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1、2023學(xué)年九上英語期末模擬測試卷請(qǐng)考生注意:1請(qǐng)用2B鉛筆將選擇題答案涂填在答題紙相應(yīng)位置上,請(qǐng)用05毫米及以上黑色字跡的鋼筆或簽字筆將主觀題的答案寫在答題紙相應(yīng)的答題區(qū)內(nèi)。寫在試題卷、草稿紙上均無效。2答題前,認(rèn)真閱讀答題紙上的注意事項(xiàng),按規(guī)定答題。. 單項(xiàng)選擇1、Tom wants to know if you _ a picnic next Sunday.Yes. But if it _, well visit the museum instead.Awill have; will rainBhave; rainsChave; will rainDwill have; rains2、T

2、he boy is old enough to dress _ now.AhimselfBherselfCmyself3、As China grows stronger and stronger, Chinese _ in more and more schools out of our country.AteachesBis taughtChas taughtDwas taught4、Do you know how much Mary all these books? They only 200 yuan!Aspent; cost Bpaid for; spentCpaid for; cos

3、t Dcost; spent5、The silk _ very soft.AfeelsBis feltCfeel6、 a pop fan, I am looking forward Jay Zhous concert.AOf; inBWith; forCFor; atDAs; to7、- What would you like to drink, coffee or tea?-_ is OK. Im thirsty.ABothBEitherCEveryDAll8、Surfing first started on the island of Hawaii, didnt it?Yes, but n

4、ow it _ by people all over the world.Ais enjoyedBis enjoyingChas enjoyedDwill enjoy9、-Dad, I had a quarrel with my deskmate yesterday. Could you tell me_ to ask for forgiveness from him?-Of course. You can say sorry to him first.Awhat I should doBhow can I speakCwhere I can find himDwhen I could com

5、e back10、A friend in need is a friend indeed. The only way a friend is to be one.Afor havingBhavingCto have. 完形填空11、One sunny day, I decided to go for a walk with my husband. I was wearing a special 1 ring that day. It was my 20th birthday gift from my grandmother.As we were walking in the park, I j

6、ust looked 2 at my hand and found the diamond on my ring was missing. I was really 3 , so I went back to look for it. I knew how small the chances were of finding it, but I still wanted to give it a try.As I was fixing my eyes on the ground, I ran into an old gentleman 4 .“Whats the matter, love?” h

7、e asked nicely.“Sorry that I ran into you,” I said. “But I lost something important. Im really nervous.”I explained about the missing diamond and showed him the 5 in my ring.“Thats not going to be easy to find it,” he said. “Tell you what, love, I take a walk here every day. Ill 6 my eyes open for i

8、t.”I thanked him, expecting 7 . However, a few days later, my husband and I met the old man again in the park.“Guess what,” he said. “I found your diamond!”I couldnt believe what I saw when the gentleman handed the diamond back to me. Then my husband 8 him money for his help, but he refused.As the d

9、iamond is worth several thousand dollars, the old man could have easily kept the diamond 9 sold it, but he did neither of these.Now thanks to this man, I always look at my ring and remind 10 that there are still kind and generous souls out there. Ill spend more time trying to do something equally ni

10、ce for other people.1Agold Bsilver Ciron Ddiamond2Aback Bdown Cup Daround3Ahappy Btired Cangry Dworried4Ain time Bby accident Cat first Din general5Ahole Bpicture Cword Dprice6Akeep Bget Ctake Dmake7Aeverything Bsomething Cnothing Danything8Ashowed Blent Coffered Dcarried9Aand Bbut Cso Dor10Amyself

11、Bhimself Cherself Dourselve. 語法填空12、I knew we needed to find that shoe, for our mother couldnt afford new shoes. I had to go back to find it, so I told my sister to wait right1.A man heard it and stopped me just2I walked off. He asked me, “You are leaving your sister here to find the shoe? What woul

12、d you do if she is not here when you return?” I didnt know how to answer that question. He3, “Its OK if you cant find the shoe, but it is not OK to lose your sister.” Then he sent us to mums workplace by taxi.During my whole life I have depended on the kindness of many strangers, I feel sorry that I

13、 cant find them and say thank you. I do not even remember what their faces4, but they taught me a lesson - people are more important than things. 閱讀理解A13、Beijing was the capital for six dynasties(朝代). Among many new high buildings, you still can find something different here. When you walk through t

14、he hutong you will really love this old capital.A hutong is narrow lane between the outer walls of houses. The main buildings in a hutong are siheyuan-buildings with houses around a yard.If you come and go through the narrow hutong, you will get a feel for the heart of old Beijing. It is a place of

15、peace, and its not like the noisy city. Usually, you can see groups of older people sitting together and playing cards or Chinese chess.The hutong is an important element (元素) of Beijing. Most of them were built during the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties. The oldest hutong is Sanmiao Street, which is

16、more than 900 years old.The hutong shows the culture of ordinary Beijingers. The people of Beijing used to enjoy a big dinner with their neighbors in the hutong. Neighbors and friends are never too far away to hear a shout.There are lanes that are similar to hutong in other parts of China. But they

