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1、2023學(xué)年九上英語期末模擬測(cè)試卷請(qǐng)考生注意:1請(qǐng)用2B鉛筆將選擇題答案涂填在答題紙相應(yīng)位置上,請(qǐng)用05毫米及以上黑色字跡的鋼筆或簽字筆將主觀題的答案寫在答題紙相應(yīng)的答題區(qū)內(nèi)。寫在試題卷、草稿紙上均無效。2答題前,認(rèn)真閱讀答題紙上的注意事項(xiàng),按規(guī)定答題。. 單項(xiàng)選擇1、The music is fantastic and it is well worth _.Alistening Bto listen to Cbeing listened Dlistening to2、Two students to the opening ceremony last Friday.Ahundreds, wer

2、e invitedBhundred , were invitedChundreds of, invited3、Ken, can you turn down the music a little? I _ to study for my test.Aam trying Btry Ctried Dhave tried4、-Stop playing with your phone. Its time to have a meeting.-Thank you for _ me.Ainviting Breminding Cencouraging5、-What about having a drink?-

3、_.AHelp yourselfBNever mindCYoure rightDGood idea.6、 Did you buy a new phone last Sunday? No, I a folding smartphone next month.AboughtBbuyCwill buy7、The sign _ is a traffic sign. I means “You cant turn right here”.ABC8、- Which of the two shirts would you like to choose?- Both. Then I can give one t

4、o my brother and leave _ to myself.AanotherBthe otherCother9、Must I go there right now, mum?No, you _. You can go there tomorrow.AshouldntBcantCmustntDneednt10、I still remember the college and the teachers _ I visited in London years ago.AwhatBwhoCthatDwhich. 完形填空11、 Near(在附近) my home(家), there is (

5、有) 1 shop(商店). One day Zhang Qiang asks 2 to go shopping(去購(gòu)物) with him. He wants to buy some fruit 3 his family. Now we are in the shop. “ 4 I help you?” the salesgirl (女店員)asks us. “ 5 , please. I want 6 apples.” “Sure. Here you are. 7 that all? “No, I want some bananas, too.” Zhang Qiang answers(回

6、答). “How 8 do you want?” “Two kilos(公斤). Thats all. Thank you.” “Youre 9 .” says the salesgirl. 10 we go out of (從出去)the shop, Zhang Qiang says, “the salesgirl is very kind (友好的)to us. Do you think so?”1AaBanCtheD/2AIBmeCmyDmine3AonBinCwithDfor4ADoBDontCCanDCant5ANoBYesCNotDDont6AsomeBmanyCanyDa7AAm

7、BIsCAreDIsnt8AsomeBaboutCmuchDmany9AgreatBrightCOKDwelcome10AWhyBWhatCWhenDWhere. 語法填空12、 Tyler was a troublesome student. He sat in the back row. Every time I called him to answer questions, hed r1 with a flip(輕率的) answer. If he got it wrong, he would get very angry.Usually kids could sit q2 in cla

8、ss. However, Tyler was just loud. One day, Tyler was talking while I was teaching. I said to him, “Tyler, why not join in our discussion i3 of having one of your own?” He got up from his chair, pushed it over, and s4 something I cant remember. I sent him to the office and he received a weeks out-of-

9、school punishment.The week was a wonderful time for me, but when it came to an e5, I began to feel worried. So I came up with a plan. On the day of his r6, I told him I wanted to start over with him. If he felt like he was going to lose control(控制) in class, he could step o7 the door for a moment.Fr

10、om then on, Tyler was a changed s8 in my classroom. In fact he was a smart child and he even stopped a fight between two students one day. And he never used the privilege(特權(quán)) to leave the class for a moment. I believe that just letting him decide for h9 made all the difference.When the year was over

11、, he wrote me a thank-you note about h10 good the year had been for him. I still have it today and find it very moving to reread when I get stressed(有壓力的) about teaching. 閱讀理解A13、I arrived in Cali, the second largest city in Colombia. The sun was truly shining. Cali was great, the people were friend

12、ly and helpful. One thing I knew about Colombia before I came was the coffee. I drank it every day while dreaming about South American adventures in my cold, wet hometown of England.What I wasnt prepared for was the beauty there. Even the bus ride was a pleasure. I never thought I would say like thi

13、s in South America. The landscape was so unexpected, I didnt imagine Colombia to have this much beauty. There lay fresh mountain waterfalls as well as luminous green hills at every turn, it was so amazing!Bogota was my next stop. In the beginning, I thought it was a boring city with nothing differen

14、t from any other. Then I opened my eyes and my heart. It attracted me. The smiles from the locals were infectious(有感染力的), love poured from their hearts.For me, Bogota and the Colombian people changed my view on everything. I took a walk alone one night to pick up some goods. It was dark, and I was i

15、n a strange neighborhood.Yet all I could think about was how safe I felt, I almost felt like I was in my local town. People smiled and carried on with their own business. I walked more slowly and stayed for longer, that moment, I knew I had to change foreigners opinion on Colombia.Thinking about the

