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1、小學四年級英語上冊二單元教案 小學四班級英語上冊二單元教案篇1 教學目標: (1)知識目標 1.學習本文主要新單詞:cry break monster 2.學會運用核心句型 Did you?Yes, I did. / No, I didnt. (2)能力目標 1.了解使用一般過去時的一般疑問句。 2.能用一般疑問句來詢問過去發(fā)生過的事情。 (3)情感目標 了解西方兒童的課余文化生活,學會關懷別人,學會堅強的面對生活中遇到的困難。 教學重點: 能正確運用核心句型 Did you?Yes, I did. / No, I didnt.就過去發(fā)生的事情提問和回答。 教學難點: 動詞的過去式: Did+

2、動詞原型? scary/ monster的發(fā)音 課前準備: 單詞卡, 錄音機,CAI, Ms Smart和 Sam Amy 和Tom 的卡片。 教學過程: 一、Greeting T: Good morning. Boys and girls. Ss: Good morning. Miss Yan. T: How are you, today? S: I am fine! 二、Warming up T: First, lets say a chant together, ok? Ss: Ok. T: Ok,stand up. T: Today, I will divide you into 4

3、groups. If you do very well, I will give you a point. And which group can finish the picture, you are the winner, understand? 三、Lead in T: Ok, now, Look at the screen, please. Last week, I went to the supermarket, I read books and I listened to the music then cleaned my room.(6個)做圖片 T: And what did

4、you do last week? OK, you please. S1: 。 S2: 。 T: And did you?(2.等出示完no,I didnt時候在出示)(沒說到我所示范的動詞短語時問) Ss: No, I didnt.(1.先出示教具) (對主要句型進行操練,對話練習等) T: Did you watch TV? Did you see a scary thing? T: Did you play with your toys? S1: Yes, I did. T: You know I played with my toy, right? And I broke my toy

5、.拿出實物(對全班講) And did you break your toy?(對S1) 四、Presentation (1)T: Ok, now. look at the picture. Who is he? Ss: He is Tom. T: Tom is crying. Whats the matter? Do you know? Ss: No. T: Ok, lets listen to the CD-ROM. (2)再聽一遍,出示問題 1. Did Tom fall? 2. Did Tom break his toy? 3. Did Tom see a scary thing? (

6、3)Check the answers. Where did you find the answer? 找出答案所在圖片進行操練 (4)操練課文T: Ok, now, read the text toghter. T: Now, read the text in your groups. T: 分角色朗讀 四、Game Monster,monster,did you? 五、Homework 1. Use these sentences to make a short dialogue with your partner. 2. Read the text for 3 times. 教具準備:

7、1. 評價方式: 做四個玩具卡片,將玩具卡片拆分來當評價方式。每組都事先給他們一個玩具圖形,如果表現(xiàn)好的話,就在給她們獎勵另外一個玩具評價卡片,如果表現(xiàn)不好,就在原有的評價卡片上拆掉一片,同樣導入,這是在break your toys。 2. 本文是重點新詞和重點句子都用卡片的形式做出來:cry、break、monster 3. 做Tom、Amy 及Ms smart的卡通頭像 小學四班級英語上冊二單元教案篇2 教學內(nèi)容: Look and read Play a game 教學目標: 1. 知識目標:Using possessive adjectives to show possession

8、Using nouns phrases to identify people,animals,events,objects and activities Asking simple questions to obtain yes/no answers 2. 能力目標:Communicate with teachers or other learners 3. 情態(tài)目標:愛惜綠化 重點難點: Its stalk is long. Has it got ? Teaching aids:pictures,recorder 教學過程: 一、Warming up 1,Sing a song 2,Dail

9、y talk Revision Review:stalk,leaves,flowers,roots, 二、Presentation 1.Show a picture of a plant with flowers. Ask:What is it?Is it a tree? To elicit:a plant/ Ask:What colour are the flowers? What colour are the leaves? To elicit:They?re Ask:Are they long or short? To elicit:They?re long(short) . 2.Dra

10、w another plants. Say:Look at this plant.Its flowers are red. Look at that plant .Its flowers are purple. 3.Listen to the tape. 4.Say sth.about the plant . Show a picture of a tree. Introduce:a trunk,branches. Make sentences:Its trunk is big. It branches are long. Listeen to the tape. Say sth about

11、the tree. Play the cassette: Play a game/ Listen and repeat. Play this game. 三、Consolidation 1.Photocopiable pages 44-45. 2.Workbook page 29. 3.Grammar practice book 4a page 35. 板書設計: Unit 2 Look at, Its stalk is Its trunk is leaves are branches roots flowers 小學四班級英語上冊二單元教案篇3 Did you have a nice hol

