis the asewrk o SHEAI sofaand.thred clo inenisy tched blcko, itsstyl becoms simpl u stylis. he deign f hhbckrestgives yo more comfortbl

6、 feelng. d you would be much aisie withe idepenent ost sea on the of.亮光布在光的作用下顯得五彩斑斕,寬厚的軟包運(yùn)用得體,坐、立、躺可以隨意發(fā)揮;經(jīng)典的色澤可以隨意搭配其他家具或裝修顏色,給你舒適的家庭氛圍.Th ofahnyfabric wuld e colorulunder ub light。oa free sit,stand n le o he wde thic cushio。 Th classicorsof h sa givyou a adm match othr furitreand dertions, eaving

7、 you na czy home。 SA沙發(fā)品牌的代表作,設(shè)計(jì)師巧妙運(yùn)用紅加黑色,穩(wěn)重中不缺乏時(shí)尚。高靠背的設(shè)計(jì),給人更多的舒適感覺.配上獨(dú)立的主人位,生活就更愜意。Tis soa sthemateork fSHEAIsofrand. neiously math reolo wth blakcor,ts style issmplbu sylih. The dsin ofiackretgives youore cmfortabl feling。 nd ou woulbe musatisfi with thindepnent hotet o the sof。這款奢愛沙發(fā)中性的魅力,時(shí)尚的引領(lǐng);這款

8、奢愛沙發(fā)不僅色澤運(yùn)用恰當(dāng),在舒適方面極大地展示出來,厚大的軟包,寬敞的坐墊,給你極致的生活.Thi SHEA ofawit maculine style i much chrming,srelleang th ahon t. it ualecol thes ad mch mfrtale bckrests and ak shion,tissoa tpe cn iv ou ni life thliving om。CBDSof我跟你描述一個(gè)靈魂,它擁有不謝的青春 Ovivid &novel design ull ofthe beathof th。 CBD沙發(fā)強(qiáng)調(diào)舒適、自然、時(shí)尚,通過頂級(jí)設(shè)計(jì)師的傾力

9、打造,賦予極強(qiáng)的現(xiàn)代感,色彩清雅,線條簡(jiǎn)潔,采用沙發(fā)專業(yè)面料, 品質(zhì)優(yōu)良,織品無(wú)緯斜,防污能力高,表面還進(jìn)行了特種處理,具有抗靜電、阻燃等功能。CBD Sof pysmuch attentn to becomfortal,natura and tlis desin。Baus f thehar ork rm oro deigers, hconemorry sofa,th lit cooad imple lines,s qie elegant, uch sutbeforleisur upst lsodoptsth pofesional sund of faic, hih is good drt-o

10、o d w no bow nd skew e fabrc surfac ials i the spcia processig,istatnd fmeretadant CBD沙發(fā)與家的溫馨情調(diào)更吻合,是客廳彰顯身份的標(biāo)志,是優(yōu)雅、時(shí)尚、智慧的體現(xiàn),高貴浪漫的別樣風(fēng)情彌漫著整個(gè)家。CB沙發(fā),給你一個(gè)鉆石級(jí)的家!Bsoa, matchng upbetter h ur hom, is he mbdiment orce, ashio and isdom, avingnolity ndrmane in or hma CBDofa age yu a diamonlee hom!舒適 大氣 優(yōu)雅 簡(jiǎn)潔 自然

11、時(shí)尚Coz spndid elegat simle atural stylish亮點(diǎn)/概況 hihlhs/oerview這款沙發(fā)帶給我們更多的視覺沖突?,F(xiàn)在人最講究懂的舒適.沙發(fā)靠背的調(diào)節(jié)功能,可以滿足我們不同的靠姿需求。同時(shí),沙發(fā)靠背的變換,讓沙發(fā)既商務(wù)又休閑。This oa can gv yo oevsualshock. With ode peoples reernce o cmfot, te bacrets dsigned or different eling sions are mu uitbl for othbusinessand leireprpoe 寬大的坐深滿足坐、倚、躺.夸大

12、的貴妃位猶如一張床,給您一種最舒適的生活方式.經(jīng)典的米黃色棉麻布料,透氣舒適。Teseat cushionith ie iard curvec fuly etoursitting, clinin an yig。 The en sea is as ig as a bd, gvig you temostcfotable living style。 Te classic bege cotto and len fabri breathablend ofortable。經(jīng)典的雙色配色,給人一種視覺上的沖擊力。渾圓寬大的扶手大氣招財(cái),彰顯主人身份品味。個(gè)性的條紋面料,搭配最為舒適的寬大靠包,給人最舒適的家

