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1、外研社六級(jí)上冊(cè)英語本下載篇一:外研版小學(xué)英語六年級(jí)上冊(cè)教材梳理外研版小學(xué)英語六年級(jí)(第七冊(cè))教材內(nèi)容的梳理 Module 1.America A.能夠聽、說、認(rèn)讀和寫的詞和短語great, postcard, more, big, tell sbmore/sth in the Canada, San Francisco, Washington D.C America, MexicoB.重點(diǎn)句型:These postcards are great. s a picture of the Great Wall. Tell the long is is New York? Its here, in

2、the east. /Its in the east of America.并能在具體的語 境中運(yùn)用C.功能:講述關(guān)于某個(gè)地方或某件事物的情況;講述某地理位置和相關(guān)的情 況Module 2.ChinaA. 能夠聽讀和寫的詞和短語 sometimes, really, restaurant, squareB. 重點(diǎn)句型Theres a Chinatown in New York. There are lots of Chinese shops/restaurants there. (There are lots of bicycles in China. There is a very famo

3、us river.)并能在具體的語境中運(yùn)用C.功能:用“there is/are”描述事物Module 3.HobbiesA. 能夠聽、說、認(rèn)讀和寫的詞和短語:stamps/dolls/books/pens, hobby, men, women, another, be fromB. 重點(diǎn)句型:Ive got lots of stamps. Do you collect stamps? Yes, I do. some stamps This stamp is from China.并能在具體的語境中運(yùn)用C.功能:談?wù)摵徒榻B個(gè)人的愛好;詢問他人的愛好Module 4.Festivals1 10A

4、. 能夠聽讀和寫的詞和短語 favourite, special, meal, Spring Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Lantern Festival, race, moon cake,B. 重點(diǎn)句型:Can you tell me more about American/Chinese festivals? Whats your favourite festival? Thanksgiving is my favourite festival. What do do Thanksgiving Day? We a

5、lways a special meal. We say “thank you” for our food, family and friends.能在具體的語境中運(yùn)用C.功能:談?wù)摵兔枋鲋形鞣街饕?jié)日;比較中西方節(jié)日的差異;交流自己對(duì) 節(jié)日的愛好Module 5.Foreign FriendsA. 能夠聽、說、認(rèn)讀和寫的詞和短語: meet ,address, pen friend ,Australia,French,petB. 重點(diǎn)句型:Can you speak English? Can I write to yourfriend/you? Yes , of course. is add

6、ress. Who be your pen friend? Why ? Because he/she can speak French/Chinese 并能在具體的 語境中運(yùn)用C.功能:講述自己的能力;介紹自己的情況結(jié)識(shí)筆友或網(wǎng)友Module 6.Letter from AbroadA. 能夠聽、說、認(rèn)讀和寫的詞和短語: chopstick, soon, knife, forkB. 重點(diǎn)句型:Daming got Chinese kite and wefly it in park. Ive got some chopsticks, they difficult. Ive got from Ch

7、ina but I havent got any stamps from Canada.并能在具體的語境 中運(yùn)用C.功能:復(fù)習(xí)“have got”的用法;談?wù)搨€(gè)人所擁有的物品等Module 7.Animal FactsA. 能夠聽和寫的詞和短語 lucky, bamboo, CD-Rom, fantastic2 10B. 重點(diǎn)句型:Pandas bamboo. Do snakes like music? Snakes t hear. The snake thinks the flute is another snake.并能在具體的語境中運(yùn)用C.功能:用一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)描述動(dòng)物及其習(xí)性等Module

8、 8.HabitsA. 能夠聽、說、認(rèn)讀和寫的詞和短語: always, sometimes, never, cleanB. 重點(diǎn)句型:Do play English/watch TV? Yes, I do. / Not Do you like reading now? Yes, course. I read stories. Do you often clean your room? No, I don并能在具體的 語境中運(yùn)用C.功能:談?wù)撔袨?、?xí)慣和喜好Module 9.TripsA. 能夠聽和寫的詞和短語building, all around, peace, inside, showB