12、idy? 教學目標; 知識與技能: a.Key words and phrases: north, south b.Sentences: Beijing is the capital of China. c.Task aim: 1. Go on learning the position words, Learn about China and America from this. 2. Introduce some cities position and choose some cities to practice. 過程與方法: 課文、方向、對比 情感、態(tài)度和價值觀:對美國和中國兩大國家進

13、行對比 德育目標:了解中國地理和國情 重點:Key words and phrases: north, south Sentences: Beijing is the capital of China. 難點:Task aim: 1. Go on learning the position words, Learn about China and America from this. 2. Introduce some cities position and choose some cities to practice. 教學方法:講授、對比 教學過程: (一)導入:1. Singing a

14、song together. Choose your favorite country and describe it ( position capital nice city) Teacher shows the picture of Beijing, Sanya, Washington, and San Francisco on TV. (二)探究新知Q: Do you like Beijing? And look at it S: Describe it (position) Q: There is a famous city in China, What is it / Its ver

15、y hot. S: Sanya and describe it. And use the same way to show Washington (to teach north, south, east, and west) We can use a map to learn four words. Listen and match. Then point and say (consolidate to remember the four position words) Finish the part 1on Activity book. Give them 2 to remember the

16、 new words and the meaning of it .Then finish the part 1 on Activity book. Check the answer in groups Point ,ask and answer Show some pictures on TV.( on the blackboard) (三)鞏固新知A: Where is New York? B: Its in the east. ( Look at pictures and describe the position of it ) Show a map of China and deal

17、 with the part 3 on activity book.Do you have a friend? If you have, please draw her / his house .And tell us where is his / her house? (Practice “I live in Beijing. My friend lives in ) (四)作業(yè)布置 (五)小結 1. Practice to read and remember the new words .( look at the phonetic symbol and say them out) 2.

18、Important sentences ( make a simple translation) 板書設計 Unite 2 Did you have a nice holidy? 課后反思: 小學四班級英語上冊二單元教案篇4 一、教學目標 1、能聽、說、認讀單詞warm/cool/hot/cold/weather report 2、能聽、說、認讀句子:Good morning. This is the weather report.Its in. 3、能夠簡單介紹天氣情況,做小小氣象員。 二、教學重點: 理解和掌握單詞warm/cool/hot/cold/weather 三、教學難點: 我國各

19、地的天氣狀況;單詞weather report的發(fā)音 how is the weather today句型的掌握。 四、教學準備: 課件,老師卡片,一根做天氣預報的指揮棒 五、教學過程: 1、導入新課:同學們能談論下今天的天氣嗎用英文,今天我們就來學習英文中怎么談論天氣。 2、板書: How is the weather today? 3、老師可以出示關于天氣狀況的日歷表,給學生講解weather的意思。 4、把How is the weather today?和It is .談論天氣的句型給學生進行講解。 5、教會學生本課重點單詞:cloud 、wind 、sonw、 rain、 sun、w

20、arm、hot、cold、cool單詞。 6、進行一段小對話 Guessing game : Warm or cold? A:Its cold or warm in our classroom. B:Its warm.Now Lets play a game. A:Its warm or cold in Beijing? B:Warm. A:Its _ in Hainan. Is it warm/cold in Hainan? B:No. A:Its hot in Hainan.教讀單詞hot. B:ts hot. Id like some watermelon. What would you

21、 like? A:Id like some. 7、為鞏固所學單詞,老師可以讓學生讀下列兒歌: Lets chant Weather, weather, weather report. This is the weather report. This is the weather report. Cold, cold, its cold in Harbin. Warm, warm, its warm in Beijing. Hot, hot, its hot in Hong Kong. Cool, cool, its cool in Lhasa. 六、教學結束: 布置學生背誦本課單詞,掌握如何談

22、論天氣句型。 小學四班級英語上冊二單元教案篇5 一、教材分析:學習7-12月份 二、教學目標 1、知識目標: 1)基本能夠聽懂,會說,會讀詞匯:July, August, September, October, November, December. 2)學會用“There arebirthdays in ”以及“There is one birthday in ”的語言結構。 3)復習詞匯:flowers, festival, birds, snow, rain, warm, hot, cool, cold, sunny. 2 技能目標:談論月份以及關于各個月的情況。 3情感目標:從小培育學