13、居體驗(yàn).經(jīng)典的雙色設(shè)計(jì),藍(lán)色讓人放松,回歸自然。主體的灰色,任何裝修都能搭配。方正立體的造型,搭配永恒的白色和灰色。加上大大的靠包設(shè)計(jì),寬大的客廳成為眾人的焦點(diǎn).Te clasic biclorm gives you a vi shc Thebig round armrestmeans luckin Cina, sowing your staus The comfy linexerence ca gaine fomtheronaized si fabricn hos cofrtabe wide backest.lac bi-color deign sasy ae yourefrshed, em

14、nl returningt nature. h mai colo, gr,ches ny decrationsTesmle lin esign, mhing te an gra, nwitadtionibkests, mkes the sofa bcea spotligt n your lig rom.這里有你心里的一片海 Thee exissaaike tha in yor hertCB家具給你一個(gè)鉆石級(jí)的家 CBD furniture ca give yo diamodlevl hom!完美的輪廓呈現(xiàn);護(hù)背軟包設(shè)計(jì)獨(dú)特;致經(jīng)典之作;Pfc oulndsplay;specil uolster

15、ed akrest deig;classc rtwrk;獨(dú)特;不輕??;nque;soen;弧線簡(jiǎn)潔而有立體感 simple arc curve dsig; 采用納米科技面料,擁有真皮的質(zhì)感,布藝的舒適;Forsom f our furniture, we dopthe nanotcnloy fabic,hich has th textue of naturllather and the comfo ofabri.采用新疆精梳新生棉,纖維長(zhǎng),韌性佳,手感細(xì)膩;ThesouSinkig new coton, wih ong fber, isendowed wih goo teaity and ni

16、ce n feel。完全按照人體工程學(xué)的設(shè)計(jì),腰部和頸部承托的非常舒服。D the desin aoding to rgonois, and or back and eck can get much ppot dcomfort from defthat sot。個(gè)性時(shí)尚配色,深灰中有著暗格;適合追求個(gè)性時(shí)尚的人士。he pesoalizedstylih olr ach is ut te dee gracolrwt ark cecks, hichsust te sutabe hoieofhse who seekashion ersonali. 愛麗斯的代表作,靈感來自愛麗斯品牌lg里的皇冠.適合

17、有身份地位的成功人士。Temater work fAI, whos ispiation om the crwin theALS ogo,ca sow yur atus。個(gè)性的顏色,酷感十足;搭配熠紋的設(shè)計(jì),特別適合那些喜歡個(gè)性服飾的人。l persnal hue, matchnpleting attern desig,is sitable tothose ho seeking esonliy愛麗斯品牌最為經(jīng)典的一款床,也是銷量冠軍。he ms classi AS br and th best el.設(shè)計(jì)師設(shè)計(jì)一道雙車線將整個(gè)床頭分為兩段,對(duì)腰部背部合理承托;米白色也是時(shí)尚年輕的顏色,非常適合年

18、輕人。deep ttc on the ed hd dvest it wo parts, giing y back a ncereclinig suprt。 t styls ffwite coor te utablchoiceto th young。時(shí)裝設(shè)計(jì)經(jīng)典,柔和的線條感如沉睡中的女人,置于臥室中盡顯溫馨浪漫。Te cassic orkof chi drssdesign; It ot curvesolie aleinglady, mingberm war,see and oatic。倒梯形的設(shè)計(jì)使得我們靠的區(qū)域更加的寬敞,褶紋的豎條紋點(diǎn)綴在床頭使簡(jiǎn)單的床頭不俗氣而且還有間接的按摩作用。h r

19、vrsetrapezoiddesinmak th ackest ofdhed widr ndmoe oforabe hebed hea, dcratd with erticl leat rie, loos otdull desian s gives ou an indret assag ALS品牌設(shè)計(jì)特色ALradDeign Characteristic飽滿而有立體感 華貴精致 奢華而有內(nèi)涵 酷感十足 溫馨浪漫百搭且時(shí)尚Pmp and simple lnedsin lenddan delae lurious ndultue nce oolfel warm,weet and manic -mat

20、h and fsion大氣不輕浮 尊貴典雅 簡(jiǎn)約而不簡(jiǎn)單 精致舒適 華貴 經(jīng)典耐看gaeful n soemn; dinit d eegnc;mpl bt not dull design; deliccy and omort;pldiann; classi ndoplr;時(shí)尚 舒適 經(jīng)典 尊貴Chi mfy lssic noble國(guó)際名牌 ternatinalBrand愛麗斯, 中國(guó)科技布床領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者!LS,the leader Chinebrathblefaric bd!SA e心跳,在打開的一瞬間!A hetrob at the me of openig!CBD 家具 世界級(jí)設(shè)計(jì),給您一個(gè)鉆石