16、 last month in Colombia, I couldnt believe how much I had fallen in love with it. Ive done seven countries in seven months and over twenty-five in my lifetime, and Colombia is right up there at number one! It was like a holiday romance.I will always love Colombia and anyone that tells you it is dang

17、erous has obviously never been there before.1_ impressed the writer most when he was in Cali.ANice weather and mountain waterfallsBFriendly people and beautiful viewsCSafe neighborhood and nice peopleDTasty coffee and beautiful views2Which of the statements is the writers opinion?ACali is the second

18、 largest city in Colombia.BBogota was great, and the people were friendly.CThe writer has been to seven countries in seven months.DIt is dangerous to travel in Colombia like other countries.3What writing techniques (手法)does the writer use in Paragraph 4?AGiving examples BMaking a definitionCMaking a

19、 comparison DExplaining cause and effect4Who may be interested in this article?APeople who like making coffee by hand.BPeople who want to have adventures.CPeople who want to do business with others.Dpeople who like travelling around the world.B14、 Henry is a boy of nine. Three years ago, he began to

20、 go to school. He studied hard and does well in his lessons. His parents like him very much.Henrys grandpa is a single (單身的) man. But once he lost a leg in a traffic accident. And now he cant work. He often tells the boy all kinds of interesting stories. Sometimes he makes a kite or a cage. And he t

21、eaches the boy how to catch the singing birds and how to give them food. The boy admires him very much and always stays with him when hes free. But Henrys mother didnt like the old man. She always thought him useless and dirty, and didnt let her son play with him but the boy didnt listen to her. Whe

22、n they sat at table, she put some food on another table and filled a broken bowl with rice and porridge. The old man was very sad but he dared (敢) not say anything. Henry was angry with his mother about it. One day he saw a broken bowl on his way home. He picked it up and put it into his bag. His mo

23、ther found it and asked, “Why have you brought a broken bowl home, dear?” “I keep it for you.” said Henry, “When youre old like my grandpa, Ill fill it with rice for you!” Having heard this, the woman began to cry. Since then shes been good to the old man.1His parents like Henry because _.Ahes good

24、to his grandpaBhes a polite boyChe does well in his lessonsDhes learned to catch singing birds2Henry admires his grandpa because _.Ahe tells him a lot of interesting storiesBhe knows how to catch singing birds and give them foodChe can make kites and cagesDhes an old man with many abilities(能力)3_, s

25、o she didnt let her son play with him.AThe old man often taught Henry to do something interestingBThe woman hadnt enough food to give the old manCThe woman thought the old man useless and dirtyDThe old man lost a leg in the traffic accident4Henry brought the broken bowl home to _.Aplay with itBfrigh

26、ten his motherCbeat his parentsDfill it with rice5The woman was afraid _, so shes good to the old man.Aher husband wouldnt love herBthe police would know about itCher son would be bad to her when she was oldDthe old man wouldnt leave her any moneyC15、When I was in the sixth grade, I became a big K-p

27、op (Korean pop) fan. Almost half the students at my middle school were Korean and almost all of them listened to Korean music, especially K-pop. I had never been interested in it. It sounded too strange to me, but all changed in the sixth grade when the huge hit Gee came out. All my friends were sin

28、ging the chorus and imitating the dance. Gee fever sucked me into K-pop. It became my life. I listened to K-pop non-stop and filled my iPod with it. In a month, I had memorized the names of countless members of boy and girl bands and stuck pictures of my singer boyfriends on my walls. I would ditch

29、my weekend art and math classes and go to concerts with my friends. This would always result in my mom shouting that I was wasting my life. My mom thought K-pop was trash and wanted me to like classical music as she did. But classical music made me sleepy.Every day during middle school I went to a K

30、-pop gossip and news site called . On this site I learned that I could audition(試音) to become a singer in a K-pop band. The shining clothes, thousands of screaming fans and hearing them chant my name seemed much more exciting than being a middle school student. Becoming a K-pop star was all I wanted

31、.I started watching the audition videos of current stars and reading blog posts from people who had auditioned. They explained much about the audition. This made me want to audition even more. After watching those videos, I saw that most of the current stars werent that amazing in their auditions an

32、d that each singer had improved so much through training. I had never had vocal lessons(聲樂課) and didnt think of myself as a good singer. “But if they could do it, I could do that too,” I thought.1What caused the author to fall in love with K-pop?AHer Korean origin. BA new style of dance.CHer friends

33、 influence. DThe popularity of Gee.2The underlined word ditch in Paragraph 1 probably means _.Aforget Battend Cignore Dhate3What do we know about the authors mother?AShe has no interest in music. BShe has a low opinion of K-pop.CShe doesnt care about her daughter. DShe prefers K-pop to classical mus

34、ic.4After visiting , the author _.Adreamed of becoming a pop singer Bcalled the manager of the news siteCcontacted people who had auditioned Dknew she would never become a singerD16、Sang Lan is a former(以前的) member of the national womens gymnastic(體操) team. She hurt herself seriously in a competitio

35、n at the Goodwill Games held in Long Island, New York in 1998. She has been on a wheelchair since then.Although she was disabled, Sang Lan believed that she would walk again one day. She kept on exercising all year round, and was sure that she would stand up. When she was in New York, she caught the

