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1、語法語法9個(gè)語法的重點(diǎn)虛擬語氣定語從句倒裝句主謂一致強(qiáng)調(diào)句連詞的辨析省略句非謂語動(dòng)詞平行結(jié)構(gòu)其他:時(shí)態(tài)、語態(tài)、情態(tài)動(dòng)詞等9個(gè)語法的重點(diǎn)虛擬語氣虛擬語氣A,表建議,要求,命令的動(dòng)詞,及與其相關(guān)的名詞、形容詞或分詞,后面的從句中都要用should+動(dòng)詞原形作謂語,should可省略。B,某些特殊的形容詞,后面常跟虛擬語氣。這一點(diǎn)要尤其注意。C,wish后表示與現(xiàn)實(shí)相反的愿望時(shí)要用虛擬語氣。D,would rather后若加從句則要用過去式表示虛擬語氣,也可以直接加do sth寧愿做。E,If引導(dǎo)的條件狀語中,表示與現(xiàn)在情況相反的假設(shè),表示與過去情況相反的假設(shè)時(shí)。虛擬語氣A,表建議,要求,命令的動(dòng)詞

2、,及與其相關(guān)的名詞、形容虛擬語氣(The Subjunctive Mood)例1 : The millions of calculations involved, had they been done by hand, all practical_ value by the time they were finished.A. could loseB. would have lost C. might loseD. ought to have lost 答案 B. would have lost 注釋從句是省略if的虛擬條件句,謂語部分倒裝,故主句謂語為would have+過去分詞。 譯文所

3、涉及到的數(shù)百萬次計(jì)算,如果用手工操作,到它們完成時(shí)已失去全部實(shí)用價(jià)值。虛擬語氣(The Subjunctive Mood)例1 :虛擬語氣(The Subjunctive Mood)例2 :A safety analysis _the target as a potential danger. Unfortunately, it was never done.A. would identify B. will identifyC. would have identifiedD. will have identified答案 C. would have identified 注釋過去時(shí)間的虛擬語

4、氣表示過去要做而沒有做的事。 譯文一次安全隱患分析本來會(huì)確認(rèn)這個(gè)目標(biāo)是潛在的危險(xiǎn)。不幸的是,這樣的分析從未做過。虛擬語氣(The Subjunctive Mood)例2 :虛擬語氣(The Subjunctive Mood)例3:In the past men generally preferred that their wives _in the home. A. workedB. would workC. workD. were working 答案 C. work注釋因?yàn)閜refer(寧愿)是欲望動(dòng)詞,其后所接的賓語從句中謂語需用(should)+動(dòng)詞原形。譯文過去男子一般都愿意他們的妻

5、子在家里工作。虛擬語氣(The Subjunctive Mood)例3:I虛擬語氣(The Subjunctive Mood)例4:When Edison died, it was proposed that the American people _all power in their homes, streets, and factories for several minutes in honour of this great man. A. turn offB. turned off C. would turn offD. had turned off 答案 A. turn off 注

6、釋 propose是欲望動(dòng)詞,后接的賓語從句或主語從句中謂語要用虛擬語氣:should+動(dòng)詞原形或直接用動(dòng)詞原形。譯文愛迪生去世時(shí),有人建議,為紀(jì)念這位偉人美國人民應(yīng)關(guān)掉家中、街上和工廠里的全部電源幾分鐘。虛擬語氣(The Subjunctive Mood)例4:W虛擬語氣(The Subjunctive Mood)例 5:I apologize if I _you, but I assure you it was unintentional. A. offendB. had offended C. should have offendedD. might have offended 答案 B

7、. had offended 注釋本題測試交錯(cuò)時(shí)間的虛擬條件句。was暗示,事情發(fā)生在過去,所以虛擬條件句中的謂語動(dòng)詞應(yīng)該用表示過去時(shí)間的虛擬形式。 譯文假如我曾經(jīng)冒犯過你,我現(xiàn)在向你道歉,但我向你保證,這不是故意的。虛擬語氣(The Subjunctive Mood)例 5:定語從句對(duì)定語從句的考察是重點(diǎn)考察關(guān)系詞選擇和非限定性定語從句。關(guān)系詞的選擇關(guān)鍵要從其在從句中擔(dān)任著的成分決定的,而不是在主句中的。非限定性定語從句通常由逗號(hào)與修飾的名詞相隔開,而且只能由which,who,whom,whose引導(dǎo),其中which既可以指物,也可以指前面一整句話,這一點(diǎn)大家一定要注意。另外介詞和上面的關(guān)