23、生愛惜環(huán)境的意識。通過學習月份的歌曲,培育學生的樂感和美感。 三、教學重點:詞匯:July, August, September, October, November, December. “There arebirthdays in ”以及“There is one birthday in ”的語言結構。 教學難點:November的讀音。 四、教學準備:錄音機、磁帶,教學卡片、掛圖、日歷等。 五、Teaching steps: Step1: Warmer 1. Greetings T: Hello, boys and girls. Ss: Hello, Miss Yi. T: How ar

24、e you today? Ss: Im fine , thanks . And how are you? T: Im great. Thank you so much. Look! How is the weather today? Ss: Its sunny today. T: How do you feel now? Are you happy? Ss: Yes. Were so happy. T: Lets sing a song , ok? Ss: OK! T Ss: Spring is warm, spring is warm. Summer is hot, summer is ho

25、t. Autumn is cool, autumn is cool. Winter is cold, winter is cold. 2. 復習1-6月份的英文。 Step2: Presentation 1、Lead in T: How many months are there in a year? Ss: There are twelve months in the year.(引出課題) 板書:Unit 2 There are twelve months in the year. T: Lets pass the toy dog and say the words from Januar

26、y to December. Ss: January, February, March, April, May, June.接著老師帶著學生一起說: July, August, September, October, November and December. (在游戲的過程中引入新單詞) T: Today, were going to learn the months. 2、教授July T: Boys and girls, lets play a game, ok? Ss: OK! T: I will speak these names of the months. And you ca

27、n show me your fingers to show. Ss: Yes. T: May. Ss: (show five fingers) May. T: March. Ss: (show three fingers) March. T: July. 提示學生show seven fingers. (July) T: Do you like July? S1: Yes. I like July. We can go to the park in July. 3、教授August T: How old are you? Ss: Im 10 years old. T: When is you

28、r birthday? Ss:八月。 T: Oh , your birthday is in August. Whose birthday is also in August? S2: My birthday is in August, too. T: How many birthdays are there in August? Ss: There are. 4、教授- September T:Boys and girls, when is Teachers Day? Who can tell me? S3: 九月十日。 T: Youre so clever. September,10 th

29、 . Do you like September? S4: Yes. I like September . T: What can you do? S5: We can go to school. T: Sounds great. 5、教授October T:You can guess so well. Do you know which month it is? “ Its cool and its in Autumn. There are 31 days in it. And there is National Day ,too.” S6: October. T: Yes, you are

30、 right. 6、教授November T: I like November. What do you like? S7: I like June. S8: I like March. T: Do you like November? Ss: Yes, we like November. 7、教授December T: Oh ,Im a weather reporter now. In Beijing , its cold and there is snow in December . (播報天氣預報)Can you hear which month it is? Ss: 十二月。 T: D

31、ecember . Whose birthday is in December? S9: My birthday is in December. T: How many birthdays are there in December? Lets count. Ss: There are .birthdays in December. T: I heard Ms Smart are counting birthdays now. Please listen to the tape. Step3: Practice 1. Listen and do. T: Boys and girls , ple

32、ase listen and do. T:1) Whose birthday is in July? Please Stand up. 2) Whose birthday is in August? Put your hands on your head, please! 3) Whose birthday is in September? Touch your ears, please! 4) Whose birthday is in October? Clap, please! 5) Whose birthday is in November? Point to the teacher,

33、please ! 6) Whose birthday is in December? Laugh, please! 2. Group work 完成課本活動3:先請幾個學生朗讀對話示例,然后把學生分成小組,讓他們根據(jù)圖中給的信息展開對話,發(fā)表自己對各個月份的看法。 e.g. S1: Do you like January? S2: Yes, I like January . S1: Why? S2: There are lots of festivals. S3: Which month do you like? S4: I like October. S3: Why? S4: We can

34、fly kites. S5: Which month is your favourite? S6: My favourite month is June. S5: Why? S6: Its warm. I can ride a bike Homework:1熟記1-12月份的單詞 2、詢問父母,然后在課堂上互相介紹自己父母的情況。 小學四班級英語上冊二單元教案篇6 Grandma cooked fish? 教學目標: 知識與技能: 1 Vocabulary: him laugh dance stop last 2 Sentences: Did Dad cook lunch?Yes, he di

35、d. / No, he didnt. 3 Grammar: using the past tense. 過程與方法:講授、過去時 情感、態(tài)度和價值觀: 德育目標:感受家庭的溫暖 重點:him laugh dance stop last Did Dad cook lunch? Yes, he did. / No, he didnt. 難點:using the past tense. 教學方法:講授、過去時 教學過程: (一)導入:Warming up T: Hi, boys and girls! Yesterday I talked with my friends and I watched T