36、 hearts of Americans. Many people called her a brave and confident girl. She became an international symbol(象征) of courage and was very popular in the United States.The brave girl has been a college student in Peking University now. Her dream of going to college has come true.Get up from where you f

37、all is the most ordinary thing for a gymnast. And its my motto(座右銘). Sang said, Ill spend my time scientifically and work hard on my studies so as to be a winner in life.1From the story we know that Sang Lan _ now.Ais studying in a universityBis living in New YorkCis a sports girlDis in the sports c

38、lub2The accident happened _.Ain BeijingBin New YorkCin Peking UniversityDin England3Sang Lan became an international symbol of courage because she_.Awas always smilingBwas hurt badlyCwas an athleteDfaces the challenges(挑戰(zhàn)) bravely4Sang Lans motto Get up from where you fall means _ in Chinese.A從哪里起來B

39、摔倒之后要起來C哪里摔倒哪里起來D從你摔倒的地方起床5The best title for the passage is _.AA Brave GirlBA Beautiful GirlCA Sick GirlDAn Able GirlE17、 If English means endless new words, difficult grammar and sometimes strange pronunciation, you are wrong. Havent you noticed that you have become smarter since you started to le

40、arn a language?According to a new study by a British university, learning a second language can lead to an increase in your brain power. Researchers found that learning other languages changes grey matter. This is the area of the brain which processes information. It is similar to the way that exerc

41、ise builds muscles.The study also found the effect is greater when the younger people learn a second language. A team led by Dr. Andrea Mechelli, from University College London, took a group of Britons who only spoke English. They were compared with a group of “early bilinguals” who had learnt a sec

42、ond language before the age of five, as well as a number of later learners.Scans showed that grey matter density (密度) in the brain was greater in bilinguals than in people without a second language. But the longer a person waited before mastering a new language, the smaller the difference.“Our findi

43、ngs suggest that the structure of the brain is changed by the experience of learning a second language,” said the scientists.It means that the change itself increases the ability to learn.Professor Dylan Vaughan Jones of the University of Wales, has researched the link between bilingualism and maths

44、 skills. “Having two languages gives you two windows on the world and makes the brain more flexible (靈活的),” he said. “You are actually going beyond language and have a better understanding of different ideas.”The findings were matched in a study of native Italian speakers who had learned English as

45、a second language between the ages of two and thirty-four. Reading, writing, and comprehension were all tested. The results showed that the younger they started to learn, the better. “Studying a language means you get an entrance to another world,” explained the scientists.1The main subject talked a

46、bout in this passage is _.Ascience on learning a second languageBmans ability of learning a second languageCthat language can help brain powerDlanguage learning and maths study2The underlined word “bilingual” probably means _.Aa researcher on language learningBa second language learnerCa person who

47、can speak two languagesDan active language learner3We may know from the scientific findings that _.Athe earlier you start to learn a second language, the higher the grey matter density isBthere is no difference between a later second language learner and one who doesnt know a second languageCthe exp

48、erience of learning a second language has a bad effect on peoples brainDthe ability of learning a second language is changing all the time4In the last two paragraphs, the author wants to tell us that _.Alearning a second language is the same as studying mathsBearly learning of a second language help

49、s you a great deal in studying other subjectsCItalian is the best choice for you as a second languageDyoud better choose the ages between 2 and 34 to learn a second languageF18、Rocky Hurt and Ethan Wilson were playing football in their front yard in Marietta. Suddenly a woman they had never met ran

50、out of her house shouting to them to call an ambulance. That woman was Susanna Rohm. Her 12-week-old baby seemed to stop breathing. She was so scared that she couldnt find her cell phone. so she had decided to rush outside to ask for help. After getting their parents to make the call, the two boys f

51、ollowed their mother to see if they could do anything to help. And help they did! As Susanna was trying to do CPR(心肺復(fù)蘇術(shù)) on her baby. Young Rocky came in and told her she was doing it all wrong. Instead he asked her to use two fingers, push on the chest 5-10 times. tilt(傾斜 ) the babys head. plug(堵住)

52、 the nose and then do a mouth-to-mouth resuscitation (復(fù)蘇 ) by breathing into the babys mouth. Luckily for him and the baby. Susanna accepted his advice for even a second and came a loud cry from the baby. Soon the doctors came and the baby was sent to hospital. The most amazing part of this story is

53、 that neither boy has attended a CPR class. Instead. They learned it all by carefully reading the posters on the walk of their school hall. And, while they are now being called as heroes and even interviewed on national television .neither really cares. They are just glad to have saved the babys lif

54、e! Thanks to the posters on the walls, they could save the kid! “Their teacher said to the reporter proudly.1What did Susanna ask Rocky and Ethan to do in a hurry?ACall an ambulance for her baby.BTake care of her baby al home.CHelp her to find her cell phone.DPlay football in from of her house.2How

55、did Rocky and Ethan learn CPR?AThey used to go to the hospital to learn from the doctors.BThey often listened to the radio and kept it in their minds.CThey usually watched the medical care programmers on TVDThey read the posters about it on the walls of their school.3Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?ARocky and Ethan


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