8、鍵詞連用構(gòu)成符合關(guān)系詞的情況也很多。定語從句對(duì)定語從句的考察是重點(diǎn)考察關(guān)系詞選擇和非限定性定語從例1: Id like to explain the proposals _ we have received many objections.A:to which B:to where C:to who D:to what答案:A解析:限制性定語從句,名詞proposal為物,先行詞為代替物的which。object to反對(duì),其中to是介詞例1: Id like to explain the pr例2:A survey was carried out on the death rate of n

9、ew-born babies in that region, _ were surprising.A:as results B:which resultsC:the results of it D:the results of which 答案:D解析:非限定性定語從句,the result of the survey was surprising,用為定語從句用which代替survey例2:A survey was carried out onShortly after my return, I visited the Appointments Office, _ I was interv

10、iewed by two courteous, impersonal men.A:whatB:whetherC:whenD:where答案:D解析:非限定性定語從句中,先行詞表示地點(diǎn),用whereShortly after my return, I vis倒裝句only后面加狀語,并放于句首時(shí),句子用倒裝;而當(dāng)其修飾其它成分時(shí)不倒裝。表示否定意義的副詞或短語,如seldom,never,rarely,in no time。注意Hardly/scarcely/barely had sb donewhen這一句型,表示一就(as soon as后不加倒裝)倒裝句only后面加狀語,并放于句首時(shí),句

11、子用倒裝;而當(dāng)其修主謂一致當(dāng)主語后跟有with,together with,as well as,but ,except等短語時(shí),謂語動(dòng)詞與前面的主語一致。表示時(shí)間,距離,金錢,速度等的數(shù)量詞作主語時(shí),通常將其看作是一個(gè)整體,為單數(shù)。就近原則:eitheror,neithernor,not onlybut also等結(jié)構(gòu)作主語時(shí),由第二個(gè)詞后的名詞決定謂語形式。主謂一致當(dāng)主語后跟有with,together with,a主語和謂語的一致關(guān)系(Verb Agreement)主語和謂語的一致,是指主語在人稱和數(shù)方面與謂語動(dòng)詞的一致關(guān)系。 例1: There are many valuable se

12、rvices which the public are willing to pay for, but which _ a return in money to the community. A. does not bringB. did not bring C. do not bringD. has not brought 答案 C. do not bring 注釋 which的先行詞是services,故謂語用第三人稱復(fù)數(shù)形式。 譯文有許多有價(jià)值的服務(wù)項(xiàng)目,公眾也愿意支付其費(fèi)用,但是這些項(xiàng)目沒有給社區(qū)帶來經(jīng)濟(jì)回報(bào)。主語和謂語的一致關(guān)系(Verb Agreement)主語和謂主語和謂語的一致

13、關(guān)系(Verb Agreement)例2: The amount of pressure which _the materials are subject to the quality of the products. A. affectsB. affectC. affectingD. to be affected 答案 A. affects 注釋本句中subject是形容詞,后接介詞to,其介詞賓語是which。 譯文這些材料所受到的壓力的量影響產(chǎn)品的質(zhì)量。主語和謂語的一致關(guān)系(Verb Agreement)例2: 主語和謂語的一致關(guān)系(Verb Agreement)例3: There ou

14、ght to be less anxiety over the perceived risk of getting cancer than _in the public mind today. A. existsB. existC. existingD. existed 答案 A. exists 注釋 than引導(dǎo)比較狀語從句,從句中省略the anxiety which。 譯文本應(yīng)減少人們對(duì)患癌癥的焦慮,可如今公眾心目中這種焦慮卻有過之而無不及。主語和謂語的一致關(guān)系(Verb Agreement)例3: 主語和謂語的一致關(guān)系(Verb Agreement)例4: Despite much r