9、. 重點(diǎn)句型:Do you want to visit the UN building in New York? Yes, I/we do! /No, thank you. I want to show Daming the present from China. Its beautiful. I want to take a photo/go to 并能在具體的 語境中運(yùn)用C.功能:詢問他人的意愿和表達(dá)自己的意愿Module 10.RulesA. 能夠聽、說、認(rèn)讀和寫的詞和短語: hurry, rule, library card, line, in line, CDB. 重點(diǎn)句型Dont

10、talk in the library. Heres my library Please stand in line. on grass. /Be quiet. /Stop. /Go straight on.并能在具體的語境中運(yùn)用C.功能:能使用祈使句發(fā)出指令;能夠遵守規(guī)章制度、執(zhí)行指令篇二:外研版小學(xué)六年級(jí)英語上冊(cè)英語第七冊(cè)備課3 10Module 1第一課時(shí)教學(xué)內(nèi)容:Unit 1The Great Wall學(xué)習(xí)任務(wù):These postcards are great!Its a picture of the Great Wall .功 能:講述關(guān)于某個(gè)地方或某件事物的情況。教學(xué)過程:一、

11、熱身復(fù)習(xí):1、老師熱情的問候?qū)W生們,歡迎他們?cè)谑罴龠^后回到。(How are you ,boys and girls?Welcome back to school2老師可以詢問學(xué)生們?cè)诩倨诶锒既チ四男┑胤阶隽四男┦虑橛袥]有特 別有趣的經(jīng)歷。 (Where did you go in summer holiday? What did you do in summer holiday ?Have you got interesting things to tell me ?3、建議他們通過展示圖片和照片介紹相關(guān)的情況,可以使用句型“s a picture of,Its very .”等。二、 任務(wù)

12、呈現(xiàn)與課文導(dǎo)入:1、老師從學(xué)生的圖片或照片中選取比較典型的并提問: you this place?”引導(dǎo)全班學(xué)生自由回答。2、回答完畢后,老師總結(jié):These photos are great .出示長(zhǎng)城的明信片,復(fù)習(xí)單 postcard . 老師問:Do you know this place ? 引導(dǎo)學(xué)生回答:Yes ,its Great wall . s a picture of the Great Wall .老師再問:Is it long or short ? It long .3、告訴學(xué)生:在這個(gè)暑假里 去了美國(guó)旅游,并在那里經(jīng)歷了很多有 趣的事情。剛到表哥 Simon 家,行李還

13、沒有收拾好, 和 Simon 迫不及 待的聊開了。三、課文教學(xué):4 101、將本課的掛圖貼在黑板上,播放錄音,呈現(xiàn) 活動(dòng) 1,讓學(xué)生看書,聽 聽 Daming 和 Simon 的對(duì)話,聽完之后,讓學(xué)生說一說:Who is Simon ? Where is Daming ? What are they doing ?2、讓學(xué)生打開書,放錄音,學(xué)生邊聽邊看書,勾畫出課文中的生詞。 教師 講解單詞: Postcard more thousand kilometre millionMexicoCanada3、再放錄音,讓學(xué)生勾出文中的重要信息,引導(dǎo)學(xué)生回答以下問題:(1)明信片上畫的是哪里? (2)

14、關(guān)于長(zhǎng)城、紐約和北京,他們都談了些 什么?4、講解課文重點(diǎn)句型:1. These postcards are great .2. Its a picture of the Great Wall .3. How long is the Wall ? It about six thousand seven kilometers .4. How big is Beijing ? It has got eight million people .5、把全班分成兩組,表演對(duì)話。四、課堂練習(xí):1、全班完成 AB 練習(xí) 1。2、老師帶領(lǐng)學(xué)生共同完成 SB 活動(dòng) 3 的游戲。五、課后作業(yè)。第二課時(shí)教學(xué)內(nèi)容:U