36、V. What about you? Did you watch TV yesterday? S1: Yes, I did. T: Did you listen to music yesterday? S2: No, I didnt T: Did you clean the house? S3: Yes, I did. T: What did they do yesterday? Point and say (show the 6 pictures on page 35) (screen) S1: Grandma cooked fish (二)探究新知Review and leading Le

37、ts come to the Smarts. What are they in their family? What did they do yesterday? Are you clear? Listen to the tape and repeat (CAI) Listen to the tape and answer the questions. S1: Answer the questions. 3 New concepts T: Now this class were going to learn Module 9 Unit 2 Did Dad cook lunch? Pair wo

38、rk Talk about the pictures on page 36 (CAI) S1: Did Dad cook noodles yesterday? S2: Yes, he did. Complete Ex 1 Listen and match Ask some students to give the similar questions. S1: Ask S2: Answer. Find out the past tense of the verbs, Underline the past verbs. Read the verbs after the teacher. Which

39、 is new word? Ask students to point out. S1: Point out the new words. Learn to say the new words (cards) .Then listen, say and chant. (三)鞏固新知Practice Talk about something about your last weekend. S1: I talked with my grandma last weekend. S2: I played football last weekend. S3: I Lets play a game. G

40、uess what he/she did last weekend? S1: Last weekend, I S2: Did you play tennis last weekend? S1: No, I didnt. S3: Did you watch TV last weekend? S1: No, I didnt. S4: Did you play football last weekend? S1: Yes, I did. David 8 groups to play the game. Complete Ex 3 at the same time. (四)作業(yè)布置Homework (

41、五)小結:一般過去時的基本用法 板書設計Designs of the blackboard Unit 2 Grandma cooked fish? Did Dad cook lunch? Yes, he did. No, he didnt. 課后反思: 小學四班級英語上冊二單元教案篇7 What would you like? 作業(yè)布置: 1.Listen to the tape 2.Sing the song 教學后記:學生練習反饋較好。 教學內(nèi)容:Unit 6 Meet my family(1) 教學目標和要求: Learn the sentences of Part A 教學重點:The

42、 new sentences 教學難點:The new sentences 教學用具:Tape/recorder/pictures/things 教學過程: Step1: Revision Step2: Learn the new sentences 1、Look at the pictures 2、Listen to the tape 3、Read the sentences after the tape 4、Read the sentences 5、Learn the new sentences Step3: Lets play 1、Look at the sentences 2、Read

43、 the sentences Step4:Do the exercises Step5:Summary and homework 小學四班級英語上冊二單元教案篇8 教學目標: 1.能聽懂、會說、會讀交際用語:Welcome to What are these/those?Theyre Are these/those ? Yes, they are./No, they arent 2.能聽懂、會說、會讀詞匯:theyre=they are, pig, cow, chicken, duck 3.能聽懂、會說、會讀、會寫詞匯:farm, they, pig, apple, those 4.能熟練朗讀

44、對話或表演對話。 教學難點: 1.句型:What are these/those? Are these/those ?的語調(diào)和用法。 2.詞匯:farm, they, those, chicken, apple, pear的讀音;a和an用法的區(qū)別;名詞復數(shù)形式。 教學準備: 動物頭飾,水果、動物卡片,PPT、學生學案 教學過程: Step1 Before class Listen and Sing a song:Old Mac Donald had a farm Step 2. Warming up 1. Free talk. T:Hello,boys and girls.Im your n

45、ew English teacher,Miss Wang. Im very glad to be here. I want to be your friend. OK,firstly,I want to know your names. T:Whats your name? Whos your friend? Nice to meet you.Welcome to my class.(PPT) S:Thank you. 2. Learn to say:Welcome to (請學生先聽懂“歡迎來到我的課堂”并進行回答,然后學會自己說“歡迎來到我的班級”,向上課老師、聽課老師說) 3. Lead

46、-in and learn T: Boys and girls,we sang a song before class.We were very happy. We saw a lot of animals there.Right?(PPT出現(xiàn)農(nóng)場畫面) They were on the farm. Learn on the farm。 Step 3. Presentation and practice 1.Learn : What are these/those? And pigs/cows/ducks/chickens (1)What are these?Theyre pigs. (2) Are these pigs?No, What are these?Theyre cows. (3) What are those?Theyre s. Ar


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