



1、Unit3 My friends Story time教學設計課文標題Story time單元名稱Unit 3 My friends教材版本人教版(新起點)授課年級二年級授課教師成都市鹽道街小學卓錦分校 黃俊精一、教學背景本課時是第三單元第4課時,本單元將繼續(xù)根據(jù)二年級孩子模仿力、求知欲、表現(xiàn)欲強的心理特點,教學中應采用任務型教學法、TPR情境法、小組活動法等多種教學手段,讓孩子在聽聽說說中模仿英語,在講講演演中掌握英語。二、教學目標1 知識目標形容詞:hungry、delicious、tall、big、ugly、yummy。名詞:monkey、panda、rabbit、squirrel、el

2、ephant、monster。功能句問答有關動物外貌,如:What does he look like? He is .2 技能目標能夠聽懂、會說與故事有關的詞匯。能夠跟隨錄音大膽模仿說唱本課故事,讀懂本課小故事。能夠嘗試不同的形體動作表現(xiàn)不同的動物,并能運用已學過的功能句回答有關動物外貌,如:What does he look like? He is .3 情感目標通過學習小故事體會朋友間真誠與尊重的重要。三、教學重點和難點 學生能看圖說出森林中動物,并且能夠簡單對動物的外貌進行提問和描述。四、教學準備:PPT,動物卡片,動物頭套,單詞卡片。五、教學方法1. TPR法2. 情境法3. 多類小

3、組活動法六、教學手段教學課件、教學錄音、教學卡片教學過程Teaching procedureTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesDesigning intention PreparationActivity 1Greeting:Good morning, boys and girls!Activity 2Play the song: “I am short and you are tall”. Activity 3Show students main scene picture. And ask students two questions.What a

4、nimal can you see in the picture?Where are they?Encourage students to guess.Greet the teacher. Students watch and sing . Students look at the picture and answer the questions.兒歌和問候,活躍課堂氣氛,讓學生輕松、迅速地進入語境。展示主情景圖來引領學生進入主情景the forest。 PresentationActivity 1Show a picture of a big forest.T: What can you s

5、ee in the forest?Teacher gives students sentence pattern “I can see . in the forest”.List out the pictures: monkey、panda、rabbit、squirrel、elephant、monster Teach students words and action together.Activity 2Choose students to read the words and put the word cards under the pictures.Activity 3Show pict

6、ures of the animals.T:What does he look like? Teacher gives students sentence pattern “He is .”.Students look at the picture and answer the question: I can see.Some students point and say.Students read these words together loudly.Some students read the words on the pictures and put the word cards un

7、der the right pictures.Students read the words and play “Mr. Boom” game.Students look at the picture and answer the question: He is.學生通過學過的動物展開想象,引入新動物和森林中的怪物,自然地銜接起來。將新單詞和圖片一一對應起來,加深學生印象。新知鞏固。多次用口語鞏固練習單詞,幫助學生掌握新單詞。將動物和他們的外貌聯(lián)系起來加深學生印象。PracticeActivity 1Watch the video and answer the questions.T: wha

8、t does the monkey say?What is the monkey looking at? What do you think are delicious?T: Whos the monster?Ss: Its . Activity 2Read the storyWatch the video and follow itTeacher read the story and ask students to follow the teacher.Students look at some part of the pictures and answer the question.Stu

9、dents try to follow the tone of the teacher and the video.用提問的方式幫助學生再次理解故事的細節(jié)。學生通過閱讀,加強學生們對于單詞和句子的記憶并熟練運用。ExtensionActivity 1Role-playTeacher play the elephant,students play the other animals.Activity 2 Group work. Ask students to choose one animal to play.Students play the role and try to act like the animal.Students choose a role and act the story.通過表演吸引孩子們的興趣鞏固已學單詞和


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