15、nit 2 New York is in the east of America .學(xué)習(xí)任務(wù):Where is New York ? It here, in the east .Canada is north of America and Mexico is south of America.功 能: 講述某地的地理位置和相關(guān)的基本信息。教學(xué)過程:一、 復(fù)習(xí):1、老師出示一張中國(guó)地圖。與學(xué)生進(jìn)行交流:并進(jìn)行介紹:Whats this ?(Its a map of China.) s a map of China m from Beijing . it s in the north of Chi

16、na.5 102、向?qū)W生提問:Where are from ? is on the it on the map. 二、任務(wù)呈現(xiàn)與課文導(dǎo)入:1、出示 Simon 的圖片,提問:Who is he ? s Simon . s Daming s cousin .) Where is he from? (Hes from Now York , America.)板書 New York Where is New York?2出示美國(guó)地圖提問: This is a map of America ,Can you find New York? 引導(dǎo)學(xué)生在圖上找到紐約的位置。三、課文教學(xué):1、在地圖上標(biāo)注 e

17、ast ,west ,south .north .幫助學(xué)生復(fù)習(xí)這些單詞,老 師領(lǐng)讀。鞏固單詞。讓學(xué)生根據(jù)老師的口令作工作。 to the north .Turn to the south .Turn to the east . Turn to the west2、放錄音,讓學(xué)生邊聽邊看 SB 第二單元活動(dòng) 的地圖。把錄音中提到的幾 處美國(guó)城市名稱和周邊國(guó)家名稱寫在黑板上幫助學(xué)生理解再放錄音讓學(xué)生跟 讀。America New York san Francisco Canana MexicoChina3、帶領(lǐng)學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)表達(dá)地理位置的方法。Where is New York ? Its in the

18、 east of America .What about San Francisco ? Its in the west of America.4、老師教授第二種位置表達(dá)法。Where is Canana Its north of . Where is ? It south of America. 總結(jié):加拿大和墨西哥在美國(guó)領(lǐng)土以外,而紐約和舊金山是美國(guó)的 一部分,在美國(guó)境內(nèi),所以兩種表達(dá)法有所不同。5、把全班分成兩組,看活動(dòng)一的圖進(jìn)行對(duì)話練習(xí)。四、課文學(xué)習(xí):1、SB 第二單元活動(dòng) 4,讓學(xué)生熟悉韻詩(shī)的大致內(nèi)容,向?qū)W生講解不理解的 內(nèi)容。6 102全班一起完成 AB 第二單元練習(xí) 3 聽錄音根

19、據(jù)錄音判斷練習(xí)中的陳述 是否正確。五、作業(yè)。Module 2第一課時(shí)教學(xué)內(nèi)容:Unit 1 Chinatown in America.學(xué)習(xí)任務(wù):There is a Chinatown in New York!There are lots of Chinese shops and restaurants there.功能:用 There be “句型描述事物。教學(xué)過程:一、 復(fù)習(xí)上一模塊所學(xué)知識(shí):(1) 讓學(xué)生說出:長(zhǎng)江、黃河、長(zhǎng)城的英語名稱。(2) 復(fù)習(xí)句型: long is the Changjiang River?(6300km Great Wall?(6700km)Yellow Riv

20、er?(5464km)引導(dǎo)學(xué)生用 It 來回答。(3) 讓學(xué)生猜一猜下列城市的人口數(shù)海18million 青島7million 濟(jì) 南:6million500thousand )運(yùn)用句型 How big is it ? It got 來回答。二、 任務(wù)呈現(xiàn)與課文導(dǎo)入:1、 出示一張城市景觀的圖片對(duì)學(xué)生說This is picture of a city. What can in it ) .2、 示一張紐約唐人街的圖片,問學(xué):Do you know where it is ?What can you see in this picture?請(qǐng)學(xué)生回答問題。向?qū)W生介紹:Daming 在在美國(guó)表兄