21、級(jí)的家!Cfunite,the wldclas desgn, a dimdlevel ome fr yu!這款奢愛粉紅之心,靚麗的粉紅色,經(jīng)典的造型,無(wú)疑尊貴首選.This SHEAulserebed, wth retty pinkcolor an lassic soutte, is jus he prirt for dignity.這款奢愛簡(jiǎn)單溫馨,方便我居家清洗。高靠背設(shè)計(jì)在臥室里顯得更大氣,同時(shí)也可以更好地增加靠感。i sple SHEAI be design ieasy t e leaned. Itsihbakres sn can gt a ette eclinin expeec。這款

22、奢愛軟床大氣的款式非常低調(diào)奢華,這種簡(jiǎn)單的圓枕既可做頸枕也可做腰枕,非常靈活.This sofa pholterdbed, with greful esgn, is loproluxrous。 Te round pllow is suitable to bot eck an bck.這款奢愛設(shè)立兩個(gè)可拆分的靠包,弧線簡(jiǎn)潔而有立體感。像兩張上揚(yáng)的嘴角,呈現(xiàn)出笑口常開的寓意.hismpl c SEAI bed ha has rmoable backrests。 Andthse to bckrsts just tw smiling oths, meninga hppy lie.這款奢愛靠背設(shè)計(jì)如揚(yáng)起

23、來的風(fēng)帆,寓意著生活事業(yè)越來越好,圓枕式造型可以很好地護(hù)理我們的頸部,緩解頸部疼痛。This SHEI edsbulging bckrestdeg liks a lingsil, meang if and buiness beer and ee The unpillow can rotect ouneck ad ease necdiscomfot這款奢愛可拆分式床頭是最大的亮點(diǎn),寬邊的設(shè)計(jì)讓人感覺至尊無(wú)上,尊貴的體驗(yàn),黑色為之經(jīng)典。Thehghigh i its evabe bdhed。h clasi blacwide bim deggive yu aoya slep epeence。時(shí)尚,生

24、活的品味.Fshion, the lvr of ife。高貴 經(jīng)典 dinit lasic低調(diào)奢華 lopr lxuriousideign實(shí)用性強(qiáng)方便打理 uef eas idy p最具安全感 最溫馨的款式 sfe and oziet in desnEAI經(jīng)典之作 Thclassic workf HAI ote e這款奢愛時(shí)裝設(shè)計(jì)經(jīng)典款,置于臥室中盡顯溫馨浪漫。立體圓柱護(hù)腰設(shè)計(jì)更好增加靠感。ThisHI e maeour bedromz armatic.Th clindeapd bakres, wait poection, ies ya etter elnngxperin.這款奢愛簡(jiǎn)單大方又不

25、單調(diào),點(diǎn)綴一些時(shí)裝中經(jīng)典的褶皺,視覺感溫馨舒適。Ths grefu SHEAIbed,smpl but no dul idesign,i oe pleating ecorations of shin res,gvingo avsaomfort這款奢愛采用愛馬仕經(jīng)典包包設(shè)計(jì);經(jīng)典灰色,華貴感覺;同時(shí)完全按照人體工程學(xué)的設(shè)計(jì)。opig e clsic design fro Hermsbag,is SEI be, withclassc gray clr, gives o a neprience。 Aso,it i a opleel dgne a per rgnomics。簡(jiǎn)潔、浪漫,實(shí)用而不失女性之

26、美Silicityand romanic; ul bu so ith feminine chrm。遇見你,不過是久別的重逢。eeing yousjuto e you agan te long te.意大利健康睡眠,皮床世家;tehealthy leep-helpngdesgn, froItaln leaterbe eses fami。黑、白、灰永恒的經(jīng)典;the velatigcassic desgn clorsback, hte ad gra。簡(jiǎn)約、冷峻、精致,展現(xiàn)神秘和優(yōu)雅;Wht shows myteyn gae s itsconciion,soleni andeccy sign這款西格

27、菲斯設(shè)計(jì)靈感源于愛麗斯品牌logo里的皇冠。代表著主人的地位和品味,如皇家般尊貴和典雅,猶如一件藝術(shù)品。The deign nspiraton of this G from the crow in thALI lo. owng t status ad tast f the host, t bed ings o iprialdigty ad legance, like antork 這款完全詮釋著女性的柔美與品味。飽滿的外觀設(shè)計(jì),柔和的線條,搭配著進(jìn)口全真牛皮使整張床具有濃厚的高貴氣息。A complete eontration of feminin chamnd taste。hebed ien