15、esearch, there are still certain elements in the life circle of the insect that _ not fully understood. A. isB. areC. haveD. has 答案 B. are 注釋關(guān)系代詞that的先行詞是elements,故謂語應(yīng)為are。 譯文盡管進(jìn)行了大量的研究,在這種昆蟲的生活周期中仍有某些因素還沒有完全弄懂。主語和謂語的一致關(guān)系(Verb Agreement)例4: 主語和謂語的一致關(guān)系(Verb Agreement)例5:These proposals sought to plac

16、e greater restrictions on the use and copying of digital information than _ in traditional media. A. existB. exists C. existingD. to exist 答案 A. exist 注釋 than引導(dǎo)的定語從句中than作主語,其謂語與帶形容詞比較級(jí)的先行詞保持人稱與數(shù)的一致關(guān)系。也有的語法書認(rèn)為,than引導(dǎo)的是比較從句,后面省略了the restrictions that。 譯文與傳統(tǒng)媒體中存在的限制相比,這些建議試圖更多地限制使用和拷貝數(shù)字信息主語和謂語的一致關(guān)系(Ve

17、rb Agreement)例5:T強(qiáng)調(diào)句基本結(jié)構(gòu)it is/was+強(qiáng)調(diào)部分+that/who(人)+句子中其他成分強(qiáng)調(diào)句基本結(jié)構(gòu)強(qiáng)調(diào)句型(The Emphatic Pattern)英語常用的強(qiáng)調(diào)結(jié)構(gòu)是“It is (was)+被強(qiáng)調(diào)部分(主語、賓語或狀語)+who (that).”。一般說來,被強(qiáng)調(diào)部分指人時(shí),用who;指事物時(shí)用that,但that也可以指人。在美國英語中指事物時(shí)常用which來代替that。1. It is the uses to which television is put determine its value to society.A. they B. those

18、C. thatD. who強(qiáng)調(diào)句型(The Emphatic Pattern)英語常用強(qiáng)調(diào)句型(The Emphatic Pattern)2. It was not until he entered the classroom he realized that he had forgotten to do the homework. A. beforeB. when C. then D. that3. It was Isadora Duncan who responsible for many of the innovations that have made modern dance dif

19、ferent from classical ballet.A. is B. was C. has been D. were強(qiáng)調(diào)句型(The Emphatic Pattern)2. I強(qiáng)調(diào)句型(The Emphatic Pattern)4. It is the news most parents of the hope that there is a safe and socially approved road to a kind of life they themselves have not had, but their children can. A. that depriveB. th

20、at it deprives C. that deprivesD. when it deprives5. It is the business of the scientist to accumulate knowledge about the universe and all in it, and to find, if he is able, common factors which account for the facts that he knows. A. who areB. which areC. who isD. that is強(qiáng)調(diào)句型(The Emphatic Pattern)

21、4. I連詞的辨析that:可引導(dǎo)同位語從句、表語從句、主語從句、賓語從句等;that在這些從句中無實(shí)際含義,也不擔(dān)任任何成分。So+形容詞/副詞thatsuch+(冠詞或形容詞)名詞that,表示如此以至于。what:可引導(dǎo)名詞性從句,并在從句中擔(dān)任主語、賓語等。whetheror/whether or no是否,if則無此用法。by加表示過去的時(shí)間,則主句用過去完成時(shí);加現(xiàn)在,則主句用現(xiàn)在完成時(shí);加將來時(shí)間,則主句用將來完成時(shí)。時(shí)間狀語,條件狀語還有某些讓步狀語中,不出現(xiàn)將來時(shí),要用現(xiàn)在式表示將來時(shí)。分辨一下表示因和果的連詞,表示轉(zhuǎn)折的連詞,容易出選擇題。連詞的辨析that:可引導(dǎo)同位語從