17、have different names. For example, in Shanghai, people call these lanes linong. While in Hunan, people call them xiangzi.1Beijing used to be the capital of dynasties.Athree Bfour Cfive Dsix2The underlined word “l(fā)ane” means in Chinese.A馬路 B街道 C巷道 D捷徑3Which of the following is TRUE according to the pa

18、ssage?ALiving in a hutong is comfortable but noisy.BMost of hutong in Beijing were built more than 900 years ago.CBeijingers are difficult to get each others help because they live too far away.DDifferent places have different names of hutong in China.4Which of the following can be the best title of

19、 the passage?AOld Capital CultureHutong BThe History of HutongCBeijingers Living Condition DWhat Is HutongB14、When he was a little boy, his uncle called him “Sparky” after a comic-strip (連環(huán)畫) horse named Spark Plug. School was all but impossible for Sparky.He failed every subject in the eighth grade

20、. And though he did manage to make the schools golf team, he lost the only important match of the season straight away.Throughout his youth, Sparky was awkward socially. It wasnt that the other students disliked him. It was just that no one really cared all that much. In fact, Sparky was surprised i

21、f a classmate ever said hello to him outside of school hours. Sparky was a loser. Him, his classmates everyone knew it. So he learned to live with it. He made up his mind that if things were meant to work out, they would. One thing was important to Sparky, however-drawing. He was proud of his artwor

22、k. No one else enjoyed it. But that didnt seem to matter to him. In his senior year of high school, he sent some cartoons to the yearbook. The editors refused to consider his ideas. Despite (即使;盡管) that, Sparky was sure about his ability. He even decided to become an artist.So, after finishing high

23、school, Sparky wrote to Walt Disney Studios. They asked for samples (樣本) of his artwork. Despite careful preparation, it too was refused. One more confirmation that he was a loser.But Sparky still didnt give up. Instead, he decided to tell his own lifes story in cartoons. The main character would be

24、 a little boy who symbolized the boy who always lost. You know him well. Because Sparkys cartoon character went on to become a kind of cultural phenomenon (現(xiàn)象). People readily identified with this “l(fā)ovable loser”. He reminded people of the painful and embarrassing moments from their own past, of the

25、ir pain and their shared humanity. The character soon became famous worldwide: “Charlie Brown”. And Sparky, the boy whose many failures never kept him from trying, whose work was refused again and again, is the highly successful cartoonist Charles Schultz. His cartoon strip Peanuts continues to insp

26、ire books, T-shirts and Christmas specials, reminding us, as someone, that life somehow finds a way for all of us, even the losers.1The underlined part “he learned to live with it” in Paragraph 3 probably means that Sparky _.Adecided not to make an effort in schoolBlearned to say no to being treated

27、 badlyCdidnt care because no one called him a loserDcame to accept not being cared about by other students2Before he started the Charlie Brown cartoon, _.ASparky doubted whether being an artist was in his future.Bsome yearbook editors encouraged Sparky to keep on drawingCno one valued Sparkys artwor

28、k and it was refused again and againDsamples of Sparkys artwork were accepted by Walt Disney Studios3Why did Sparkys cartoon character become so popular?ABecause Sparkys experience was so sad.BBecause people felt they could have to do with it.CBecause it was a kind of cultural phenomenon.DBecause it

29、 inspired people to fight for their own lives.4What can we conclude (推斷) from the article?ASparky never lost confidence in his ability.BArtists often have little chance of becoming successful.CThe writer believes that others opinions dont matter.DThe writer believes that no loser will become success

30、ful in the end.C15、On a hot African morning, Leila was lying on her stomach and an elephant was walking towards her. Leila waited. Then she pushed the button on her camera. “And I got my best photo of an elephant ever, by lying under my car,” Leila explained. “I wanted to get close to the elephants,

31、 but of course this was dangerous; they had their babies with them. So every morning I used to park my car in the open near the path (小道). They used to take the same path every morning when they left the water hole. After a week, they were used to seeing my car. So the next morning, I lay under it a

32、nd got my photo!”Many of the best wildlife photos come from good planning. In Africa, photographers set up their hides (隱匿處) near water holes. They also set up hides near forest paths, as animals use the same paths every night. For bird-watching, many lakes have hides. Inside the hides, bird-watcher

33、s can watch all day in the shade (蔭處) out of the wind and rain.Good wildlife photos are needed for books, postcards, magazines and newspapers. But a success rate of 1 in 20 is good.1Why did Leila lie under her car on the stomach?ABecause she wanted to sleep.BBecause she wanted to take photos but was

34、 afraid of the animals.CBecause its easy to see the elephants.DBecause its very comfortable.2How can photographers take good photos?ABy making good preparation.BBy going into the forest at night.CBy walking around the holes.DBy going to the nearest lake.3What can we know from the last sentence of th

35、e passage?AThe successful rate of taking wildlife photos is 50% at most.BPhotographers who take wildlife photos need more practice.CTo take good wildlife photos is not difficult.DIts hard to take good wildlife photos.D16、A man died and was on his way to another world, either Heaven ( 天堂 ) or hell (