21、的家里,他正在給家人發(fā)送 email,他 想念家人嗎?他今天了解到了美國(guó)的什么情況呢?讓我們一起來看一看。三、 課文教學(xué):7 101播放動(dòng)畫呈現(xiàn) SB 活動(dòng)一請(qǐng)學(xué)生認(rèn)真聽 Daming 和 Simon 的對(duì)話然后判 斷大明是否想念中國(guó),為什么?(通過文中 you miss China ?Sometimes.以 及大明迫不及待想要去唐人街的表現(xiàn),引導(dǎo)學(xué)生得出肯定的回答,引出 Chinatown 的話題)2、教師提問:Where is Chinatown? What is it like? 再放一遍錄音,讓 學(xué)生看書聽,并從書中找出問題的。引導(dǎo)學(xué)生用文中的回答問題。 is a Chinatown

22、in New York. There are lots of Chinese shops and restaurants there , Theres Chinese dancing.)3、板書以上三個(gè)重點(diǎn),向?qū)W生介紹關(guān)于唐人街的背景。(唐朝在中國(guó)歷史上是一個(gè)強(qiáng)盛的朝代海外的華僑人往往稱自己唐 人”, 他們聚居的地方便稱為“唐人街”。 美國(guó)最大的“唐人街”在舊金山。 舊金山的“唐人街”始于 1850 年前后。當(dāng)年開發(fā)美國(guó)西海岸的華工初來異國(guó), 人生地疏,言語不通,因此他們便集中住在一起,團(tuán)結(jié)互助,休戚與共 。起初, 他們開設(shè)方便華工的小茶館、小飯鋪,接著是豆腐坊、洗衣店等等,逐漸形成了 華工生

23、活區(qū)。后來,越來越多的當(dāng)?shù)厝?,也?jīng)常光顧這里,他們稱這里為“中國(guó) 鎮(zhèn)”,愛上了這里的中國(guó)飯菜。后來,“唐人街”成了繁華街道,街上除了飲食 業(yè)篇三:外研版小學(xué)英語上冊(cè)教材梳理英語知識(shí)梳理基礎(chǔ)詞匯(寫出下列詞匯的漢語意思,并背誦過地點(diǎn)類 WallstreetschoolmuseumEmpire State office building單位類:hundred,thousand ,kilometer,meter形容詞類:big,fat,thin,beautiful,long,short,new, young,high,tall,strong,數(shù)字類:twenty,fifty,sixteen疑問詞:h

24、ow long old,how tall其它:near, along, more than, tell,about,bridge,river8 10動(dòng)詞類:1. go-went 2.send-sent 3.speak-spoke 4.is-was 6.see-saw 7. have-had8.like-liked 9.want-wanted 10.eat-ate 11.find-found 12.write-wrote 13.visit-visited14.drink-drank 15.forget-forgot16. dance- danced17.meet learnlearnt其它:Ch

25、inatown,some,town,everywhere from,lion dance時(shí)間類:last Sunday,yesterday week,last year其它:subject,when國(guó)家類: the UK US,China,America,England,F(xiàn)rance,Australia Canada語言類:Chinese, French,物品類:knife and fork, ,jacket car,apple,orange juice,doll,football,stamp book,toy ship,toy car,computer,plane,doll,其它Austra

26、lianAmericanstamp, bookcollecthobbyisland, coconut,from,putinto,these節(jié)日類festival Day, Thanksgiving DayHalloweenChildren s Day,DragonBoat festival, the Spring Festival疑問詞類:which,what,when,why,who其它importantspecialpoemhearnearlythingshouldfavorite, amazing,countryhomethere aregive presentssend cards, Decemberstreet, shopPleased,live,cousin,pen friend,can,photo,pretty,


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