22、句、表語從句、主語從句、賓連接手段(The Connective)連接手段是考試的重要內(nèi)容之一。在完形填空試題中經(jīng)常測試考生正確運(yùn)用連接手段的能力。連接手段一般包括連接詞、連接代詞、連接副詞、關(guān)系代詞和關(guān)系副詞。例1: On a rainy day I was driving north through Vermont _ I noticed a young man holding up a sign reading Boston. A. whichB. whereC. whenD. that 答案 C.when 注釋本題測試下列句型:主語+謂語(過去進(jìn)行時(shí)或過去完成時(shí)) +其它成分+when

23、+主語+謂語(一般過去時(shí))+其他成分。該句型中when引導(dǎo)的分句表示分句行為發(fā)生的突然性, when常譯為就在這時(shí)。例如:I had nearly arrived at the town when he suddenly asked me: Do you speak English? 譯文在一個(gè)下雨天,我正駕車通過Vermont,就在這時(shí)我突然注意到一個(gè)年輕人舉著一塊牌子,上面寫著波士頓。連接手段(The Connective)連接手段是考試的重要連接手段(The Connective) 例2: The senior librarian at the circulation desk prom

24、ised to get the book for me _ she could remember who last borrowed it.A. ever sinceB. much as C. even thoughD. if only 答案 D. if only 注釋 if only與only if不同,if only引導(dǎo)的從句中謂語要用虛擬語氣。only if只是if的強(qiáng)調(diào)形式。 譯文借閱處的年長的圖書館員答應(yīng)幫我弄到這本書,只要他記得誰最后一次借這本書。連接手段(The Connective) 例2: The連接手段(The Connective) 例3: No one would ha

25、ve time to read or listen to an account of everything _ going on in the world. A. it isB. as isC. that isD. what is 答案 C. that is 注釋 that is going on in the world是定語從句,修飾everything, 譯文沒有一個(gè)人會(huì)有時(shí)間去閱讀或收聽介紹世界上正在發(fā)生的每一件事情。連接手段(The Connective) 例3: No 省略句在一些時(shí)間,條件或讓步狀語從句中,當(dāng)主句和從句的主語相同,而從句為主系結(jié)構(gòu)時(shí)(即有be),可將從句主語和系動(dòng)

26、詞一起省略省略句在一些時(shí)間,條件或讓步狀語從句中,當(dāng)主句和從句的主語相省略(Ellipsis) 省略在語言中,尤其在對(duì)話中,是一種常見的現(xiàn)象,它可以使語言簡潔明了。英語里被省略部分一般可以在句子中補(bǔ)上,但有時(shí)省略結(jié)構(gòu)已成定型,如把省略部分補(bǔ)上,反而不合乎習(xí)慣。本節(jié)所涉及的內(nèi)容是有關(guān)考研試題中常見的句法上的省略。例1: We hope the measures to control prices, _ taken by the government, will succeed. A. when B. as C. since D. after 答案 B. as 注釋本句是as引導(dǎo)的特殊狀語從句的省

27、略型,翻譯時(shí)作定語從句處理,可理解為省略了they have been。 譯文我們希望,政府采取的控制物價(jià)的措施將會(huì)取得成功。省略(Ellipsis) 省略在語言中,尤其在對(duì)話中,是一種省略(Ellipsis)例2: The business of each day, _selling goods or shipping them, went quite smoothly. A. it being B. be it C. was it D. it was 答案 B. be it 注釋本題是省略whether和might后主謂倒裝的讓步狀語從句,恢復(fù)后應(yīng)為whether it might be

28、selling goods or shipping them。 譯文每天的業(yè)務(wù),不管是賣貨還是運(yùn)貨,都進(jìn)行得很順利。省略(Ellipsis)例2: The business o省略(Ellipsis)例3: The project requires more labor than _because it is extremely difficult.A. has been put in B. have been put in C. being put in D. to be put in 答案 A. has been put in 注釋本題可理解為than后省略了the labor that的

29、比較狀語從句。 譯文這個(gè)項(xiàng)目需要的勞動(dòng)力比已經(jīng)投入的還多,因?yàn)轫?xiàng)目任務(wù)十分艱巨。省略(Ellipsis)例3: The project re省略(Ellipsis)例4: Jean Wagners most enduring contribution to the study of AfroAmerican poetry is his insistence that it _in a religious, as well as worldly, frame of reference. A. is to be analyzed B. has been analyzed C. be analyze