28、doedwita fatureof nobiliy caus oit plupvisualdesig, soothcurves a adioal ful-grainlather這款西格菲斯經(jīng)典之作,這是我們最優(yōu)秀的意大利設(shè)計(jì)師在酒會(huì)上偶遇女友被她的氣質(zhì)折服,為表達(dá)他的愛慕設(shè)計(jì)的經(jīng)典之作.he cassicwr ofXG be seies sfro our mostexcellnt Itlian design, ho mae thisdsin tshw s loveohis irlriend.這款西格菲斯軟床采用極致奢華的水晶拉扣工藝,寬大厚實(shí)的床頭,體現(xiàn)出傳統(tǒng)的靠山文化。時(shí)尚中透出新古典風(fēng),奢

29、華鎮(zhèn)宅的棗紅色,西格菲斯精品中的旗艦款式,當(dāng)之無(wú)愧。Wh hgret luxiou rytal bkle-pullng caft and te red ured hedbe, s soft bis filed withChnse nd Wsten culure elemnts. Faioable butwthneoclassical style a purplishre clor, it bemsoefhe Gpeum bds.這款西格菲斯是世界頂級(jí)豪車的輪廓造型靠包,大氣的造型,有品位的貴族拒絕不了這樣獨(dú)特的設(shè)計(jì),非常適合有身份地位的成功人士。The bcrest smewt te care

30、a n hwoldtop luxuriouscar. Wth gacfu el den,te n wih goo asteudo rejec it。這款西格菲斯軟床采用對(duì)稱齊邊設(shè)計(jì),完美地節(jié)省臥室空間,擺在臥室盡顯簡(jiǎn)單大氣,搭配精致進(jìn)口的真皮使得整張床在臥室更好展示裝修效果。Witymmetrc design; avn roo pc;sipe d acfl; madeith ful-gai leahe, shn a good dcoing effect n the broom 這款X床頭設(shè)計(jì)外高內(nèi)低,像一對(duì)恩愛夫妻寓意愛情甜蜜。飽滿的床頭靠感非常舒適,顏色采用淡雅金色,增強(qiáng)了整張床的質(zhì)感。Th

31、etwar of bed head ifren in eght, jus ike a oelyuple, with eaninofsweeloe。 The plump b hadcan gives youa nice recliing exiece; isli golden colo give a beter vsual bauty.經(jīng)典的皮布結(jié)合設(shè)計(jì),布藝與皮的結(jié)合,剛性中體現(xiàn)出柔和溫馨,一直成為西格菲斯中精品中的精品。Leter cined with abrc, this ed ison o tebes in the X bed sers。這款西格菲斯的經(jīng)典之作,源于意大利頂級(jí)設(shè)計(jì)師結(jié)合中

32、國(guó)美元素設(shè)計(jì),就像一匹黑馬,奔跑在浩瀚的草原令人心曠神怡。The classi kof XG bdserie, fom he top Itaiandesignr ugChinse cultur elements,us likes blk hore running th va raiie.這款XG軟床采用人體工程學(xué)分段式靠包設(shè)計(jì),給人最舒適的靠感,窄邊框的設(shè)計(jì),增強(qiáng)空間感.更好展現(xiàn)裝修效果.The (XG sot ed) backstwih several pars slit,dsignedas per ergonomic, gives u ost cfrtable ecnigeperene.T

33、he narrwbrim designsaves muchroom pace。這款XG簡(jiǎn)潔寬厚的外觀設(shè)計(jì),體現(xiàn)著中庸、大度、低調(diào)的尊貴簡(jiǎn)約,布藝與皮的結(jié)合剛性中體現(xiàn)出柔和溫馨,一直是西格菲斯中精品中的精品。Thissimple XGb desn hows mucCinese radio virtu lke modrtionnd lw profie. Leahercombindwit fric, thisbd isone o the best i the be sei。這款XG有著寬厚的邊框,頭尾相呼應(yīng)的豪華軟包給人獨(dú)特的安全感,一直成為女士的追求,男士的最愛。ith h wide cved rmand xquiie backest, yu cangt ascil see of fey r t, pular with ades nmen這款完全詮釋著女性的柔美與品味.飽滿的外觀設(shè)計(jì),柔和的線條,搭配著進(jìn)口頭層真牛皮使得整張床具有濃郁的高貴氣息。 comlt elanaton offe


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