36、地獄 ) . He saw a very beautiful palace half way and the owner of the palace asked him to stay and live in the palace.The man said, “I have been working hard during my life and now I just want to eat and sleep without any work.”The owner of the palace said, “If so, there is nowhere else better than he

37、re for you. There is enough delicious food in my palace and you can eat whatever you want without anyone stopping you. Moreover, nothing needs to be done by you.” Then, the man stayed in the palace.At the beginning, the man felt very happy, eating and sleeping, without thinking about other things. B

38、ut gradually, he felt a bit lonely and bored. So he went to the owner and said, “It is too boring to live by just eating and sleeping every day. Now I have no interest in this kind of life any more. Could you help me find a job?”The owner replied, “Sorry, there is no job here at all.”After another s

39、everal months, the man could not stand his present life and went to the owner again and said, “I really can not stand this sort of life any more. If you do not offer me a job, I would like to go to hell instead of living here.”The owner of the palace laughed loudly and then said, “Do you think it is

40、 Heaven here? It is actually Hell!”1The man couldnt stand the present life in the palace because_.Ahe must eat delicious food everydayBhad to help othersCas time went on ,he got boredDthe owner of the palace was unfriendly2According to the passage, which statements is Right?AThe beautiful palace the

41、 man lived for several months is Heaven.BSomeone would stop the man ,if he ate more.CThe man thought he would live in Hell rather than heaven if he couldnt get a job.DIn fact, in Heaven the man could eat and sleep without any work.3Whats the title of the passage?AA hard-working man BHell and HeavenC

42、What you want in Heaven DHell is better than HeavenE17、Welcome to our Toy Museum. We can tell you stories behind toys. Do you know who invented the Barbie Doll? How did your toys get their names? Lets find out about some of the worlds favorite toys.The Barbie Doll Ruth Handler designed the The Barbi

43、e Doll in 1959. She named it after her daughter, Barbara, who gave Ruth the idea while playing with her friends. The first Barie Doll wore a black and white swimsuit, but these days she has many kinds of great clothes to choose from.Rubiks Cube Emo Rubik invented his famous puzzle in 1974. It is a c

44、ube with nine small squares on each of its six sides. Every side has one color. Players mix up the small colored squares, and they try to put them back in place again. It certainly keeps people busy.ScrabbleIn 1931, Akfred M Butts invented a board game called Criss-Cross which was similar to a cross

45、word puzzle. Butts couldnt sell his game, but in 1948 James Brunot improved the rules and design of the game and gave it a new name, Scrabble, which became a brand name. It is now one of the most popular games in the world.1Which of the following was invented earliest?AThe Barbie Doll.BRubiks CubeCS

46、crabbleDCriss-Cross2How did the Barbie Doll get its name?AIt was named after the inventors daughter.BIt was named according to its shape.CIt was named after a brand.DIt was from the inventors friends.3What is a Rubiks Cube like?AIt has six sides with different colors.BIt has nine squares with the sa

47、me color.CIt has nine sides with mixed colors.DIt has six squares with mixed colors.4Which of the following descriptions is NOT true?AThe Barbie Doll has more clothes now than when it was first invented.BYou need to think hard about how to put the colored squares in place.CScrabble was made on the b

48、asis of Criss-Cross.DThe three toys were all made by an American.5What can we learn from the reading?AHow we can play with the most popular toys.BWhere we can buy the wonderful toys.CWhat the stories behind these fun toys are.DWhy these great toys are so popular.F18、News One: 29 October, 2015The gov

49、ernment of China plans to end its one-child per family policy(政策) and instead let families have two children. The plan was announced Thursday after high-level meetings in Beijing.China,which has the largest population,made the one-child policy in 1980. The government allowed only a small number of c

50、ouples to have two children for so many years. For example, some couples in the countryside could have two children.News Two: 05 October, 2015The first of the 2015 Nobel Prizes has been announced. Swedens Nobel Prize committee (委員會(huì)) says the Nobel Prize for medicine will go to scientists from Irelan

51、d, Japan and China.William Campbell from Ireland and Satoshi Omura from Japan share the prize for their discovery of the medicine avermectin. The Nobel committee praised their work on what it calls a “novel therapy.” The treatment fights disease caused by parasites(寄生蟲).The prize for medicine is als

52、o going to Chinese researcher Tu Youyou. She discovered artemisinin. Artemisinin is a drug that has greatly made the number of people who die from malaria(瘧疾) smaller.News Three: 09 December, 2015Oil prices have fallen to their lowest levels since 2009.Brent crude oil, one of several kinds of oil on

53、 the world market, dropped below $40 a barrel(桶) on Tuesday. However, the main group of oil producing countries has been unable to reduce the oil production.1How long did Chinas one-child policy last?A38 years.B36 years.C25 years.D65 years.2Who got the Nobel Prize for medicine?ATu Youyou from China.BWilliam Campbell from Ireland.CWilliam Campbell from Ireland and Satoshi Omura from Japan.DWilliam Campbell from Ireland, Satoshi Omura from Japan and Tu Youyou from China.


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