30、d D. should have been analyzed 答案 C. be analyzed 注釋本題答案是省略should的虛擬語氣,因?yàn)橹骶渲衖nsistence是欲望名詞,故同位語從句中謂語須用虛擬語氣。 譯文吉恩華格納對(duì)美國黑人詩歌研究的不朽貢獻(xiàn)是他主張不僅要用世俗的,而且應(yīng)該用宗教的觀點(diǎn)來分析研究美國黑人詩歌。省略(Ellipsis)例4: Jean Wagners 非謂語動(dòng)詞非限定動(dòng)詞(Nonfinite Verb)是動(dòng)詞的非謂語形式。非限定動(dòng)詞在句中不能單獨(dú)作謂語,不受主語的人稱和數(shù)的限制;它在句中可以充當(dāng)各種句子成分。非限定動(dòng)詞包括動(dòng)詞不定式動(dòng)名詞分詞 (現(xiàn)在分詞、過去分詞

31、)非謂語動(dòng)詞非限定動(dòng)詞(Nonfinite Verb)是動(dòng)詞不定式、分詞和動(dòng)名詞(Infinitive)不定式的用法:例1: People cannot but _puzzled, for they simply cannot understand how he could have made such a stupid mistake. A. feel B. feeling C. to feel D.shavingsfelt 答案 A. feel 注釋 cannot but接動(dòng)詞原形,意為不得不,只好。例如:I could not but admit that he was right an

32、d I was wrong. 譯文人們不得不感到困惑,因?yàn)樗麄兒喼睙o法理解,他怎么會(huì)犯這樣一個(gè)愚蠢的錯(cuò)誤。不定式、分詞和動(dòng)名詞(Infinitive)不定式的用法:不定式、分詞和動(dòng)名詞(Infinitive)例2: Those part-time students expect some jobs _on campus during the coming summer vacation. A. to offer B. to be offered C. to have offered D. being offered 答案 B. to be offered 注釋 expect后接動(dòng)詞不定式。of

33、fer sb. sth.向某人提供某物;students是句子的主語,所以動(dòng)詞不定式用被動(dòng)態(tài),即to be offered。 譯文那些打工的學(xué)生期望在即將來臨的暑假中能在校園內(nèi)向他們提供更多的工作。不定式、分詞和動(dòng)名詞(Infinitive)例2: Thos不定式、分詞和動(dòng)名詞(Infinitive)例3: The students expected there _ more reviewing classes before the final exams. A. is B. Being C. have been D. to be 答案 D. to be 注釋 there be的動(dòng)詞不定式形式

34、是there to be,在本題中作expected的賓語。 譯文這些學(xué)生期望在期末考試以前有更多的復(fù)習(xí)課。不定式、分詞和動(dòng)名詞(Infinitive)例3: The 不定式、分詞和動(dòng)名詞(Infinitive)例4: It isnt cold enough for there _a frost tonight, so I can leave Jims car out quite safely. A. would be B. being C. was D. to be 答案 D. to be 注釋 for there to be a frost是由there be句型轉(zhuǎn)化來的特殊形式的帶邏輯主

35、語的動(dòng)詞不定式,作結(jié)果狀語。 譯文今晚天氣不致冷到有霜凍,因此我能把吉姆的汽車安全地停在外面。不定式、分詞和動(dòng)名詞(Infinitive)例4: It i其他其他平行結(jié)構(gòu)(The Parallel Structure)當(dāng)句中的信息是以并列列舉的形式表示時(shí),所列舉的成分必須在語法上是并列的。 例1: Countless divorced politicians would have been elected out of office years ago had they even thought of a divorce, let alone_ one. A. gettingB. to get

36、C. gottenD. get 答案 C. gotten 注釋 let alone(更不用說)后接同等成分,即并列結(jié)構(gòu)。本句中thought與gotten是并列結(jié)構(gòu),均為過去分詞。 譯文無數(shù)離婚的政治家如果過去即使想到要離婚,更不要說真的離婚了,他們本來就會(huì)落選。平行結(jié)構(gòu)(The Parallel Structure)當(dāng)句平行結(jié)構(gòu)(The Parallel Structure)例2: As far as I am concerned, his politics are rather conservative compared with _. A. that of other politicia

37、nsB. ones of other politicians C. other politiciansD. other politicians答案 D. other politicians注釋 politicians意為politicians politics,與前面his politics相并列。此處politics意為政治觀點(diǎn),故謂語用第三人稱復(fù)數(shù)are。譯文我的看法是,與其他政治家的政見相比,他的政見是相當(dāng)保守的。平行結(jié)構(gòu)(The Parallel Structure)例2平行結(jié)構(gòu)(The Parallel Structure)例3:As long as poor people, who

38、 in general are coloured, are in conflict with richer people, who in general are lighter _, theres going to be a constant racial conflict in the world. A. skinB. skinningC. skinnedD. being skinned 答案 C. skinned 注釋 are lighter skinned與前面的are coloured是并列結(jié)構(gòu)。lighter skinned意為膚色更淺的,其中的lighter是副詞比較級(jí)。 譯文只要

39、窮人(一般是有色人種)與富人(一般是白人)發(fā)生沖突,世界上就會(huì)發(fā)生不斷的種族沖突。平行結(jié)構(gòu)(The Parallel Structure)例3試題舉例:情態(tài)動(dòng)詞26. Marys score on the test is the highest in her class; she _ have studied very hard.A.may B.should C.must D.ought to 60. - I have taken someone elses T-shirt by mistake. Is it Janes? - It _ be hers. She seldom wears re

40、d.A.wont B.cant C.neednt D.mustnt61. - May I go to play basketball now, mum?- No. You _ finish your homework first.A.can B.must C.may D.need試題舉例:情態(tài)動(dòng)詞26. Marys score on t試題舉例:連詞27. He cannot be tired _ he has walked only half a mile.A.since B.whether C.when D.as long as31. A businessman should know h

41、is buyers not just _ buyers, but _ people.A.like like B.like as C.as as D.as like62. She was in the middle of telling me the news _ a cloud came over her face.A.where B.why C.when D.while試題舉例:連詞27. He cannot be tired 35. _ the fact that his initial experiments had failed, Prof. White persisted in hi

42、s research.A.Because ofB.As to C.In spite ofD.In view of71. The uniform makes us look like a bunch of clones, especially _ we are doing morning exercise in the playground. A.since B.which C.as D.when72. _ difficult the situation was, we managed to survive.A.How B.However C.WhatD.When35. _ the fact t

43、hat his 73. _ I understand what you say, I cant agree with you.A.Even B.While C.Because D.No matter107. _five hundred people are believed to have drowned. A. As many as B. As much as C. So many as D. So much as73. _ I understand what y試題舉例:名詞復(fù)數(shù)51. All of the _ in our school will attend a special mee

44、ting.A.women teachers B.woman teachers C.women teacher D.woman teacher試題舉例:名詞復(fù)數(shù)51. All of the _試題舉例:時(shí)態(tài)59. By the time he arrives in Beijing, we _ here for two days.A.shall stay B.have been staying C.will have stayed D.have stayed85. I wont complain as long as I _ where I want to go.A.will get B.get

45、C.got D.would get112. Maggie _the floor when she _the door bell ring. A. was sweeping heard B. swept heard C. was sweeping was hearing D. swept was hearing試題舉例:時(shí)態(tài)59. By the time he arri試題舉例:虛擬語氣74. It is necessary that you _ be present at the meeting.A.should B.could C.may D.will75. If human beings

46、had been a bit less greedy and cruel, more birds and animals _ dying out.A.ought to avoidB.could have been avoided C.should have avoided D.might have avoided試題舉例:虛擬語氣74. It is necessary t90. Id rather you _make any comment on the issue for the time being. A. dont B. wouldnt C. didnt D. shouldnt100.

47、The mad man was put in the soft padded cell lest he _himself. A. injure B. had injured C. injured D. would injure90. Id rather you _make an試題舉例:定語從句28. The reason _ I came late for the meeting was that my car broke down.A.why B.because C.that D.which70. A survey was carried out on the death rate of

48、new-born babies in that region, _ were surprising.A.as results B.which results C.the results of it D.the results of which 117. The painting, _was set in the wood frame, is Da Vincis authentic works. A. which B. that C. when D. who試題舉例:定語從句28. The reason _試題舉例:非謂語動(dòng)詞30. Though _ money, his parents man

49、aged to send him to university.A.lacked B.lacking of C.lacking D.lacked in63. The new government is trying to justify _ the income tax.A.increasing B.to increase C.increase D.increased64. Rather _ by the party, he left half an hour before it was ended.A.to be boring B.bored C.to be bored D.boring試題舉

50、例:非謂語動(dòng)詞30. Though _ m69. The pilot asked all the passengers on board to remain _ as the plane was making a landing.A.seated B.seating C.seatD.to be seating76. You should give the application to the man _ at that chair.A.sits B.to sit C.sat D.sitting77. _ the program, they have to stay there for anot

51、her three weeks.A.Not having completed B.Not completed C.Not completing D.Having not completed69. The pilot asked all the pa79. She was lying in bed _ a book.A.to read B.reading C.to be reading D.to have read84. John suggested _ anything about it until they found out more facts. A.not to say B.not s

52、ay C.to say not D.not saying101. Jane never dreams of _for her to be sent abroad very soon. A. there being a chance B. there to be a chance C. there be a chance D. being a chance79. She was lying in bed _104. On hearing the news of _the examination, the boy was very happy. A. his having passedB. he

53、passed C. his being passed D. to pass109. He had been having trouble _a hotel room. A. reserving B. to reserve C. reserved D. reserve113. I wish you wouldnt spend so much time _TV. A. to watch B. watch C. watched D. watching104. On hearing the news of _試題舉例:附加疑問句110. I believe youll get through the

54、tough moment, _? A. dont I B. wont I C. dont you D. wont you試題舉例:附加疑問句110. I believe youl試題舉例:名詞性從句105. Are you certain that this is _ in his letter? A. grandfather expressed B. what grandfather has expressed C. grandfather has expressed D. which grandfather has expressed試題舉例:名詞性從句105. Are you certa

55、in試題舉例:with用法65. _ rapid development of railways, aviation and ocean transport, long distance traveling has become more and more common.A.The B.It was the C.With the D.There was the78. She walked across the immense room _ everyone looking at her.A.with B.as C.while D.when試題舉例:with用法65. _ rapid d試題舉例

56、:倒裝句80. Only by shouting at the top of his voice _.A.was he able to make himself hear B.was he able to make himself heard C.he was able to make himself heard D.he was able to make himself hear81. _ that our knocking could not wake him up.A.Deeply he slept B.So deeply he slept C.Did he sleep deeply D

57、.So deeply did he sleep試題舉例:倒裝句80. Only by shouting a試題舉例:感嘆句116. _a charming girl she is! A. What B. How C. Which D. That試題舉例:感嘆句116. _a charming gi試題舉例:被動(dòng)語態(tài)83. The modern cigarette _ to have been invented by a group of Turkish soldiers.A.isB.saidC.saysD.is said試題舉例:被動(dòng)語態(tài)83. The modern cigare試題舉例:主謂

58、一致120. Not only Tom but also his wife _fond of watching television. A. are B. were C. be D. was 試題舉例:主謂一致120. Not only Tom but試題舉例:詞序98. If tap water were as dangerous as some people think, _would be getting sick. A. a lot of more us B. more a lot of us C. a lot of us some D. a lot more of us試題舉例:詞序

59、98. If tap water were a句子規(guī)則:改錯(cuò)1. I am like my parent. 2. He is loves his teacher. 3. He keeps swim every day. 4. He wants drink a glass of water. 5. He likes play violin. 6. Jack do not love mathematics. 7. Mary hate singing. 8. My mother cook very good food. 9. He want me to see him tomorrow. 10. H

60、e not knows my name. 11. I not like you. 12. He not like swimming. 13. You not went home. 14. I not like swimming. 15. I wanted to went to my mothers home. 16. I do not like to swimming. 17. I did not ate dinner. 18. I will not went home. 19. He did not went home. 20. You may leaving now. 21. He can


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